Portal Combat

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Portal Combat Page 22

by Bryan Cohen

  They both looked over at the entryway. Everything remained silent until Ted sighed. "I'm really sorry about the DHS. I shouldn't have trusted them and I should've fought harder for you to be there with me."

  Some of the weight lifted from Erica's chest. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I trusted Yoshi. He got me captured and he almost got you killed."

  He shook his head. "We're even. We both trusted untrustworthy people. That's over now."

  "Now we just get to fight the evil people."

  Ted appeared to have trouble smiling at that. He looked away and Erica brought her hand to his face.

  "Hey, what's wrong?"

  "I don't know how you do it. I killed that giant Lychos on the bridge, and I was inside its head. I died."

  Erica squeezed his hand. "Dying is basically the worst. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

  He pulled away from Erica and brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around himself. "It was so much pain. And darkness. How do you get over something like that?"

  Erica drew herself close to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "I start over. If I thought of myself as a several-hundred-year-old person who'd dealt with all those deaths, I'd go insane." She turned her eyes up toward Ted. "I'm here. I'm 17." The nervousness spread through her stomach. "And I'm in love with you."

  The next few moments lasted an eternity for Erica. First, Ted said and did nothing. She cursed herself for sharing her feelings. The panic dissipated when he tucked her hair behind her ear.

  "I love you, too."

  She stretched upward until her lips met his. After days of numbness, the kiss was almost overstimulating. To tell him that she loved him and mean it seemed to take everything to another level. For all the pain she'd felt in dozens of lifetimes, this one moment seemed to make everything worth it.

  The next morning, Erica awoke with her face pressed to Ted's chest. She shifted her weight and realized they'd fallen asleep on the downstairs couch. The light from the sunrise streamed in between the blinds and into her line of sight. She let her fingertips glide down his t-shirt as she watched his eyes come to life.

  He smiled. "Hey."

  She returned the grin. "Hey, sorry I fell asleep."

  "You have nothing to apologize for."

  Erica let out a deep breath. "Okay."

  A few beats went by without words as they shared a long look. Erica's heart felt fluttery.

  Ted sighed. "Do we really have to go fight bad guys today?"

  "I'm afraid so." Erica pulled him closer.

  He kissed her on the temple. "We can't postpone?"

  She laughed. "Sorry. Evil politicians like to stay on schedule."

  A couple of hours later, the gang was stationed outside of a van that was made to look like an air conditioning repair vehicle. Sheriff Norris and Mr. Redican were the only ones absent, but they were in direct contact from one of the rooftops overlooking the rally. As part of the plan, Jennifer and Dhiraj would run surveillance from the van, using a network of tapped video cameras from stores on the street. Ted would take the air, while Natalie was prepared to shelter the rally attendees in a nearby building. Meanwhile, Erica would be the one-woman cleanup crew.

  There were still two speakers until Senator Kable took the stage, so they figured they had at least a few minutes until the real show would begin.

  Natalie checked her phone and tucked it back away with a sigh.

  "Waiting for loverly to text?" Dhiraj asked.

  Natalie and Jennifer whapped him on either shoulder and then nodded with a smile in unison.

  "No prying." Natalie patted her hip, where one of Cal Fortbright's daggers lay in its holster. "Today's all business."

  Dhiraj whined. "Aw, come on. Ted? Can't you just look through Natalie's brain for a second?"

  Ted smirked. "Dhiraj, if you don't focus, I'm gonna tell everyone your darkest secret."

  "I'm an open book."

  Ted raised his eyebrows. "Pink. Unicorn."

  Erica watched Dhiraj's face turn to one of terror. His voice grew meek. "Alright. I'll focus."

  As the second-to-last speaker got on the microphone, the five of them huddled up.

  Erica let out a deep breath. "We don't know what we're gonna be up against, but I know that with all of us working together, we can stop it."

  The other four in the circle nodded.

  "Everyone, take your positions."

  Dhiraj put his hand in the center of the position. "Can we get a Team Ted on three?"

  The other four slyly disbanded the circle and walked away.

