Nobody's Girl: A Billionaire Romance Novel

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Nobody's Girl: A Billionaire Romance Novel Page 62

by Michelle Love

  Christ, I’m awful!

  The screen shows me it’s her and I physically flinch. Kyle raises his head and looks at me.

  “It’s her, isn’t it?” he asks.

  I nod and answer. “Hi, Ally.”

  “Where are you? We’re ready to go. You’re taking forever,” she says.

  Kyle mouths, tell her.

  I shake my head vigorously.

  “Yeah, about that. You see, my parents went out of town and they want me to stay and watch the house. I can’t go,” I say, and it’s not a complete lie since my parents are gone for the weekend.

  Kyle tugs at me to sit down. I do, and then he fucks me over. “Tell her,” he says out loud.

  “Is that Kyle?” Ally asks.

  Goddamn it!

  “Kyle? Um, yeah, it’s him.”

  Her voice sounds tense. “What’s he doing at your house? You are at your house, aren’t you?”

  I run my hand over my face. “Yeah, I’m at my house. He came over to see how our talk went.”

  “Tell her the truth, Laura,” Kyle says, loudly enough for Ally to hear.

  I shoot him a look which pleads with him to shut up.

  “Tell me the truth about what, Laura? Do you not want to go with us? Because I’ll understand if you don’t. I won’t be mad at you. There’s no reason to lie about it to me. I love you. I’ll understand anything.”

  Bet she won’t.

  “Kyle wants me to stay here with him,” I blurt.

  “Oh!” her voice sounds sharp.

  “Tell her why, Laura,” Kyle says loudly.

  I shoot the finger at him and he takes the phone from me. “Hey, Al, how’s it going?” he asks.

  “Kyle, um, it’s going well. How come you don’t want Laura to go with me to New Orleans? And when did you start to care about anything Laura did?” Ally asks.

  “I’ve always cared about her. She’s been a part of my life for as long as you have, Al,” he says.

  I shake my head at him, trying to get him to stop, but instead he leans over and kisses my cheek, mouthing, It’s okay.

  “I see. Well, anyway, let me talk to her again,” Ally says.

  “I will, but first I have to tell you something. I don’t want you finding out from anyone else, and the rumors will be flying before the day is out because I’m taking Laura to the movies tonight. I’m sure your phone will be blowing up with the news, and I don’t want you to be caught off guard,” he says.

  Okay, he just told her that. She’ll be okay with that.

  “Oh. Well that’s nice of you to do for her. You’re a good friend, Kyle,” she says. Her voice sounds relieved.

  “I think you misunderstood me, Al. We’re together now. As a matter of fact, I just lost my virginity to her about a half-hour ago,” he says.

  I’m about to throw up.

  “What?” Ally asks. Her voice sounds as sick as I feel.

  “Why did you tell her that?” I shout at Kyle, running to the bathroom as tears stream down my face.

  He just used me to hurt her!

  I climb into the shower to rid myself of any of him. His smell is suddenly everywhere on me.

  I hate him!

  He was my friend. How could he do this to me?

  I’ve ruined my friendship with Ally, all so he could get even with her. How could I be so stupid as to think he liked me?

  Can she ever forgive me? Can I ever forgive myself?

  The bathroom door opens and the shower curtain is pulled back. Kyle steps in and puts his arms around me. He kisses the top of my head as I cry into his chest.

  “Laura, I’m sorry if I hurt you. I just didn’t want her to find out from anyone else. I want that out in the open, so we can move on with what we have.”

  I look up at him, certain that my make-up looks like hell. “What do we have, Kyle?”

  “We have each other, Laura. I meant it when I asked you to be mine. I’d never have made love to you, then just left you. I’m not that guy,” he says, then kisses me.

  How sweet!

  I guess I’ve never known someone to be so honest and open. I suppose it is better Ally know it all from the very beginning.

  My back is up against the slippery wall as Kyle searches my mouth with his tongue. His dick is hard already and I grow wet and hot with the knowledge that he likes me and is unashamed to show it, not only to me, but to everyone, including Ally.

