Calming a Demon Heart

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Calming a Demon Heart Page 9

by Charlie Richards

  “I’m so sorry,” Vane stated. “You’re right. I should never have left you. I deserve any lecture you want to give.”

  Matt actually smiled a bit. “That’s true, but I do understand why you did it.” He brought his other hand around to cup Vane’s jaw, tracing his lips with his thumb. “I just wish you would have asked for my help. That’s what partners do. They help each other, stand beside each other.”

  Vane grimaced. “I’ve never involved someone in my problems before. I didn’t want to burden you.”

  Humming, Matt released him. Immediately, Vane missed the contact. Matt bent his legs and rolled to his knees. He patted the bed. “Take off your loincloth and get up here, Vane. It’s time I claim your ass.”

  Feeling his brow ridges shoot up, Vane slowly rose to his feet. While his fingers went to the ties of his loincloth, he struggled to process Matt’s sudden command. He hesitated. “Y-You’re gonna claim me?”

  Matt snorted, pulling a tube of lube from his robe’s pocket. Then, he took off the garment and laid it across the foot of the bed, revealing a thick erection that jutted from his groin. “That’s right, Vane.” His grin took on a feral appearance, his eyes narrowing as he swept his gaze up and down Vane’s body. Gripping his dick, he jacked himself slowly. “You claimed me. Now it’s my turn,” he stated.

  Pointing at the bed again, Matt’s expression sobered. “This is a partnership, Vane. A give and take. It’s time to complete our bond,” he urged, extending his hand, palm-up.

  Vane took in his mate, kneeling on the bed. The offer in his expression remained clear. Take my hand and allow me to claim you, so you never have to be alone again. Vane shivered as the idea slithered through his mind, flooding his body with desire and…hope.

  Slowly, Vane reached out and took Matt’s hand.

  Matt beamed at him, his smile brightening his eyes. He squeezed Vane’s hand as he urged him onto the bed. Once kneeling opposite him, Matt released his hand and skimmed his fingers up his arm, then across his chest. His second hand lifted and settled on his opposite pec.

  Leaning forward, Matt placed a feather light kiss to Vane’s mouth, brushing softly from side to side. Tingles spread from his lips, down his neck, making his nipples bead. His cock thickened and ached in his loincloth and he quickly yanked the ties of his covering, freeing his erection. He tossed the fabric aside.

  Vane settled one hand on his lover’s naked waist, massaging the firm flesh of his human’s hip. Cupping Matt’s nape and jaw with one hand, Vane pressed his thumb into the corner of his human’s mouth. He tried to press forward, to deepen the kiss, wanting, once again to experience his lover’s exquisite taste.

  It felt so good to touch Matt again, to hold him…but his mate pulled back, applying gentle pressure to his chest.

  Blinking, trying to get his thoughts in order, Vane lifted his head and murmured, “Huh?”

  Matt smiled. He slid his hands up over Vane’s shoulders to his neck, wrapping his arms around him. Suddenly, Matt lunged forward, crashing his body into Vane’s. He lost his balance and tumbled backward, sprawling on the bed. With his legs splayed, he felt an equally hard shaft pressing against his own as he found himself with an armful of Matt.

  Smiling, Matt peered down at him and purred, “Hey,” just as he began rocking his hips, putting pressure and friction along Vane’s cock.

  Vane gasped and bucked back, rutting up into his human. Heat coiled in his belly as his groin tightened, his balls rolling in their sacks. Tightening his grip on Matt’s hip, Vane bucked up, grinding against his lover.

  “Easy, Vane,” Matt crooned. He unwound his arms and massaged the tendons of his neck. “Just relax for me. We’re not in any hurry.”

  Forcing his eyelids open—Vane wasn’t entirely certain when he’d closed them—he peered up at his lover. Matt smiled down at him, telling Vane that he hadn’t done anything wrong.

  Matt must have read the confusion in Vane’s eyes, for he leaned down and gently sipped at his lips, first his lower, then his upper. Lifting his head again, Matt smiled at him. “We always seem to be in such a rush,” he whispered. “Let me enjoy you.”

  Vane forced himself to loosen his grip. He petted the skin he’d clutched so tightly, enjoying the way it goose-bumped and rippled under his touch. Swallowing, struggling to find his voice, Vane asked roughly, “What did you have in mind?”

