Willow Smoke

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Willow Smoke Page 7

by Adriana Kraft

  Nick kissed her on the forehead and patted Rainbow’s shoulder. “That was a high. It’s one thing to watch a horse that you’ve bet on win, but it’s entirely different to see your own horse win. Wow! Well done, partner.” He kissed her again—this time on the cheek.

  Daisy blushed and directed everyone’s attention toward the camera. After the click, Nick’s father stepped forward and shook her hand. “Congratulations. I’m glad we could see that.”

  Next, his mother squeezed her hand. “Congratulations. You’ve really got Nick hooked. All he can talk about is you and the horses.”

  And then his sister. “Congratulations, Daisy. I’m really looking forward to spending time with you tomorrow. This is so exciting. It’s hard to believe that you’ve accomplished so much with my brother.”

  Daisy frowned. RainbowBlaze bobbed her head up and down and began to prance, displaying her eagerness to leave the crowd.

  “I’ll catch up with you at the barn after I see my folks off.” Nick looked like he couldn’t stop smiling even if he tried. “This has got to be one of life’s top experiences, kid. We definitely have to celebrate tonight.”

  Feeling slightly queasy, Daisy smiled. “You bet.”

  She led RainbowBlaze toward the test barn. Did Specs have any inkling of the kind of celebration she had planned for them?

  Daisy gulped three deep breaths to clear her head. Seduction must be like swimming in the cold water of Lake Michigan. You had to dive in quickly, or you’d lose your nerve. She rapped on the door between their suites and turned the knob without waiting for a response.

  “Hey kid,” Nick said, his eyes widening. He sat propped up on the king size bed with a folder on his lap. He wore pajama bottoms and nothing else. “I thought you went to bed an hour ago. I’ve been going over some dull reports.”

  His eyes scrolled up and down her body. She couldn’t read the heavy emotion in them. She had on a thin nightgown and a robe which she hadn’t bothered to close. As he’d said on an earlier occasion, if she wanted to hide her wares she should remember to tie the sash. She wasn’t into hiding, not tonight.

  “Damn,” Nick said, “I’ve never seen horse slippers; they’re sexy as hell.”

  Daisy looked in horror at her slippers; blood rushed to her head. How juvenile they must appear! Cassie had bought them for her sixteenth birthday and she’d loved them. Although they’d worn out on more than one occasion, she’d sewed them up. They often provided solace. Would they be her undoing tonight?

  Nick put the folders on the nightstand. “So what’s up? Still running on adrenalin? Can’t sleep? It was a terrific day.”

  She saw his shoulder muscles tighten. Daisy tried to smile. She been bold, but now what? Those videos only showed people in bed, not how they got there. Be practical, girl, be straightforward had always been her grandmother’s advice. She didn’t know if her grandmother would approve of what she was doing, but that was probably the best advice she was going to get.

  “I need your help,” she blurted out. “I need you to make me a woman.” She remained standing just inside the doorway; her escape route was handy if she failed.

  It was his turn. She couldn’t make him want her. Would he reject her?

  - o -

  Nick shook his head trying to clear the fog that was scrambling his brain. Had he heard right? He stared at Willow. He’d heard right. Her nipples were pouting big time through the flimsy material she no doubt thought was a nightgown. She stood tall, elegant and forlorn. Her long legs were spread slightly, making her appear more determined than ever, possibly even defiant. Her hair had been recently combed and he smelled perfume. Daisy never wore perfume. Until now.

  And then there were those damn horse slippers. They were, in fact, sexy as hell. He couldn’t explain that one; it was probably best not to try. He had enough trouble explaining his response to the young woman standing in those slippers.

  Nick crossed his legs; he couldn’t stand if he wanted to. She had him in a vulnerable position. He hoped she couldn’t see his physical response to her need. Emotionally he was a wreck. This was Willow. He’d enjoyed sexual banter with her; he’d even fantasized about her. But she was too young. And if he had decided otherwise, he would have gone to her; he would not have waited for her to come to him.

