Ivy (Castle Ink Book 3)

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Ivy (Castle Ink Book 3) Page 4

by Amy Davies

  That’s fucking it.

  I charge forward, her eyes telling me she doesn’t want him to touch her. I clip Jay’s shoulder as I pass him to get to my girl. He stumbles back some and goes to say something, but he must see where I’m heading. I stop in front of Ivy and the guy attached to her and speak.

  “You mind letting my girl go, fuckhead?” I grind out. My blood is boiling over from him touching something that doesn’t belong to him. Her eyes stay on my face, but I keep my gaze on the arsehole holding her.

  “Hey, man, clearly she wasn’t here with anyone, so I made a move. I was here first, so you can fuck off now.”

  “Mate, I swear to fucking God that you had better get your hands of my girl, right the fuck now, or you will be eating through a fucking straw for the foreseeable future.” I growl this time, making my point clear to him. Ivy manages to struggle free and comes to me, but the lad grabs her arms, pulling her back and making her cry out in pain. I see red.

  A growl rips through me and I lunge for him. Luckily, Ivy steps back in time. I grip him by the shirt and lay a punch on him, hitting him square in the face. A crunching sound hits my ears, telling me I just broke the fucker’s nose, but I don’t give a fuck. I let him go and he falls to the floor. I lean over him, and the fear on his face is clear.

  “I ever see you touching my girl again—fuck, any woman that doesn't want you touching her—I will fucking end you. Got me?” He nods his head, blood dripping down on the floor next to him. I turn to see people watching, but no one gets involved.

  Cassie has her arms around Ivy and Jay is standing in front of them, protecting them. The look on Ivy’s face breaks my heart. She is petrified right now. She’s visibly shaking and tears are running down her beautiful face. I just hope she isn’t scared of me. That would kill me. I take a step towards her, but Jay blocks my path.

  “Don’t,” is all he says. My heart stops as, his face is displays both anger and disappointment. I frown at him, trying to figure out what he’s thinking. Jay lifts his hand to stop me moving forward, but must see the hurt on my face from his action.

  “Luke, I—” I raise my hand to stop him saying anything else. One of my best friends thinks I would hurt his sister. I look at him, my heart beating like mad in my chest at knowing he doesn’t want me anywhere near Ivy. I drop my eyes to the floor and take a few calming breaths. My eyes start to burn with the threat of tears at the thought of Jay, and possibly Dex, not trusting me with their sister. I can’t be here anymore. I can’t be around them and have them thinking this bad shit about me. I look at Ivy and see she is still staring at me, trying to read my thoughts, but my head is hurting too much to try and analyse everything that just happened.

  “I get it. I’m gone.” I turn and walk away, leaving a little piece of my heart behind. No one stops me from walking out of the pub. I decide to walk home and sift through all the thoughts that are running around my head. I truly believed that they trusted me. They have fooled me into thinking I belonged at Castle Ink. I shake my head, my heart hurting at the possibility that I won’t be working there anymore. I can’t work with them if they think that badly of me.

  My walk home helps me clear my head some. I need to figure shit out before I make any big decisions.


  It’s been five days since I walked out of the pub. My phone has been blowing up with calls from Dex and Jay, so I turned the damn thing off. Addy came around, banging the fuck out of my door, but my arse was too drunk to fucking budge.

  I move off the couch and walk into my kitchen to make myself more coffee. I need a fucking truckload to shift this hangover. I click the machine and go about getting my mug and the milk, when the doorbell rings. I groan at the thought of who may be visiting me. I am in no shape for visitors. I trudge over to the door and fling it open to find not only Addy, but Cassie as well.

  “Great. The Olsen twins. And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” I say sarcastically, leaving them by the door and walking back into my kitchen. I ignore them as they flit around, getting themselves a hot drink. I pour myself a coffee and turn and lean my arse against the kitchen counter. I half cross my arms across my chest and hold my mug close to my pecs.

  “We are far sexier than the Olsen twins, fucker,” Addy throws at me.


  “Wanker,” she fires back, and I chuckle.

