Ride or Dye (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #6)

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Ride or Dye (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #6) Page 2

by Aimee Nicole Walker

  Per Mama’s request, Gabe got us to the hospital fast with the sirens blaring and lights flashing. I had to admit it was fun, especially when Chaz had to pull over so we could go around him. I was pretty sure he extended his middle finger as we drove by. I’d only been in the back of a police cruiser once, and they didn’t turn on the lights when they hauled me to jail for getting into a fight on Black Friday.

  “Where are they?” Mama asked Trent who stood just inside the emergency room doors.

  “They took them up to the maternity floor to tend to Meredith and Victoria. You guys can head on up. I’ll wait down here for everyone else.”

  Mama Richmond wrapped Trent up in a tight hug. “Thank you so much for helping my baby girl. God knew what he was doing when he placed you in her path today.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Trent said. “I’m looking forward to seeing baby Tori grow up to be as bright and beautiful as her mama and grandmama.”

  “You’re smooth,” Mama said, pulling back. “Lucky for you I have a granddaughter to meet, or else, I’d be trying to find you a husband.”

  Trent chuckled and shook his head like he was unsure what to say. “I’ll be up to check on my newest patient in just a few minutes. Dr. Pierce is up there with her now.”

  Mama Richmond power walked to the elevators without another word, leaving Gabe and me to scramble after her. The entire gang trickled in while we waited to see Meredith and Victoria. Poor Harley got stuck on the interstate and was the last to arrive. He passed through the gauntlet of hugs and happy tears as he made his way toward the information desk so he could ask to see his wife and daughter. Trent came out of the double doors wearing surgical scrubs before Harley had a chance to ask.

  “Meredith sent me out to find you and Mama,” Trent told him. He looked at the rest of us. “You guys can start cycling back in a little bit.”

  “Out of my way,” Mama said, elbowing her way through the crowd. “I got fingers and toes to count. I heard my Tori has a head full of hair, and I want to see every curl. And then you people can have a turn.” Mama cackled and followed Harley through the door.

  Trent’s face flushed a bright red, and I knew he remembered the conversation that took place in the salon kitchenette. I thought about entertaining our friends with the story while we waited but decided against it. It wasn’t my story to tell, and I owed Trent a favor.

  “You’re not going to invite him to Sunday dinners now, are you?” Gabe asked from beside me. “I’m grateful for his actions today, but sharing a table with him is stretching my generosity.”

  “Maybe just the first one Meredith, Harley, and Tori attend after they come home.” An idea occurred to me. I was pretty sure I saw a spark of interest when Trent shook Tuck’s hand. “In fact, I think I’ll invite Tucker to thank him also.”

  Gabe smirked because he knew what I was up to. “Just one dinner after we return from our vacation,” he conceded.

  “Deal,” I said. “Now, what was it you said in the SUV about getting ideas?”

  “THIS ISN’T THE CAR I rented,” I said to the agent at the front desk. “I requested a convertible Mini Cooper and was assured you would have one for me to pick up today. This,” I gestured to the Volkswagen Beetle, “is neither a Mini Cooper nor a convertible.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Roman-Wyatt, there’s obviously been a mistake. Another agent got the orders mixed up and gave your Mini to someone else this morning. I did call and ask them to return the car since they didn’t pay for the upgrade, but they’re halfway to Florida already.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and inhaled slowly through it, exhaling through my mouth. I’d never be the flexible pretzel Josh was, but I was learning yoga basics to help manage stress. “I understand mistakes are made, but I’d like to know how you’re going to make this up to me?” The Beetle was cute, but there was no way in hell I was driving it all the way to the coast of South Carolina.

  “I’m prepared to offer you an upgrade. We have a brand-new luxury vehicle with two moonroofs, top-of-the-line leather seats, and a killer stereo system. I’m willing to let you drive it at no additional cost to you.”

  “I’ll take it,” I said proudly. I had hoped to surprise Josh with a convertible Mini for this trip, but he wouldn’t turn up his nose at a luxury car. My mind was spinning with all the possibilities as I waited for them to bring the car around. Cadillac? BMW? Audi? I glanced up as a shiny, black minivan pulled up to the door and stopped. I felt sorry for the poor sucker who had to drive it. I don’t care how convenient it would be; a minivan was never going to be in my future.