  “I’ll show you,” Matt promised.

  Planting his hands on either side of Vane’s torso, Matt levered up. Once resting on his knees, he placed his hands on Vane’s chest. He traced his fingertips over Vane’s pecs, then pinched his nubs, making them harden into sharp points. Pleasant tingles spread over his chest and warmed his belly as he enjoyed his mate’s attentions.

  Vane had never had someone run their fingers over his hide, exploring and feeling him, just because they wanted to touch every inch of his flesh. Vane reveled in the look of wonder on Matt’s face, his expression almost as pleasurable as the light swipes of his fingertips, the massage of his palms, and the scrapes of his nails. The nerve endings of his skin danced at the treatment, sending his arousal soaring higher.

  Enjoying Matt’s touch was well worth the wait to ease the ache in his jutting shaft.

  Finally, Matt reached the crux of Vane’s thighs. He delved his thumbs into his crease and petted the sensitive skin around the base of his shaft. Vane found he couldn’t keep still. His hips twitched restlessly and his hands flexed. He fought the urge to grab his lover, roll him under him, and rut them both to completion.

  Matt chuckled softly, eyeing him knowingly. Releasing his hips, his mate grabbed Vane’s wrists in a gentle hold. He tensed, but Matt didn’t fight him, just waited for him to relax again. Finally, Vane found himself able to follow Matt’s urgings and lift his arms over his head. His lover guided his hands to the headboard.

  “Slide them under the edge there,” he urged. “That way, you won’t tear the sheets and any scratches in the wood won’t be too noticeable.” He winked, softening his chiding.

  To Vane, it felt an awful lot like being chained up, and he felt his erection flag. He swallowed hard, fixing his gaze on his lover as Matt leaned to the side of the bed and opened the nightstand drawer. He pulled out a single red rose and held it up for Vane to see.

  Smiling, Matt murmured, “I know Valentine’s Day is still a couple of days out, but I wanted to get you a rose anyway.”

  The tension that had begun to fill Vane almost instantly vanished. He smiled, flattered that his lover would want to do something so sweet for him. “I’ve never gotten flowers before,” he admitted.

  Matt glanced sheepishly at it. “I know red is supposed to mean love, and I’ll be honest that even though I want to build a relationship with you, I don’t know about love, yet.” He shrugged. “I know I miss you when you’re not with me. I know I think about you constantly. I always look forward to the next time I can see you. And I know it pissed me the hell off when you wouldn’t let me help you.”

  With one hand planted on the bed beside Vane’s head, Matt leaned over him and gently traced his lips with the soft petals. Vane shivered from the light contact just as much as the intense look filling his mate’s hazel eyes.

  “I guess that could definitely be love, right?” Matt whispered.

  Vane’s heart thudded hard in his chest. While he knew gargoyles grew to love their fated mate quickly, he hadn’t held much hope that Matt would come to care for him like that, especially after he’d pushed him away, time and time again.

  “Our mating will get easier,” Vane vowed. “I’ll prove I’m worthy of your love.”

  Matt shook his head, even as he chuckled. “Ah, now you listen to me, my dear gargoyle. You are already worthy of my love.” Matt leaned closer, his lips hovering beside Vane’s ear. The soft puff of his mate’s breath as he spoke sent shivers dancing across Vane’s skin.

  “You’re mine, gargoyle, and I am yours,” Matt stated. “W
e’re gonna figure out this damn relationship and build a life together. Got it?”

  Vane’s eyes widened. His breathing sped up. “Yes, my mate.” Nothing had ever sounded so good.

  “Excellent.” Matt smirked. “Now, before either of us gets too maudlin. Lie back and relax, while I see how sensitive this sexy hide of yours is.”

  No longer tense or fearful of having his arms held in place over his head, even if by his own direction, Vane grinned up at Matt. In fact, he suddenly felt eager to see what his human would do. Holding his lover’s gaze, Vane stated, “Do your worst.”

  Matt chuckled softly in his ear. “Oh, no, lover. I’m gonna do my best.”

  The softly purred words sent shivers down Vane’s spine and he could hardly wait.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lowering his head further, Matthew nuzzled his gargoyle’s neck. He didn’t know if he’d ever get used to the feel of Vane’s leathery hide as opposed to regular skin. Actually, Matthew hoped the awe of feeling the huge gargoyle’s natural mottled red skin never faded.

