Dangerously Deceived (Aegis Group Lepta Team, #3)

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Dangerously Deceived (Aegis Group Lepta Team, #3) Page 5

by Sidney Bristol

An idea popped into his head. Before he could think it through, he launched in. “How about this? I think we should do a test. Like scientists.”

  “What kind of a test?” she shifted, leaning on the arm rest until their shoulders almost touched, her face close enough he could smell the sweet drink on her breath.

  “A kiss test.”

  Her gaze dipped to his mouth then back up. “Kiss test?”


  “What do you hope to learn in this kiss test?”

  “Well, what your drink tastes like on your lips, for starters.”

  Her pupils flared and the blue of her eyes shrank. “How are we evaluating this kiss? Is there criteria we’re judging by?”

  “Of course.”

  Vaughn leaned in. Her lips parted, and she sucked in a breath the moment before their mouths met. Another jolt of awareness shot through him, lighting his blood on fire. He reached up and cupped her face. She groaned and slid her hand around to the back of his head.

  It was the kind of kiss that would get out of control. She had to feel the same thing he did.

  He turned his head and sucked down air. Her breath warmed his cheek, her fingers massaging his neck. He couldn’t decide if the kiss was amazing or a mistake. Now that he’d touched her, he wanted to keep touching her.

  “So how are we judging it?” Carla’s voice was a purr, throaty and sensual.

  He locked eyes with her, their faces still so close together. “I give it a ten.”

  “A ten?” Her brows rose. “Are you sure?”

  “You aren’t?” Hell, was he wrong about her?

  “I think I need something to compare it to.” One side of her mouth hitched up.

  Vaughn was still stuck on her not agreeing with him.

  She pulled him to her for a hungry, open-mouthed kiss. Her tongue teased his lips. He parted for her, letting her in. The cabin was too warm, the space too small for the heat building between them. He stroked his hand down her back and wished they didn’t have so much space between them.

  He nipped her lower lip, startling a gasp out of her. Then it was his turn to possess her mouth. She stretched toward him, the glasses clinking as they were caught between them.

  The plane dipped and shuddered.

  Carla sat back and blinked at the screen displaying their flight route. A little green box popped up flashing TURBULANCE.

  She locked eyes with him again. “Better or worse?”

  “Better, but maybe we need a third, just to make sure.” He took her other hand, the one gripping the arm rest, and tugged.

  She unbuckled her seatbelt and straddled his lap before he could make his suggestion clearer. Hot damn she was something else. He sat up straighter and cupped the back of her head, shaking tendrils of hair out of the elastic.

  “For scientific purposes,” she whispered.

  “Serious science.”

  She chuckled against his lips.

  Vaughn kissed her, losing himself in the moment. Her body pressed against his, their sexes so close together. Her hands dug into his hair and their mouths collided. This time it was frantic as though they both needed more of this thing building between them. He gripped her hips and pulled her closer while her hands slid down over his shirt. He’d never hated a Kevlar vest more than he did in that moment.

  He didn’t do complicated.

  Carla was ten kinds of complicated, except in this moment it wasn’t.

  He wanted her, and he was pretty certain she wanted him, too.

  CARLA WISHED SHE’D finished that last drink. Ashton was a heavy pour, but it took a whole lot more vodka for her to claim the alcohol made her do it. No, this moment, her lips on Vaughn’s and their bodies pressed against each other, it was all her trying to feed this deep, yearning void inside of her.

  She wanted what Ashton and Jared had. Love. But for the time being, unless she met the most understanding man in the world, the best she’d get was sex. And she was fairly certain sex with Vaughn would be life changing. Her weak arguments against this fling were crumbling. She had Ashton’s blessing and judging by the erection pressing against her, Vaughn was willing.

  There was no denying they both felt the chemistry. It was powerful. Magnetic. And she wanted to just give in. But was Vaughn willing?