  The young employee who drove the car around the building entered the lobby and made a beeline straight for me. Maybe I needed to spend more time in the weight room if the guy looked at me and instantly thought soccer dad. I’d set him straight as soon as he tried to hand those keys off to me. “Are you Mr. Roman-Wyatt?”

  “I am,” I acknowledged, expecting him to say my ride would be brought around next.

  “Here are your keys,” he said, holding them out to me. “Let me show you some of the unique features the Chrysler Pacifica has to offer you, sir.”

  “Hold up,” I said firmly. “The agent,” I turned and gestured to the counter which was conveniently unoccupied, “told me I was getting a luxury vehicle upgrade since your company gave the car I wanted to the wrong customer this morning.”

  “Yeah?” he asked. “That’s a bummer. What did you choose?”

  “A convertible Mini Cooper,” I replied.

  “A Mini?” He looked me up and down like it was the last car he expected me to rent.

  “It was a surprise for my husband.”

  “Oh, well, I’m sorry we made a mistake, but I can assure you the Pacifica is the most luxurious minivan on the road.”

  “Both my mother and mother-in-law own one to drive our kids around in, so I’m very familiar with it.”

  “You’re all set then,” he said with a huge grin, dangling the keys in front of me.

  “Thanks,” I grudgingly said when I accepted the keys.

  “Safe travels, sir,” the guy said as I walked away. I offered a brief wave and headed out to the van. I just hoped the rest of my vacation surprises didn’t blow up in my face.

  I reluctantly admitted the leather seats were nicer than any I’d sat in before, and the stereo system was as incredible as the agent promised. Leave it to Chrysler to put Harman Kardon speakers in a fucking minivan. By the time I merged onto the interstate to head north, I was jamming to classic rock and admiring the smooth way the van handled. When I pulled into the driveway, I was completely relaxed and ready to enjoy the night with my family.

  I envisioned early bedtime for the babies so I could kick off the vacation with a midnight skinny dip with their daddy. I wanted us to be as relaxed as possible before we set off without our kids in the morning. The longest we had ever spent apart from them was a long weekend. An entire week away might be too much to ask, but we needed couple time. Our children would benefit in the long run because alone time would make our marriage even stronger.

  A pizza delivery vehicle pulled up behind the minivan, and a teenaged girl got out of it. “Hello, Captain Roman-Wyatt,” she said cheerfully.

  “Hello, Natalie. How are your parents?”

  “Doing well, sir. Here are your three extra-large pizzas. The order and tip were already paid by credit card. Did you order the pizza this time, or was it the birds placing an order through Alexa again?”

  “I just pulled in the driveway, so I have no idea,” I replied honestly. It could go either way. Maybe Josh envisioned a totally different evening than I had. “Have a good night, Natalie. Drive safely.” She gave me a brief salute before turning and heading back to her car.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I said when I walked through the front door. No sounds of running toddlers, a dog, or my man greeted me. “Must be poolside,” I said to myself as I walked through the house. I stopped by the large aviary and looked at
Savage and Sassy. “Did you order the pizzas?”

  “Suck my cock!” Savage squawked. “Suck it really good.” Fuck! He sounded like he was repeating Josh from the other night. The ornery shit didn’t miss a fucking thing which is why I knew he saw one of the grandpas hide the Easter egg in the dining room and gloated when we didn’t find it until weeks later when the odor gave the location away.

  “You better watch it, Dirty Bird.”

  “Smeller’s the feller,” Sassy said as if she knew the incident I was thinking about. It was exactly what Savage said when I had asked about the horrific smell.

  “You too, Dirty Lady.”

  Joyful laughter floated in the air, pulling my attention away from our ornery birds. I would follow the sounds of my husband and children to the end of the earth if need be, but luckily, I only had to go as far as the pool.

  “Hello, family,” I said, stopping by the edge of the pool.

