Ride or Dye (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #6)

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Ride or Dye (Curl Up and Dye Mysteries, #6) Page 5

by Aimee Nicole Walker

  I worried I wouldn’t be able to pull off shock and awe when we finally arrived, but my reaction when Gabe drove down the half-mile lane to Tarlington House was genuine. The pictures on the internet didn’t do this place justice.

  “I feel like we’re driving through an enchanted forest,” I told Gabe, as I looked at the dense woods on both sides of the drive. “Is there a castle at the end of this driveway?”

  “No, but I think it’s the next best thing,” Gabe said as we pulled into the clearing and I got my first look at Tarlington House.

  “Oh my God!” I exclaimed softly. “She’s more beautiful than a castle. You chose well, babe.” My eyes struggled to take in all her graceful beauty at once. The ivory, federal-style home and surrounding grounds were stunning. “Look at the second-story balcony. I bet the view is just amazing.”

  “That door is to the suite I rented for the week,” he proudly said. “You’ll have plenty of time to check out the view when you drink your coffee in the morning or make love to me at night.”

  “I bet we’ll see a lot of stars tonight,” I said, picturing the two of us cuddled beneath a blanket on our private porch.

  A man in a suit came out the front door of Tarlington House when Gabe rounded the curve in the driveway. There were two sets of steps leading up to the large porch. The gentleman jogged down the left set and approached our vehicle when Gabe came to a stop.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. Are you checking in?”

  “We are,” Gabe said. “We have a reservation for Roman-Wyatt.”

  Another man jogged down the same set of steps and joined him. “I’m your concierge, José. You’ll see me filling in many roles here at Tarlington House. Tonight, I’ll also act as your valet. This,” he clasped the second man, “is David, and he will make sure your luggage arrives at your room while you check in.”

  I suddenly felt terrible about the amount of luggage I packed. “David probably wants us to drag our owns suitcases around.”

  “Nah,” David replied affably, “I’m prepared for everything. You leave it to me.”

  Gabe shrugged and opened his door to get out. “I’ll return the keys to you in a jiffy,” José told him.

  Gabe reached for my hand, and together, we went inside to check in at the front desk while the guys took care of the van and luggage. The outside of the house was impressive, but the view when I first walked in blew me away.

  “I’ve never seen a double, curving staircase,” I said in awe.

  “It was designed by the same architect who built the White House,” said a warm voice to the right of us.

  I looked over at the check-in counter and smiled at the woman patiently waiting for us to come over. “Everyone has the same jaw-dropping reaction when they come to Tarlington House for the first time.”

  Gabe placed his hand at the small of my back and guided me to the counter. “I’m Gabriel Roman-Wyatt, and this is my husband, Josh.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you both. I hope you’re looking forward to your stay.”

  She then handed us a folder and went into detail about all the activities and amenities they had to offer. I’d never gone horseback riding before, but no way was I leaving without riding one through the woods, preferably guided by someone who knew what they were doing and where they were going. The jet skis and canoeing outings also sounded fun. I expected Gabe to react one way or the other, but he kept staring at the woman who introduced herself as Geneva Louderback. The entire time she spoke, Gabe was watching her with an expression I could only describe as adoration.

  “Excuse me,” he finally said. “I hope you won’t think me inappropriate, but I just want to say how much I admire your son, not only for his athleticism but the kind of man he is off the court.”

  Geneva placed her hand over her heart and smiled even broader. “I don’t think it’s inappropriate at all. I think it’s wonderful to hear. I am so proud of my boy.”

  “As you should be.”

  “Your room is located on the second floor. You have the balcony room at the front. If you don’t want to take the staircase, the elevator is—”

  “We’ll use the glorious staircase, Geneva,” I told her.

  “It’s a beauty,” she said. “Here are your room keys. Dinner was served a few hours ago, but we do offer room service if you’re hungry. There’s a menu in your room, but feel free to call down if you need anything or have questions.”

  “Thank you,” I said, looping my arm through Gabe’s. “I have a feeling it will be a vacation we will never forget.”

  “That’s our aim,” she said with a genuine smile. “David will bring your luggage up to you in just a bit. I’ll have him bring your car keys up too.”

  We thanked her once more then made our way up the grand staircase. Of course, I took the left stairs when Gabe headed for the right. Had it been our house, I would’ve raced him to the top, but I was trying to show I was a sophisticated man. I was doing good until Gabe opened the double doors with one of the nifty, antique-looking skeleton keys Geneva gave him.

  “Fuck. Me.” My mouth gaped open as I looked around the suite. The four-poster bed was either one hell of a replica piece or a genuine antique. The intricately carved details on the headboard, footboard, and posts were stunning. Through an open door, I could see a huge claw foot tub, and I planned to take full advantage of it as soon as possible. The sitting room on the opposite side of the bedroom area was spacious and filled with comfortable furniture.

  “This reminds me of our suite at home,” I told Gabe when I could find my voice.

