Seeking the Deep

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by P. Jameson

  Seeking the Deep

  Jase McCarthy has lost a mermaid. Not too many men in the world can say that and mean it. Aurora Falls has been his home for his whole life, but he never believed the rumors about Sapphire Lake. Not until one night with a rough-talking... rough-riding... beauty he can't get out of his head. Never should've mentioned that strange tattoo he'd noticed on the small of her back while she was pretending to be a cowgirl around his waist. It means something, and he's going to find out what. But first, he'll have to find HER.

  Vada is fine with the fin she wears for most of her life. Three days a month out of the water is enough. Less time on land means less time to hurt people. Less bodies to bury. Less hearts to accidentally break. Besides, she's not looking for a mate like the others of her kind are. So when she finds hers alone in a bar, looking like a wet dream come true... she loses her senses for a night. It's okay. It's fine. The water hides her secrets, and she's got a big one Jase can never find out.


  Mountain Mermaids: Sapphire Lake

  P. Jameson

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  Seeking the Deep

  Copyright © 2019 by P. Jameson

  First electronic publication: March 2019

  United States of America

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any database, without prior written permission from the author, with the exception of brief quotations contained in critical reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this work may be scanned, uploaded, or otherwise distributed via the internet or any other means, including electronic or print without the author’s written permission.

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Design/Formatting: Agent X

  P. Jameson

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  Chapter One

  Jase McCarthy straddled a stool at the end of the bar and raised one finger at the man behind it, signaling he wanted his usual. The Saucy Wench was a favorite watering hole for locals who were looking to ease away the stress of the day and let loose without scaring off tourists with tall tales about Sapphire Lake.

  People in Aurora Falls liked to talk. Jase knew that all too well.

  And sometimes getting a rise out of tourists who were too quick to believe in the supernatural was a fun game for them to play. Stories of the giant serpent who inhabited the lake, and the finned warriors who lived beneath, were entertaining little morsels for those who ventured this far north to the small town for an adventure.

  But they wouldn’t find much of that here.

  Club Scales was the destination for the types who wanted a show. For everyone else there was The Wench. It was good raunchy fun most Friday nights, but one night a month, it was full to the brim and even wilder than normal. It was when the workers who mined the North Shore of the lake came into town for their three days off.

  And tonight happened to be that night.

  Jase scanned the quickly crowding establishment for a specific familiar face. He was supposed to be meeting his friend. Mansen was one of the men who worked the lake. He had no family to speak of so Jase made it a point to check on him every month. They had a standing monthly meetup time. 7pm. Which meant he was late.

  The Wench grew louder as people piled in. He wouldn’t be caught inside the place if it wasn’t for Mansen. Not because he didn’t like raunchy. Raunchy was pretty much his middle name. Jase Raunchy McCarthy. Yeah, the local gossips would love that. But no, Jase had other reasons for not hanging around the bar.

  More than one, really.

  But the biggest was because he never wanted to feel at home in a bar. Never wanted to get too comfortable. Never wanted to drink away his time on earth. Like his father had. Like his father before him did. Like the people of this town expected him to.

  He’d fought long and hard to beat back the cloud of bad reputation his family had left hanging over him. And done a damn fine job of it so far. He’d carved out a nice little life for himself here despite starting from dirt bottom when he turned eighteen. Unbelievably, he owned most of main street. Owned the shops and buildings that supported this bustling tourist town, and quietly rented them to the vendors, working as his own fix-it man when things cropped up.

  It kept him busy, kept money in the bank, and set him up for a comfortable future.

  It was enough.

  He told himself that often, even if he still felt like there was more to do. More to prove.

  The bartender passed Jase his drink—ginger ale with two jalapeno slices in the bottom of the glass—and scurried off to take the next order.

  Jase gulped his soda as he looked for Mansen again.

  The ratio of men to women was always off. Though he supposed it worked in favor of the local women who had designs on the muscle-bound workers. The miners were mostly male, though the females of the group were instantly recognizable. Many were curvy and stood with their shoulders tall. Regal. They seemed regal. Long hair, eyes that shone with something dark, an expression that looked like they’d eat a man for dinner.

  His gaze caught on one as she strolled up to the bar, leaning over it to give her order. Her blond hair spun in waves down to her waist as she twisted to brace her elbows on the counter while she waited, staring out at all the people. The motion brought all Jase’s attention to her body. And gave him a jolt of desire that zeroed right below his belt making him instantly hard.

  Well, fuck.

  She was hot as hell. Compact and curvaceous with a set of tits that threatened to hypnotize him from behind her tank top. It was rude to stare, he knew. But every time he tried to look away, she shifted her hips causing them to sway, an ocean of soft flesh that he was ready to dive into.

