Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men)

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Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Twelve

  For the rest of the week Blaze and Cassie spent every moment with each other. Erica called to cancel all of her dates. She was leaving early, and Cassie had guessed it had something to do with Chris.

  Blaze Junior joined them on their days out, and when he went to bed in the evenings Blaze and Cassie did what they wanted.

  Most of their time they spent walking on the beach, hand in hand like the other couples. With every hour her feelings grew stronger. When she looked back at the girl she’d been all those years ago, the love hadn’t been as strong. She’d still loved Blaze, but not with the burning, all-consuming passion she did now.

  When the night air grew too cold they’d curl up on the sofa and watch a movie. Those were the moments she loved the most. She’d lay her head against his chest and his hands would be on her, and they’d relax.

  The past was forgotten in the face of the future. While his parents were falling apart Cassie believed she and Blaze were growing closer, not only as friends but as potential partners.

  After a long, tense dinner and putting his son to bed Cassie walked hand in hand with Blaze down to the beach. He placed a blanket on a spot near some rocks. The rocks provided cover from the wind, so the blanket wouldn’t blow away. They sat and gazed out at the setting sun for awhile. Cassie sat with her back against his chest. Blaze had his arms around her.

  “I love being with you,” he said and kissed her cheek.

  Cassie giggled and gazed up at him.

  “Let’s go for a walk. Molly is a fantastic cook, and I think I need the exercise.” She stood and held her hand out for him to follow. “Shall we leave the blanket?” she asked.

  “Yes. No one will take it, and if they do who cares?”

  They walked along the sea front. Blaze pointed out a few rocks with meaning for the village. Cassie enjoyed being with him, no matter the time of the day.

  “So, tell me what happened in your life. What did Cassie Walker do next?” he asked. She watched as he picked a small stone and threw the stone into the water.

  “What do you want to know?”


  Cassie laughed. Being with Blaze made her feel alive for the first time.

  “Let me see. I resigned from Sinclair Industry, and I went and worked as a reception clerk at a hospital. I know, a massive step in a different direction. Anyway, I decided being around sick people was hard for me. I couldn’t deal with the pressure, and one day I was standing in line at the job centre looking for more work when I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings.” Blaze took her hand, and they moved along the edge of the water. Cassie removed her sandals and closed her eyes in bliss. The cool water was perfect on her aching feet.

  “You looked at all the people stood in a queue?” he said.

  “Not that simple. Have you ever been in a job centre?”


  “When you see one, go and check them out. So, I’m stood in line, and I’m watching people look for work and the people who are there to help just – well, I guess the best way to say it is they were doing a job. Someone comes into the office who’s unemployed. They need a job, and it doesn’t matter what job they get as long as they’re no longer there. Do you get me?”

  Blaze nodded.

  “A little more snooping and I learnt people with skills were taking the first job they could find because they didn’t know where to find work in the appropriate sources. This is where I went to Chris with my idea. I’m an agency that takes on anyone with a skill and hunts down work through every avenue to best match that person to work.”

  “So you’re like a dating site, only with work?”

  “In a way,” Cassie said. “I’ve only got one office, but we do really well.. I get a salary from the offices who want us to seek out new employees, and the people who’re successful pay me a fee for the first year of their employment. Once the year is done and settled we part ways. Everyone wins.”

  Cassie stopped and gazed out at the ocean. The sun was finishing its sunset. The colours in the sky were beautiful. Fiery reds and oranges. The colours of passion.

  “Chris was there for everything?” he asked. She heard the note of jealousy in his voice, which brought a smile to her face.

  “No. Not everything. He’s been a great friend, and I love him. Even if his matchmaking skills drive me crazy.”

  “Has he tried to set you up in the last three years?”

  More jealousy. She gazed at him and liked the frown between his brows. His reaction made her feel sexy. Wanted.

  “No. I meant his matchmaking skills with the other women in my office. He finds a match and then works hard to make it work.” At least now she knew why. The revelations from Erica had made Chris’s actions more understandable.

  “Yeah, he never used to be like that.”

  On instinct Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. Cuddling him felt like the most natural thing in the world. She stared up at him and gazed into his beautiful eyes. Her fingers caressed the small hairs at the back of his neck. The tension between them grew. His hands rested on the curve of her hips above her ass. The heat from his touch penetrated the thin fabric. She took a breath and watched as his gaze moved to her lips.

  Did he think about kissing her?

  What was going through his head at this very second?

  For once she didn’t care about the touch of his hand on her body. Her skin became sensitive, and the breeze of the night danced across her nerves. Her nipples were hard and tight creating an edge of pain to the pleasure. He was barely touching her, and she was close to climaxing in his arms.

  His nearness and the cool air were too much, and she was conscious of her soaking wet panties.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he asked.

  Her eyes closed, and when she opened them his lips were a breath away.

  “When I’m with you, I’ve no idea what to do,” she said.

  One of his hands moved up from her hip to cup her chin, his touch a welcome distraction from trying to think of a reason to refuse his touch.

