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Redd Page 19

by Leah Holt

  Diablo's home was too risky to stalk. I drove by a few times, slowing a little to see if anything had changed on the outskirts of his wall since I had been there. Nothing looked different.

  Bijou was getting impatient, and keeping her away from her family was going to be impossible soon. Every single day she'd have these grandiose ideas about how to contact them.

  Through the mail, buying a throw-away phone, leaving small clues in places she knew they frequented.

  I refused to let her. It was too dangerous.

  It was hard to tell who was a part of Diablo's mass and who wasn't. Val and Dom, they were dressed to play the part, but that didn't mean there weren't others out there. People that looked no different than you and I, eagle-eyed and on the prowl for Bijou.

  I was not taking that risk, and neither was she.

  Driving home, I payed close attention to the cars in my rearview mirror. So far, everything had been quiet. I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

  Something was coming, I could feel it.

  Opening the door, I stepped inside. A wave of aroma skirted out of the kitchen and swirled around my face. Taking in a deep breath, my stomach growled.

  “Hey, what are you making?”

  “Bagels.” Bijou grabbed the handle on the oven and tugged it open. “They're almost done, a few more minutes.”

  “They smell amazing.”

  “Thanks,” she said, lifting her face to greet me with a smile. “I wasn't sure if I remembered the recipe right, but it looks like I did.” Wiping flour off her hands and onto her waist, she rested her back against the counter. “Well?”

  “Well what?”

  “What did you see? Did you see anyone?”

  “Same as usual, your mom and dad went to work, and your sister took off with that boy again.”

  Bijou's face scrunched up tight, lips crinkling with disapproval. “I can't even imagine her doing something like that. My father is going to kill her when he finds out. God, I wish I could just talk to her.” Wagging her finger, she leaned to the side and turned off the oven. “You know, if I was there, she wouldn't be doing that.”

  “You don't know that.”

  “Yes, I do. I'd set her ass straight.”

  Chuckling, I stepped up to her, cupping her hips. “You mean to tell me you never snuck off with some boy when you were her age?” Scoffing in disbelief, I held out an open hand. “Where is it?”

  “What?” Gazing up at me, she looked puzzled. “Oh, yeah.” Pulling open the silverware drawer, she picked up the gun and handed it over. “And no, I didn't sneak off with boys, not during school. I never skipped class.”

  Tucking the gun into the back of my pants, I smirked. “I hate to burst your little bubble, but you realize that if all this shit hadn't happened, you still wouldn't be there to control your sister.”

  “Yeah, I would. I wouldn't just sit back and watch her, and never say anything to her about it.” Twisting in my hands, Bijou pushed her ass back, leaning into the oven to take out the bagels. “She'd get an earful from me.”

  “Bijou, you wouldn't be watching her. You'd probably be off in college, doing your own thing. You wouldn't have the time to babysit your little sister.” Tickling her ribs, she giggled, swatting my hands away.

  “That wouldn't matter. Family is family, no matter where you are.” Flicking her eyes over her shoulder, her smile grew wide. “What would you do if it was Vicki?”

  “That's easy, I'd ground her for the rest of her life. But I won't have to do that because she's never going to have the chance to do it. I was a thief, remember? And good thieves pay attention. Trust me, she knows that all too well. I see everything.”

  “Yeah well, we'll see. Talk to me again about it when she's sixteen, it might not be as easy as you think to tame her.”

  Bobbling my head on my shoulders, I frowned in thought. “I'll just move her to a mountain top.”

  “You have an answer for everything don't you?” Her lids hooded, fanning long lashes like canopies. “One day, you won't have an answer,” she said, pointedly squinting and turning to face me. “And you'll be coming to me looking for one.”

  “Really?” Curling my arms around her waist, I pulled her in close, pinning her to my chest.

  “Yeah, really.” Nuzzling her body into mine, she hugged me. “You think you got it all figured out, but I was a girl once, you don't know everything.”

  “I thought you said you were a good girl?”