  Matthew used the hand on Vane’s neck to get his lover to tilt his neck, giving him more access to the thick tendons. He nipped the muscles, using more force than he’d ever dream of using on a human.

  Vane grunted and shuddered beneath him. Matthew saw the muscles in Vane’s arms strain as he tightened his grip on the headboard. Just to see that reaction again, Matthew bit his lover’s neck again.

  “Fuck, Matt,” Vane groaned. “Never thought that’d feel good.”

  It suddenly hit Matthew that that spot was about where Vane had bitten him on his own neck. He’d loved it when Vane had bitten him, the harder the better. He didn’t have canines like shifters or gargoyles, but he could bite. Opening his jaws a little wider, Matthew took a little better position, and clamped down on Vane…hard.

  After a few seconds of applied pressure, Matthew felt the thick hide give. Blood seeped slowly around his teeth, hitting his senses with an oddly sweet and tangy, metallic flavor. He nearly yanked his mouth away, but then he heard Vane moan. His lover’s body bowed beneath him, his hips rocking, searching for friction. Matthew moved his knee up, pressing his thigh into his gargoyle’s balls.

  Vane roared.

  Warm fluid soaked Matthew’s upper thigh and groin. Several hot streams even nailed Matthew’s own throbbing cock and he shuddered, just managing to fight back his own need to come. Breathing heavily, he carefully pulled his teeth free. He stared at the bloody mark on his lover’s neck for a few seconds as he licked his lips. After glancing at his gargoyle’s blissed-out expression, Matthew leaned down and licked at the wound, lapping up the slowly oozing blood.

  Grunting, Vane shivered. He released the headboard and wrapped his arms around Matthew’s torso, petting his back in slow, languid strokes. “Holy shit, Matt. Never thought you’d be willing to do that.” Vane turned his head and pressed a kiss to his temple.

  Matthew lifted his head, happy to see the bleeding had stopped. From the information he’d received from Kort a few days before, he knew gargoyles healed quickly and the wound hadn’t been deep, but as the saying went—seeing was believing. Finally, Matthew looked at Vane. “Why? What do you mean? I knew I needed to drink your blood to complete our bond, so how else would I do it?”

  Vane nuzzled his temple, sighing. “I’ve heard most paranormals will cut themselves somewhere, giving their mate access to their blood.”

  Pride flooding him, Matthew smiled. He held his lover’s gaze as he stated, “I wouldn’t have missed that little display for anything. Now—” He slowly rutted against Vane’s ridged abs. “It’s time to explore that sexy ass of yours.”

  Matthew watched Vane’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. He didn’t need to be a gargoyle to scent the male’s nervousness. Leaning down, Matthew ghosted a kiss over his lover’s mouth, rubbing once, twice.

  Murmuring against his lover’s thin lips, Matthew encouraged, “Don’t worry, my gargoyle. I told you I’d please you. I’ll make certain you’re good and ready. Begging me, even.”

  Vane didn’t look convinced, and Matthew knew actions spoke louder than words. He pulled his gargoyle’s lower lip into his mouth and sucked lightly for a second. When Vane’s arms tightened around him, Matthew slanted over his lover’s mouth. He thrust his tongue in deep, sweeping around Vane’s mouth, mimicking what he planned to do shortly to his lover’s ass.

  Tasting Vane, holding him close, touching him, wrapped in his embrace, Matthew felt contentment war with the lust coursing through his system. Nothing felt better than being held by his lover. Then, he felt Vane wrap his wings around them both, holding him close and the kiss deepened. Matthew writhed against his lover as they ate at each other’s mouths, the feral kiss all teeth and tongues.

  When breathing became paramount, Matthew jerked his head up a bit. He gasped for breath. Sparks danced along his spine in the wake of the light scratching of Vane’s claws, centering in the base of his spine. His cock throbbed where it was trapped between their bodies.

  Matthew groaned and pressed his forehead against Vane’s sternum. With more self-control than he thought he had left, he managed to still his hips. “Stop,” he pleaded. “Want your ass. Want to show you the pleasure—” He shivered.

  “Easy,” Vane purred as his touch became soothing.

  Breathing deeply, Matthew slowly managed to get his heart-rate under control. “Damn,” he muttered. “The things you do to me.” Matthew loved and hated how swiftly his gargoyle set his blood to boiling. He looked forward to nights of marathon sex as well as long, slow, nearly-torturous love-making. There were so many things he wanted to experience with this gargoyle. First, though, he had to get his shit together and finish claiming his man.