  She broke the kiss and stared down into his dark, lust filled gaze. His stubble rasped against her fingers as she slid her hand along his jaw. He was aroused. Because of her. What were the chances she could tease him into doing more before they both thought better of it?

  Reality was just outside the cabin doors.

  For these moments she was going to forget what was right and go with what felt good. And right now his fingers digging into her hips were pretty damn nice.

  She shifted, but his hold was too tight to allow her much room to move. Instead she wound up grinding their sexes together.

  Vaughn tipped his head back and muttered, “Fucking hell.”

  “Don’t give me ideas.” She kissed his cheek then sat back.

  “Oh, I’ve got ideas.”

  “Care to share?”

  Vaughn studied her from under heavy lids. His dark brown hair was messy. His shirt a bit rumpled. Despite the nice clothes, there was an edge to him. As if he couldn’t be domesticated. That rough edge did it for her. She’d never liked pretty boys, much to her roommates’ disappointment. No, her tastes ran Vaughn’s way.

  Hot enough to burn, rough enough to feel good.

  She leaned forward and teased the silver hoop in his ear with her finger.

  “This deal, spell it out for me. What did I sign earlier?” He slid his hands down her thighs.

  “Just a standard NDA. You didn’t sign away your life or anything.” She lifted a shoulder. “It’s to protect Ashton in case you decide to disclose the nature of his relationships. You really should read things you sign, you know?”

  “What are your rules? I don’t give a fuck about him right now. In fact, I don’t want to talk about any other man right now. Understand?”

  Carla snorted. “He’s gay.”

  “My caveman brain doesn’t care right now. He has a dick.”

  She had the silliest urge to preen right now, but doubted he’d appreciate that. “We keep things discrete. In public, you’re a bodyguard. In private, it’s whatever we want.”

  “So long as no one knows? My team?”

  “Can’t know.”

  “And you’re okay with this?”

  Her heart ached. “It’s not permanent. Someday Ash is going to come out and then...”

  “What other rules?” He curled his fingers around the back of her knees.

  “Condoms. Everything else is up for discussion at the right time.”

  He pulled her forward, his arms flexing. She braced her hands on his shoulders.

  Vaughn kissed her lips, but kept it brief.

  “What about right now?” he whispered.

  “What about it?”

  “Do you want me as much as I want you?”

  “I don’t know. I am kind of wet.”

  “Kind of?” He grasped her by the wrist and slid her hand down his chest.

  She reached between them and ran her fingers along the ridge of his erection straining behind his zipper.

  “Did you want to put this to good use?” she asked.

  “Do you have a use for it?”

  “I’m fairly certain I could find one or two.”

  Vaughn slid his fingers into her hair and pulled her to him for another deep kiss that left her breathless and her body tingling. His fingers caressed her back, just under her shirt, teasing the skin. Fuck that. She knew what she wanted.

  Carla reached down, grabbed the hem and pulled the shirt up and off. She stared at Vaughn’s face. This moment told her a lot about a man, what they thought of her. It was a fact that she was curvy and for some men that was a turn off and their loss.

  Then there were men who looked at her like Vaughn did, with hungry eyes. He lick
ed his lips, and a thrill raced through her.

  This was going to be good.

  “God damn,” he muttered, his gaze locked on her breasts.

  And here she’d just happened to wear one of her pretty bras. This was shaping up to be one lucky day.

  Vaughn bent his head, kissing down her sternum then tracing the edge of each cup. She braced her hand on the bulkhead above her and closed her eyes. It was more than a little insane that she’d met this man this morning and already she wanted him. But she wasn’t going to fight it. Not right now.

  Vaughn released the catch of her bra. She shrugged the garment off and tossed it in her seat. He leaned forward, his warm breath heating her skin while his hands cupped her breasts. She shivered at the touch and let her eyes drift shut only to gasp when his lips wrapped around her nipple and sucked.

  She shifted her hips, rubbing against him as the onslaught of lust intensified the longer the toyed with her breasts.

  “God damn,” he muttered again, voice strained. “How wet are you now?”


