Finding Sanctuary

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Finding Sanctuary Page 15

by Morticia Knight

  “Whips, paddles, anal plugs, chastity devices, masks, hoods—”


  Theo almost choked on his own spit, Francesco’s vehement outburst completely unexpected. Maybe he’d been too sure of Francesco’s seeming excitement at sharing his perverted lifestyle. He rushed over to soothe and reassure him. He hugged him and stroked his back, dismayed to discover that Francesco was shaking.

  “It’s all right, love. We don’t need to stay here any longer. Let’s get you home.”

  He tried to straighten, but Francesco tugged on his arm. “No, I don’t want to go home. I just don’t want any masks or hoods. Nothing that makes it all the way dark. Can I say mercy to those things?”

  Theo guided them both to one of the lounges then pulled Francesco onto his lap. “Of course you can. Anytime for any reason, is that clear?”

  “I know you said to try as hard as I could, that you’d want to see how much I could take and pushing boundaries and such stuff—but I don’t want to try at all with those.”

  Theo continued to caress and soothe him. “Then we won’t. Is it all right if I ask why they bother you so much? You seem very scared and I don’t want to do anything else that might upset you, either.”

  “Oh, I know you don’t. I’m not mad. I just didn’t know until I saw a fella here wearing one earlier, that it might be something we’d do. But it would be too much like the closet was and I hated the closet.”

  Theo swallowed, dread rising in his throat. “The closet?”

  “Yeah, Mama’s fella would lock me in the closet at night if I got on his nerves, and boy, did I get on them a lot. He’d tell me that the evil things liked the dark and they’d eat off my nose or drag me to the fires of hell, so I’d better not make him angry or he’d make me go where it was all the way dark, and if I tried to yell, or if I cried for him to let me out, he said that would wake up the evil things, so I’d better be extra quiet.”

  Theo’s emotions were so riled up he couldn’t discern how much was rage and how much was sorrow. He clutched Francesco in his arms, held him tight as he tried not to cry over the awful life he’d led. Never again. He’d give Francesco love and sunshine and everything good.

  “No masks or hoods, love. But you know that there aren’t any evil things in the dark, right? That was a horrible thing for him to say to you. The only evil thing there with you was him.”

  Francesco sighed. “I figured it out when I got older, and I know they aren’t really there, but I guess it got stuck in me when I was younger. I hate it cuz I don’t let anything get the best of me, but what can I do? I’ll just have to put up with it forever, I guess.”

  “I don’t want you to think I’m trying to talk you into anything, because I’m not.” Theo held Francesco away from him so he could look in his eyes. “But because you asked, one thing you could do is to slowly confront your fear with my help. You wouldn’t have to try on your own, I could be there to guide you. We would practice covering your eyes, but would only start out doing it a few seconds at a time until you gradually felt more secure doing it.”

  Francesco screwed up his nose. “That sounds like an awful idea. I don’t even understand why anyone would want to cover their eyes like that anyway. What’s the fun in not being able to see?”

  Theo had to chuckle. Even when Francesco was scared, he didn’t lose his curiosity or wallow in self-pity. “Because when any of your senses are deprived, it allows you to focus, to feel things more intensely than if you were distracted by your sight.”

  “Oh.” Francesco frowned as he seemed to consider the idea. “But couldn’t I just close my eyes without the mask?”

  “You could. But what if you gave up that control, and had to keep your eyes closed? Had to submit to your Master’s desire for you to experience every sensation, everything he did to you with a heightened awareness?”

  “And that makes coming a whole bunch stronger?”

  “It probably would, yes.”

  Francesco nodded. “Okay. You can try the mask on me. I’ll do it for you.”

  Theo cupped Francesco’s cheek. “You continuously amaze me, but I won’t use the mask on you tonight, and I might not for a very long time—if ever. What you described to me breaks my heart, and I want our first night together at the club to be about the joy of exploring this world of decadence. Not about conquering deep-seated fears. If you ever want to try what I just described, you let me know and I’ll be happy to help you with it however you’d like.”