  “We’re only missing the balcony. Are you ready to check it out?”

  We opened the double doors, and it was like we were stepping into another world. The balcony overlooked the driveway, but beyond it, all I could see were beautiful trees. The sun was dropping lower in the sky as Gabe pulled me into his arms and kissed me long and slow.

  “I’ve been thinking of this moment ever since I booked our stay.”

  “Yeah?” I asked. “What else have you been thinking about?”

  “Knock knock,” David said from the open doorway. He pushed a luggage cart into the room and immediately proceeded to unload it.

  “Here, let me help,” Gabe said, rushing to his side. “My husband gets a little carried away.” Oh yes, I planned to get carried away as soon as we were alone again.

  “Trust me, guys. This is nothing compared to what I’ll be unloading later in the week.”

  “Thank you, David,” Gabe said, handing him a tip.

  “Did Geneva tell you room service is available around the clock?” he asked.

  “She sure did,” Gabe replied. “Oh, I forgot to ask where the bar is located.”

  “Just past the grand staircase are the open common rooms. There are sitting and dining areas as well as a bar. The last call is two o’clock. There’s also a library, billiard room, and a small movie theater on the first floor. Is there anything else I can help you with?” he asked. When we replied we couldn’t think of anything, he excused himself and wished us a pleasant evening.

  “Just who is Geneva’s son?” I asked when we were alone. “Some awesome tennis player?” It was the only sport I knew of that used a court.

  “Rodney Louderback is the greatest basketball player to ever grace a court, but his charitable deeds and generosity are what makes him a legend in my mind.” He pulled me to him for a hard kiss. “Don’t be jealous. You’re still my Sunshine.”

  “I’m not jealous.” Maybe I was a little bit.

  “Uh huh. Why don’t you let everyone know we made it while I go down to the bar to get us some mixed drinks. Save me a rocking chair, okay?”

  “You got it.”

  “After the sun goes down, I want to lounge with you in the big tub before I spread blankets on the balcony and make love to you under the stars for the second night in a row.”

  “Sounds like heaven.”

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and noticed I was
n’t getting very good cell service. I picked up a second bar once I stepped farther out on the balcony and was able to reach my mom. She was relieved to hear from me and thrilled we loved Tarlington House so much.

  “Take a lot of pictures,” she told me.

  “I will, Mom.” She promised to let everyone know we arrived so I could kick back and enjoy what little remained of our first day of vacation.

  Gabe returned just in time to watch the sun disappear over the tree line. Peace and tranquility washed over me as day turned to night and the stars appeared, twinkling in the sky. I looked over at Gabe to invite him to the tub but saw he was fast asleep. I set my drink down and went inside to retrieve the throw blanket I saw on the back of the sofa. I started to drape it over him, but he snagged my hand and tugged until I sat on his lap. Gabe tucked me beneath his chin while I covered us up with the blanket. For the second night in a row, I fell asleep in my husband’s arms beneath the stars.

  I DON’T KNOW HOW long I stayed asleep in the rocking chair with Josh curled in my arms. Hell, I don’t even remember Josh climbing on my lap and covering me with a blanket. The last thing I remember was staring up at the stars in the sky. Fuck, I was getting old. It wasn’t too long ago my heat-seeking missile disguised as a dick would’ve woken me up as soon as Josh was within touching range. I wondered if Josh enjoyed a long, leisurely bath without me. Thinking of him lounging all alone made me sad, but lust swiftly took its place and woke up the rest of me that still slumbered. A naked and wet Josh was one of my favorite visuals.

  I trailed my fingers up and down his spine like I usually did, relishing the way he practically purred in his sleep while nestling closer to me. I swear he would burrow into my body like a tick if he could, but he was already entrenched so deep in my heart there was nothing and no one who could ever uproot him. As stiff as I was from a long day of driving and the previous night’s uncomfortable sleeping position, I wasn’t eager to wake him up and break our connection. Instead, I just sat there and let the serenity of the night wash over me until my eyes felt heavy again.

  I started to wake Josh so we could get in bed and sleep more comfortably, but whispering sounds on the wind stilled my hand. A soft chorus of voices rose into the night, making every hair on my body stand at attention. It sounded like it was coming from the woods surrounding the house, but there were no visible signs of people walking in the dark. No lanterns or flashlights gave them away, but I felt their presence just the same. The voices grew louder, and I could hear the verses to the song they sang.

  Oh, who will come and go with me?

  I am bound for the land of Canaan

  I’m bound fair Canaan’s land to see,

  I’m bound for the land of Canaan.

  Oh, Canaan, sweet Canaan,

  I’m bound for the land of Canaan

  Sweet Canaan, ’tis my happy home;

  I am bound for the land of Canaan.

  I’ll join with those who’ve gone before,

  I am bound for the land of Canaan.

  Where sin and sorrow are no more,

  I am bound for the land of Canaan.

  The voices faded until I could no longer hear them. “Fuck me!” I whispered through teeth that threatened to chatter.

