Southern Attraction

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Southern Attraction Page 5

by Tracy Kauffman

  “Yes he is. I’m glad you made that revelation today. I believe your mom and dad are watching over you and protecting you too.”

  Mick walked over and gave Heather a hug and a pat on the back. “I believe that you were sent here for a reason. I’ve been alone for a while now, and I forgot to appreciate the simple things like having a place to sleep and food to eat. I’m glad you are here with me,” Mick said.

  “Me too.” Heather sniffled and wiped her eyes again.

  “Heather, I have some news to tell you,” Mick said as he leaned over looking at an old photo.

  “What is it?” Heather asked.

  “Some of your friends were injured in the storm. Lonny and I was driving around and saw several people badly injured, and several were taken to the hospital. There is no telling how many people died.”

  “Oh no. Is there anything I can do?”

  “I’m not sure, but I told Lonny to tell me if he needed my help. Another thing I didn’t want to tell you, as we were driving around trying to help, we drove by the school and it was hit pretty hard by the tornado.”

  “What are they going to do about the school? Can we still attend classes there?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure, but Lonny said he would have to contact the state’s emergency service and the national disaster assistance and relief service for their help and guidance on this situation.”

  “Do you think we’ll be able to get some help here?” Heather inquired.

  “I’m sure we will. They have programs set up for things like these to help people during natural disasters.”

  Heather thought for a minute and replied. “I hope we can get enough attention here that we can get some people to help us build back our town and our school.”

  “It’s nice to see you think of Huckleburg as your town,” Mick replied.

  “It is nice, isn’t it. I never thought I would think of any place as my home except Manhattan, but I have grown to love it here,” Heather said.

  “That wouldn’t have anything to do about a young man, would it?” Mick inquired.

  “Maybe, but I think it is because of how much that I have grown to understand what really matters in life. It isn’t having the nicest house or the nicest clothes. It’s about caring for one another. This place has a sense of warmth to it that no other place has. The people are more like family, and that is why I love it here.

  Thanks, Uncle Mick, for giving me a home and for caring about me. I never thought I could ever feel whole again after my parents died, but you have helped me in more ways than you know. Now I want to help others. I know there are going to be plenty of people that will need our help during these trying times,” Heather replied.

  “I’m sure there will be many that could use both of our help. Let’s get back to Lonny’s house and find out what we can do to help,” Mick replied.

  Chapter Ten

  When Mick and Heather arrived at Lonny and Shawn’s house, Shawn walked over toward them.

  “I’ve heard some bad news. A couple people from school were hurt and they are at the hospital. I was wondering if you want to drive to the hospital with me to see them,” Shawn asked looking at Heather. “Of course, let’s go,” she replied.

  Heather followed Shawn to his pickup and they drove over to Regency Memorial Hospital. Heather could tell the hospital was privately owned by its size. It was much smaller than the ones she was used to. The hospital had an ER, surgery unit, labor and delivery unit, an ICU unit, and about thirty patient rooms.

  Heather and Shawn walked into the front sliding glass doors to a volunteer desk. “Could you tell us what room Jake Parker is in?” Shawn inquired. Heather took a gasp. “What’s wrong?” Shawn asked. “You didn’t tell me you were visiting Jake,” she replied. “Yes, my dad said he was badly hurt during the storm. I just wanted to check on him to see if he was alright. You don’t have to come unless you want to,” he replied.

  “No, I want to. It okay.”

  After writing down a number, the volunteer handed them a small piece of paper and directed them to the closest elevator. “The elevator is over there and once you get off on the second floor take a right. His room is down on the right.” “Thank you,” Heather said as they turned to walk away.

  Heather could smell fresh paint on the walls and it made her feel a little queasy. “Gross, it stinks in here. I smell paint,” she said. “Yeah, me too. Maybe it won’t smell like this upstairs,” Shawn replied.

  After they got on the elevator, Heather noticed that the walls were made of wood and it was smaller than any other elevator, she had ever been on before. Shawn pressed the number two button on the front panel and then there was a jerk and the elevator was on its way. “I’ve never seen an elevator like this one; it looks very old.” “It’s old, but it’ll serve its purpose,” Shawn said. Heather liked to hear Shawn talk. His accent was very sexy to her, but country sounding. Every time she heard his talk, small goose bumps ran up and down her body. “Are you cold?” he asked. “No everything is fine,” she replied as they got off the elevator and headed down the hall.

  Jake’s room was three doors down from the elevator and two men were standing outside the door. Heather said, “Hello” as Shawn nodded his head. They slipped by the visitors to see Jake lying in a bed with all types of tubes and wires running off his body. Jake’s mother rose as Heather and Shawn approached the bed. “Hello, I’m Sue. You must be friends of Jake’s from school.” “Yes, I’m Heather and this is Shawn. How is he doing?” she questioned.

  “Jake is in a coma. The doctor says that it is touch and go right now and we have to just wait to see if he wakes up or not,” Sue said with tears in her eyes. Heather walked over to Sue and gave her a hug. “I’m so sorry. Do you mind telling us what happened?” Heather asked. “He was thrown over one hundred feet into a field. Luckily, he didn’t land on anything sharp. He landed on a pile of hay that helped cushion his fall,” Sue explained.