  Francesco threw his arms around Theo’s neck and hugged him back. “Thank you for understanding and being so nice to me. But I think you’re right about trying to conquer it so when I’m ready, I’ll be sure to tell you.”

  “That’s my sweet pet.” Theo gave him another squeeze then let go. “Shall we take a look at the toys now? If you want, I can go inside the cabinet before you do and hide all the masks and hoods.”

  Francesco tilted his head. “No, it’s okay. Now that I know I won’t be wearing one tonight, it doesn’t bother me.”

  Theo gave him a soft kiss. “You’re such a brave man. I’m humbled by you again and again.”

  Theo rarely noticed Francesco blushing—it wasn’t something he seemed prone to. But his face turned almost scarlet from Theo’s words. He gathered up Francesco’s hand and led them to the enormous burl wood armoire that had been converted into a cabinet that housed every manner of item for either bondage or sadomasochism. He’d barely gotten one side open when Francesco yanked his hand free, and amidst many ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’, he fondled and caressed almost every object. Theo had already determined that binding and restraining Francesco would be a big part of their repertoire together.

  “Any questions, pet?”

  Francesco whipped his head around to face him, but he never let his fingers leave the riding crop or the bundle of silk scarves he’d been handling. “A hundred million. What are the scarves for? They feel nice on my skin, like the boxers you bought me.”

  “Well, they could be used for a few things. I could tie your wrists with them, tease you with them or…” He cleared his throat. “They could be used as a blindfold.”

  Francesco’s eyes only widened a bit at Theo’s explanation. “Oh. Were you going to tie me up tonight? Because if you are, you could use the scarves and maybe since they’re so nice, I’ll get used to them and eventually you can cover my eyes and I won’t mind as much.”

  Theo held in a groan at the visual. Francesco might have gotten to come already, but he sure as hell hadn’t. “Actually, you’ve given me a good idea. Since this is your first time and I obviously don’t know everything about you—why don’t you choose what you want me to use? Then I won’t inadvertently pick something that causes you any anguish.”

  “You know I trust you, though, right? I don’t want you to think I’m not willing to do the things with the boundary pushing.”

  Theo stroked Francesco’s cheek again. He couldn’t keep from touching him. He’d always been somewhat detached when working with a submissive, an invisible barrier that had kept him from opening up emotionally. Theo didn’t consider himself stunted in that way, yet now that he’d been around Francesco and viewed the world and love through his eyes, he wondered if maybe he had been all along. It had taken a man who, at first glance, had appeared to be the one in need of rescue. But I had needed it just as much in my own way.

  “What else would you like me to use tonight in addition to tying you with the scarves?”

  Francesco had started rummaging through the drawers on one side. “What’s this for?” He held up a small bottle of clear oil.

  “That would be to help ease penetration.”

  Francesco handed him the bottle. “Okay, we’ll need that.”

  Theo arched his eyebrow as he accepted the item. Interesting.

  He continued to investigate everything in the large piece of furniture. “It’s hard to decide what else, because I really wanted to try the whip with the tails, but I guess
we’ll be doing this lots of times, so I don’t have to do everything tonight.” Francesco went back to the crop he’d been fondling earlier. “Maybe this would be good to start with because the leather part at the end is very small.”

  “There will still be a sharp bite, but no matter what you choose, I’ll be starting off easy for your first time.”

  “I can always yell out mercy the way you explained.”

  “Yes, love. But despite the fact that I’m letting you choose what we play with tonight, I’m still your Master and I decide what’s best for my pet.”

  Francesco’s jaw dropped. “Master? I can call you Master now? For always?”

  Theo smiled at the man whom he intended to hold onto forever. “I love you and you love me. What could be more special than that?”

  “You’re right. Nothing could be.” Francesco grinned then jumped into his arms, grabbing him around the middle and giving him a squeeze.

  The embrace continued for several minutes until heat began to build between them and Theo was uncomfortably reminded that he’d been aching to share a climax with Francesco almost since they’d arrived. He gave me the oil to use. But it didn’t necessarily mean anything beyond what they’d already done.