  He sighed in recognition of her vulnerability. Knocking on his door must have taken a lot of guts. Make a woman of her? Did that mean? His stomach lurched. Holy shit!

  “What? I thought...You mean you’re a...” Why the hell couldn’t he complete a sentence? Her full lips turned up slightly. Goddamn, that overbite had to be one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen on a woman. It wasn’t obvious until she smiled a little; it was obvious now and he felt himself drowning in her aura.

  “I never said there were other men,” Daisy said, softly. “You assumed because I was raised on the streets that I was wise in such matters. I had a grandmother who taught me how to take care of myself. You will be the first.”

  “But.” Nick frowned. “You can’t just walk into my room and make such a decision.”

  Chuckling, Daisy moved a step closer to the bed. “Trust me. This is no snap decision. I’ve been waiting for someone like you for some time now. I’ve been ready, but I wanted the right man. This should be done right, you know.”

  Nick arched an eyebrow. “Right? Doesn’t that require some romance, some wining and dining, some dancing back and forth?” He stopped talking. They had done plenty of dancing back and forth. At least, he had. Did she have any doubts? “And how do you know what is right?”

  “I’ve spent the last year watching educational videos. They’ve got good material on positions, oral sex, games, advanced positions. They answer just about every question that one can think of. And I’ve been doing a lot of reading.”

  “Videos! Books!” Nick gasped for breath. “You mean you’ve boned up, so to speak, on sex, and now you want to experience how it’s actually done.”

  Daisy nodded. “Sort of. It’s a matter of time. And I wanted to select who and when. Don’t you want me?”

  Nick steeled himself trying not to respond to the whimper in her voice. “Damn, kid, you’ve had me tied up in knots for weeks; it’s not that I don’t want you. Son of a bitch. But why me? What do you really want?”

  Daisy’s nostrils flared. “I’m not looking for marriage, if that’s what’s concerning you. I want an experienced man to make me a woman. I want a man I can trust. You’re gentle, experienced, and I trust you. Isn’t that enough?”

  Nick got up and headed to the refrigerator. He didn’t give a damn if she did see his erection. Maybe it would scare her back into her own bed. He sighed, reaching for the Chardonnay. Be honest with yourself, Underwood. She’d crush your ego if she retreated now.

  “Okay,” Nick said, uncorking the bottle and reaching for two glasses. “Give me a little time. This is all coming pretty fast and hard, kid. I’ve desired you from the moment I saw you talking to Blaze. You were nearly as sexy then with straw in your hair as you are now in those adorable horse slippers.

  “Come on. Join me for a drink. There’s time. That’s one of the things you learn with age and experience. There’s time; we don’t have to rush.” Nick took her hand and pulled her close.

  - o -

  Daisy floated. The chilled wine bottle, cold against her back, sent shivers down her spine, but that wasn’t the only reason she trembled. His lips had settled on hers and she responded eagerly. His hard arousal pressed against her crotch. He moaned her name. Her heart stopped. She’d worried that he wouldn’t want her; she didn’t have to worry about that anymore.

  His tongue worked her lips apart, moving in to explore. It tickled the roof of her mouth; she used her own tongue to play with his. He withdrew; she was bereft. And then he drew her tongue deep into his mouth. He suckled her like a new born foal suckled its mother. Daisy’s eyes sprang open. He was watching her. His eyes smiled.

  Nick withdrew from the embrace.
After placing the bottle and glasses on a small round table, Nick said gruffly, “The wine can wait. A different kind of thirst needs quenching.” He gave her an amused look. “Maybe there is something yet to be said about the eagerness of youth.”

  His lips moved to the juncture of her neck and shoulder blade. Daisy marveled at the sensations spreading throughout her body. She didn’t know what to do but stand there and receive. It was happening. Good God, it was happening!

  She ran her fingers through his hair as he moved his lips to enclose a nipple. On her toes, Daisy stretched to her full height. Good grief, would she explode before he was ready?

