Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men)

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Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men) Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-078-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To all my readers. Thank you so much for supporting me.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Cassie Walker struggled to keep her gaze away from the tempting ass of her boss. Blaze Sinclair was one incredibly hot man. He was a tall and well-muscled man, considering he spent a great deal of time behind a desk. He had smoky brown eyes she loved to look into, his hair the same intense brown on the top of his head.

  Thanks to Blaze, Cassie was the face everyone saw in the morning. She knew the main board of directors had been furious when she got the job. Impeccable qualifications weren’t the only things they were looking for. Within the first week on the job she’d noted all the main secretaries and personal assistants were blonde, beautiful, and impossibly thin. The only time she’d been thin was when she’d been too young to care about her figure.

  Unfortunately, no matter how many diets or healthy eating options she adopted, her curves and size sixteen and probably a bit more would forever stay with her. Weight to her was the same as death and taxes to everyone else.

  Blaze had stuck by his decision, and she’d become the face everyone saw when entering the building. This had taken place a year ago. Blaze had become one of the endless people she saw in the morning. And she loved looking at his tight ass as he passed every morning. She never took a sick day and always had a smile for everyone.

  Failure never was an option for her. Cassie did her job the way she was trained, though this didn’t stop her from having lots of secret sexual fantasises about the man standing away from the rest of the group.

  She directed the caterers to the corner of the reception area of the Sinclair building. It was three days until Christmas, and every year the company threw a Christmas party. They were the only company to allow all of the festive season into the New Year off. Cassie smiled to passing colleagues and gathered tinsel to spread around the last few bits of the reception. The idea was for everyone to get into the spirit in time for the big day. She loved being a receptionist, and being in love with the boss helped her get over some of the nasty gibes other female employees sent her way. Being the biggest woman in the company would bring out a comment or two.

  The music filtered through the sound system, carols and Christmas style music. She signed the last orders for the drinks and arranged for taxis to be on standby. Gifts were placed under the large decorative Christmas tree.

  Cassie glanced around and smiled at a few people, who raised glasses in her direction. This was the first Christmas party she’d thrown without any help from other sources. For final inspection she walked over to the buffet table and was pleased with the range of food and snacks on offer. She stole a prawn toast before walking over to the board to disconnect all of the phones when a final call came in.

  “Hello, Sinclair Foundation. How may I help you?” Cassie listened to the rude woman on the line for a few minutes before realising cutting her off would be a mistake. “Please, give me one moment while I find him.” She placed the phone down on the desk and went in search of the man in question. Her heart raced, and her pussy creamed as it often did when thinking about the boss. Blaze stood with his brother, and she walked over to them.

  “Hi, Mr. Sinclair, there is a phone call at the main desk for you,” she said, cringing at how formal she sounded. Reception work had her well and truly trained.

  “Thank you, Cassie. Who is it?” She loved hearing the gravel sounds of his voice.

  “A woman. She said just to get you.” She smiled, twirling a strand of hair through her fingers. There was no need to tell him about her rudeness. Christmas was supposed to be a time for forgiving.

  “Thank you.” She watched as he walked toward the front desk until he stopped and turned around. “Will you be at the Christmas party all night, Cassie?”

  “I have to be. I was told it is part of the receptionist’s job. To make sure everything runs smoothly.”

  “Good.” He turned away and moved to the main desk. Could his words mean something? Why would he be interested in her being at the party? She glanced at the brother before leaving to do her job.

  “Francesca is on the phone?” Cassie turned, seeing Chris watching his brother.

  Cassie shrugged. “She wouldn’t give me her name.”

  Francesca Lawe was Blaze Sinclair’s current girlfriend. Cassie was in love with a man who didn’t know she existed beyond the realms of the four walls where she worked.

  She turned her focus back on the boss, wishing she had told the woman to phone back during office hours. He looked stressed. Cassie wanted to kick herself. Her gut had told her to leave the woman hanging, but there were so many personal female calls for Blaze that she made sure they got to him.

  “He doesn’t seem happy,” Cassie said to Chris, feeling nervous as she felt him staring at her.

  “That is because Francesca is trying to get him to marry her,” Chris said. Cassie gasped. If the woman succeeded then she would need to get another job.

  Lusting and pining for a man who was usually single was completely different from lusting after a man who was married. Cassie wouldn’t be able to cope seeing him every day and knowing there was absolutely no chance for her. Even though she knew that now. With him married it would drive the stake firmly through it.

  “However, there is a chance for someone else. Blaze does want someone, but it would seem it would be up to her to make the first move.” Chris walked away, leaving his words to attack Cassie and her imagination. She hated Blaze’s brother. The man was a walking, talking matchmaking machine. He was responsible for the previous receptionist leaving and marrying the man of her dreams, and Cassie had heard rumours of how he meddled with others in the office.