  “Are you ready, pet?”

  He couldn’t stop himself from chuckling, since their stiff shafts were pressed between their flush bodies.

  Francesco gazed up at him. “I know I’m supposed to be submitting, but do you think instead of your fingers tonight, you could fuck me? I’m ready, I swear I am.”

  Theo’s cock jumped and the groan he’d been trying to control all evening escaped his mouth. He grabbed a fistful of Francesco’s curls and tugged his head back. “I’m more than ready, but it’s to make love to you. I won’t fuck you, not for your first time.”

  “Oh.” Francesco appeared somewhat dazed, with his pupils blown wide and a slight blush under his skin.

  Theo let him go. “Take off those boxers then strip the covers off the bed. Leave the sheets.”

  Francesco visibly swallowed, nodding as he scurried to do Theo’s bidding. Once Francesco was naked and kneeling in the middle of the bed, staring at Theo while licking his lips, his dick jutting toward his belly, Theo began the process of removing most of his own clothing. He took his time, hoping to regain some measure of control.

  “My, my.” Theo laid his shirt and tie across one of the side chairs, then kicked off his shoes. “Such a patient boy, and nice and hard for me again.”

  Francesco’s fingers opened and closed in fists, his nervous energy once again seeming to overtake him. I can help him with that. Theo couldn’t deny that he still held concerns over Francesco’s response to the first bite of the crop, but he knew that no matter what, he’d make Francesco come—that he’d make sure the evening ended with his boy’s happiness.

  Theo gathered up the colorful scarves that he’d accepted from Francesco and advanced toward him without haste, allowing the moment to gradually unfold. No restrictions had been given on eye contact, so he held Francesco’s gaze. Everything regarding their eventual dynamic as Master and submissive remained to be put in effect. They’d only discussed what it might be like so that Francesco could get a sense of the lifestyle. For now, though, he wanted to enjoy every nuance of what Francesco experienced, every reaction as he entered him for the first time.

  “Up on your knees, love. Face the post here.” Theo indicated the one at the head of the bed that he meant. “Now hold on to it and don’t move while I restrain you.”

  “Yes, Master.” His voice had barely been above a whisper and Theo knew that he held his boy in thrall.

  After Francesco had obeyed, Theo took a long, dark blue scarf and tied it around Francesco’s wrists then attached them to the bed, high enough that Francesco’s body would be stretched out and available as a canvas for the whip. Theo verified that his circulation wasn’t being cut off then patted his ankles so that he’d widen his stance.

  “There you go. Beautiful.”

  Theo retrieved the crop then paused, allowing Francesco a moment to accept that he’d been bound, that he no longer had the use of his hands and that he was about to be struck. Theo intended to be quite careful with him, and any strikes he made would be tame in comparison to what he would typically do with a submissive man, but Francesco didn’t know that. Since Theo was out of Francesco’s sightline, he pressed the heel of his hand against his straining erection. Seeing Francesco bared before him in such a way had him teetering on the edge of losing control again.

  He laid a gentle palm on Francesco’s shoulder and he jumped. That’s what I thought.

  “I’m going to start now, love. I won’t harm you and the use of the word ‘mercy’ if you need it is always appreciated. Can you verbally acknowledge to me that you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” He nodded shakily. “I do.”

  “That’s my good pet.”

  Theo dragged the lash of the crop down Francesco’s back, then traced it up again. All he wanted in that moment was to awaken Francesco’s nerves and give him the opportunity to become accustomed to the feel of the foreign item against his skin, before he felt its sting for the first time. He skimmed across his shoulders, the touch more of a tease than anything else. Francesco shivered when he trailed it back down his spine, goosebumps rising in the wake of the leather tongue. The elevated breathing Francesco had begun with gradually calmed the more Theo taunted him with the crop. Soon, he’d be melted and ready to accept the harsh kisses of the whip. Theo had touched every exposed area of Francesco’s skin from behind him and on his sides. All his limbs—and even the soles of his feet—had been caressed with the leather implement. Theo decided to take things to the next level. He began to lightly tap his skin with the crop, hitting him on the fleshier parts of his body. Until Francesco had more fat on him, even if it was only minimal, he wanted to be careful not to bruise him too deeply.

