Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men)

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Blaze's Second Chance (The Sinclair Men) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “You shouldn’t be driving in this condition,” he said.

  “I’m fine, Blaze. This time is no different from the last time.” She picked up her suitcase and purse and walked down the hall. There was no point in extending lengthy goodbyes, and she went out the front door. Blaze had blocked her car in the night before. “Will you move your car?” she asked.

  “No. I told you, you’re not going.”

  She opened up the boot of the car and dumped her bags inside. Whiskers came out, and she picked him up and placed him in the backseat.

  “Too bad.” Cassie opened the car door and went to get inside. Blaze reached out and stopped her from moving.

  “I told you that night on the beach you’re my woman. I expect you to uphold your part of the bargain.”

  How dare he? Cassie stared at the man who’d stolen and crushed her heart not once but twice in the last three years.

  “Do you really think that night has any standing here? Francesca intends to be your wife. She won’t sign the divorce papers, and you’re more than happy to keep her around. We’re done. Only this time there’s no hope of a third chance.” She yanked the door out of his grip and got inside.

  Blaze stood and watched her. Her cheeks burned from his scrutiny. Her hands were shaking, and it took her several attempts to get the keys in the ignition.

  Once the car was started up she rolled down the window.

  “Move your car,” she said.

  “No. You’re not going anywhere,” he said.

  Cassie glared at him and hated seeing the look of triumph in his voice. She stared past him to his family stood on the porch. Chris had his arms folded and was glaring at the scene. His other brothers looked amused at the whole situation. Francesca held her son, and Molly stared at the scene.

  Looking at the mother helped Cassie to make her choice. If she stopped the car and walked inside she’d forever feel second best, always living life knowing she’d never come first place. She might sound like a first-class bitch, but she wanted to be someone’s first for a change.

  “Get your car out of the way, or I’ll crush it,” she said. Cassie didn’t break eye contact with Molly. The other woman might not know it, but she was giving Cassie the strength to get out of the predicament with Blaze.

  “You haven’t got it in you to do that, Cassie.”

  Why did men persist in goading women?

  Cassie smiled and waved at his family.

  “Watch me.”

  She threw the car in reverse, put her seatbelt on and assured herself Whiskers was safe in his travel box. She pressed her foot on the acceleration pedal, and the car charged backwards. Cassie watched the impact in the mirror, and she jolted in her seat. Blaze’s car moved a little. Going forwards she adjusted the car. She heard Blaze cursing her and the other men moaning. She didn’t care. Freedom was at her fingertips.

  After another few bust ups, she didn’t think about the damage to her own car, and she turned the car around and was out of the gate.

  The tears came within moments of her being free down the motorway. She pulled into a service station to calm and relax herself. Cassie might have been many things, but losing her life to heartache wouldn’t be one of them.

  Francesca had taken everything from her. The man she loved and her dignity. How could she have trashed his car?

  She slammed her fists against the steering wheel and used every curse she could find. The happiness of the morning had been evaporated in a few words from a stunning-looking woman.

  Cassie paused and thought about what had just happened. Francesca had walked in on the Sinclairs and said she was going to fight for her marriage. Blaze had already said he hated Francesca. Chris’s words came back to her.

  “Now you’ve just got to fight to keep it. You’ve given him a second chance. Now fight to keep him the good guy.”

  Fuck, Francesca didn’t have a marriage to fight for, and in any case Cassie could fight back.

  “You fucking idiot,” she yelled. Cassie started her car and raced back to fight for the man she loved. She was thankful she’d only been ten minutes down the road.

  She was done running away. Blaze Sinclair was hers, and that bitch better run.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Blaze watched the woman he loved leave him for a second time. He heard Chris clapping his hands, and he turned to see all of his family watching him. His car was completely trashed.

  “Good for Cassie,” Chris said.

  “I hope you’re going to make her pay for that damage?” Francesca said.

  He got a small bit of satisfaction when his family turned their glares on her. Molly walked over and took her grandson from the woman.

  “You’ve got some talking to do,” she said before going into the house. David followed behind her. His dad had spent the last week staying plastered to her side like super glue. All of his brothers left them alone.

  Francesca moved toward him with a sultry smile on her lips. “Alone, finally after all of this time.”

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  Everything had been going great. He was sure Cassie had been close to saying how she felt about him. All of it was lost. His heart ached, and a bitter taste settled in his mouth.

  “When I heard what was happening I knew I had to save you from the humiliation.” She flicked off a fleck of dust from his shirt, and he caught her hand.

  “Don’t touch me.” He ran fingers through his hair and thought about what she’d said. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Francesca was a strange woman. Why had he ever found her attractive?

  “She’s the little slut whose name you called out while we were in bed together. The woman who worked for you. Do you really think I’m going to let you divorce me to be with someone like her?”

  Blaze couldn’t believe what he was hearing.“Cassie is more woman than you’ll ever be.” He pointed a finger in her face. A lesser man would slap her silly. He wouldn’t give Francesca or the press the satisfaction of the seedy story.

  “Yes. From the fat I saw hanging out of that bikini, I’d say she’s more woman than me. Last time I checked wasn’t that obese.”

  “Is that really why you’ve come here today? Because you can’t stand being replaced by a real woman?”

