Sorin's Protector [A Dragon's Growl 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Sorin's Protector [A Dragon's Growl 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 7

by Marcy Jacks

  It was enough to make Lucian want to grow it out just so his mate could get a proper grip on it, so he could yank on it while Lucian thrust his cock inside him again and again, making Sorin moan his name.

  The way Sorin’s hands reached down, grabbing Lucian by his ass through his jeans, was enough to let him know how much Sorin wanted that same thing.

  But, no, not here. Oh God, as much as he wanted to, as much as he was desperate to have his mate right now and revel in the fact that they actually were mates, he couldn’t do this here.

  Their first time had been little more than a desperate fuck.

  Lucian wanted to do this right.

  He pulled together every ounce of willpower he had in his body, and it wasn’t much in that moment, to pull away from Sorin’s mouth. A mouth that made his body sizzle. “I’m taking you back to my room.”

  Sorin nodded, his hands coming up behind Lucian’s head as though to pull him back in for another kiss.

  Lucian resisted. “Which means we have to go now before I end up fucking you in this hallway.”

  Sorin blinked those wide blue eyes, as if he didn’t exactly understand. Then it must have hit him with the way he tensed and pulled back. The humiliation on his face was enough to make Lucian laugh out loud as he scooped his mate up into his arms, a stupid kind of happiness surging through him, and then ran through the mansion with his mate in his arms.

  Chapter Eight

  For what had to be the umpteenth time that day, Sorin found himself in a position that was hardly dignified and would have left his father spewing in a rage if he’d known Sorin was allowing himself to be in it.

  He supposed it didn’t matter at this point. He’d been a prisoner, tortured, masturbated in the shower of the man meant to hold him hostage and keep him safe, and then he’d begged for sex from that same man.

  A dragon.

  Being carried through his home as if he were a bride and Lucian had just put a ring on his finger would hardly make it worse, so he might as well stop thinking about all of it in general.

  There was no going back. He didn’t want to go back. All he could think about was how wonderful it felt to suck on the side of Lucian’s throat, to taste the light salt of his skin and feel the prickle of rough hairs coming in that needed to be shaved away.

  He only wished he could scrape his fangs across that delicious bit of flesh, and he kind of wanted to bite his mate there as well, to make him moan, to drink from his throat and show Lucian the kind of pleasure Sorin could give if he was just given the opportunity.

  But he couldn’t. Sorin settled for scraping his regular teeth across the man’s throat, shocked that Lucian could enjoy it so much that he would still moan and shiver.

  Lucian seemed to trip over his feet briefly before catching himself, and he shook his head, puffing for breath.

  “You might not want to do that until I get you alone,” he said. “Fuck, I’m going to end up dropping you.”

  Lucian said those words right before they turned the corner and went down a short set of stairs.

  He refrained from licking and sucking on his throat, though he whined.

  Like a dog in heat.

  “I want to touch you,” he said, letting his hands roam over Lucian’s powerful chest. He tried to push his fingers through the buttons of his shirt, but it didn’t seem to want to cooperate and open for him.

  “I want your skin.”

  Lucian groaned, a harsh noise that barely sounded human.

  Or animal.

  It sounded like a dragon.

  “God, trust me, I want that, too. Just need to get you alone.”

  Sorin was almost to the point where he wanted to tell Lucian to just throw him down onto the carpet and fuck him right here, out in the open. He couldn’t understand where this desire came from because it hadn’t nearly been this bad when he’d begged for sex from Lucian earlier that day.

  And he’d thought he was desperately horny then. His cock felt like it was about to punch a hole through his pants.

  “I need…I need,” Sorin gasped, unable to get the words out that he really wanted. His brain didn’t want to work for him. Holy God, this was unbearable.

  “I know,” Lucian growled, as if he really did understand where Sorin was coming from.

  The alpha dragon made a sharp turn, a door opened, and Sorin was shocked when he looked up and saw himself back in Lucian’s bedroom, the room that had once belonged to a member of Sorin’s distant family.

