Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)

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Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) Page 1

by Ancelli

  Stronger Than Ever



  Copyright Ancelli 2012

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. This is an explicit and erotic novel intended for the enjoyment of adult readers only.

  Chapter One

  The church was decorated in white and burgundy colors, white roses running down the aisle. Jason stood next to John waiting for Amy to walk down the aisle. Jason was John’s best man, they’d become good friends after working together for years at the law-firm. John was wearing a three button black tuxedo with a burgundy bowtie, his black hair was slicked back and his green eyes gave away how nervous he was. Jason was wearing a black tuxedo, black vest, burgundy bow tie and black Kenneth Cole shoes. His dirty blonde hair was a bit longer now, his body still remained muscular, and his baby blue eyes were staring at his beautiful wife sitting in the front row.

  Jason could only stare down the aisle as Kay looked up, returned his gaze, and smiled. He hoped she could still see how much she meant to him. His love for her just kept getting stronger, with each passing day.

  The music began to play and his focus shifted to the flower girl walking down the aisle. She was beautiful, her skin was the color of smooth dark caramel, big hazel eyes, button nose, plump lips, with tight curly black hair to her shoulders.

  Angel looked down the aisle searching for her mom, whom she found sitting in the front pew “Like this, Mommy?” she screamed, and started throwing the flowers on the ground. Everyone laughed. She kept staring at her mom for confirmation.

  Kay looked at her with tears in her eyes. “Yes baby, you’re doing great.”

  Angel smiled back and kept walking up to the altar, throwing the rose petals from right to left. When she finally reached the altar, she walked up to her daddy. He bent down and kissed her.

  “You’re awesome, baby.” Jason loved Angel so much that DNA didn’t matter. She was his daughter in every way that counted.

  The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle. The bridal music started playing, everyone stood up. Amy and her father commence walking down the aisle. Amy looked beautiful in her white designer dress. Her skin was lightly tanned, her brown hair was down to her shoulders in spiral curls and her light brown eyes were shiny with unshed tears. She walked toward her groom with a big smile. She kissed her father on the cheek. He kissed her back, and then turned and shook John’s hand. John took her hands in his and the ceremony began.

  The ceremony was beautiful. It brought back memories for Jason. He remembered how nervous and happy he’d felt the day he renewed his vows with Kay the love of his life.


  They were now at the hall waiting for the groom and the bride to arrive.

  Still waiting for the bride and groom to arrive, Jason walked toward his wife. She’s so damn beautiful. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She still took his breath away. Kay wore a strapless beige dress that stopped at her knees, pearl earrings and matching bracelet, and five-inch beige sandals. Her beautiful, brown eyes sparkled when she looked back at him. He stared at her juicy, plump lips. I can’t wait to taste them.

  Right before he made it to her side, the maid of honor pulled him to the door.

  “It’s time for the photos.” She turned him around the way they’d come and made their way toward the back entrance.

  Kay stood there a bit irritated, but understood that Jason was part of the wedding. Her mother-in-law came up behind her, smiling.

  “He’s all yours.”

  Kay turned and hugged her. “Yes, he is. Did you see Angel? I’m so proud of her.”

  “Of course I did. My grandbaby stole the show. We just left her in the back, they’re about to start taking the pictures”

  “I guess that’s where Jason was pulled off to.”

  “Let’s take a seat.” Mr. Anderson came up from behind them, and took their arms in his. He led them to their assigned table, pulling out their chairs and sat.

  “I got a couple of days off this week, and we were wondering if we could take Angel with us to the museum tomorrow?” Jason’s father asked Kay.

  “Of course she can go. She’ll enjoy spending the day with her grandparents.”

  “Can she come home with us today?” Mrs. Anderson asked.

  “You won’t mind?”

  “No we won’t mind. You and Jason could have some alone time. Ever since you put her in pre-school, I don’t get to see her as much lately. I miss her,” Mrs. Anderson said, pouting her lips looking sad.

  “Since you put it that way.”


  Kay stared at her husband’s back. She didn’t like the way Carla, the tallest and curviest of the bridesmaids, was leaning her body into Jason’s. The dancing couple turned in time to the music, and Kay could see that Jason’s hand rested in the appropriate position on her back, just where her bra band would be, had Carla been wearing a bra. The burgundy satin dress was long, sexy, and backless. Kay grimaced.

  Jason couldn’t stop looking over at Kay. She looks amazing. I’m a lucky man.

  Carla ran her hands up to his neck. “You’re a very handsome man.”

  He gently took her hands away, returning them to their proper places, and whispered in her ear. “I’m a happily married man.”

  She looked up at him. “Are you sure? I haven’t seen her around.”

  He looked down at her. “Are you sure? ’Cause she’s headed toward us right now.” Jason smiled over the top of Carla’s hair at his approaching wife.

  “Excuse me. May I cut in?” Kay asked, tapping Carla on the shoulder. Carla turned and stared at her, but didn’t look like she was getting the picture, so Kay grabbed Jason’s hand and deftly removed him from the other woman’s grasp. “I asked you nicely, but I don’t need your permission to dance with my husband.”