  Chris “Matchmaking” Sinclair was what some of the women would call him.

  What did he mean about a woman making the first move? Did he mean her? That wasn’t possible. What would Blaze Sinclair see in her?

  She didn’t give it much more thought and let the party take her into the Christmas spirit. It was after eleven, and the party was in full swing. Everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves and thanking Cassie. Squeals of delight and laughter rang from all around the room. Cassie loved it when she saw the success of her planning. The food was almost all gone. She made a mental note to thank her friend John for all his help. The man was genius.

  She mingled, passing out gifts and serving up cake. Even though everyone was having a good time, one person was absent, and that left Cassie saddened. Once it was past midnight, people started to leave to get back home because of babysitters and plans tomorrow. The last couple left around one in the morning. Cassie was alone in the building. She needed to organise the cleanup. She gathered the plastic cups and started putting them into dustbin bags, then taking down strings from party poppers and wrapping paper.

  She heard the sound of a glass crashing against the wal
l and a man sobbing. Cassie searched the offices until she came to a dark closed office. She opened the door not knowing whom she would find.

  “Mr. Sinclair?” Cassie had assumed Blaze had gone home.

  “Cassie?” His voice was not drunk or slurred but raw with emotion.

  Cassie came into the room, shutting the door behind her. “What’s the matter, Mr. Sinclair?”

  “Mr. Sinclair? For once can you not call me Blaze?” He seemed angered.

  “What’s the matter, Blaze?” she repeated. Seeing him upset was killing her.

  “Oh, my life has just fucked up completely.” Cassie came around his desk, pressing the back of her hand against his forehead, but he seemed fine, no fever.

  “It’s just Christmas. Let me call you a cab to take you home.” Cassie reached across his desk and picked up the phone, but she was startled as Blaze curled his fingers around her wrist.

  “I don’t need to go home,” he said, taking the phone from her hand and replacing it in the cradle. Cassie’s heart raced. She thought it would burst from her chest as the rapid beats increased. He kept a good grip on her wrist. His eyes stared at where they touched.

  “You are so soft,” he whispered, his fingers running along the inside of her wrist. He pressed against her pulse, and he must have felt it jump. His other arm came to her hip and pulled her to the centre of his desk, before him. Cassie gasped, the erotic force of the moment taking her breath away. She watched as he placed his head onto her slightly round stomach. She heard him pressing kisses on her stomach and inhaling her scent. His hands moved down and were pressing her legs apart, caressing up the insides of her legs and gathering up her skirt.

  Cassie needed to stop him, but the feelings he evoked were driving her crazy. She wanted nothing more than to bask in his attention, but common sense came to the fore. She stopped his hands, forcing him to pause before he exposed her panties.

  “Blaze, you need to stop,” she whispered. The denial sounded pathetic, but she needed to be the sane one. This wasn’t the Blaze she knew, and she refused to be a regret.

  “Please don’t push me away, Cassie. I’ve seen you watching me, and I know what you want. It’s Christmas. Let’s just forget everything but this moment.” His words sent alarm bells careening through her head. He was right. She wanted this, and she needed to feel this. Chris’s earlier words came back to her. What if after all this time Blaze had been waiting for her? She refused to spend the rest of her life wondering and regretting what could happen tonight. Cassie tugged on his tie, pulling his head closer to her. She took his lips, her first kiss with Blaze hot and feisty. Blaze stood, coming over her. He pulled her skirt as far as it would go, exposing her dampened panties. Cassie could smell her arousal, and she knew he must. Her pussy was wet and juicy.

  He ripped her shirt open sending buttons spraying over the room. Cassie giggled, but she heard Blaze growl. His eyes devoured her lace-covered breasts. He unsnapped the front, watching as they exploded out. He moaned, and so did Cassie, as her breasts were huge and sensitive.

  “You’ve got great tits. I want to suck on them.” Blaze cupped her breasts. They filled his hands and spilled over the top. Cassie moaned, arching her back.

  “No good, I need you completely naked.” Blaze forced her to stand while he shed the rest of her clothes, as well as his until they stood staring at each other. Naked. He pushed her across his desk, his cock huge as it stood out.

  “You’re so beautiful. A lovely ripe peach,” he growled. Blaze took one of her tits, and he nipped and plucked at her nipples.

  She gasped. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  “I’ve fantasised about you like this,” Blaze said. Cassie held her breath. This gorgeous man had fantasised about her? He wanted her?

  “You wet for me, baby?” he asked. His fingers ran through her wet slit. She gasped, her eyes closing. “No, don’t close your eyes. Watch me,” he said. Cassie opened her eyes and followed the path he was taking. He was watching as his fingers circled her clit. The man was torturing her.

  “So swollen and wet, begging to be touched.” She cried out as he penetrated her with two fingers.