  Heather’s eyes widened as she listened to Sue’s story. She tried not to cry along with Sue as Sue began to sob and wipe her eyes with a tissue. Shawn was quiet as he stood by Jake’s bed looking down at him. “What are all these lines on him for?” he asked. Sue walked closer to the bed and replied, “That one is feeding him through his nose. That one is monitoring his heart rate and blood pressure. That line is keeping him hydrated.”

  Heather and Shawn were speechless as they watched Jake’s chest go in and out with each respiration. The only movement he made was his breathing. Silence filled the room as they stood over his body. Heather closed her eyes and began to pray with bitter tears. Shawn didn’t know what to think of Heather praying. He had never seen her show that type of emotion before. Sue shut her eyes and began to pray, too.

  Shawn felt uncomfortable standing next to Heather and Sue as they prayed for Jake. He hated feeling this way about someone that was lying there in a coma, but he didn’t like the way Heather was acting. She seemed to really care about Jake more than just a close friend and it really bothered him .

  After they were finished with their prayers, they opened their eyes and began to hug each other.

  “I am glad you two came. It means a lot to me and I know it would mean a lot to Jake too,” Sue said.

  “Do you mind if we come back later to check on him?” Heather inquired.

  “Of course not my dear. You are welcome to come visit him anytime you want to,” Sue replied.

  After they left the room, Shawn looked at Heather. “I didn’t want to tell you this, but Stephanie is here too.”

  “What do you mean, she is here?” she asked. “She was brought here after the tornado according to dad. Let’s go find out what room she is in,” Shawn replied.

  They walked up to the nurse’s station and asked what room Stephanie Lewis was in. “She’s in room 214,” the nurse replied. Heather and Shawn followed the sign on the wall that read 201 to 214. Her room was at the end of the hall on the left. It was a private room full of flowers and gi
ft baskets. Stephanie smiled as she saw Shawn and Heather walk into the room. Heather walked to her bedside and asked, “Are you all right?”

  “Yea, I just broke my leg in two places, but they said it will heal in a few weeks and I’ll be back to cheering in no time.” Stephanie tried to act as if she was not worried, but deep down she was terrified. She was shaken up by the reality of what she had gone through.

  “What exactly happened to you? I mean how did you break your leg?” Heather inquired.

  “When the tornado came through, I hid in the bathroom in our bathtub, since it was in the middle of our house. The storm was so strong, it picked up our tub and set it outside. All sorts of wood and debris flew through the air and hit me. Then, I must have passed out because that is all I remember.”

  “Oh my goodness. I can’t even imagine what you went through. You seem to be doing good. I mean other than breaking your leg. You are lucky to be alive,” Heather replied.

  “I know I am, but my…..” Stephanie began to cry. “What? Please tell me,” Heather questioned. “My dad didn’t make it,” Stephanie cried.

  Heather and Shawn were both speechless. They had not heard that Stephanie had lost her father and they didn’t know how to respond to the news. They were devastated at what they heard. Heather climbed onto the bed and began to hold Stephanie. She whimpered and wailed along side of Stephanie. Shawn went to the window trying his hardest not to cry, but soon lost his composure and began to sob.

  After Heather regained her composure, she told how she and Mick had hid in the storm pit during the storm.

  “The noises from outside were so loud, it scared me to death.“

  She told Stephanie about the school and about her staying with Shawn. She told her about what the town looked like.

  “I know that it is going to be awhile before things return to normal,” Stephanie said.

  “Stephanie, my uncle and Principal Thomas are working on getting the town some help. I will do everything in my power to try to help the school. I do not want to allow this tragedy to injure us. I know how it has affected us all but I know that we can become stronger if we hold together,” Heather said.

  “I hope you are right. If there is anything I can do, just let me know,” Stephanie replied.

  “The only thing you need to do is get better. Leave the rest of the hard stuff up to us. I’ll come again and visit you soon,” Heather said. Shawn walked to the bed and gave Stephanie a hug and told her he would keep her in his thoughts. She tried to smile as she watched them walk away.

  Chapter Eleven

  That night while Heather was getting ready for bed, she heard a knock at the door. Expecting to see her uncle, she was surprised to see Shawn standing there. “Shawn, hey,” she stumbled. “Hey, can I come in?” he asked. Heather thought for a minute and peeked her head out the door to make sure no one was around. “Yes, come on in.”

  “So, how are you managing here? Have my mother and dad been nice to you?” Shawn asked.

  “Yes they have and I am managing the best I can, but for some reason I don’t think you came to ask me that. Why are you here in my room?” Heather inquired.

  Shawn paused for a minute looking down at the floor.

  “I uh, I wanted to see you. I can’t uh, I can’t stop thinking about you lately,” Shawn studdered.

  Heather was a little embarrassed by Shawn’s statement, but tried to play as if she was calm.

  “That’s sweet, but it’s getting late,” Heather replied.

  “I know, but I had to see ya,” Shawn responded.

  “What is so urgent that you couldn’t wait until morning to see me?” Heather asked trying to play coy.