  His fingers went to her hair, and she gasped when he grabbed a fistful in a sharp grip and pulled her head back to expose her neck. The simple act showed his domination as he inserted a thigh between her legs and rubbed at the apex against her wet cunt.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked, his voice thick with arousal. Cassie was pleased she wasn’t the only one affected by their closeness.

  “Yes,” she said on a sigh. Cassie wanted him. She always wanted him, and even when he’d used her, the feelings hadn’t changed.

  The way her body was responding to his touch was more intense than anything she’d ever experienced before in her life.

  She moved closer, but his hold on her hair stopped her. He pulled her back. Cassie winced from the pain, loving his control over her body. Blaze could have her and do whatever he wanted to her as long as he let her come soon.

  “Blaze,” she whispered.

  In reply, his lips brushed across hers. The merest touch. She wanted more, so much more.


  This was more than he could have hoped for. The woman he wanted and was in love with was in his arms and ready to submit to him.

  The heat of her cunt vibrated along his leg. He wanted to throw her to the ground and ram his cock inside her body. Blaze wanted her swimming in his spunk. The erotic thoughts flittered along his mind, and he couldn’t stop. He was a slave to his desires. Cassie was the woman for him, and he wanted to go on this sexual journey with her.

  He pulled away and grabbed her hand. No other person would see his woman in a vulnerable position. It would be easy for him to take her right there with the threat of anyone walking past. But Blaze couldn’t do that. He didn’t want to give her any cause for regrets.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  Blaze didn’t bother to respond. In seconds he’d found the seclu
ded part of the beach where they’d left the blanket. Their spot would be hidden away by any passerby.

  “I’ve got to have you,” Blaze growled and slammed his lips on top of hers. Her submission was a beautiful thing. For the last week he’d done nothing but wine and dine her, and now he’d get the pleasure of her body. All he had left were the memories of that night when she’d welcomed him into her body.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  He didn’t care where they were or if they could get caught. His one need overrode common sense.

  Blaze tore the dress from her body and took her to the ground. The blankets only gave them partial cover from the sand beneath, just enough for him to have an initial taste. Her large tits were covered by a flimsy lace bra. He took hold of the cup and pulled her breast out to spill over the top.

  He broke the kiss from her lips and moved down to circle one heaving breast. The soft light of the moon outlined her body. Her large nipples were centre up and pointed. He wanted to touch, taste and have them sticking into his chest as he made love to her.

  Her moans were lovely to hear, and the body under his hands was a full woman. Blaze wasn’t afraid of being too rough. His fingers dug into her hips and pulled her down. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and he pressed down, his tight cock flush with the apex of her thighs. He wanted inside her.

  He lavished attention on her breasts, devoting as much time as possible to loving each tip and fullness.

  “Fuck me, Blaze. Please, don’t make me wait,” she said.

  Blaze had been waiting for the past three years to be inside her. The thin material of her panties annoying him, he ripped them in two and threw the fabric away from her body. He had her right where he wanted her.

  “There’s no turning back after this. I fuck my cock into your cunt, and you stay mine forever,” he said.

  “Feel me.” Cassie took his hands and slid them through the wet heat of her slit. Their moans mingled, and he had no choice but to taste from her lips again.

  “You’re so fucking wet.”

  “Fuck me, Blaze. I’m ready.”

  He fingered her slit first. Blaze didn’t want her to be ready. He wanted her begging for his dick. Using his palm, he pushed onto her clit and inserted two fingers inside her pussy. She was dripping wet, and even in the free air he scented her cream.

  Would she still taste like strawberries?

  Pulling his hand away and holding her gaze he licked his fingers and moaned. She tasted so sweet and perfect.

  “Why?” she gasped.

  “You taste wonderful.”

  When he got her home and spread out on the bed he’d eat her little cunt. Cassie Walker was his addiction, and he intended to take regular feedings from her.

  Her clit was swollen, and he felt it peeking out of its little hood. He groaned in frustration. Blaze wanted to see every single inch of her.

  His cock was hard and thick to the point of pain inside his jeans. He pulled away from her body, and with the moonlight casting down he saw the outline of her flushed body. Her tits rose and lowered with every indrawn breath. They were so big and beautiful. He imagined lying on top of her, cushioned by those soft mounds. Her belly dipped down, but instead of being hollow he saw the beautiful curve of her stomach protruding slightly. Blaze found his cock thickening at the sight of her waist and stomach. Before he met Cassie he thought he was an as-thin-as-they-could-come kind of guy, but now he wanted Cassie any way he could have her.

  “Do you hate what you see?” she asked. He heard the insecurity, and he hated every person who’d put it there. Cassie was beautiful and amazing inside and out.

  “I fucking love it,” he said. His shirt was removed in quick time. He might not be able to see her, but he wanted those breasts bare on his chest. He undid the button and zipper of his jeans and pushed down them to his ankles. He didn’t have time to go any further. The desire to be inside her was too great.

  He stared down at her and grasped his cock in his hand. “I’ve got no protection. Should I just fuck my fist and come all over that delectable body?” he asked.