  “You don’t know how often I’ve wanted to caress these exquisite nipples. They mirror your personality.” He removed her robe and gingerly lifted the nightgown over her head. Briefly, he stood back, admiring her like she was a piece of art. She’d never forget the look on his face. Then he returned to her nipple—licking, nibbling, chewing. His hand squeezed her buttocks and worked its way around between their bodies. She leaned away, giving him room.

  She moaned. She was already wet. His finger had no trouble with entry. “Is this okay?” he whispered.

  She nodded, not trusting herself to utter a word.

  “God, you’re on fire down there.”

  “Where am I not on fire?” she murmured, wiggling her legs, wanting, demanding more.

  Nick covered her mouth again. He withdrew his finger. She groaned. He shook his head. “I feel like some randy kid, but I don’t think either one of us can wait much longer.”

  She nodded without meeting his eyes.

  “Later, I’ll show you a kind of loving that is so slow you’ll think you’re dying.”

  She already thought she was dying.

  He guided her toward the bed and then stopped abruptly. “Damn, I hadn’t planned on being seduced tonight. You didn’t by any chance remember a condom in all your planning?”

  Daisy smiled and picked up her robe. She retrieved a half dozen condoms and handed them to Nick.

  He broke into a laugh. “You got one hell of a lot of confidence in me, kid.” He opened a package and dropped his pajamas.

  “Let me,” Daisy whispered roughly. “I want to touch him.”


  Daisy knelt on the bed, running fingers over his full length. It quivered. So soft. Especially at the head. She reached lower and cupped him; she grinned when she heard Nick’s growl. His vulnerability brought tears to her eyes.

  “Enough,” he said, his voice shaking. “Put the damn condom on, or there won’t be any need for it.”

  After three tries and a little assistance, Daisy had the condom fitting snuggly. She reached for a pillow and tucked it under her buttocks. She spread her legs wide and waited. Her heart raced. She tried to breathe deeply, but failed. She fought to keep her eyes open; she didn’t want to miss a thing.

  He gave her a curious look. “I imagine the pillow is something you learned from the videos.”

  She nodded.

  “This may hurt a little the first time,” he said, kneeling before her.

  She nodded. He parted her slick folds. It seemed like he played at her entrance for an eternity. He leaned forward and rolled a nipple between two fingers. That felt so good she reached for the other nipple and did the same.

  His weight shifted over her body. He entered her gradually. Her eyes widened. At last, she held his full length in her most private chamber.

  He hovered above her, holding himself up on both hands. “Are you okay?” he whispered, hoarsely.

  Daisy nodded and smiled. He dipped his head and laved a breast. She splayed her fingers across his back, raised her knees, and squeezed his buttocks like she was asking a stallion to move.

  Nick responded with a low growl and began moving.

  If there was pain, she wasn’t aware of it. She couldn’t comprehend the fullness and emptiness she felt as he penetrated deep and then nearly withdrew. She wanted more; she needed more. She strained upward, meeting his thrust to keep him inside.

  When had her eyes gone shut? Dammit, she wanted to experience all of this. She opened them. He was staring at her. His look was raw and savage. She’d never witnessed him on the verge of losing control. Was she having that affect on him? He was certainly having that affect on her. She struggled to stay present.

  His eyes closed and then he churned in and out of her as if he were racing against life and death. She gripped him like a vise for fear that he might die, and then she disintegrated.

  A few minutes later, Daisy tried to reconstruct what had happened. There had been little warning. Not at all what she’d expected. She was there, and then she wasn’t. She was whole, and then she’d shattered into a million fragments of light. Somehow their bodies remained entwined as they lay side by side. His arms held her tight. He was still inside, but had softened. He must have climaxed, but she sure didn’t know when.

  God, she was warm and tingly all over. Couldn’t they just stay like this forever? Maybe they should have died in ecstasy. How did you go back to the way things were?

  His tongue traced her jaw line.