  “I said I didn't sneak off from school, but that doesn't mean I was an angel, Redd.”

  Her body rolled forward, the tip of her toe innocently twisting into the floor. A burst of light flashed in her eyes as she bit her lip.

  Damn, this girl knows how to get me going.

  Pearly white teeth popped against her mouth as she peered up at me with a sexy smile. The t-shirt she had on swayed around her hips, casting shadows down her silky smooth legs.

  “Oh, I know you're not an angel.” Wrapping my arm around her waist, I ran my other hand down the center of her back.

  “Is that right?” Tilting her chin higher, her grin widened. “You think I'm a bad girl?” Shifting in my arm, she stroked a single finger up and down my chest.

  “I don't think it, I know it.” Fisting her ass, I swooped her off her feet and placed her on the counter. Her legs spread wide, ankles locking behind my thighs. “But you need to ask yourself a question. . .”

  Kissing my neck, her thirsty hips rubbed against my cock. “And what's that?”

  “How bad are you?” Slipping a large palm around her cheek, her head fell into my hand. “How far are you willing to go?” Drawing my thumb over the curve of her jaw, I placed gentle kisses across her face.

  Bijou's eyes closed, teeth nibbling the edge of her bottom lip as I made my way down to her collarbone. “Mm,” she cooed, clawing rough nails over my scalp. Tugging my hair, her eyes flittered to mine. “Maybe it's not about being bad, maybe it's about how good it feels.”

  Snapping her hips forward, her legs splayed open as she hooked her fingers into my pants. The tips of her nails tickled the trail of hair on my stomach, forcing my breath to hitch.

  My arm lashed out, hand firmly gripping the back of her neck. “Does it feel good?” Gyrating my waist, we rubbed together, cloth to cloth, cock to pussy.

  The barrier was thin, a frail wall that wasn't going to hold. I could feel the heat off her body, I could smell her liquid musk. Her skin was warm and clammy, her breathing quick and labored.

  Holding her knee, I ran my finger over her panties, pushing against her clit. Groaning loud, she rolled and rocked, forcing my touch against her needy button. I felt her thighs quiver as I flicked the swelling bundle of nerves.

  My cock thickened as I watched her crumble in my hands. I loved having the power to make her feel, to cause her to shake and tremble with just a touch. I was drunk on the rush, consumed by the drive to give her the release she craved.

  Sliding both hands under the shirt, I pinched the trim of her panties and slipped them down her legs. Dropping to my knees, Bijou clutched the edge of counter, her knuckles draining white as she waited for more.

  “Well?” I asked, flicking my eyes up to hers. “Tell me, does it feel good?” Teasing her clit, I brushed the pad of my thumb in hard circles.

  “Yes.” Her voice floated out on an exhale, chest spearing high as her shoulders jerked back. “It's all I want, you're all I want.”

  Her pussy glistened like a wet diamond, pulsing and throbbing as I slipped two fingers inside. Her tight walls clasped hard, refusing to let me go. Slow and gentle, I pushed my fingers in and out.

  Bucking her hips, Bijou threw her head back, letting out a wild moan. “Redd, uh, mm, fuck.” Faster and faster she moved with me. Her juice slicked my hand, dripping down the top of my palm and down my wrist.

  I kept watching her, basking in the pleasure that was flowing through her system all because of me. I was doing this, I was giving her the power to fe
el like a goddess on a pedestal.

  Pulling my fingers free with a slurp, I climbed to my feet and unbuttoned my jeans. My cock was painfully hard, begging to be set free.

  Ragged breaths escaped her lips as she stared into my eyes. I loved the look she was giving me. All I could see was pure, unfiltered need. Parted lips, hungry eyes, a devilish curl to her mouth; it was heaven.

  “Take me.” Savage fingers raked over my chest, tearing at my muscles. “Please, I can't stand waiting anymore, I need to feel you.”

  Lowering my lips to her ear, I smiled as I spoke. “Now that's a good girl.”