  With his goal firmly in mind, Matthew eased away from his lover and back up onto his knees. “For your first time, it’s easier if you lay on your stomach, but I’ll let you decide.”

  For a few seconds, Vane stared up at him. With his expression relaxed and sated, Matthew had a hard time deciding what his lover was thinking. Vane finally nodded once. “I trust you,” he whispered as he pulled up his legs, rolled over onto his stomach, and stretched back out again.

  Matthew’s confusion at Vane’s words disappeared as soon as he got a look at his gargoyle’s back. Scars, thin white trails criss-crossed his hide, starting between where his wings connected with his shoulder blades all the way down to his ass.

  Biting back a curse, Matthew swallowed hard. Someone had taken a whip or switch, or something to his gargoyle’s back—hell, on more than one occasion. It occurred to Matthew, that the only time he’d seen Vane allow someone at his back was when he was trying to protect him.

  “Oh, my sexy gargoyle,” he crooned. “So much sadness in your past.” Matthew met Vane’s look as he peered over his shoulder at him, and he smiled. “Allow me to bring you some joy.”

  Vane smiled up at him, he deep red eyes serene. “You already have.”

  Wanting to lift the mood, Matthew slowly crawled over his lover to lie across the man, carefully gauging Vane’s reaction as he moved. When all he noted was a bit of tightness in his shoulders, he lowered his groin and rutted his swollen erection along the valley of Vane’s ass.

  “How about I bring a little bliss your way, then?”

  Grinning back, Vane teased, “Didn’t you do that, too?”

  Barking a laugh, Matthew leaned down and bit his lover’s ear. He heard Vane hiss, but it was a pleased sound, not one of pain, telling him his gargoyle enjoyed it. Sucking the lobe into his mouth, Matthew massaged the flesh, teasing it with his tongue to take away the sting. Next, he pressed a series of kisses across his lover’s jaw to the corner of his mouth, then down his neck.

  Matthew lifted his head and placed his hands on Vane’s shoulders, tracing the broad expanse of bone and muscle. He gently kneaded and massaged, squeezing and pushing, encouraging his lover to relax. Relief filled Matthew when
the muscles under his palms smoothed.

  Working his way down Vane’s back with his mouth, Matthew alternated between sucking and nipping the nobs of his spine and licking and kissing the pale thin lines on either side of it. With his hands, he stroked over where his lover’s wings met his shoulder-blades, then up and along the thick ligaments that made up the top of his wing. Vane shivered under his touch, goose-bumps breaking out over his sides. He shifted restlessly below him.

  Matthew smiled at his lover’s responses. He especially liked how when he caressed Vane’s leathery wings, his gargoyle’s wings twitched and he started shifting his hips. Matthew lifted his head just a bit—and making certain he blew warm air over the wet flesh as he spoke—he whispered, “Like how that feels, gargoyle?”

  “Y-Yeah,” Vane stuttered, gasping. “N-Never had anyone—”

  Vane ended on a grunt, as that was when Matthew swiped his tongue along the sensitive skin at the top of his crease. Matthew grinned, enjoying not only the way Vane tasted—musky and earthy—but also the way his gargoyle’s hips moved restlessly. It let him know that the male was once again becoming aroused.

  Matthew skimmed his hands over Vane’s hips and gripped the sides of his ass. Pulling the cheeks apart, he revealed the gargoyle’s valley. He wasted no time sliding his tongue deeper. He inhaled his lover’s masculine scent, the smell causing his own cock to bob between his legs. Anticipation built in Matthew, and he struggled not to rush as he nipped and licked the sensitive flesh revealed to him.

  Finally, finally, he reached the star of muscle where he desperately wanted to sink his aching shaft. He swiped his tongue over Vane’s hole, massaging and relaxing the entrance, soaking it in spit. Sliding his hands back to his lover’s hips, with gentle urgings, he helped his gargoyle gain his knees.

  Once Matthew heard Vane’s grunts of pleasure, he stiffened his tongue and pressed it into his lover’s hole. Vane stilled in his grip, but Matthew didn’t stop, wanting to get his lover used to the feeling of something moving inside him. He slid his tongue out, then pressed back in again.


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