  “Papa! Papa!” my beautiful babies exclaimed from their little floaty devices. I could see them kicking their legs happily in the water. Both of them wore tiny sunglasses and hats to protect their faces. Even though the hottest part of the day was behind us, I knew Josh had lathered them in sunscreen just to be careful.

  “O Captain! My Captain,” Josh said. “Why don’t you lose some of those clothes and join us.”

  “This seems like an awful lot of pizza for two adults and two toddlers. Did the birds order pizza, or do we have company coming over tonight?”

  “I thought about having everyone over because I wanted to see Tori one more time before we left. I can’t believe she’s a week old already. Then I realized that I just wanted a quiet night with you, our babies, and our parents.” I was glad to see we were on the same page but not surprised by it.

  “Does that mean you ordered three extra-large pizzas for six adults and two toddlers?”

  “Wasn’t me,” Josh replied. “I think it’s time we consider unplugging Alexa before our birds order something embarrassing or so outlandish it overdraws our bank account.” I didn’t think that would really happen because the birds only repeated what they’d heard us say. Right? The pizza order they placed would’ve been the one I used if we were having a pool party that night.

  “You don’t have to convince me. I think it’s fucking creepy.” I couldn’t understand why everyone wanted to be plugged into technology all the damn time. I knew it made me sound like I was seventy-five years old, but it didn’t feel natural to me.

  “Put those pizza boxes down, strip down to your boxers, and get in here. You look like you could use a refreshing swim before we eat the pizza.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” I replied, setting the boxes down on the huge, rectangular patio table.

  “Um, I already did,” Josh said, reminding me that he’d already told me to lose my clothes.

  I adored the hungry look in his eyes when he watched me strip down. I jumped in and swam underwater until I reached my family. I tugged on the twins’ toes then popped up in time to catch them squealing with delight before I planted a firm kiss on their daddy’s smiling lips.

  “Papa! Papa!” I never tired of hearing them call my name while reaching their chubby hands toward me.

  “My precious angels,” I said, dropping low in the water so I could kiss their foreheads and they could wrap their arms around my neck.

  “Tu bo!” Dylan yelled.

  “Tu bo!” Destiny repeated.

  They loved to play tug boat. I started making ridiculous engine noises, that made them giddy, and swam backwards, tugging them along.

  “Fas!” Dylan yelled. He was my daredevil that wanted to do everything faster. I dreaded the thought of him driving as a teenager. Josh once said to me that our son would need to learn one day not everything was meant to be done faster.

  I tugged them around for a few minutes while Josh swam under water and tickled their toes. Of course, he used their distraction to brush up against my body every chance he got too, as if I wasn’t aware of where he was every second.

  “Grandpa’s here,” I heard my dad say from the patio. I looked up and found him looking down at my pile of clothes on the chaise lounge. My mom stood beside him wearing a smirk and holding a pile of towels for us to dry off.

  “Ah, you’re the most beautiful family God ever put on her green earth,” Bertie said tearfully. Bill hooked an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

  “Tug those babies over here and let me dry them off,” my mom said. “Then you guys can get dried off, and we can eat this pizza. Why in the world did you order so much, Gabe? Your dad and Bill will be eating leftovers the entire week you’re away.”

  “The birds did it!”

  “Uh huh.” Mom didn’t buy it for a minute. She might witness it firsthand if we left Alexa plugged in while we were away.

  Our moms took Destiny and Dylan inside to get dressed, but our dads remained outside to guard the pizza, so I couldn’t give Josh a proper honey-I’m-home kiss until we were alone upstairs. Josh stepped back after a few minutes and put some space between us before my dick was fully activated into fuck mode.

  “To be continued,” he said with a playful wink.

  Our evening was as peaceful and beautiful as I had hoped it would be, and I couldn’t help feeling emotional when we read stories to Destiny and Dylan before placing them in their cribs. I would miss story time with them so damn much.

  The rental car didn’t come up until later when we took the trash down to the curb so it was ready for pickup in the morning. Josh looked at the van, and even I had to admit it looked sleek in the moonlight. He spun around and placed both hands on my face. “You remembered.” I didn’t, but I nodded as if I did. “You’re going to let me live out my fantasy of fucking you in one of those captain’s chairs.” Ding. Ding. Ding. Yeah, he jogged my memory good.