  The smell of their sex still clung to the air. It made the need worse. It sent fireworks off behind his eyes, in the back of his skull, and a heated tingling sensation rushed through his body.

  As if someone had taken a live wire and touched his skin with it. His nipples hardened, his cock throbbed, and he couldn’t hold back from the heat and instinct swirling like a hurricane within him as he covered his mouth with both hands and came in his pants.

  Like a child. Like some unpolished teen boy who couldn’t keep a lid on it.

  His humiliation consumed him. Sorin held perfectly still in Lucian’s arms, unable to move, unable to think as he slowly managed to look up, to see the disgust in Lucian’s eyes.

  He should have known better. There was no disgust and no trace of pity or condescension.

  Lucian looked at him with wide eyes, the lusty red returning to them, his plump lips parted slightly, enough that Sorin could see a hint of his tongue.

  “That…that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” he said, as if he were dumbstruck, as if he really hadn’t seen anything so erotic in the whole of the world.

  Sorin found that hard to believe, but he also wasn’t about to let it get to him.

  He wanted to forget about his embarrassing slip, so if Lucian really did think it was sexually appealing, then he wouldn’t question it too much.

  “Was it really?” he asked, curling his arms around Lucian’s neck, smiling as if he’d done it on purpose.

  Hoping that Lucian didn’t see through him.

  He must have seen through it, but he was also kind enough to not hold it against Sorin either.

  Lucian nodded. As if in a daze, he walked Lucian to the bed, setting him down with a stiff gentleness.

  “I should have made love to you the first time,” he said. “I’ll do that right now.”

  “You did make love to me,” Sorin said and then realized his mistake, understanding what Lucian had actually meant. “Oh, well, it doesn’t matter because I still liked it.”

  Lucian and Sorin had fucked, not made love, if they were going to be technical about everything.

  Lucian sank to his knees, pressing his face to Sorin’s thigh, dangerously close to where his dick was, and when the mane inhaled deeply through his nose, Sorin understood what he was doing.

  His cock became hard again. It wasn’t slow and gradual either. Instantly, he was ready, and the throb of pleasure returned.

  It was almost frustrating. He gritted his teeth. The empty spots where his fangs used to be throbbed at that, but he didn’t care. Sorin growled. “Oh my God, how many times in one day can a person have an orgasm?”

  Lucian’s fingers hooked into the waist of Sorin’s pants. He pulled at his slacks. Sorin was about to reach down and undo them, but Lucian beat him do it when he slid his claws down the side, ripping them down the seam and revealing Sorin’s legs.

  Sorin held his breath for a split second, terrified Lucian might accidentally catch his claws on Sorin’s legs, or some other more sensitive bits, but it didn’t happen. Nothing but cool air touched his thighs, and since Sorin hadn’t been wearing any underwear after getting dressed the last time, it left him completely exposed from the waist down.

  His dick stood at attention, as if saluting Lucian, and when Lucian’s mouth came down, his wickedly pink tongue came out and slid against the head of Sorin’s cock.

  Sorin clamped his hands over his mouth to keep from making too much noise as he watched Lucian do that aga
in and again, treating his erection as if it was a tasty treat of some kind.

  And he was going to come again. This was really all it seemed to take to make him lose control because he was desperate for release. He wanted to come. He wanted to see his cum on Lucian’s face because suddenly that seemed like the hottest thing he could ever imagine.

  That desire became so much worse as Lucian put his wet lips around the whole head of Sorin’s cock and sucked hard, moaning before he released Sorin’s prick with a popping noise that made Sorin fall onto his back on the bed.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve thought about doing that to you,” Lucian said, and his powerful hand, the hand that could probably crush skulls if he put the effort into it, was gentle as he cupped and rolled Sorin’s balls.

  Sorin’s back arched against his will. The pleasure wound him up tight, and he had no control over it. He shouted through his hands, his toes curling, feeling the threat of an orgasm right there, just within reach and begging to come out.