  “How are you, Luke?” Cassie asks. I see the concern on her face. I shrug before taking a seat at the table with them.

  “Pissed out of my head. You?” Addy shakes her head at me.

  “The boys are fucking livid with you right now. I’m surprised they haven't kicked your door down. What gives?”

  “I’m done working there. I thought that was pretty obvious from the other night and the fact that I haven’t turned up to work this week.” I take another drink of my coffee, loving the burn of the liquid running down my throat. I need to feel something other than the gut-wrenching pain of having disappointed my best friends.

  “You can’t quit, dickhead. And they most certainly didn’t fire you. They would have to go through me first.”

  “Addy, you are one tough chick, and I respect the fuck out of you, but there isn’t much you can say that will make me come back to Castle Ink. The way Jay looked at me told me all I need to know.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Luke Baker,” Cassie says from her chair.

  “Not wrong, Cass. You saw what happened. Neither of them will ever forgive me for what went down, and I understand that. It’s best if I stay away.”

  “So, if I told you that both Ivy and Carter are missing you, that wouldn’t change your mind?” Hearing their names makes my stomach knot up and my chest ache. I lean forward, resting my forearms on the table, my mug firmly in my grip.

  I close my eyes and let the building pain wash over me—the pain of not seeing either of them again. They mean a lot to me, even if it has only been a few months, but the thought of her thinking that I would hurt her kills me like no other. I sound like a fucking woman, but hell, fuck it, I have never been afraid to say how I’m feeling. I’m a man, and I’m confident in my sexuality. I will cry in front of anyone if the situation warrants it.

  “I miss them too,” I say, as I expel the breath I was holding. “I can’t get the look of fear on her face out of my head. She hates me.” Cassie lays her tiny hand on my arm, and I look up at her, seeing the sympathy on her face.

  “She doesn't hate you, Luke. She misses you. She said that she’s text you a few times, but you never replied.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want her to feel sorry for me. I fucked up—I hurt her.” I take a sip of my now lukewarm coffee, wetting my suddenly dry throat.

  “No, you didn’t. Holy shit. You are a stubborn bastard, aren’t you?” I shrug at Addy. “Luke, go and get in the shower. You need to be at the studio in an hour. I’m not taking no for a fucking answer. Now, move that sexy arse of yours.” She winks at me and I can’t help but smile at her.

  “Sexy arse, huh? I wonder what your man would say about you looking at my arse and declaring it sexier than his.” I wink at her, and she laughs.

  “Oh, man, I said you had a sexy arse. I never once said it was sexier than my man’s. No one is sexier than Dexter Castle. I can tell you that now.”

  “Hey! My Captain Awesome is pretty freaking sexy, if I do say so myself.”

  “What am I, chopped liver?” I fake my hurt and lay a hand over my heart, laughing when I see their smiles. Addy and Cassie truly are beautiful women. Dex and Jay are lucky bastards for catching them.

  “Sexy chopped liver, at its best,” Cassie says.

  “Whatever. I’m going to shower. It seems Caste Ink is falling apart without me.” I stand up and walk towards the stairs.

  “Hey, you are not that special, Luke Baker.”

  “Oh, but I am, Addison Cole. Sexy chopped liver or not, I am the prime beef that brings in the clients and the gravy that keeps the studi
o going. Plus, I’m the beast, and the beast always gets his five-a-day.” I wink at them and continue towards my bathroom to shower and change.

  After my shower, I stare at myself in the bathroom’s steamed-up mirror and see that my beard has grown over the last few days. I normally keep it short, so I pick up my electric shaver and trim it down to a fashionable stubble.

  Once I’m happy, I step into my bedroom and throw on a pair of dark blue jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt. I know Ivy loves seeing me in these; she's always staring at my arms when I wear them. The material is so tight I’m pretty sure that one day it will tear open.

  Happy with my clothes, I pop back into the bathroom and put a little gel into my hair, adding volume and pushing it to the side slightly. I give myself a once over in the mirror and am happy with what I see. I wouldn't say I’m a vain person; I just like to make sure I look good—and I need to look good for what I’m about to do.