  He glanced around their cabin. “Fucking tiny spaces.”

  “There’s plenty of room right here.” She arched her back, her breasts against his chest. She liked what he’d been doing.

  “I’m an on top kind of guy.”

  She grinned at him. “On top is my favorite, so tough.”

  His dark eyes glittered. “Maybe we can flip for it next time?”

  “You’re talking pretty big if you think there’ll be a next time before the first time.” She hoped there’d be a second time. She was hungry for this and she hadn’t even had him yet.

  “I’m pretty confident I’ve got the moves.”

  The way he was looking at her, she felt like a sex goddess. It was going to her head, and she didn’t care.

  Carla leaned in and bumped his nose with hers. “Well, prove it.”

  “Think you can keep from screaming my name?”

  “Think you’re good enough to make me?”

  “I know I am.”

  She chuckled, totally entranced by his cocky attitude. “Once again, prove it.”

  “I will. Up.” He patted her hip.

  She stood, her legs a little shaky.

  Vaughn sat up and made quick work of the button on her pants. He pealed both her slacks and panties off her, leaving her in the silver necklace and wedge heels. It was utterly ridiculous and yet she didn’t care.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” His hungry, wolfish eyes were already eating her up. It had been ages since anyone looked at her like this and she wanted it to last.

  Vaughn wrapped an arm around her and brought her to stand between his legs. He buried his face between her breasts while his other hand cupped her mound. His fingers slid along her folds, exploring her. She tipped her head back, fully aware of how aroused she was. It was almost embarrassing, and yet she didn’t give a damn in that moment what he thought so long as he didn’t stop. She clutched his shoulders and groaned her pleasure while he nuzzled and kissed at her body.

  Far too soon he sat back, robbing her of his heat. She braced her hands on the bulkhead and stared down at him watching her.

  It wasn’t just her. She could see his arousal in his eyes. The way he touched her, how he spoke. This was genuine, and she was so hungry for it.

  Vaughn loosened his belt and undid the button on his pants. It really was a shame they didn’t have a bed. She wanted him naked. She wanted the freedom to explore every inch of him and make sure he was just as hungry as she was. But she’d take what she could get for now.

  He pulled his wallet out from his pocket and produced a condom. She was grateful he was prepared because she wasn’t. Then he was doing what really mattered, unzipping his pants.

  He sat back and rolled the protection on.

  She swallowed and her stomach did little flip flops.

  He was big everywhere and thank goodness she was tall enough for this ride. She fully expected to get off, at least once.

  Vaughn reached for her, taking her by the hand. She perched one knee on either side of his thighs, straddling his lap again, only this time there was nothing between them. He pulled her down for a kiss, his fingers tugging just hard enough her scalp prickled with that pleasure filled pain feeling.

  His cock pressed against her, hot, hard and needy. She grasped him by the shaft and lifted up.

  His hand covered hers. “Look at me.”

  She glanced up and their gazes locked. He guided her, sliding his cock between her folds. She tilted her hips until—there. He was at her entrance. She eased down, watching his cheeks sink in and his eyes blaze with desire. Arousal coursed through her, easing his penetration. She planted one hand on the seatback behind him and lifted.

  The plane lurched. She pitched forward, his length sliding deeper inside of her, and he caught her around the waist.

  “Fuck, you feel good. You okay?” His voice was tight, restrained.


  He leaned in and kissed her mouth. Slowly her body eased around him, accepting into her body while his hands stroked her skin and his lips made love to her. She squeezed her internal muscles around him and he shuddered, those muscles rippling under her hands.

  “Carla—damn,” he groaned.

  “Yeah?” she chuckled.

  “Don’t do that unless you want me to come.”

  “My bad.” She kissed his cheek, giving herself over to the pleasure of the moment. She’d gotten good at living in the moment, at enjoying what she had. And right now that was Vaughn.

  “I need...” His hands tightened on her waist.

  “Me, too,” she whispered.