  I began walking him backward to the minivan while I reached for the fob to open the side door. “Something about reclining the seats as far as they would go then opening the moonroof so you could make love to me beneath the stars.”

  “That’s the one,” Josh agreed. “It just never felt right borrowing one of our moms’ vans to do the deed in.”

  “You get inside the van and think dirty thoughts while I go inside to retrieve the lube.”

  “Might as well bring a big bottle we can stash inside. We’re going to get all kinds of use out of this baby,” Josh said, gliding his hand over the armrest of the captain’s chair. “Hurry, Gabe.”

  I didn’t waste another second and jogged back inside and up the stairs to retrieve the lube. I nearly knocked over my dad in the hallway on my way back to Josh. He raised a brow when he saw what I had in my hand.

  “Atta boy, Gabe,” he said, patting me on the shoulder.

  “Thanks, Dad. Just don’t look out the windows overlooking the driveway.” Bill and Bertie’s eyes would be safe from my romp with Josh because their room overlooked the side yard.

  “Don’t you worry, Son. I have plans to keep your mama busy.” Years ago, I would’ve gagged, but now, I appreciated how much effort my parents put into their marriage. It took a lot of energy to keep the love alive, but it was so fucking worth it.

  Josh was still dressed when I returned to the van because he’d left the sliding door open for me. I wasn’t upset, taking off his clothes was a huge turn-on for me. I pushed the button just inside the door to close us in while Josh hit the button to open the moonroofs above the back seats.

  “Look at all those stars,” Josh whispered.

  “I’m ready to see the moon,” I teased, reaching for his firm ass cheeks. “Too cheesy?” I asked.

  “A tiny bit but I’ll let it slide because I’m so excited about this trip.”

  “You are?” I asked, pulling his shirt over his head then doing the same with mine. “I thought you’d be hesitant to leave Dylan and Destiny.”

  “I’m going to miss them like crazy, but I’m going to soak up every second we
have alone together,” Josh told me as I worked his shorts and underwear down his toned legs. “I’m going to relish being able to enjoy your body anytime I want.”

  My dick was as hard as a spike before I was fully naked. I was always hard and eager to please when we were alone. I reclined the captain’s chair expecting Josh to coat my cock and climb on, but he lowered himself between my knees and licked a path up the rigid length of my erection. He chuckled around the head of my cock when I moaned in delight.

  “This was the best idea I’ve had in a long time.” I didn’t feel at all bad for accepting full credit for something that was pure luck on my part.

  I lost the ability to think by the time Josh was done torturing me with his mouth. Of course, he seemed to have just as much fun making me squirm while slicking up my cock for his ride. “I think we need to kick off our road trip with the ride of your life.”

  “My Sunshine,” I reverently whispered when he sank down on my length and began to move—slowly and seductively. I couldn’t look away from the way the moonlight glowed on his skin or the look in his eyes as he loved me with every inch of his perfect body. “Kiss me.”

  Josh lowered his upper body and braced his hands on both sides of my headrest. He chose to stare into my eyes while he sped up his torture instead of kissing me as I asked.

  “Kiss me,” I pleaded, craving his lips and tongue just as much as any other part of him. “Please.”

  He saw how much I needed him and gave me what I was begging him for. His tongue twined slowly around mine at first but sped up when he rode me faster. His teasing kisses became hungry and demanding as he sought pleasure from my body and, in return, rocked my world as only he could. I could tell he was about to come apart in my arms, so I gripped his hips hard and thrust up inside him.

  “Yes!” Josh cried out hoarsely. Pleasure moved hard and swift through him, leaving him quaking in my arms and robbing him of the ability to speak as he panted through his orgasm in shaky breaths.

  Then his mouth was back on mine, capturing my ecstatic cries as I pulsed and released deep inside him. Instead of cleaning up right away with one of our shirts so we could go inside, I pulled Josh down onto my chest so I could extend the serenity I felt with him.


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