  Suddenly, she went still and since his gaze was still on her chest, he noticed the way her perfect nipples pebbled up tight, pushing the fabric out, and choked back a groan.

  It’d been too long since he’d had a woman. And frankly, he’d never had one like her.

  Somehow, his gaze climbed to her face, and goddamn she was beautiful. Round cheeks that tapered into a pointed chin. Her face was like a heart, and he was practically seeing hearts. Like those dumb cartoon characters when their eyes bug out in the shape of the thumping organ. And speaking of eyes, hers were icy blue, rimmed with long lashes, and staring right at him… staring at her…

  This was not good.

  She didn’t look away, and he couldn’t either, but something about her expression seemed… amused.

  Jase caught sight of Mansen approaching just over her shoulder, and it managed to break the spell the woman had on him. Mansen’s expression was its normal scowl. The man never quite seemed happy to be in town. Or happy at all. Ever. It made Jase want to pick and peck at him until he broke a little. He’d managed to pull a few smirks from the man over the years.

  As Mansen passed the woman at the bar, she called out to him, grabbing his attention. They knew each other. Clearly. They worked together on the lake, right. But an odd wave of jealousy hit Jase in the gut. They spoke for a moment before Mansen frowned hard and shook his head. But the woman argued and he glanced over his shoulder to squint at Jase. And then his
expression changed to one of surprise.

  What the hell?

  Jase looked away, downing some more of his ginger ale.

  Moments later, Mansen pulled up beside him, plunking down on the next stool. “That female wants you,” he muttered before waving the bartender over to place an order.

  Jase shrugged, trying to seem casual while he willed his hard-on down. “They all want me.”

  It wasn’t a lie, but still an asshole thing to say. There was no shortage of women willing to be with him. Especially the ones who hadn’t known him as a kid. The ones who didn’t know much about his family. Sure, lots of women wanted him. Fine.

  The problem was, he didn’t want them back.

  He couldn’t say the same about Miss Blond Icy-Eyes over there.

  “You know each other?” Yes, that was his voice that came out all edgy. Damn.

  Mansen eyed him, raising one dark eyebrow. It made him look like a professional wrestler Jase watched on TV when he was little. “Yes. I know her,” was all he offered in the way of explanation.

  “Know her well?” Jase gritted.

  “A long time, yes. But not that well.”

  Jase blew out a hard breath, relieved at that. “How’s the lake?”

  “Same as it always is. Cold. And wet. Why are you asking me shit like that?”

  “It’s called small talk. It’s what normal people do in social situations. You should try it sometime.”

  Mansen’s beer arrived and he took a swig before answering. “I don’t do small anything.”

  This time, Jase raised an eyebrow. “Oookay. Noted.”



  “What did I say?”

  Jase raised both hands, feigning surrender. “Look, man. It ain’t none of my business what kind of women you like. Really. To each their own.”

  Mansen frowned. “What are you talking about, asshole?”

  “You like ‘em… you know…” Jase smirked, egging him on. “Bigger. You like the thicker ladies. Like ‘em curvy.”

  Mansen tipped his chin forward in agreement. “It’s true. I do like my females… grabbable.”

  Jase stared at his friend’s clueless expression.

  “What of it?” Mansen asked.

  “Dear god. Never mind,” Jase muttered, turning back to his drink. “You are zero percent fun, you know that?”

  It might be a long night.

  Chapter Two

  Vada of Brynjar was once a warrior. Long ago when there were battles to be fought and treasures to hoard. When existing depended on how hard you attacked, how strong you were. How brave you proved yourself to be.

  Well, the male she’d caught staring at her breasts must be a warrior for his own kind. Because he was real fucking brave, eye-stripping her like that.

  She should gouge his eyes out for the offense. But they were too interesting, with how they swirled blue then green. Almost like the labradorite of her people. Like the stone she wore around her neck on a chain. And the way he looked at her definitely affected her on a womanly level that she didn’t let out too often. Even now, she could feel her body tightening with desire.

  Brave male.

  Brave males were often trouble.

  And she most definitely didn’t need the trouble that was brewing over at the bar.

  His hair was deep blond and short on the sides, showing off the smooth tanned skin of his face. His sharp cheekbones and angled jaw that she could imagine nipping as she kissed her way downward to what was clearly stacks and stacks of muscle beneath his tight gray t-shirt. And below that…

  No, she didn’t need that kind of trouble. But oh damn, did she want it.

  Vada watched the male over the rim of her margarita glass as he talked with Mansen. That big oaf better pass her message along or she’d slice him with her fin on the next water-cycle.

  The mere thought of returning to the lake, like it was just an undisputed fact, was nearly enough to bring her raging hormones to a screeching halt.