  She smiled. She pried her eyes open. He looked nearly as satisfied as she felt. Maybe they never would move again.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fantastic,” Daisy whispered. “How are you?”

  Nick smiled. “Feeling younger by the minute. It may be time for some wine. And then we’ll see what else might happen. Just stay here, I’ll pour the wine.”

  Daisy accepted the wine he offered and sipped it. She didn’t like beer, but she did have a taste for wine. Cassie had given her some from time to time. Daisy blinked. What would Cassie say if she saw her now? Daisy blushed.

  “It doesn’t make any difference to me,” Nick began, running his fingers lightly down her arm. “This was terrific, but why the charade?”

  Daisy frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “The virgin act. There was no hymen to break. You’re not bleeding.”

  “Oh, I forgot,” she said, idly pulling the sheet up to her throat. “I took care of that with a wine bottle when I was eleven.” She flinched as she saw the horror sweeping across Nick’s face. “My grandmother repeatedly warned me about being raped. Where we lived, young girls lost their virginity early, one way or another. I didn’t want to give it to a rapist, so I took it myself. Figured if I got raped, it would hurt less if I wasn’t still a virgin.”

  “Jesus H. Christ,” Nick swore, cuddling her to him and kissing her forehead and eyelids warmly. “I’m so sorry.”

  She broke away. “It doesn’t matter,” she said, pulling her knees to her chest and clasping them tight, wishing the tears streaming down her face weren’t telling a different story. “At least this—what we just shared—matters more. It’s more than I had ever dreamed.”

  “Sounds like you dreamed about it a lot.”

  She smiled. “I suppose so. Not many girls who live in group homes are asked to proms. I refused to be easy; my grandmother wouldn’t have liked that at all. She drummed words of wisdom into my head. What you’ve got between your legs is your most prized treasure. Cherish it and use it well. Don’t give it away to just anybody who thinks he’s a man.”

  “But you just gave it away.”

  “Not to a boy.”

  “That’s for sure.” Nick wet his lips. “I want you to know that this was incredible for me, too. Thank you for sharing your treasure with me.” He kissed Daisy on the tip of her nose.

  “Sure.” She blinked. “It’s done now.” She turned to eye Nick. “I am pleased. I’ll always remember this night. Thanks.”

  He liked it when she blushed. He pulled the sheet back down and pressed a finger on her right nipple. Smiling, he watched it stretch when he removed his finger. Her eyes turned smoky. “You make it sound like this is a one night stand.”

  She stiffened under his gaze. “It is, isn’t it?”

  Nick frowned at her. She’d taken a huge risk
coming to him, but she’d had no idea how desirable he really found her. She’d gotten him to deflower her. Was that all she wanted? Was that all she thought she deserved?

  He gave her his most wicked grin. “You think you’ll learn all there is about sex in one night?”

  “Of course not.”

  He propped himself up on an elbow and looked at her, memorizing every curve and nuance of her lusciousness. He stroked the inside of her thigh. She moaned. Brushing her trim curls, he said, “Maybe we could be lovers for a while.”

  Her muscles tightened and he sensed her withdraw.

  “I don’t know much about love, and I’m not sure I want to,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.

  “But you want to know more about sex.”

  She nodded.

  He’d have to treat her as gingerly as she treated an injured horse. “Okay, well, if I’m a passable teacher...” He waited for a response.

  She blinked. Her inner thigh quivered against his fingers. “More than passable, I think,” she managed to say.

  “Good. I’ve got the time, and it seems like the body is more than willing. Maybe I could further your education.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “For real? No strings?”

  “I thought you trusted me. For real. Would you like that?”


  He hadn’t thought she could sound so meek. “Good, then it’s settled. You’ll continue teaching me about the horse business. And I’ll continue teaching you about the sex business. Deal?” He offered her his hand.

  “Deal,” she whispered, placing her hand in his. “What if I’m a slow learner?”

  Nick laughed deeply, pulling her closer. “I hope you are, Daisy. You shouldn’t rush good sex anymore than you should rush a good wine.”


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