  No more messing around. If what Addy and Cassie said is true, then maybe I have more hope with Peaches that I thought. So now I have to make my move and prove to her that I will never hurt her. I will always care for her. Both her and Carter. That little guy makes me want to push to have them in my life more than they are now. I just really need Ivy to see what I can do for her. With her.

  It’s time that the beast got his five-a-day, and he’s hungry for peaches.

  He needs a taste. He needs the juice dripping into his mouth, down his chin, covering his cock as he pounds into her. My shaft hardens in my jeans at the thought of finally taking Ivy. I reach for my dick, but instead of pulling the nine inches out, I push him down, willing the throbbing to stop. I chuckle and make my way to the girls, who are waiting for me in the living room. Addy is tapping her foot like an impatient child waiting to go to the park.

  “Let’s do this. I need to see her and set the boys straight about what’s going to happen,” I say, picking up my wallet and phone.

  “And what, exactly, is going to happen, Captain Cocky?” Addy says with a smirk on her face.

  “Finally, huh?” I smile at her.

  “Yep. So, what’s the plan?”

  “I’m going to tell Dex and Jay that I want Ivy. Simple.” I shrug and open the front door for them to walk through.

  “Simple?” Cassie says.

  “Yep. I’m done messing around. Peaches will be mine. But I know I have to go slow, so I will. For now.” I say the words and wait for the panic to start, but it doesn’t come. I am so fucking ready to start this.

  Chapter 6


  I walk into Castle Ink and set my bag under the front counter. A paper aeroplane lands at my feet, and I smile at it. I pick it up and lean my hip against the counter, looking around for Luke, but he isn’t in sight. He always draws intricate designs on the wings of the planes. Today, it’s stars and flowers entwining.

  I slowly unfold the model and see what he has written today. I’ve been getting three or four of these a day since Luke came back to work a week ago. It’s crazy how much I missed him after that night. I wasn’t scared of him at the pub; I was scared he would get hurt. I had been frozen with fear when that a stranger put his hands on me, but unfortunately, Jay took it the wrong way. He thought I was scared of Luke. I could never fear him; I know in my heart he would never hurt me. I smile at the words that are written in neat handwriting. He sometimes sends me weird fruit quotes, calling me ‘Peaches’, which is weird and cute.

  ‘Sometimes I’m an arse, but as sweet as a peach.’

  I chuckle and place the aeroplane in the basket I bought to keep these special notes under the counter. Seeing a new side to Luke has been refreshing, but it still worries me that his lifestyle will come between us. I hate all the women he’s sleeping with. Even though he’s been super sweet to me and Carter, sending me the little notes, the women haven’t stopped, and each time I see it, I take an emotional step backwards, not forward like my heart wants. The bell above the door rings and a pretty, older woman steps in and smiles at me.

  “Hi, can I help you?”

  “Yes. I have a booking with Luke. Is he ready for me?” My stomach churns at the look on her face. She clearly knows about Luke’s exploits here at the studio. I plaster a fake smile on my face and reply to her.

  “I’ll let him know you’re here. Take a seat.” I point to the couch against the wall, before walking around the counter and towards Luke’s room. I gently push open the door and see him sitting in his chair, playing on his phone with a smile on his face. My heart sinks straight into my stomach as I question who could be making him smile. Is it a girl he’s already had sex with? Is he sexting someone? Maybe it’s a tit-pic or something.

  “Luke, your one-thirty is here, and she’s ready for you,” I say sarcastically. Luke lifts his head, and his beautiful smile disappears. He stands and places his phone on the worktop, before moving closer to me. I step back, and he frowns at me.


  “Why what?” I reply.

  “You moved away from me. Why? I thought we were over this fear of me,” he says, confusion lacing his voice.

  “I’m not afraid of you, Luke. God, how many times do I need to say this.”

  “So why won’t you let me touch you?” I chuckle humourlessly. I can’t believe his question. Doesn’t he see that what he’s doing is wrong? Being sweet and flirting with me but sleeping with a shitload of other women. How can he expect me to let him touch me when he gives his touch so easily to every other woman who shows interest in him?