  Digging my fingers into her hips, I held her in place, giving one hard thrust. Burying myself deep inside, I teased her walls over and over. Her heels were pinned behind my knees, ass grinding the counter.

  We were wild, succumbing to a ravage hunger that could never be tamed. I would never have my full, I would never get enough to take off that sharp edge. And as I fucked her in my kitchen, listening to her scream and beg for more, pleading for me to go harder and faster; I gave up on the battle of what was good and bad.

  I was both of those things. But in the end, she was mine, and nothing would change that.

  Slumping onto her elbow, Bijou grabbed a few paper towels. Passing one to me, she wiped her folds and jumped down off the counter.

  I have to keep her. I can't keep waiting for it to come to us.

  It needs to end.

  This felt good. All of this felt too good.

  I wanted to enjoy the time we had together, and each moment that passed where nothing happened, the more afraid I became that the pin was about to get pulled from the grenade.

  This couldn't last. It wouldn't last.

  Smoke and mirrors, that's all this was.

  All of this could disappear in a blink of an eye. I felt like I kept teetering back and forth. A piece of me was settling into this new life, while the other part still had its feet firmly planted in the cement of reality.

  The veil would drop and the harsh hands of pain would come and try to steal her away. Diablo, her family, the life she deserved. . . There were too many things against us.

  “What's wrong?” she asked, seeing the deflation in my eyes.


  “Redd, something's wrong. What is it?”

  Stroking her arm, I pulled her in. “It's everything. All of it.”

  Confusion blanketed her expression as she held her eyes on my face. “I don't understand, all of what?”

  “What happens when this ends? Where do you go? Where do I go?”

  “Redd. . .” Her voice was gentle and smooth, saying my name like a song bird. “We won't go anywhere. We stay here, right here.”

  “What about your life? Your family?”

  “What about them?” Coaxing my cheek into her hand, she rolled her thumb under my eye. “There's only one person that we need to deal with. Just one. My family won't change us. . . If you want there to be an us.”

  “Of course I want there to be an us.” Braiding my fingers into hers, I closed my eyes. “I finally feel like I have everything. I don't want to give it up.”

  “Then don't. Don't give up, Redd.”

  I thought about what she said, trying to pick it apart.

  There was no way I was willing to give up on any of this. Waiting wasn't working. I couldn't relax, I couldn't release the tension in my muscles or the constant state of anxiety that kept me on edge. I hadn't been able to sleep, and was barely able to function because I anticipated this battle with the devil.

  “Let me talk to my father, Redd. I think he can give us the answers we need.”

  “No, I can't do that.”

  Reaching up, her slender fingers gripped my shoulders. “I need to talk to him, he knows why this all happened to begin with.” Her eyes played with mine, darting back and forth.

  “What do you mean he knows?” Arching a brow, Bijou nibbled at her lip, dancing her eyes around my face warily. “What does he know, Bijou?”

  “I think he knows everything.”

  What the hell does she mean? I wish she would just spit it out.

  “Why do you think that? How could he possibly know about you being there and do nothing about it?”

  “If I could talk him then I'd be able to figure that out. I don't know what's true and what's a lie, but if I could ask—”

  “I'll talk to him, I'll go find out what he knows. He doesn't know me, he doesn't know where we are. If Diablo is watching him, he won't be looking for me, Bijou. He's looking for you.”

  Nodding, she didn't fight me on it. “Okay, what will you say?”

  “I don't know, but you're right. I already started this war, now it's time to finish it.”

  Just like I was done living in a world of abuse, I was done living in a world of fear.

  I was afraid Bijou would be taken from me, and I wasn't going to live like that anymore.

  It was time.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I gave Redd directions to the bar my father owned. I thought that would be neutral ground, a better place to have a conversation like that. I didn't like the idea of a confrontation at my home, and my sister or mother being there to witness it.

  I had been debating for days about whether or not I should tell him what had been told to me, the hand my father might have played in giving me to Diablo. But I wasn't even sure if it was the truth.

  Do I even want to know? Would it change anything?