  He wanted it. Sorin felt suddenly empty, and he wanted Lucian’s cock inside him, stretching him wide open and filling him up.

  He wanted to ask for it, wanted to beg for it, but the only thing that came from his mouth was a hard gasp when he felt that warm, wet mouth tightly squeeze around the head of his cock again.

  Lucian was so good at that. It was kind of ridiculous. Sorin thought that maybe he should be the one doing this, that he should be in Lucian’s position, giving him this kind of love and affection.

  Lucian was a powerful alpha. That he was on his knees, that he was the one doing this to Sorin, seemed almost wrong. Sorin wanted to do this to Lucian.

  But his body was on fire. He couldn’t get the words out make that desire known, and he was too greedy. Even if he could speak, he didn’t think he would have the strength to tell Lucian to stop.

  In fact, the way his hips moved, slowly thrusting up into Lucian’s mouth again and again, his body working as if it had a mind of its own, it was as if he was begging the man to never stop.

  Lucian’s warm, large hands began moving up and down the length of Sorin’s thighs, his touch hot but then leaving cold trails and goosebumps wherever he went.

  Sorin would die from the sensation. His body spasmed uncontrollably. He puffed and panted for breath and couldn’t seem to get enough.

  There was no air in the room. He would suffocate, and he would do it the happiest man on the planet because this felt too damned good to stop.

  Sorin couldn’t seem to orgasm, however. The pleasure, the heat, and the building tension in his cock and balls, behind his stomach and in his curled toes, none of it seemed to be enough to bring him over that edge of release.

  The other orgasms. It was the only explanation he had. His body was still sensitive to Lucian’s touch, he was still in the throes of a mating heat, as Lucian called it, but after having so many orgasms that day already, it was clear his body was having some difficulty producing another.

  Sorin let his fingers slide thorough Lucian’s dark hair. He wished it were longer. He’d never had the urge to grip and pull on someone’s hair like this, but in that moment, it was the only thing he wanted to do.

  “In…inside me. Please,” Sorin begged.

  Lucian pulled his mouth away from the length of Sorin’s cock. When he looked up at Sorin, his lips were a dark shade of pink, glistening from moisture, and it was enough to make Sorin moan from the erotic sight.

  He had to pull himself together and do it quickly. “I want you. Hurry up and get inside me. I can’t take it anymore.”

  Those red eyes gleamed like rubies in a firelight, and when Lucian pushed himself to his feet, Sorin knew he was about to get what he’d been desperately craving all this time.

  “Wait here,” Lucian said, his voice harsh and gasping.

  As if Sorin had the strength in his body to go anywhere. If he had, he might have followed Lucian into the bathroom and jumped the man right then and there for more sex.

  Right. It seemed that wasn’t going to happen, but luckily Lucian came back quickly with a bottle of moisturizer.

  Sorin smiled at the bottle.

  Lucian wiggled it at him. “This what you want?”

  Sorin nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Get out of your clothes,” Lucian commanded, already stripping himself.

  Sorin blinked, and he had to get himself to pay attention at that point because watching Lucian expose inch after inch of perfectly toned, tanned flesh, the tight muscles of his abdomen and chest…it made Sorin’s heart pound harder and faster.

  Right, he needed to do the same. Sorin did as he was told.

  He wasn’t scrawny by any means, but he could hardly say that he had the sort of muscle definition he was happy with. Which was to say, almost none at all. Comparing his own body to Lucian’s might not have been the best move in the world because all he wanted to do was cover up.

  No, not going to do that. For the first time in his life, Sorin’s dick seemed to be thinking clearly for him, and he made sure to keep himself exposed.

  If Lucian wanted him naked so they could have sex, then Sorin was going to get naked.

  The dragon shifter crawled onto the bed, coming closer and closer to Sorin like an animal, his eyes still gleaming as if he was focusing in on prey.

  And Sorin loved it. A delicious shiver rippled through his body as Lucian climbed on top of him, looking down at him as if Sorin was something to be consumed.

