Bob was finally late for supper, which he ate hastily and without muchappetite. After finishing the meal, he hunted up Welton. He found thelumberman tilted back in a wooden armchair, his feet comfortablyelevated to the low rail about the stove, his pipe in mouth, his coatoff, and his waistcoat unbuttoned. At the sight of his homely, jollycountenance, Bob experienced a pleasant sensation of slipping back froman environment slightly off-focus to the normal, accustomed and real.Nevertheless, at the first opportunity, he tested his new doubts byWelton's common sense.
"I rode through our slash on 18," he remarked. "That's an awful mess."
"Slashes are," replied Welton succinctly.
"If the thing gets afire it will make a hot blaze."
"Sure thing," agreed Welton. "But we've never had one go yet--at least,while we were working. There's men enough to corral anything like that."
"But we've always worked in a wet country," Bob pointed out. "Here it'sdry from April till October."
"Have to take chances, then; and jump on a fire quick if it starts,"said Welton philosophically.
"These forest men advise certain methods of obviating the danger," Bobsuggested.
"Pure theory," returned Welton. "The theory's a good one, too," headded. "That's where these college men are strong--only it isn'tpractical. They mean well enough, but they haven't the knowledge. Whenyou look at anything broad enough, it looks easy. That's what busts somany people in the lumber business." He rolled out one of his jollychuckles. "Lumber barons!" he chortled. "Oh, it's easy enough! Anymossback can make money lumbering! Here's your stumpage at a dollar athousand, and there's your lumber at twenty! Simplest thing in theworld. Just the same there are more failures in the lumber business thanin any other I know anything about. Why is it?"
"Economic waste," put in Merker, who was leaning across the counter.
"Lack of experience," said Bob.
"A little of both," admitted Welton; "but it's more because the businessis made up of ten thousand little businesses. You have to conduct acruising business, and a full-fledged real estate and mortgage business;you have to build houses and factories, make roads, build railroads; youhave to do a livery trade, and be on the market for a thousand littlethings. Between the one dollar you pay for stumpage and the twentydollars you get for lumber lies all these things. Along comes yourhardware man and says, Here, why don't you put in my new kind of sparkarrestor; think how little it costs; what's fifty dollars to ahalf-million-dollar business? The spark arrester's a good thing allright, so you put it in. And then there's maybe a chance to use a littlepaint and make the shanties look like something besides shanties; thatdon't cost much, either, to a half-million-dollar business. And so onthrough a thousand things. And by and by it's costing twenty dollars andone cent to get your lumber to market; and it's B-U-S-T, bust!"
"That's economic waste," put in Merker.
"Or lack of experience," added Bob.
"No," said Welton, emphasizing his point with his pipe; _"it's notsticking to business!_ It's not stripping her down to the barenecessities! It's going in for frills! When you get to be as old as Iam, you learn not to monkey with the band wagon."
His round, red face relaxed into one of his good-humoured grins, and herelit his pipe.
"That's the trouble with this forestry monkey business. It's all rightto fool with, if you want fooling. So's fancy farming. But it don't pay.If you are playing, why, it's all right to experiment. If you ain't,why, it's a good plan to stick to the methods of lumbering. The presentsystem of doing things has been worked out pretty thorough by a lot ofpretty shrewd business men. And it _works!"_
Bob laughed.
"Didn't know you could orate to that extent," he gibed. "Sic'em!"
Welton grinned a trifle abashed. "You don't want to get me started,then," said he.
"Oh, but I do!" Bob objected, for the second time that day.
"Now this slashing business," went on the old lumberman in a moremoderate tone. "When the millennium comes, it would be a fine thing toclear up the old slashings." He turned suddenly to Bob. "How long do youthink it would take you with a crew of a dozen men to cut and pile thewaste stuff in 18?" he inquired.
Bob cast back the eye of his recollection to the hopeless tangle thatcumbered the ground.
"Oh, Lord!" he ejaculated; "don't ask me!"
"If you were running a business would you feel like stopping work andsending your men--whom you are feeding and paying--back there to pile upthat old truck?"
Bob's mind, trained to the eager hurry of the logging season, recoiledfrom this idea in dismay.
"I should say not!" he cried. Then as a second thought he added: "Butwhat they want is to pile the tops while the work is going on."
"It takes just so much time to do so much work," stated Weltonsuccinctly, "and it don't matter whether you do it all at once, or tryto fool yourself by spraddling it out."
He pulled strongly at his pipe.
"Forest Reserves are all right enough," he acknowledged, "and maybe someday their theories will work out. But not now; not while taxes go on!"
The Rules of the Game Page 52