  His hands flow over my body, exploring every inch of it, the water helping his hands slide. Hungrier his kiss grows, and I find myself wanting to feel him inside me again.

  I pull my mouth from his and nip at his neck Moving my mouth to his ear, I whisper, “Take me again, Kyle.”

  “Laura, you’re a pleasant surprise in so many ways,” he says as he puts his hand on the back of my neck, pulling my mouth to his.

  Pressing my back against the tiled wall, I lift my legs to wrap them around him as he slips into me as if our bodies were made for each other. His groan vibrates my mouth as he finds pleasure at the sensation. Moving back and forth, he strokes slowly at first. He seems to be afraid he’s hurting me, which he is not.

  I pull my mouth away from his. “Turn me around, take me from behind.”

  “Really?” His eyes are wide as if surprised.

  I smile. “Yeah, really. It’s not so unusual.”

  Placing my feet on the floor. I turn in his arms and place my palms on the tiled wall. I bend over, my butt against his erection.

  He fumbles with it for a moment before he finds where it needs to go, then he slides in and I let out a moan with the pleasurable sensation. The way he fills me up completely is intoxicating.

  His hands on my back, he proceeds to rock his body back and forth, thrusting too slowly into me. “Harder, Kyle.”

  He does as I ask and moves quicker and pushes harder, making me push harder against the wall. His hard cock beats at my ass as he finally gets into it, lets his mind go, and just fucks like he was meant to. For only his second time at this, he’s getting good pretty fast.

  My insides start to contract. I yell, “Slap my ass hard, Kyle!”

  He stops. “Are you serious?”


  “Keep moving. Don’t stop. I’m almost there. And yes, I’m serious. Slap my ass until I tell you to stop.”

  He starts again, taking my impending orgasm a bit further away. It takes him several strokes before his hand finally slaps me, but it’s too light.

  “Harder, Kyle, slap my ass harder. Pretend I did something bad and hit it like you're punishing me for it.”

  One solid slap smacks me, sending pain radiating through me and a pulse to my clit. “Again,” I yell.

  Another solid slap pushes me almost to the edge. “Again.”

  The third slap does it and I climax hard. The way my vagina clenches around his huge cock makes him come immediately and he yells with it.

  “Oh my God, Laura. Fuck, son of a bitch, this feels so fucking good!”

  Hardly able to breathe, I press back into him until we both stop throbbing. Finally, I feel his dick soften some and pull away from him. As I turn, he presses up against me and kisses me.

  Moving his mouth from mine, he says, “While fucking you is fun. The next time I want you to let me make love to you. I want to do this all weekend if you’ll let me.”

  “You want to make love to me?” I ask.

  “I do,” he says, then kisses me gently. “Now let me wash your hair and rub soap all over your body, then you can do me.”

  As his hands rub shampoo through my hair I can’t help thinking about how different he is from any other sexual partner I’ve had. The truth is I never felt more than a physical connection with any of them.

  There’ve been a few—five to be exact. No committed relationships transpired from any of them. No one bothered to wash my hair afterwards. They all pretty much left or sent me on my way after the deed was done.

  “Make me a promise, Laura,” Kyle says as he rinses my

  “Maybe,” I say.

  His lips touch my neck. “No, not maybe. Make me a promise.”

  “Well, when you put it that way, I guess I have to don’t I?”

  He rubs conditioner through my hair, massaging my scalp. “Promise me you’ll never let anyone, other than myself, have you,” he says, then puts soap on his hands and rubs my shoulders.

  “So, I am assuming you want us to be exclusive?”

  “Very exclusive,” he answers. “Do you think you can do that?”

  “An exclusive relationship, huh? You know I’ve never had one of those, Kyle.”

  “I’m aware of that. And from your advanced knowledge of sex, I’d say you’ve been at the shit end of more than one asshole’s dick. I’m not judging you, so don’t think that. It’s just that I think you’ve short changed yourself where love is concerned. You’re a great girl, and you deserve to be loved,” he says, then turns me to look at him as he runs his soapy hands over my chest. “Put the antics of the other guys out of your head and let’s find that love together. I don’t want to be a puppet whose strings you pull to mimic other lovers.”