  He was already being consumed. There was no going back from this.

  Sorin wanted to do something. He didn’t just want to lie here helplessly and let Lucian do all the work. He lifted his hands, touching the sides and back of Lucian’s neck before curling his arms around them, and holding the alpha close, he lifted his hips without being told.

  And for the fun of it, Sorin let his slightly more adventurous side out to play as he curled his leg around Lucian’s waist.

  Lucian grinned at him, showing off his white teeth and fangs in the process.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” he said, squirting some of the lotion into his hand. “And then you’re going to drink from me.”

  Sorin nodded. “Sex and a snack. Sounds about right.”

  Lucian laughed at him, kissed him, and then Sorin moaned and squirmed as he felt two thick, wet fingers pressing against the muscle of his asshole before pushing inside.

  And it was the best Sorin had ever felt in his entire life.

  Chapter Nine

  Lucian struggled against the creature inside him as the heated clench of Sorin’s hole gripped his fingers tightly. A preview of what was to come with his cock inside the man, where it belonged.

  He and his dragon had always been one and the same. There had never been any internal battle with that piece of himself before.

  But now, now it was completely different. Lucian’s scales started to come out, just as they had when he’d attacked Van.

  Okay, he needed to stop thinking about that because if he didn’t let it go, like right now, he was going to lose his damned mind.

  He was with his mate. That was the only place he needed to be right now.

  “Turn onto your side,” Lucian said.

  God, he couldn’t seem to catch his breath. He felt as if he’d just finished a round of sparring with the guys and needed to recover.

  Sorin did as he was told, looking back at Lucian with darkly colored cheeks, and sexy half-lidded eyes. “Like this?”

  Lucian’s cock jumped, his testicles tightening. “Exactly like that,” he moaned.

  Being with Sorin was enough to make him feel so out of breath, to make him react like this when he was so desperate to make the claim.

  That first time hadn’t counted. He hadn’t known then, and now he could do it right. Now he could savor it. No guilt. Nothing to hold him back.

  Lucian set himself behind Sorin’s body, sliding up behind him.

  “Lift your leg, just like before. That’s it, curl it back
behind my thigh.”

  Sorin smiled. “This is new.”

  What kind of sex had he been having before Lucian had made it to him? It was possible he was just shy in bed. People like that existed.

  Lucian couldn’t let himself get paranoid about whether or not he was taking Sorin’s innocence. Clearly, if that was the case, that ship had already sailed earlier that day.

  He hoped it wasn’t the case. As much as Lucian wanted to be Sorin’s first, he didn’t like the idea of Sorin’s first time, much less his first time with a mate, being as careless as it had been when he’d begged Lucian for sex.

  Lucian thrust his fingers deeper inside of Sorin’s hole. He scissored them, again and again, spreading his fingers apart and hooking them, finding his sweet spot and stroking it.

  The reaction from Sorin was obvious, and Lucian smiled, kissing the back of Sorin’s neck. He had a small mole there. Lucian decided right then and there that he loved that mole.

  Sorin thrust against Lucian’s hand, fucking himself on Lucian’s fingers as if he would lose any sense of control if he didn’t.

  Lucian growled behind him, hardly able to ignore the throb in his own cock as his mate moved so wantonly and wild on top of him.

  “That’s it,” Lucian said, pressing a biting kiss to the side of Sorin’s throat. “You like my fingers inside your ass, don’t you?”

  Sorin nodded, his eyes clenched tightly shut.

  Lucian glanced around his body, noting the color of his cock, and that looked painful.

  “You want me to make it better?” he asked, removing his fingers, taking his cock by the base and pressing the head against Sorin’s stretched hole.

  It wasn’t enough. There was no way that would have been enough stretching, but Lucian couldn’t help himself.

  Sorin nodded, moaning brokenly even when he felt the thick head of Lucian’s erection against his hole. “Oh God, yeah.”

  Lucian kissed him again. “You’re mine after this. I won’t let anyone touch you ever again.”


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