  The taps built in strength bit by bit as Theo peppered them along his ass, his thighs and calves, and a few along his upper back and shoulders. Francesco was uncharacteristically quiet and Theo needed to understand what was going on with him before he went any further.

  “How are you feeling, pet?”


  Francesco sounded so calm that Theo had to angle his head so he could see into his eyes. However, his sweet boy had them closed and Theo straightened up again, smiling. He sensed that Francesco would want help with the masks and blindfolds someday. Theo would never insist, but he could tell that Francesco was seeking more sensation rather than shying away from it.

  “I want to make sure you’re still okay with what I’m doing to you.”

  “I’m okay, I swear.”

  Theo held in a chuckle. Francesco still hadn’t opened his eyes, but he had wiggled his bottom as if in invitation. Theo decided to give him what he was silently asking for. The first thwack of the crop on Francesco’s ass made him jump. Theo snapped the whip on his other cheek, but he didn’t startle as much that time. Theo smacked each side in a rhythmic pattern, keeping both the intensity and spacing of the hits the same. He gradually increased the strength of the strikes until a nice red hue began to blossom under Francesco’s sun-kissed skin.

  Pre-cum leaked from Theo’s cockhead, his rigid flesh pressing against his slacks, making him ache. Francesco had begun to lightly moan and Theo wasn’t sure how much more either of them could take before they’d need to come. He gave Francesco a few more slaps on his rear then switched to his thighs. Francesco squeaked and drew away at the first contact, but didn’t say ‘mercy’. Theo traveled down to his calves and he wiggled his toes, but accepted those smacks much better. After finishing with his lower body, Theo concentrated his efforts on Francesco’s shoulders. Francesco undulated, his moans returning as Theo brought another blush of red to his skin to match the work he’d done on Francesco’s ass. He hadn’t hit him hard enough his first time out of the gate to leave much more than a few light welts that would likel
y last just a day or so. But it had been a successful beginning of shared sadomasochism between them.

  Theo tossed the crop onto the carpet then placed one knee on the mattress to admire his handiwork closer. He ran his palm down Francesco’s pinkened flesh, his sac tightening and cock throbbing at the heat that radiated from where he’d struck Francesco.

  “My God. So exquisite.”

  Theo bit the crook of Francesco’s shoulder and he whimpered, tossing his head back. Theo would do so many delicious things to him. He laid his frame across Francesco’s back as he reached up to untie the scarf that held Francesco to the post. Theo left his wrists tied together so he could reattach them once he’d positioned Francesco the way he wished.

  “On your back, love. Then raise your arms above your head.” As soon as Francesco had complied, he secured his hands to the bed again. He wanted to look into Francesco’s eyes as he entered him for the first time. “That’s it, my good boy. You’re doing so well.”

  Francesco gave him a slight smile that reassured Theo. It wasn’t the lively expression Francesco usually carried—it was more of a blissful mien, something he’d never seen from the young man before. He has the euphoria. Francesco had taken to the beating so well. Theo claimed his mouth in a thorough kiss. He was made for me.

  Theo broke away from Francesco’s lips but continued along his jaw, down his throat, then latched on to one taut nipple. He pulled and tugged at it with his teeth, then soothed the abused bit of flesh with his tongue. Francesco moaned and writhed beneath him and a thrill washed over Theo at how well Francesco was responding to him.

  Theo kept going farther down his torso, licking and nipping his soft flesh, inhaling the intoxicating scent that was uniquely Francesco’s. A loud cry escaped from him as Theo captured his steeled length in his mouth, sucking him in until his throat closed around Francesco’s leaking tip. The bitter tang of Francesco’s early seed landed on his tongue and he craved more. Another time. For their first joining, he wanted to feel Francesco from the inside as his orgasm rippled around his cock.


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