  Francesca smiled, placing a hand on her hip. He saw the tell-tale signs then, the shaking of her hands and the glazed look in her eyes.

  “You want more money?” he asked.

  The one thing he had learnt being married to Francesca was she could sure keep a deadly secret.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She rubbed a spot under her nose.

  “What’s the matter? The boyfriend doesn’t like the fact you’ve gotten rid of your one main source of income?”

  “Don’t talk nonsense. I miss you, Blaze, and I want us to be a family again.”

  His anger came forward. They had never been a family. Francesca had used him to get what she wanted. She never loved him. “Get the fuck out of my property before I ruin you forever.”

  “Ruin me? How can you ruin me?”

  “I wonder how your boyfriend would take to finding out about your expensive snorting habit?”

  Blaze smiled evilly and saw her pale. He was the only one who knew about her drug problem. He’d even tried to send her to rehab, which hadn’t worked. The sound of a car pulling up stopped him from destroying the mother of his child.

  He frowned. Surely he was still awake. Cassie pulled up and got out of the car. H,e couldn’t believe she was back. Her hips swayed and he saw the determination on her face. She walked up to him, wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him. This time, with this woman, he responded. He picked her up in his arms and circled around with her.

  “What’s going on?” he asked when she pulled away.

  “I gave you a second chance, and this is me fighting for what is mine.” He placed her down on the ground.

  Cassie gazed at
him. “I love you, Blaze Sinclair. Always have and always will. You said I was yours on the beach. Well, you’re mine. Forever.”

  Blaze smiled.

  She loves me.

  Cassie turned her attention to the woman at his side. He wasn’t prepared for what she did next, and Francesca had no time to defend herself.

  Cassie shot her hand out and slapped her around the face, the sound loud and clear. “That’s for touching my boyfriend. I know you’re Blaze Junior’s mother, and I accept that. But you lay one hand on my man again and I’ll hurt you. Do you understand?”

  Francesca nodded and scampered to her own car. Blaze watched her grab something from the car.

  “He may be your boyfriend, but he’ll stay my husband,” she said as she threw the unsigned divorce papers at him.

  Cassie went to hit her again, and Blaze held her.

  “Francesca, do you remember that comfy divorce settlement? Well, that’s null and void in the face of adultery charges.”

  “You don’t have any proof,” his ex-wife said.

  “Actually, one of your past lovers tried to blackmail me with a sex tape. That tape is in my possession. You pick up those papers, and I won’t destroy your life.”

  Blaze knew she was debating the option. The sex tape wasn’t a lie. He’d show it to the whole world if she didn’t sign those papers. The drugs, though, would mean she would not get to see Blaze, Jr., no matter what happened.

  The threat was all it needed. She bent down and signed the papers. Minutes later her car zoomed off in the distance.

  Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “So, my little minx, you’d fight for me?”

  “In a heartbeat.”

  “That hit was classic, but how’s the hand?” he asked.

  “Stinging. That bitch had it coming to her. I’ve beaten the bitch back, and you’re getting a divorce. What happens next?”


  Five Years Later

  “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear daddy, Happy Birthday to you.”

  Blaze laughed as his two sons and daughter brought out a cake and sang to him. Cassie stood behind the children, her stomach swollen with their third child. Blaze Junior was now a strapping boy of eight and loved being the oldest.

  “Don’t forget to tell daddy to make a wish,” Cassie said.

  Blaze couldn’t believe how magical his life had turned out. From that day at the beach house when Cassie had asked him what happens next, he hadn’t known what to say.

  He cut the cake and then tucked his children into bed. Unfortunately, he’d worked late, and his kids were dead on their feet.

  Cassie left him to read the stories, and half an hour later he found her cleaning up in the kitchen.

  He wrapped his arms around her thickening waist and knew in a month or two he wouldn’t be able to close his hands around her.

  “How’re my two babies doing?” he asked.

  “We’re doing great. You should have come home from work sooner,” she said.

  “Turn around.”

  Cassie did as he asked and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Ask me what happened next?”


  He kissed her on the lips. “That day five years ago, you asked me a question, and now I can answer it.”

  She smiled, and his world grew brighter.

  “What happens next?” she whispered.

  “My divorce is finalised, and Francesca stays out of our life for good. Because of her drug habit, she cannot see our son, so she doesn’t have any effect on him at all. We get married in the winter, surrounded by snow. And the following summer you’re pregnant with our first child. You give birth to a son whom we name Daniel. We have a two year anniversary in Italy where you eat as much as you want, and we conceive our second child, a daughter whom we call Yvonne. You promise to love me for the rest of your life, and in return I give you everything you ever wanted. Now, how does that sound?”

  Cassie sighed and smiled. “Like a dream come true. Now, what happens next?” she asked with a laugh.

  Blaze kissed her, and his cock thickened instantly. “How about I take you upstairs, bend you over the bed and fuck you from behind?”

  “Oh, doggy style. I like it, but I was thinking for the next twenty plus years.”

  Blaze took her hand and led her upstairs. He closed the door and brought her in close. “Let us both find out together.”

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

  Blackmailed by the Beast

  Contract of Shame

  Crossing Boundaries

  Belonging to the Steer Brothers

  Claiming His Wife

  His Possession

  Evernight Publishing




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