  “I see. How embarrassing. I guess I was doing that. I’m sorry, Kyle.”

  He takes my chin in his hand, lifting my face to look him in the eye. “Don’t apologize to me. I don’t even want you to. I just want to find our own way, you know?”

  My God, how sweet and amazing he is. Ally was a fool to let him go. I know one thing for sure—I’ll never hand him back over to her. It’s her loss and my gain.

  I hope she can forgive me.



  My heart’s been ripped out and stomped on!

  I suppose I had it coming, but I never knew it was going to feel this terrible. My Kyle has given himself to my best friend and I can’t take the pain.

  While it’s selfish of me, I find myself unable to let it go.

  Eden has pressed me about what has me so quiet, but the words won’t come for me to tell him. He’d never understand anyway. No one would.

  It was supposed to be me who was Kyle’s first and he was to be mine. With Eden’s arrival, everything has changed. My world is upside down and I feel as if I’m falling away from the planet.

  My heart is exposed and raw with the pain of Kyle’s words, As a matter of fact I just lost my virginity to her about a half-hour ago.

  I cannot believe he told me in such a callous way. No meanness was in his tone, but also no emotion at all. Just stating a fact. He is no longer hung up on me and has shoved his penis into my best friend just to prove it.

  How could she do this to me?

  Laura has been my best friend since kindergarten. Never would I have imagined her stabbing me in the back like this. There’s not a mean bone in her body.

  She’s slept with quite a few guys, though, and I do know sex is just a thing to her. I can’t imagine how that must have gone over with my Kyle. My sweet and almost innocent Kyle.

  How awful was it for him?

  My mind is full of the ways they did it. I’ve talked to Laura a lot about her sexual escapades. She’s done it about nine ways to Sunday.

  Her father left her mother when she was ten and it messed her up. She feels it’s perfectly acceptable to have sex with a guy you have no relationship with.

  Is that the path she’s leading my Kyle down?

  I’ve never judged her for her behavior. But now she’s done it to Kyle, and I have to do something. I can’t let him go down that road with her. It’s not in his nature to be a sexual deviant. He’ll fall in love with her, because that’s who he is.

  No matter what Laura thinks, he won’t walk away like the other bad boys she’s slept with. He’s a good guy, and he’ll stay around and fall for her.

  When she tires of having him in her bed she’ll move on like she always has, leaving him hurt. I can’t let that happen to him. He’s too special.

  But how can I stop it?

  I look down at my hand as it’s clasped tightly with Eden’s. We’re on the jet with my family, heading to New Orleans to meet his parents. I’m nervous about it because there’s no way they’ll like me.

  A sick-to-my-stomach feeling from Kyle’s news, with a topping of nerves, is about the most horrible I’ve ever felt. I need no more terrible news on this day. I doubt I could take it, feeling as if I might puke any minute.

  Eden sighs and I look up to find him watching me. “Princess, please tell me what she said to upset you so much.”

  “It wasn’t her who told me. I doubt she was ever going to tell me. I doubt that I really know her at all,” I say and look out the window into the dark night sky.

  Eden rises and pulls me up with him. My parents and Scotty sleep in their seats. I follow him as he leads me to the bedroom.

  Oh hell, what is he about to do now?

  He sits me on the bed, then sits next to me. His arm wraps around my shoulder and I lean my head on his.

  “Alyssa, I’d like you to be in a pleasant mood when you meet my parents. And you are in anything but that. Please talk to me. I’m assuming Kyle said the thing which has you so upset.”


  He rubs my shoulder. “That’s a start. Keep going,” he says then places a kiss on top of my head.

  “Kyle let Laura take his virginity and they’re together now.” The numbness in my soul allows me to say the words with no emotion to them.

  Eden squeezes me. “That is hard news. I wonder why he felt you needed to know that. It seems quite petty and not at all like someone who claims to love you.”