  “Do you want me to be honest, Luke?” I see his small wince at me using his birth name.

  “Always, Peaches,” he insists.

  “Fine. I hate that you’re sweet and flirty with me, and then turn around and sleep with a bus load of other women. I’m sorry, Luke, but I don’t share very well. Call it being an only child; I don’t care, but when something is mine, it belongs to me and only me.” I take a deep breath after my mini rant. It feels good to get it off my chest.

  Luke stares at me, no emotion showing on his face. I shake my head and leave the room. I don’t get far before Luke comes charging out behind me. He takes a gentle hold of my wrist, stopping my steps. I love the way the heat seeps from his touch into my skin. He is always so warm, like a patio heater.

  I turn my head around to face him and he grins the typical Beast smile at me. It always takes my breath away when his eyes brighten and his smile fills his face. Those damn lips of his look even more kissable when they turn up. It makes it harder to be pissed at him.

  “Baby, things aren’t always what they seem. I—”

  “Dammit, that’s what Jay says. What the hell does it mean, Beast?”

  “You see me with all these women and you think the worst of me, but have you actually seen me kiss them?” I shake my head. “Cop a feel?” I go to speak, but he stops me. “Okay, I did with that one girl, but that was your fault.”

  “My fault?” I ask in disbelief.

  “YES! You came into work looking like a fucking model. You were wearing those painted on jeans and that cropped green jumper, and your arse looked amazing. I couldn’t touch you, so my hand grabbed someone else’s arse. See, your fault.” He smirks at me like he is in the right.


  I remember the day he’s talking about. I caught him checking me out a few times, but whenever I looked at him, he smirked and walked away. He did nothing about it.

  “Oh, come on, Luke. I didn’t place your hand on her arse and tell you to squeeze, did I?”

  “Maybe not, but it was your arse I was picturing when I squeezed it.”

  “Oh, good God. What the hell am I going to do with you, Luke Baker?”

  “Well, you could go out with me.” I’m stunned by his answer. He wants to go out with me?

  “Go out? Like, on a date or just as friends going for a drink down the pub?” I have to ask; I hate not knowing how things are. It was like that with Tim. I never knew what mood he was going to be in. I fe
el my face getting hot and his smile grows. Bastard. I fan my face and look around the room, anywhere except his smarmy face. I hate that he makes me blush. I thought I was getting better at hiding it. Bollocks.

  “A date, Peaches. Come on, you know you want to. This has been a long time coming.” He leans in and lays a gentle kiss on my lips, and pulls back before I can even react. I nod my head, my breath suddenly lost.

  Damn him.

  My beast.

  “Hey, fucker, you’d better not be upsetting my sister.” I pull away from Beast and see Jay coming towards us. His frown looks out of place. Jay is one handsome bloke and should never be frowning.

  Luke chuckles beside me. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. My body heats up from the contact and my girly part tingles. I can feel the warmth of Luke’s touch through my clothes. I can’t wait to feel his heat skin-to-skin.

  “I’m not upsetting her, knobhead. Hey, where’s Dex?” Beast asks.

  “Out back. Why?” Jay answers. You can see the wheels turning in his head. He keeps shifting his eyes to where Luke’s hand is resting on my hip.

  “DEX,” Luke screams, making me jump. His head snaps down to me and he frowns. I offer him a smile and he leans in, kissing my head. “I’m sorry, babe.” I nod.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Dex bellows as he makes his way to us. I inch closer to Luke, not really meaning to, his arm wraps around my waist, holding me to him. My body responds to his.

  “Calm your tits, will you. I just wanted to set a few things straight about how things are going to be around here.”

  “And how’s that, Luke?” Dex grinds Luke’s name.

  “I’m going to take Ivy out on a date. What happened before was messed up and Ivy has forgiven me for that. She knows I would never hurt her—or Carter. You can be the broody bastard all you want, Dex, but this is happening, as long as it’s okay with Ivy. It’s ultimately her choice.” He gazes down at me and I can’t stop the smile that forms. His happiness matches mine.


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