  He speared her pussy and fingered her clit. The wet sounds echoed off the walls of his office and heightened her arousal. She was wet and desperate to come. He fucked her with two fingers, and she watched him, the cream visible as he disappeared inside her body to his knuckles. The thrusts and touch on her swollen nub were driving her closer to the edge. She cried and bucked and begged for release.

  Blaze took her to the pinnacle and brought her back before giving release. He held her back, denying her until she was a quivering wreck, mindless, insane and drunk on the pleasure that he was unleashing.

  Only when she begged and pleaded for release, only when she was a quivering mess, blinded by intense pleasure, only then did he bring her to the edge and then to the peak of ecstasy. She screamed as her juices coated his fingers. Before she had a chance to come down from the exquisite high and get her senses in order, Blaze moved between her legs. With his hands on her hips he brought her to the edge of his desk, opening her wide for him. Blaze moved one of his hands between them. Cassie watched him grasp his large thick dick and tease the top through her wet slit. She gasped and cried out as his cock hit her clit, the naked head coated in her dripping cream.

  “Please. No more,” she said. Blaze chuckled and placed the head of his cock at her entrance. He pressed forward until only the head pressed inside. Cassie couldn’t believe how stretched she was from only the head of his cock. Blaze took both of her hips in his large hands, and with great force he plunged all the way inside her dripping cunt to the hilt. He made her take all of his powerful strength. He was large, and there was a point of pain to his penetration, but it felt wonderful, the pleasure completely wiping out the small amount of pain.

  “That’s it, baby. Take my cock, love it. So fucking tight and wet.” He slammed into her weeping vagina – holding her in place – letting loose with animal savagery. Cries, screams and groans filled the office, the air permeated with the scent of sex. He pulled out and slammed back in. Cassie cried out. Every nerve ending was shooting with sensation. Her pussy pulsed around his cock, begging for more of this powerful man. He thrust inside her, using her body to bring them both to mindless pleasure. Cassie had never felt anything so amazing in her life. She didn’t want it to stop. She wanted more.

  “You make me lose myself,” Blaze said. Cassie screamed as Blaze completely lost it, riding her hard and deep. The pleasure was too intense.

  “Cannot ... wait ... no ... control,” Blaze yelled. He fucked into her waiting pussy, growling as pulses of semen shot from his cock into her womb.

  They collapsed together in a heap on his desk, naked and sweaty.

  Cassie didn’t know how long they stayed like that. She needed to move.

  “Blaze, I gotta get up.” She tapped his shoulder. Something wasn’t right. Cassie felt it, like an afterthought. There was something about the whole encounter that did not sit well with her. Blaze had never treated her with anything but the utmost respect. What had changed in the period between the phone call and now? There had been no talking, just sex. Unbelievable, sweaty, never going to forget it kind of sex, but still just sex.

  Blaze moved, his cock sliding out of her vagina. Cassie whimpered ever so slightly.

  He helped her to her feet. Cassie waited to see if he would speak to her. He didn’t say anything. Instead they both dressed in silence. The silence continued as he drove her home. She watched him drive away, her heart heavy.


  Blaze didn’t watch her to the door. Instead he drove off feeling like the biggest fucking asshole in the world. He ran his fingers through his hair, and he smelt her scent all over him. For the past year he’d done nothing but fantasise about the fuller woman who worked in reception.

  Her kind-hearted smile and general fun-loving attitude helped him through the dark days. Of all the s
hitty things he could do to her, he’d given her hope. A hope of a future. His brother, Chris, had warned him about leaving his timing too late. Not only had he left his timing too late, but he’d taken what he wanted because he knew Cassie Walker wouldn’t be in his future. The news Francesca had decided to give him had blown his whole world apart.

  He pulled up to his house an hour later and hit his strongest scotch. For the next few weeks he needed to lose himself. He didn’t want to have a shower and wash away the woman he wanted more than anything else.

  A second glass of strong liquor poured and consumed, he thought back to the night being inside Cassie.

  She’d come to their offices at the ripe age of twenty-three. That was a year ago, and he’d been so impressed with her credentials he wanted her working for him. Most of the women were smaller in figure, and he’d been drawn to her fuller and earthier persona. Blaze had been surprised to learn she wasn’t married, and no man was waiting in the wings.

  Shit. He drained the glass and poured another. The alcohol would do nothing but give him a few hours of darkness.

  Blaze glanced down at his watch and picked up the phone. His father needed to be told when his eldest son was about to be a father and get hitched to one of the most beautiful women in the world.

  In his heart he was going straight to hell. He’d known that while fucking sweet Cassie. Like usual, he had taken what he wanted without caring who got hurt.

  Chapter Two

  Blaze didn’t call over the festive season, and Cassie spent it alone in her small house. She wished she had a family of her own, but instead she had work to look forward to. The first day of work after Christmas was the worst. Cassie felt nervous and unsure, but she was certain that Blaze felt something as well.


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