Mate Claimed

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by Jennifer Ashley

  Praise for the novels of Jennifer Ashley


  “Danger, desire, and sizzling-hot action! Wild Cat is a wild ride. Jennifer Ashley walks the razor’s edge of primal passion as human and Shifter fight for their lives, their families, and a love that breaks all the rules. This is one for the keeper shelf!”

  —Alyssa Day, New York Times bestselling author

  “Wild Cat is a riveting read, with intriguing characters, page-turning action, and danger lurking around every turn. Ashley’s Shifter world is exciting, sexy, and magical.”

  —Yasmine Galenorn, New York Times bestselling author

  “Ashley continues to flesh out her gritty reality and introduce new players who add depth and richness to the stories. Another excellent addition to the series!”

  —RT Book Reviews


  “[A] sexually charged and imaginative tale…[A] quick pace and smart, skilled writing.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “An enjoyable thriller…Fast-paced, with the sexual, taut relationship between the Feline and the Lupine cutting across the action-packed tale.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “Humor and passion abound in this excellent addition to this series.”

  —Fresh Fiction


  “With her usual gift for creating imaginative plots fueled by scorchingly sensual chemistry, RITA Award–winning Ashley begins a new sexy paranormal series that neatly combines high-adrenaline suspense with humor.”


  “A whole new way to look at shapeshifters…Rousing action and sensually charged, MapQuest me the directions for Shiftertown.”

  —Publishers Weekly, “Beyond Her Book”

  “Absolutely fabulous!…I was blown away by this latest release. The action and romance were evenly matched and the flow of the book kept me glued until the last page…Paranormal fans will be raving over this one!”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “Ashley has created a riveting tale that…explores different interpretations of human and nonhuman interaction.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “A very promising start to what should be a fresh take on a well-worn idea…A clever, quick book with some interesting twists that has whetted my appetite for more.”

  —The Good, The Bad and The Unread


  “Big, arrogant, sexy highlanders—Jennifer Ashley writes the kinds of heroes I crave!”

  —Elizabeth Hoyt, New York Times bestselling author

  “A sexy, passion-filled romance that will keep you reading until dawn.”

  —Julianne MacLean, USA Today bestselling author


  “I adore this novel: It’s heartrending, funny, honest, and true. I want to know the hero—no, I want to marry the hero!”

  —Eloisa James, New York Times bestselling author

  “Readers rejoice! The Mackenzie brothers return as Ashley works her magic to create a unique love story brimming over with depth of emotion, unforgettable characters, sizzling passion, mystery, and a story that reaches out and grabs your heart. Brava!”

  —RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

  “A heartfelt, emotional historical romance with danger and intrigue around every corner…A great read!”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “A wonderful novel, filled with sweet, tender love that has long been denied, fiery passion, and a good dash of witty humor…For a rollicking good time, sexy Highland heroes, and touching romances, you just can’t beat Jennifer Ashley’s novels!”

  —Night Owl Reviews


  “Ever-versatile Ashley begins her new Victorian Highland Pleasures series with a deliciously dark and delectably sexy story of love and romantic redemption that will captivate readers with its complex characters and suspenseful plot.”


  “Mysterious, heartfelt, sensitive, and sensual…Two big thumbs up.”

  —Publishers Weekly, “Beyond Her Book”

  “A story full of mystery and intrigue with two wonderful, bright characters…I look forward to more from Jennifer Ashley, an extremely gifted author.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “Brimming with mystery, suspense, an intriguing plot, villains, romance, a tormented hero, and a feisty heroine, this book is a winner. I recommend The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie to anyone looking for a great read.”

  —Romance Junkies

  “Wow! All I can say is The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is one of the best books that I have ever read. [It] gets the highest recommendation that I can give. It is a truly wonderful book.”

  —Once Upon A Romance

  “When you’re reading a book that is a step or two—or six or seven—above the norm, you know it almost immediately. Such is the case with The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. The characters here are so complex and so real that I was fascinated by their journey…[and] this story is as flat-out romantic as any I’ve read in a while…This is a series I am certainly looking forward to following.”

  —All About Romance

  “A unique twist on the troubled hero…Fresh and interesting.”

  —Night Owl Reviews (Top Pick)

  “A welcome addition to the genre.”

  —Dear Author


  —Midwest Book Review

  Berkley Sensation Titles by Jennifer Ashley













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  A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author


  Berkley Sensation mass-market / October 2012

  Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Ashley.

  Excerpt from Tiger Magic by Jennifer Ashley copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Ashley

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Tiger Magic


  Iona smelled him long before she saw him—Eric Warden, the alpha Feline who ran the local Shiftertown, who’d decided to make half Shifter Iona Duncan’s life hell.

  She loped down the desert canyon, rock grating on her paws. The Nevada night was warm though it was early winter, the sky a riot of stars, the glow of the city far behind. Out here, Iona could be what she was meant to be—a wildcat, a Feline Shifter, running free.

  For some reason, Eric wanted to end that.

  Catch me if you can, Feline.

  Last night, after her half sister’s bridal shower, Iona had stayed out until dawn with Nicole and about twenty friends—all human. They’d gone to a human bar, no Shifters allowed, thank God. They’d liberated the bar of plenty of margaritas before limping home in the light of early morning. Iona had snatched a couple hours of sleep before she’d dragged herself to work.

  The frenzy of the night out followed by the hangover of the day triggered Iona’s need to shift. After work, Iona had driven her red pickup out to her favorite spot in the middle of the desert, off-roading half an hour to get there. She’d barely shed her clothes before her wildcat had taken over.

  And now Eric was following her.

  He pounded behind her, a powerhouse Shifter, his wildcat more snow leopard than anything else. Sleek, strong, cunning. Feline Shifters were a mixture of all wildcats—lion, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, tiger, and others—but most Shifters tended toward a certain type.