  She snapped out of it, and went over to the table she was sitting at. Jason arms tightened around Kay’s waist. He leaned into her, whispering. “You didn’t have to do that. You know I only have eyes for you, Chocolate.” Gently kissing her on the cheek.

  Kay wrapped her arms around his neck. “I know you only have eyes for me, but she didn’t seem to know that, putting her hands all over you. Now she knows you’re all mine.”

  He smiled, “ I love the way you always defend what yours. It’s amusing.”

  She wasn’t a jealous woman, but she’d been drinking.

  The song ended. You Shouldn’t Kiss Me like This by Toby Keith started playing, and memories flashed back from four years ago. They stared at each other and smiled.

  “Do you remember this song?” Jason whispered in her ear.

  “Yes, I do. It’s the first time you kissed me.”

  He pulled her closer. “That’s when I realized that I loved you all along. Why did we wait so long?”

  She cupped his face, kissing his lips. “I don’t know, but I’m so happy we got it together. Thank you for completing me.”

  Kay felt someone pulling on her dress. She looked down and saw Angel stretching to her full, three-and-a-half-year-old height, and looking up at Jason.

  “Daddy, I’m tired.”

  He pulled away from Kay, bent down and picked her up. He had Angel in his left arm, and his right hand was around Kay’s waist. They danced until Angel fell as
leep. They walked over to their table, and sat down next to his parents. They talked about the wedding, work and his parents spending more time with Angel.

  Jason was called up to the stage, where he said his speech. He lift his glass up in the air, and began the best man toast, he finished by saying. “I wish you the same happiness I have with my wife.” He winked over at Kay. Everyone clapped taking a sip from their champagne. The wedding party said their speeches, and toast. After everything was said and the cake was cut, they went back to dancing. His parents got ready to go. His dad picked Angel up, and they said their goodbyes.

  Kay was sitting alone taking a sip of her champagne, when David, Amy’s cousin came over and asked her to dance. She said yes, they danced over to the dance floor. The music playing was a bit fast, she normally didn’t like Techno music, but she thought, Why not. They continued dancing, he got too close to her, and she began backing up leaving a space between them, but he pulled her back.

  David felt someone grab him by his shoulders. When he looked back it was Jason. “Get your fucking hands off my wife.” Jason was a jealous man. He never hid that fact.

  “Sorry, man. I got carried away.” He apologized to Kay, turned, and left the dance floor.

  Jason stared at Kay. “What was that?”

  He turned to walk away, so she grabbed him. “Wait, it was just a dance. You said I could dance, remember?” She didn’t need his permission, but she let him think she had it.

  “He was getting too close.”

  She took his hands put them around her waist, and began to move, grinding slowly on him. He couldn’t resist her and followed her lead, squeezing her butt.

  Spend My Life with You by Eric Benet and Tamia came on. Jason leaned down and sang in her ear, making her blush. They commenced moving side to side in a sensual way. She put her hands behind his neck, caressing him. He pulled her closer, cupped her face, bent down and gently kissed her. Within seconds the kiss between them got deeper. Once she kissed him back, their tongues danced to their own music.

  He pulled away, whispering in her ear. “I’ve been waiting to do that all day.”

  She looked up at him. “I love you.” She got up on her tiptoe and kissed him. She put her head on his chest as they continued grinding in a slow, sensual way.

  He couldn’t get enough of her. She made their years together wonderful, she was everything he’d wished for in a wife: a great mother, understanding, patient, loyal, independent, and his best friend. She’s all mine, he thought, grabbing her tighter.

  She gazed into his eyes. She could see all the love he felt for her. Through the years their love had only grown stronger. He was everything she’d been searching for all those wasted years. They weren’t perfect, but she remembered what he’d told her years before.

  I can’t promise it will always be easy, but I can promise you I’ll always be there. I know we can do this together. He’d kept his promise.

  “Take me home,” she whispered into his ear. “I want you.”

  He stared down at her, grabbed her hand, and walked over to John and Amy. Kay hugged the newly married couple and they said their congratulations one more time. When they were headed out the door, Kay saw Carla watching them leave. She smiled at her and mouthed ’bye.

  Before they got into the car, Jason leaned into her, nibbled and sucked on her neck, whispering. “Damn Kay, you still drive me crazy. I want you so damn bad.” His dick instantly throbbed.

  She could feel how aroused he was getting as she kissed him. “Let’s go home before we embarrass ourselves.”

  He opened her door, raced around to his side, got in, turned on the car, and drove off. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself. His hand moved up her left leg, making circular motions toward her soft folds. He moved her thong to the side, and started caressing her wet pussy. She moaned at his gentle touch.

  He tried to concentrate on the road, but it was impossible.

  He found her clit, gently rubbing her mound. He made his way to her core and began to finger her.

  He plunged his finger in and out until she moaned his name. “Ja...son.” She grabbed onto the door handle and exploded in ecstasy.

  He took his finger, circled her clit one more time before putting his finger in his mouth, licking all her juices.