  “I wanted to see how you were doing after everything that has happened, including the storm and all.”

  “I guess I’m doing better than some. I’m still a little shaken up. It’s just that so much has happened; and I don’t know how anything will ever be the same again. So many people have lost their lives, homes, family members. Look at Stephanie. She lost her dad. How is she ever going to get over something like that?” she asked.

  “I know it is going to be hard but we’ll make it through this. I don’t think any of us will ever forget what has happened here, but we can all pull together and become stronger. They say that tragedy always makes people stronger some how,” Shawn replied.

  “I’m glad I have a friend like you. Someone that I can talk to. I know it is always good to talk things out instead of holding them in.”

  Shawn hesitated for a minute and then said, “Heather that is just it. I hope we can, one day, become more than just friends.

  “What ever do you mean Shawn?” Heather blushed. She couldn’t help smile, because she was embarrassed by his comments.

  Shawn was so wound up about his own feelings that he didn’t realize that he had embarrassed her. He continued, “I’ve fallen, for ya.”

  Heather started to realize the seriousness of what Shawn was saying to her and she became very nervous. She didn’t know exactly how to respond to his comment. She liked Shawn a great deal, but there was Jake that she care about too. She didn’t know who she really wanted to be with. Besides, Jake was in a coma and she didn’t know if he would ever come out of it. She knew she had to make her mind up quickly, before she lost Shawn without trying to.

  “Shawn, I care a lot about you, too. But it is late and I don’t want us to do something that we are not ready to do right now. I am not ready to commit to anything right now. I am not over losing my parents, and now this stupid storm has come and destroyed everything that gave me comfort. I think we need to take things slowly and see where it goes,” Heather replied.

  “Maybe you’re right. I didn’t mean to come on so strong. That was not my intention. I just wanted to convey to ya how I felt about ya and hope that one day, you will return the same feeling to me.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I am glad that you told me your true feelings. I do care about you a lot, but like I said, I am not ready for a relationship right now. Believe me, when I am, I’ll make sure to let you know as soon as I can,” Heather replied.

  Shawn left Heather’s room feeling better about their conversation, but a little confused. He couldn’t read her, and he didn’t know what her feelings were for him. She said that she cared about him, but how much? Did she like him as a friend or more? He didn’t know, but he knew that he needed to take it slower with her and give her time to decide how she truly felt about him.

  Heather was elated that Shawn had came to her room and expressed his love for her, but it confused her. She didn’t know how she really felt about him. She was torn between him and Jake. She knew that she had to see Jake and sort through her feelings. She knew he would probably still be in the coma, but felt like if she saw him, she would know more about how she felt for him. She decided that she would make a trip back to the hospital the next day, alone.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next day didn’t go quite as Heather had expected. Mick and Principal Thomas were making calls to some emergency relief programs trying to get assistance, for families who had lost their homes and possessions during the storm. Shawn decided to make a visit to the other football teammates, and asked Heather to go along. He wanted to make sure that no one lost faith in their team or their school.

  Heather agreed to spend the day with Shawn since he was doing a good deed, but she felt that someone else could do a better job. She questioned why she had to be the one to help Shawn. “Can’t someone else go with him?” she thought. She did find some gratification in helping him though. She liked the idea of others needing her support and encouragement. Some of the team lost everything, including some of their family. Heather was saddened by some of the stories she heard.

  Chris White told her how his baby brother was killed when the walls to the house collapsed. Even though he lost a lot including his brother, he was an encouragement to her, and she wasn’t expecting that from him. He told her that he was thankful
that God had protected him and his mother and father. He knew that he could have lost them too in the tornado, and that he was thankful for the things that he still had.

  Toby Millwood had lost his girlfriend when the tornado picked her up and threw her several feet. She landed hard on the ground and was killed instantly. His faith was harder to see than Chris White’s, but he didn’t want to give up hope on things returning to normal.

  Heather knew that nothing would ever be the same again. So many people lost their lives, homes, worldly possessions and their faith. She wasn’t born in this town, but it was now her home. She wanted to do whatever it took to help her fellow neighbors and friends. She was determined on rebuilding the school to make it the best it could be and to help with the restoring of the football team.

  The citizens of Huckleburg didn’t care as much about football as the people of Manhattan did, but they needed something to lift their spirits. She knew how much a team, a team of anything, would help them feel a sense of relief, a sense of togetherness, and help them to overcome their feelings of doom and defeat.

  Heather knew she had a purpose now on this earth. It wasn’t to stand back and watch others rebuild a town, but it was her purpose. She was going to do whatever she could to help these townspeople reestablish their town and their lives. Her dad had always told her that nothing was impossible if you only believe. She believed that she could help, and therefore, she made it her mission to help.

  She didn’t sit back and watch Mick and Principal Thomas call everyone for assistance, but she got on the other line and made some calls of her own. She contacted some of her previous teachers and coaches from Manhattan and asked for their help. She called some of her friends’ parents that had plenty of money and asked for donations of money and clothes. She called Larry, her parents financial advisor. She asked him to spread the word of the town’s disaster, hoping to bring in more donations.


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