  "Aw, come on. You guys are no fun."

  Erica stood next to Ted toward the back of the crowd. There were balloons, costumes and signs throughout the mass of attendees. Above them was a giant hanging banner that said "Kable for President" in garish letters. Erica might've been swept up in the fervor if she wasn't so concerned with figuring out how Kable planned to kill people. The others were in position and the senator was about to receive his introduction.

  Ted put his hand on Erica's back. "Here goes nothing, huh?"

  The anticipation coursed through her veins. "Yup." She caught his eye. "You know, I'm proud of you, Ted."

  He grinned. "Thanks. I'm proud of you, too."

  Erica took in everything that Ted was. A hero. A good friend. A man who loved her for who she was. It made her feel light to think like that. She hoped the sensation would last a lifetime.

  "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, your next President of the United States, Kit Kable!"

  Thunderous applause filled the street. Erica wondered how long she'd have to wait before reaching for the concealed sword in her backpack.

  After the applause died down, the politician straightened his tie and began his speech.

  "There's been a lot of talk about heroes lately. From the men and women fighting wars overseas, to the firefighters and police officers making sure our streets are safe. From the doctors and nurses who are willing to battle a hurricane to keep our family members alive, to teachers fighting to pass on strong education to the next generation. We even have a real-life superhero with powers from another world who's helping us to fight the forces of evil."

  Natalie grumbled over the comm. "Don't get cocky, Super Ted."

  Ted touched his earpiece. "Yes, ma'am."

  Kable continued. "But I'm not here to talk about heroes. I want to talk about the American people. We can't rely on heroes to fight our battle the way that President Blake has. If I become your next President of the United States–" Kable paused for another round of whooping, hollering and applause. "I will help you to fight your own battles. You won't be dependent on Ted Finley to protect you, because the White House will make sure you and your family are safe and sound."

  As the next round of applause began, a small blue speck appeared high above the stage.

  "You guys seeing this?" Sheriff Norris was sharp and prepared.

  Ted nodded. "Looks like a portal's about to open."

  When the gateway reached the size of a car, people from the ground began to spot it. Erica hoped it would stop growing, to no avail. It continued to get bigger and bigger and the crowd began to scream and run.

  Erica spoke as loudly as she could without damaging eardrums. "Hold your positions."

  Senator Kable played the part of scared Presidential candidate on stage. As two aids ushered him off, the enormous portal halted its growth.

  Great. A whole army could get through that.

  "Redican, Sheriff, do you two see anything coming out of there?"

  "That's a negative," Sheriff Norris replied.

  In the distance, Erica heard a roar through the portal.

  "Guys, something's coming."

  Ted flew closer to the edge of the gateway to see if he could get a better look. Static increased on the channel as he approached it.

  "Oh, man."

  Ted zipped back down to Erica's side.

  "Did you see it?" Eric
a felt her pulse start to race. "Ted?"

  "I did."

  "And?" Dhiraj asked.

  The sun shined against green scales as the beast poked its head out of the portal. Despite the size of the opening, the massive creature still had trouble squeezing all the way out. As it did, it snapped one side of the rope holding the "Kable for President" banner, which sent some of the crowd scattering to avoid it. Erica stared at the teeth and the wings, which were followed by a long, spiked tail. It let out a much louder roar, after crossing all the way over to Earth. The crowd beneath them picked up its pace and volume of screaming.

  "As you can all see..." Ted's voice shook. "It's a dragon."

  Chapter 50

  Jennifer and Dhiraj had tapped into a combination of live video feeds and security cameras to get a comprehensive view of the entire rally. Despite a picture that left no angle uncovered, Jennifer could hardly believe the size of the creature that had just exited the portal. The beast was as long as a city block and wider than the field hockey field. Jennifer's mouth hung open and she couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen. While the creature's shiny, green scales drew some attention, Jennifer couldn't help but notice its extremely ugly face. The grotesque snout and teeth weren't going to win a dragon beauty contest any time soon.