  “Mmm, you taste so good.” He looked over at her. He saw the desire and passion in her eyes. “Doll eyes, I love you.”

  She moved closer to him, placing her hands on his lap. As she unzipped his pants, his breathing became heavy. She pulled out his erect cock, and began stroking him up and down. He groaned deep in his throat as she bent her head, and licked the pre-cum off his cock. He moaned.

  “Kay, Kay, please stop. You’re going to make me get in an accident.”

  She licked him one more time, came up and kissed his neck, and whispered, “I love you, too.” She kept stroking him up and down. He broke every speed limit, made it home in twenty-five minutes. He couldn’t wait any longer. His erection was getting painful.

  He got out of the car and rushed over to open her door. Before he knew it, he had her on his car, groping and kissing her with all passion he felt. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked up the stairs to the front door. He leaned her into the door, and nibbled on her neck.

  She moaned, combing his hair with her fingers. “Hurry up!”

  He put her down, trying to get the key into the doorknob. When he was successful, he opened the door, they walked in, and he kicked it closed. He couldn’t make it to the bedroom. He picked her up, and gently slammed her against the wall next to the door. He pulled her thong off, and threw it on the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He unbuttoned his pants, unzipped his zipper, and released his dick, with one thrust he was deep into her wet core.

  “Oh Jason.” she moaned loudly.

  He didn’t move. “Damn.” she still felt so damn good.

  She couldn’t wait any longer. She moved up and down, grinding slowly. He tightened his hold on her waist, groaned and moaned in her ear. “Kay, tell me, who do you belong to?” while he was plunging into her wet pussy.

  “Yours baby, I’m all yours, this pussy belongs to you.” She moaned. “Don’t stop!”

  He nibbled on her neck, and she began to tremble. “You’re so damn sexy, you feel so fucking good.” He found her G-spot, knowing which buttons to push, feeling her about to burst in ecstasy.

  She yelled. “I love you, Jason.” She came all over his dick. Her pussy pulsated milking his manhood. The orgasm took her breath away, leaning her head on his shoulders. He kept thrusting into her.

  He stared at her. “I’m so addicted to you Chocolate,” before thrusting into her one more time. He exploded deep in her pussy. The sensation lasted for a few minutes. He didn’t want to let her go. He eased out of her, carried her to their bedroom, and placed her in the middle of the bed. He gently removed her dress, bra and shoes. He cleaned her up, and then took his clothes off.

  She was mesmerized looking at his lean muscular body. He still made her gasp every time she saw him naked.

  He lay next to her, covered them with the sheets. He cradled in between her legs. “Now I’m going to make love to you.” He kissed her from her eyelids, to her nose, lips and her neck. He stopped at her breast, licking and nibbling on each of them in turn. Then he kissed her navel, down to her thighs, behind her knees, calves, ankle and toes, taking his time on each spot. He stared into her eyes, wanting her to see what she did to him. He kissed her in reverse and stopped at her inner thighs, and made his way to her awaiting pussy. He smiled, and tongue kissed her clit, she moaned in ecstasy. He then put her right leg over his shoulder.

  At his first touch, she jumped out of pleasure. “Damn baby that feels so good, don’t stop.” She gently pulled his hair trying to get him closer to her spot. Her moaning got louder. He licked, sucked and nibbled on her clit. Then plunged his tongue into her wet canal, he inserted a finger looking for her g-shot. He
loved the way she tasted.

  After one more lick she exploded in his mouth, he savored her taste. He trailed kisses back up to her mouth. He kissed her with all the love he had for her, she said. “Your turn.”

  He looked down at her. “No, it’s all about you Kay.” He leaned into her, opened her legs, and pushed into her opening, as she moaned his name. He stretched her pussy like a rubber band, loving the sensation. After all these years, she still did it to him. Every time they made love, it felt like the first time. He plunged into her slowly whispering sweet things in her ear. He grabbed her legs and gently pushed them closer to her chest, having better access to go deeper. He stroked her slowly and deep. Gazing into her eyes. “I love you.”

  She followed his lead. “Uh baby, fuck.” He still drove her crazy. No one else, but him will ever do. He completes me she thought.

  He whispered. “Ride me Kay.” He grabbed her waist and turned them over, she was now straddling him.

  She rotated her hips in slow motions. “Don’t move,” she whispered, staring in his eyes. She wanted to be in control. His mouth was slightly opened enjoying the sensation she was causing him. She found her spot and started moving faster. “Damn, your dick feels so good.”

  He could feel her about to cum, he couldn’t lie still anymore he grabbed her waist, as she moved down, he moved his hip up. She threw her head back and grabbed the sheets. “I’m coming.”

  “Hold on, baby. I’m coming, too.”

  Out of breath, they came together in ecstasy.

  She stayed straddling him as he kissed her cheeks then her neck.

  He got up, held his hand out, she grabbed his hand and headed to the bathroom, he turned the water on, and they step in. After washing and drying each other, they headed back to their bed. He held her tight drifting asleep in each other’s arms.


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