  He cursed his words immediately after as he thought about spreading his seed over the mound of her cunt. Fuck, he was turning their time together into a porno flick.

  “I’m on the pill, and I’m clean,” she said. Her fingers moved to her pretty clit. He watched in the semi-darkness as she fingered her pussy.

  “Why are you taking the pill?” he asked. Was there another man in the picture? He knew he had no right to be angry about her being with another man, but he didn’t have to like it.

  “I’ve never been great when it comes to that time of the month. The pill helps to regulate that.” He saw her blush and smiled. Cassie was still so innocent at heart.

  His jealousy eased, Blaze didn’t know what he wanted to do now, whether to watch until they brought themselves off or to give into desire and fuck her on the beach.

  “Please, I need you,” she pleaded again.

  Dilemma solved.

  He ran the tip up and around her clit, and she gasped and cried out with every move. Blaze got the head and stem coated in her juice. His ego built with how wet she was and knowing he was the cause.

  Holding a firm hand around the shaft he gazed down into her eyes before he plunged inside her body.

  Their cries of pleasure mingled, and Blaze couldn’t keep his eyes open the pleasure so intense. The sounds of the ocean and the sand under his feet – the whole experience was heady.

  Her pussy tightened around him.

  “You’re tight,” he moaned.

  “Are you complaining?”

  “No,” he said with a smile, and to prove it he pulled all the way out of her body and then slammed back inside.

  She arched up, her back curving up. His fingers dug into the flesh at her hips, and he wished he could watch every single move and gasp. But the pleasure was too intense. He needed her to come before he found his own pleasure.

  “Make yourself come. I want to watch.” Blaze stopped moving and watched as best he could, taking his pleasure from the ripples of her tight cunt.

  “I’m so close,” she cried out.

  He tweaked her nipples and using his nails pinched into the tight points. She screamed, and seconds later his dick was squeezed tighter than any vise, her cream soaking his thick shaft.

  “That didn’t take long,” he said through tightly clenched teeth.

  “It’s been a while.”

  Blaze grabbed her hips and pulled out only to slam inside her, her cum providing the best lubrication and easing his way. He wished he could see the film of her pleasure coating his cock and to watch as he sank into her tight little hole. Instead he leaned down with her legs wrapped around his waist and fucked her. His lips found hers, and he kissed her, plunging his tongue inside as his cock did the same between her legs.

  He might have been married, but he hadn’t had a woman in years. The tightness of her around him made the pleasure so intense that in a matter of moments he was growling against her neck as his balls tightened up and his cum shot out of his tip. The release was so strong he collapsed on top of her and simply held her through the next five minutes of the most pleasurable sensation he’d ever encountered.

  “Wow.” He heard Cassie speak.

  He rolled off her and took her in his arms, his cock pulling out of her body

  “You’re amazing,” he said and kissed the top of her head.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  Blaze stared down at the top of her head. He couldn’t see her face. Her voice gave nothing away, and his heart pounded inside his chest for a different reason.

  He rolled her to her back and perched above her. Her eyes were glazed with tears, and he brushed them away.

  “Why are you crying?”

  She shook her head and tried to look away.

  “Don’t, please, Cassie. Talk to me,” he said.

  “Because I don’t know what happens next. I�
��m scared, Blaze.”

  Blaze gazed into her eyes, his heart lifting when he realised the start of a new future could be happening now. All he had to do was take the next step. Cassie had given him a second chance, and this time he was going to do what he should have done then.

  “What happens next? I take you home and wash your body. Then I put you in my bed and love you all night long.” He kissed her.

  “And after that?”

  “Didn’t you hear what I told you? You’re mine, Cassie. Forever, not for a quick screw.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Blaze was true to his word. They dressed on the beach and walked home. Everyone else was out or asleep. He took her to his room.

  “I’ve never been inside your room,” she whispered.

  He led her through to the bathroom, and he set her down on a seat. She sat and waited while he filled a bath with water and soaps. The scent of lavender was in the air.

  “Are you trying to make me sleepy?” she asked.

  “Nope. I want you alert for what I’ve got planned after,” he said. Blaze came to her and helped to undress her. She was conscious of the wet patch of their combined releases over the hair of her mound.

  He helped her into the bath and then joined her. She turned to face him in the water.

  “Don’t you want to use me as a cushion?”

  “No. I want to learn more about this man you’ve become. Last time I heard you were a man-whore, and I still liked you.” She wouldn’t say the word love. Their time together was still new, and she didn’t want to spoil anything by a badly picked word.

  “Okay. Well, this is quite hard.” She enjoyed seeing him on edge. His fingers always ran through his hair. This side of Blaze made him more real to her. “After you left and I didn’t see you again I married Francesca. Seven – or was it six months? – later she gave birth to my son. My life was miserable, and I spent the entire time working and building up the Sinclair empire. That’s it, in a nut shell.”

  Cassie had thought she’d be hurt by the mention of Francesca. Instead she felt awful for the life Blaze had lived. When most families had a child, it brought the couple closer together whereas in Blaze’s situation it sent him further away.


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