  “It’s not like him. I’ve turned him into someone he never was. Now Laura will finish the job of turning him into a man he was never supposed to become. She’ll show him sex is nothing but an act and love is not real.”

  Eden takes my chin, making me look at him. “Alyssa, you don’t know that. They may find happiness together. She must not be all bad or you wouldn’t have been her friend.”

  “What kind of friend does that?”

  His finger strokes my cheek as he says, “Perhaps she’s had a crush on Kyle. She’d never have let you know. Once he was set free, she took the chance and he was ready to go for it. If you truly love them, you’ll let this go. You’ve moved on, haven’t you?”

  Have I?

  I search his eyes to find that thing in him which makes me feel whole. It’s there, but such pain fills me that it’s hard to find the electric sensation I always get with Eden. It’s dampened and I don’t know if it’ll come back. Without Kyle, something is missing.

  “I’m an ass,” I admit.

  “You are not. Don’t think like that.” Eden strokes my hair.

  “I want to have my cake and eat it too. I’m an awful person. I have you, and you are beyond wonderful, yet I want him too,” I say, then turn my head away from him. “Dealing with the knowledge that I can’t have you both, I was content with breaking away from him. Then he goes, finds another, and gives himself to her, and something in me breaks. You deserve better than me, Eden.”

  He kneels in front of me, taking my hands in his. “Look at me, princess.”

  I do as he asks, but see no use in it. I’m not over Kyle and I cannot marry him until I am, if that ever happens.

  “Eden, we have to postpone the wedding until I deal with this.”

  “Alyssa, this is all my fault. I’ve kept you in the dark for too long. I can’t cause you any more pain by not telling you the truth about yourself,” he pauses and searches my eyes. “You and he were never meant to be. You and I were born to be together. I allowed you to live the first part of your life as a normal girl, but you are no ordinary girl.”

  Did he just say he allowed me to live normally? What in the hell?

  “Please explain, Eden. Are you talking metaphorically? Like, we were made for each other, that kind of thing?”

  He shakes his head, leaving me very confused. “We are not what we seem to be, and in a matter of days, we
will be more. You and I were chosen before birth to become something bigger and better than mere mortals, Alyssa.”

  “Eden, you’re scaring me. Talk of mortals and such is kind of serial killer talk. Please tell me I’m not in love with a crazy killer,” I say, then laugh nervously.

  “Have you ever heard the legends of the thunderbirds?”

  “The American Indian stories about large birds they’d see before storms?” I ask.

  “Yes, those birds. Only the truth is a bit more complicated than their stories,” Eden says. “You see, the Phoenixes are a couple who shape shift into the giant birds to help save people who get into situations which could cost them their lives. But it isn’t their time to go yet, so The Creator sends the Phoenixes in to intervene. We’ll be giving them the chance to survive if they follow us or we’re able to get them to safety. There are a number of ways we help.”

  “Did you say, ‘we,’ because I can’t shape shift into anything. You may have the wrong girl, Eden. I’m ordinary to the core. Never have shape shifted and it’s pretty doubtful I ever will. Best turn the jet around and take me right back to Cloudcroft,” I say as I pull my hands from his, because as beautiful as he is, he’s certifiable.



  Alyssa has locked herself in the lavatory. She thinks I’m insane. Now I have the great task of making her believe me.

  I knock yet again on the door. “Alyssa, please, precious, come out.”

  “Leave me alone. I want to go home. Tell Jeffery to turn the jet around. I’m sorry you’re unstable, but I can’t be involved with you any longer.”

  I guess I have to go get her mother. I feel awful for waking Toni up, but someone has to get Alyssa out of there. I pat Toni’s shoulder. Her eyes open.

  “Toni, I’ve told Alyssa the news and she’s not taking it well. She thinks I’m crazy and she’s locked herself in the lavatory.”

  She sits up and straightens her skirt. “I’ll go talk to her. What did you tell her?”

  “You know, that we’re going to shape shift into the Phoenixes and we were born to be together.”


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