  Nobody spoke on the comms for a solid five seconds until Erica piped up.

  "Actually, it's still a Draconfolk. Just a really big and nasty one."

  Dhiraj glanced over at Jennifer. He looked twice as afraid as she was. "Weaknesses?"

  "Can't fit in tight spaces." Erica sounded like she was all business. "Use your speed."

  "Roger that." Ted didn't sound so sure over the comm.

  Jennifer's eyes darted around the images on the screen. She tried to push the nervousness away. None of those emotions would help Ted now. She knew she had to think and act fast.

  "Ted, there are some narrower streets to your three o'clock." She tried to steady her rapid breathing. "Play a little game of follow the leader."

  Ted gulped. "All right. Let me get its attention."

  The dragon had fully emerged from the portal now, which closed behind it. It whipped out its tail and stretched its body as long as it could go, as if it'd just escaped captivity. The creature swiped at a gargoyle statue perched near the top of one building. The screams of the crowd below doubled in volume as the statue plummeted. Before it got past the third floor, the gargoyle stopped in mid-air. The stone sculpture floated up toward Ted. There they were on screen: Ted Finley, a grey gargoyle statue, and a giant dragon all floating above the city streets.

  "Hey, greeny." Ted's attempt to sound confident was somewhat lacking. "Catch!"

  The gargoyle zipped through the air and nailed the dragon in the face. It roared loud enough to shake the pavement underneath the van. It was the kind of sound that'd make most people lose hope. The dragon flexed its hands and feet, revealing sharp claws that resembled metal.

  As if he needed something else to be afraid of.

  Ted sounded downright meek. "You guys think it worked?"

  Dhiraj raised his eyebrows. "You sure as heck didn't make a new friend."

  With that, the dragon gave chase. Jennifer watched the tiny image of Ted on screen as he flew between two buildings. She heard crunching sounds of structural damage as the dragon's body squeezed its way in after him. Windows smashed and glass rained down on the streets. Within a few moments, Ted was out of the view of all the cameras.

  "I've lost visual on you, Ted." Dhiraj's voice cracked. "You better hope all these buildings have insurance."

  "Hardy-har. I'll keep her busy. You guys just get everybody out of–"

  The low pulse of the portals overwhelmed their comm links for a moment. The video feeds worked just fine, however, and it was easy to see over a dozen portals open up near the ground. In the space that had previously been filled with supporters, signs and chants for change, there were now figures from another realm. Among thousands of people running for their lives, normal-sized Lychos and Draconfolk began streaming out. Gurgles and howls from the creatures filled the streets as the beasts looked for prey they wouldn't have any trouble finding. In the midst of all the chaos, Jennifer spied a pale woman who she rightly identified as Sela Fortbright.

  "Erica and Natalie?"

  Natalie scowled. "It's crazy here, but people are starting to listen. Hey! This way, ma'am!"

  "Three of the bad guys are nearby," Erica said. "Once I take ‘em down, I'm going for the gatekeeper."

  Dhiraj nodded. "Copy that. Everybody report back soon." He turned off their microphones. "Well, this is insane."

  The second Jennifer looked over at Dhiraj, she couldn't stop herself from blurting it out. "I'm really sorry, Dhiraj. About the field hockey thing. I know I should've said–"

  Dhiraj laughed. "You really want to talk about this now?"

  Jennifer shrugged. "Can you think of a better time?"

  Dhiraj nodded. "I could've helped." He fumbled with the video controls. "I don't know why you shut me out."

  "It's just... you're so sure of everything. I didn't want to mess with your life."

  Dhiraj looked into Jennifer's eyes. "I don't know anything. I work everything so hard. Trying to be the best and all. If I worked the relationship harder, I think we'd be okay."

  She took his hand. "And I'll try to trust you more."

  In the midst of the chaos, they kissed for a split second before Jennifer pulled away.

  "What if I have to move?"

  "Then we'll deal with it, cents." Dhiraj grinned. "Don't worry, I've got more than a few frequent flyer miles saved up."

  Jennifer felt the tension melt from her neck and shoulders. "Good to know, dollar."