  Just like the others who were cursed to live in the lake for the majority of their existence, she had mostly given up on ever getting free. She still came to surface during the land-cycle. She still hoped to find her life mate and break the curse. She still went through all the motions even after hundreds of years of swimming Sapphire Lake as an immortal mermaid. But it was clear she didn’t believe her time would come.

  In three days, the moon would call her back to the water, and she would transform back into the beast the witch Tamsin made her. She’d hate the witch for it if she didn’t kind of understand her and the reasons she’d punished Vada’s people.

  They’d been selfish, glory seekers. Taking from the land and never giving back. They were destroyers, and proud of it, never pausing to consider whose home they were trampling upon.

  Vada didn’t know if the others were as sorry as her, didn’t care. If she could go back in time and have a do-over as the humans liked to say, she’d jump on the chance.

  Blinking away thoughts of her situation, she focused on the male at the bar. He stood, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet, and damn he was a tall drink. He’d stand head and shoulders above her, but then, she was considered short among her people. A point she enjoyed since it caused people to underestimate her in battle. Her favorite thing was to prove them wrong.

  He pulled out some bills and laid them on the counter, saying something to Mansen.

  Was he leaving?

  Her question was answered as he casually slapped the hulking warrior on the back and started for the door, winding through the crowd of people.

  Leaving, after he’d looked at her like she was a decadent fucking dessert? Not if she had anything to say about it.

  Vada slammed the rest of her margarita and started winding her own path through the writhing bodies. She stepped in front of him, cutting him off from the door, and he pulled up just short of slamming into her. Body to body. She wouldn’t have complained.

  Dragging her gaze slowly up to his, she purred, “Let’s dance, rekkr.”

  She watched his pupils flare and his lips part in surprise before he stared down at the scant space between their bodies.

  “I don’t dance.”

  “You will with me.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes,” she insisted. “Because I saw the way you were watching me. And if you leave now, you’ll never know what I feel like.”

  His mouth opened, but no words left his lips. His strange eyes did all the talking, and they were hungry as hell.

  But instead of pulling her close like she expected, he turned to find Mansen across the room. Like he was looking for help. For an escape. The big merman just shrugged, and tipped his beer bottle to his lips, disinterested.

  Why was this male denying her? He wanted her. She could tell by the way he practically panted. If she pressed against his waist, she would no doubt feel the hardness jutting from his hips.

  Irritation tapped at the center of her chest, and maybe something else too. Maybe a little… hurt. But why? She didn’t allow things like this to hurt her. Denial just meant this male was stupid. It meant he was weak, and not brave enough for her after all.

  Rekkr, he was not.

  Still, the ache in her center didn’t go away.

  “Never mind,” she snapped. “Clearly, you have somewhere to be.” She turned to get lost in the crowd, disappointment washing all her good mood away. Until a rough hand caught hers, snagging her to a stop.

  Vada glanced over her shoulder at the frowning male, but didn’t get a chance to give him whatever sassy reply that would fly from her lips. Because he yanked her back, catching her against his body and causing a soft oof as she collided with him.

  Ohhh, this was more like it.

  Caging her in with one arm around her waist and the other sliding up her back, he swayed with the beat of the music, and they moved like one. Vada couldn’t help the saucy smile that played at her lips as he stare
d down at her more intensely than she’d expected.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Vada.” Her name used to strike fear in men. This time it seemed to do something else.

  “Vada,” he whispered. Like it was a treasure he held in his mouth. It brought chills racing over the surface of her skin.

  What was happening? She was never affected this way by males.

  “I’m Jase,” he continued, moving their bodies to the music. “You’re from the North Shore, right?”

  Vada nodded, remembering that the humans thought her people were miners who only came into Aurora Falls once a month on their days off.

  “You live in town?” she asked.

  Jase nodded. “Very close.”

  She raised an eyebrow, flashing him a smile she hoped went straight to his cock. “Is that so?”

  But he was onto her. “I’m not taking you there, woman,” he rumbled. “We’re just dancing.”

  “Why are we dancing?”

  “Because you asked me.”

  “False. I didn’t ask. I don’t ask for things. You’ll see.”

  “Hmm.” His eyes roamed her face like they were trying to get to know her, and he lifted one hand to her hair. Slipping a lock between his fingers and thumb, he felt the strands, his eyes going instantly hot. “I bet I could make you ask,” he challenged. “I bet I could make you beg.”

  Vada slid her palm over his collarbone, settling on his thick neck. She wanted to put her lips there, burn a brand into him. “Beg for what?”

  He didn’t speak his answer. Instead, he angled her hips in a way that pushed his sizable erection against her belly. And low enough that she felt him in the place where no one had touched for too long.

  She bit her cheek to hold in a moan and her eyes fluttered closed as Jase lowered his cheek to hers. He drew in a deep breath, groaning on the exhale.

  “I don’t do this,” he warned.


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