  Carla lifted on shaky knees and let her eyes drift shut. Hot lips paid homage to her breasts, all while his length rubbed at just the right spots inside of her. Vaughn tightened his hold on her, bringing her down as he lifted his hips to meet hers. She groaned at the sensation of their bodies joining in pleasure.

  “More of that,” she said.


  She rose again, Vaughn guiding her, helping her. There was a strength in those arms she hadn’t been prepared for. He lifted her with one arm as though she weighed nothing, allowing her mind to focus on the pleasure of it.

  Fingers brushed her mound, finding her slick clit.

  Carla barely had the presence of mind to bite her lip as the first shudders of pleasure began. And hot damn if she didn’t want to shout his name, beg him to keep going. But she didn’t have to. Vaughn took over, moving her, thrusting into her with purpose all while his lips never left her skin. She held tight to him, the orgasm drawing out so long she thought she’d shatter into a million little pieces before he groaned his release and buried his face against her shoulder.

  In the cool air of the cabin, they sat there, twined around each other.

  This was special.

  She didn’t know how or why it was, just that what was going on between them didn’t happen every day.


  Friday. Aegis Group Headquarters, Cairo, Egypt.

  starts like this and changes. Carla peered out of the bathroom window into the courtyard below. Her experience with the rest of the world was confined to resorts and expensive hotels while traveling with Ashton. She was fascinated with the slice of real life she saw going on around her. The Aegis Group facility was, well, it looked like something out of a movie.

  The stone structure appeared to be a large rectangle situated around a central courtyard with wings on either side, a sturdy gate and the bulk of the rooms on the far end. The rooms she’d seen had beautiful carvings on the walls and the doors were heavy wood with scenes cut into them. Even the room she’d been shown to was a work of art with its tiled bathroom and the beautiful furniture.

  She glanced at the big bed with the halo of morning light falling across the pale sheets.

  What time was it and what time did her body think it was? Did it matter?

  As soon as they were
cleared to fly into Beirut they’d be wheels up, but it looked like that wouldn’t happen until tomorrow. Even if they were in Beirut tonight, the kidnappers weren’t communicating until Saturday, anyway.

  This whole thing didn’t sit right with her.

  Was this her over-active imagination taking over? Had she watched one too many action movies?

  She shoved her feet into ballet flats and peered out of the door.

  The hall was empty.

  Voices echoed, but that was due to all the stone.

  Vaughn wasn’t going to pop out from around a corner and scare her. And if he did, so what?

  She straightened her spine and walked across to Ashton’s room.

  Carla tapped her knuckles against the door, announcing herself with, “Hey, it’s me,” then let herself in.

  Ashton sat in an armchair facing a TV mounted to the wall. He glanced over his shoulder. “What if I was jerking off?”

  She shut the door behind her. “You weren’t.”

  He flipped a few channels, the words washing over her.

  Ashton’s room was smaller than the one she’d been given. The furniture still had that antique look. The bed was big, everything else tidy and neat. His bathroom wasn’t nearly as impressive as hers. She’d be spending an hour in that tub soon enough.

  She climbed up onto his bed and flopped down on her stomach, content to watch the blips of TV Ashton paused on. He reached behind him and she took his hand.

  “Why did you set Vaughn up?” It was the question she’d wanted to know. It was terrible timing for her to have a side piece, not to mention that she’d been feeling emotionally unstable lately. Restless. Vulnerable. Not a good place to have a fling.

  “Because Jared would have done it.”

  Carla’s throat closed up.

  Ashton was right on that front.

  Jared was the one who could take risks that pushed them out of their comfort zones. Hell, Ashton had admitted that the thing that got Jared hired beyond his skills was that Ashton was attracted to Jared. But if it had been left up to him to make the first move nothing would have ever happened. No, it was Jared who’d initiated the deeper relationship pushing boundaries and challenging Ashton to be his real self. Without Jared taking the lead, Ashton would have pretended to be happy from behind his desk.


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