  "And by the way, don't feel like you have to apply to the Boston schools. If you don't want to."

  "I don't know." She winked. "I think I'll apply to one or two."

  Dhiraj grinned and flipped their mics back on.


  Even before the creatures emerged from the portals, Erica had a feeling they were coming. She drew the sword from its holster. The sharp pinging sound it made as it exited made her think of battles past. As much as she liked training, there was something about planting a weapon in the belly of a beast that made her feel so darn satisfied. Erica grinned and turned the sword in her hands.

  "Let's go hunting."

  She ran with full force toward the closest Draconfolk. It had its arms around a middle-aged woman letting loose a high-pitched scream. Erica stuck the sword right into its back. With a blue burst of light, the creature disappeared and sent the woman to the ground.

  One down. About 50 to go.

  The disappearance of their comrade caused two nearby creatures to look Erica's way. The Lychos dropped the teenager it was about to eat, while the Draconfolk pushed a mother and her daughter out of the way.

  Erica licked her lips. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to say excuse me?"

  The Lychos dashed toward her at full speed. Erica halved the distance and leapt into the air. Her blade came down on the creature's shoulder. The wolf clutched at the wound before the laceration turned a glowing blue and the creature burst. Erica grabbed her sword by its hilt and tossed it like a spear toward the chest of the approaching Draconfolk. It pierced the scales like a knife going through soft butter. The lizard exploded in light and the sword clattered to the ground.

  Erica shouted a war cry. "Yes! That's three."

  When Erica ran and rolled to pick up the sword, five more creatures descended upon her. Two Draconfolk moved to hold her arms behind her while three Lychos scratched at her legs.

  "It's my party, and you'll die if I want you to."

  With a guttural growl, Erica took out one by thrusting the sword straight behind her. She used the other Draconfolk as a springboard and flew into the air. With one windmill slice, she cut all three Lychos down before they vanished from existence. When the fifth creature reached for her, she sliced off its arm. The liza
rd gurgled in pain before its body and its fallen appendage both exploded in a blue firework.

  "Eight. Piece of ca–"

  A hard, metal object struck Erica in the back of the head, sending her face-first into the ground. She spied the heavy manhole cover to her left as she brushed off some of the grime on her shirt. A wound began to form right beside her contusion from the other day. She wondered if she'd have matching scars as she turned to see the dark black hair of Sela Fortbright. The powerful woman's eyes looked colder than ever.

  "I think we've got a little family business to discuss, Protector."

  Erica gripped the sword tightly with both hands. "I'd be happy to give you and your brother a reunion."

  She ignored the throbbing in her head and ran toward the gatekeeper.

  Chapter 51

  Ted banked around the corner of the building so fast that he barely stopped himself from careening into a window. He righted his body and continued down the narrow street at full speed. The dragon pulled the same maneuver not a second later, tightly tucking its wings as it powered through the street. Ted could barely hear his comm link over the sounds of the buildings crunching behind him. The dragon howled in pain as its wings struck the metal, wood and brick of the buildings.

  "Caution: wide load!"

  When Ted banked around another corner, the creature flew straight up into the air to avoid the tight street. He looked above him to see the dragon flying back toward the open expanse of the rally.

  "Oh, no you don't."

  Ted tensed up his body and zipped through the air as quickly as he could. He felt the wind whipping against his cheeks as the dragon came closer into view. The beast was directly over the rally when Ted saw his opportunity to strike. The dragon had reared back in an effort to fly straight down. As it did, the beast revealed the lighter and softer scales on its stomach and chest. Ted willed his body to double its speed and aimed for the dragon's underbelly. He braced for impact and let his shoulder slam into the oily scales like a bullet. He felt the creature's organs shuffle during the impact.

  The dragon let out a scream so loud, Ted's hearing short-circuited. But when the sound returned, so did the dragon's strength. It swiped at Ted, but he was able to duck the blow with ease. He clenched his fist and flew upward into the dragon's chin. The punch sent the dragon reeling backward.


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