  There was no right or wrong answer for me. The need to know chipped away at my gut, it made my curiosity run wild. Then there was what I went through; even with all the answers, nothing would erase a fucking thing.

  It had happened, with or without my father being a part of it.

  All of it could be a lie.

  Deep down, I wanted it to be a lie. I clung to that idea, allowing it to be the crutch I needed to still see my father as the man I remembered. That was fair in my eyes. If I allowed myself to believe everything Diablo had told me, I would have killed myself twice over.

  “Bijou, can you braid my hair?” Vicki plopped herself down on the couch, cupping her hands and bumping me with her shoulder. “Hm, can you? Redd can't braid, he tried, and he sucked at it.”

  Chuckling, I smiled. “Yeah, I'm sure it was a mess.”

  Redd was in the kitchen, cooking pasta for dinner. Steam was swirling up from the pot, drawing long wispy fingers around his face. Stepping away from the stove, he chimed in. “Hey, I tried, isn't that all that counts?”

  Rolling her eyes, Vicki shifted to look at him. “Trying would count, but the knots I had to cut out make it null and void.”

  Holding up a wooden spoon, Redd playfully waved it in her direction. “Watch it, kid.”

  Grabbing her shoulders, I moved her around and positioned her back to me. “Yes, I will braid your hair. And maybe I'll try and teach your brother so he can do it right.” Winking at Redd, I started running my fingers through her curls, brushing them out.

  He gave me a tender smirk, and looked down, readjusting his eyes to the food. I couldn't lie, I liked being there.

  In a way I felt like I belonged there. I didn't feel out of place or like some sort of intruder who was overstaying their welcome.

  “Thank you,” she said, rolling her shoulders to sit straight. “My mom used to do it for me when I was little, but I never got the chance to learn how to do it myself.”

  “Well, it's not too hard. I can tell you what I'm doing and then you can give it a try on my hair if you want.”

  “Yeah, okay, yeah. I'd like that.” Fiddling with her thumbs, her eyes fell to her lap. She grew quiet for a long second, letting out a huff of air.

  “Are you alright?” Something was bothering her, it was easy for me to see. I used to do the same thing when I was her age and wanted to talk more, but didn't know how to say it.

  I wonder if Redd can see these subtle cues?

  It had to be hard on Vicki to
only have her brother. There was so much that Redd could never understand with a girl her age.

  “I just miss her, I miss our mom a lot.” Her hands tumbled in her lap, eyes glazing over with sorrow. “It just. . . It hurts, that's all.”

  My heart ached for this girl. She'd never have the chance to go through life with a mother. It made me feel selfish in so many ways.

  I was upset and angry for having been taken from my family, but I was lucky they were still alive. For her, she lost her mother before she even had the chance to truly find her.

  The bond was there, but her memories would begin to fade over time, they'd grow dimmer and dimmer until she wasn't even sure if her memory was real. She was barely seven when she lost everything she knew.

  How does someone even deal with that?

  Holding her arms, I rested my chin on her shoulder.“You'll always miss her, that's never going to change. But she's alive in you, you know that right?”

  “What do you mean? How?”

  Pulling back, I separated her hair into three sections, and started working the braid. “Well, she's your mom, which means half of you is her.” Tugging and pulling, the braid began to take shape. “So when you look in the mirror, maybe some of those times, it's her looking back.”

  Flicking her eyes over her shoulder, the corner of her lip tugged up. “I never thought of it that way.”

  “My mother used to tell me that when I was little. She would tell me that if anything ever happened to her or my father, just to remember that they made me. And that means they live on forever in us.”

  I watched a shiver scale down her back as she thought about what I said. Her smile grew, cheeks puffing up and crinkling her eyes. “I like that, it makes me feel better.”

  “Good, because it's true.” Reaching my arm around to her front, I asked, “Elastic?” Vicki dropped it into my hand and I tied off the end. “There, you're all set.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly, turning to face me.

  “You're welcome. Anytime you want your hair done, let me know, I can do other braids too.”


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