  Iona was mostly panther, with black fur to match the hair she had while human. Her panther was long-legged, sure-footed, and a good jumper. This was her territory, and she laughed with glee as she left Eric far behind.

  She dodged across a dry wash, kicking up dust, and scrambled into the rocky crevices on the other side. She knew by scent how far she was from Area 51, a place guarded by men with SUVs and rifles. Shifters could escape detection if they wanted to, but heading the other direction, east and a little north of here, was safer. Iona hopped from one sandstone ledge to the next, her paws scrabbling a little in the gravel.

  She loved this. The joy of being in wild country nearly impossible for humans to reach was heady. This is what I’m meant to be.

  Damned if Eric didn’t follow right after her, faster than she’d thought he would. Iona crested the ridge at the top of the canyon and kept going.

  She ran along a ledge and dropped down the other side of the ridge. Before she got to the bottom, she slunk into a shallow cave she knew was there from previous exploration. Anyone watching from the top would see only that she’d vanished.

  Eric wouldn’t need to see her to find her though. He’d scent her, but why make it easy for him?

  Ever since Eric had spotted her in Coolers last spring, one of the few clubs that allowed in Shifters, he’d tracked her. Stalked her, Iona corrected.

  Damned stubborn, hotter-than-hell Shifter with the green eyes—he followed her when she went out at night, sometimes showing up at her house or coming after her on her runs. She’d spot him here and there throughout the day, when she went to work or ran errands or drove out to a building site. Protecting her, Eric said. Driving her insane, was more like it.

  The fact that Iona was half-Shifter was a deep, dark secret her mother and half sister had kept for thirty-two years. Eric’s interest in her was dangerous, could expose her as Shifter, and once that happened, her happy life would be over.

  But Eric’s scent had triggered something in Iona from the moment he’d sat down next to her in the club’s dark corner and told her he knew what Iona was. He’d smelled of sweat and the night, and a musk that had made everything in her alert and aware.

  His scent was stronger now, overlaid with that of his wildcat. He was coming.

  Iona flattened herself into the black shadows at the back of the cave, but Eric was at the entrance, his leopard filling the opening. She faced him, ears flat against her head, her fur rising on her neck.

  Eric didn’t move. Dominants didn’t need to show teeth or make any noise to tell another Shifter who was in charge. You knew.

  He was far larger and more powerful than a natural snow leopard, his pelt creamy white and branded with a black jagged pattern. His eyes, fixed on her, were jade green.

  Iona’s wildcat was more slender than Eric’s but no smaller, though it would be an interesting contest to see whether she matched him in strength. The biggest difference between them, though, was that Eric wore a silver and black Collar, and Iona did not.

  Eric rose on his hind legs until his head nearly touched the roof of the cave. At the same time, his fur and cat limbs flowed into human bones and flesh. In a few seconds, a man stood in the leopard’s place, a tall, muscular, naked male who made Iona’s heart pound.

  His face was hard and square, his chocolate brown hair cut short. A black tattoo swirled around his large shoulder and trailed down his arm in a jagged line. The tattoo wasn’t magical—Shifters didn’t need tatts. Eric just liked it.

  His green eyes saw everything. There was no escaping that gaze once it fixed on you, even across a packed dance floor in a Las Vegas club. Iona still remembered the burn of his stare across the room; Eric, the first person in Iona’s life outside her family who’d looked at her and recognized her as Shifter.

  Even through her worry and anger, Iona had to concede that Eric was delectable. He put to shame all the guys who’d tried last night to get her to dance with them.

  What was between Eric’s legs put them to shame too. The man was hung.

  “You can’t keep this up,” Eric said. His voice, deep and fine, with the barest touch of Scots, had late
ly started invading her dreams.

  Iona gave him a snarl to let him know he didn’t worry her. Which was bullshit. He could take her in a heartbeat and both of them knew it.

  Eric took one step forward. She crouched, waiting, letting him take another step, and another.

  Once he’d cleared the entrance to the cave, Iona leapt up and sprang past him. His leopard she couldn’t outrun, but she could outrun him in her animal form while he remained human. She barreled out of the cave and onto the rocks…

  And found two hundred pounds of leopard on top of her, pinning her to the ledge.

  How the hell did he shift that fast? Shifting took a while for Iona, and it could be painful. Eric flowed into his wildcat so smoothly it made her sick.

  His growl became bad tempered as Iona struggled. His ears went flat, and he locked his teeth around her throat.

  Fur protected Iona from the prick of his fangs, but she panicked. He could kill her right now, rip out her throat or slice open her belly. The panther sensed his strength—a fight with him would be tough. She couldn’t get away—he was too fast.

  Iona shifted. She didn’t want to, but some instinct told her he wouldn’t hurt her if she became a human. She felt her claws change to fingers and toes, her pelt fade and withdraw to become human flesh.

  Eric lifted his long teeth from her throat, but he didn’t do anything to stop her shifting. He waited and watched until Iona became a human woman, one with a large, soft-furred snow leopard draped over her bare body.

  That large, soft-furred snow leopard suddenly became a man. One minute Iona had a big kitty lying on her, the next, a strong, naked human male pinned her to the ground.

  She struggled, but Eric trapped her wrists and held them against the cold gravel. He wanted her to look away as he stared her down, but she refused to. Somehow Iona knew that if she ever did look away, she’d lose—not only now, but always.

  “I told you to call me when you needed to go running,” he growled.

  “You follow me anyway. Why should I bother?”

  “I scented you fighting the shift even as you drove away. It’s getting harder, isn’t it?”

  Iona tried to ignore the stab of fear his words gave her. “Why can’t you leave me alone? If anyone finds out I’m Shifter…”


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