  “Okay,” Josh said groggily. “I’m always up for a good time.”

  “Sunshine,” I said softly. “I’m pretty sure there were ghosts moving through the woods. They were singing a song I heard in church as a child. ‘Sweet Canaan.’”

  “It was probably a dream,” Josh said sleepily. “We should try to sleep in a real bed tonight. What do you say?”

  “It wasn’t a dream. I thought it might be at first, but I was wide awake.”

  Josh rose up so he could look at me. “They’re not looking to hurt you. They’re just lost souls, wandering the earth.”

  “How can you be so calm?” I asked. I was freaked the fuck out. “What if Tarlington House has ghosts?”

  “It won’t upset me unless they hold my head under water or try to ride your cock.”

  “Those are your hard limits?”

  “Think about where we are, Gabe. The South is a hotbed of paranormal activity because of the atrocious crimes against humanity committed here. Who knows how many lost souls are wandering around? It doesn’t frighten me; it makes me sad.”

  “You have a way of putting things in perspective and making me see them in a new light. To me, ghosts were always scary things out to get you.”

  “That’s Hollywood, babe,” Josh sleepily said as he rose to his feet. “Scary shit sells, but it doesn’t make it accurate.” Josh extended his hand, and I pretended not to hear all the popping and cracking going on in my body. “I was going to lead you straight to bed, but I can see a detour is needed.”

  I followed Josh into our bathroom and undressed while he turned on the faucet to let the water heat up. “Let me,” I said when he reached for the hem of his T-shirt. Baring his skin never got old, and I knew it never would. Once he was naked, Josh adjusted the water temperature then put the stop in the drain so the tub would fill. I kept my hands on his body the entire time then pulled him to me for a kiss while we waited for the water to rise.

  “I love the way you cherish me,” Josh whispered against my lips. “I appreciate all the thought you put into this vacation. I adore being just us again.”

  “I do love and cherish you, Sunshine. It feels like these last few years have flown by like a speeding train. At least at this moment with you, life doesn’t feel so damn hectic and insane.” I reached around to glide my hand over his taut ass. “I want to slow it down and soak up every second I have with you.”

  Josh reached over and shut off the faucet. “We’ll start with a soak in this amazing tub.”

  “That’s borderline cheesy, Sunshine,” I said, stepping into the tub. The water temperature was perfect, but Josh always knew just how I liked everything. “We are a snarky family, not a cheesy one.”

  “I believe I came up with that rule,” he reminded me.

  “Well, you nearly broke it.”

  Josh waited for me to get settled before he stepped over the side of the tub and sank down in the water between my parted thighs. “Oh, hello there, Captain.”

  How could I not be rock hard with his glorious ass pressed against my cock and balls? Thoughts of soaking my body turned into rowdy fucking. “Turn around and straddle me,” I whispered in his ear. Josh must’ve liked the husky timbre in my voice because he shivered deliciously before doing as I requested.

  Josh let his head fall back as soon as our hardened cocks pressed against each other. I took advantage of his exposed neck, knowing how sensitive it was and how horny my kisses made him. The urge to fuck grew stronger every second he was in my arms, but why rush? We were on vacation. We didn’t have to set alarms to be up early for work nor would our kids wake us at some ungodly hour. I could kiss and savor him in ways I hadn’t in a very long time.

  I left no part of my husband’s body untouched, and he did the same to mine. I relearned all the types of kisses that made him shake with want and need. Neither of us let up on our sensual attack until we both trembled against each other. As much as I wanted to be inside Josh, I took my time drying his body then mine before we kissed our way to the bedroom. Turning the bedside lamps off wasn’t even a consideration because I didn’t want to miss a single expression on his face when we joined our bodies.

  I loved the way he reached for me, trusting his heart, body, and soul in my hands. No matter how desperate my lust became, I took my time stretching him open with lubed fingers because I only wanted cries of pleasure crossing his parted lips. I pressed my mouth to Josh’s, tasting the passionate cries escaping him when I finally slid home and was fully seated. Josh wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hooked his legs around the back of my thighs, making sure every part of him enveloped every part of me. Just like that, my plans to love him slow and tender evaporated.

  Josh grunted into my mouth when I
picked up the tempo, driving us both closer to the finish line. Damn, this man made me crazy in all the right ways. “Never…get…enough.” I punctuated each word by punching my hips forward, tagging his prostate.

  Josh gripped my hair and did his slick maneuver to roll me onto my back, taking control. “I always come out on top,” he told me with a mischievous grin before he started to move.

  I could do nothing but watch and feel as he mastered me like no one else ever could…or would. My husband was masculine poetry in motion, and I let him taunt me until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “God, I love when you lose your control,” Josh purred when I rolled him onto his back and became a rutting beast until he came apart beneath me. I was too far gone and filled his ass the moment his face screwed up into his blissed-out orgasm face. “I’m too tired to shower this off,” Josh said, pointing to the spunk on his stomach after I collapsed beside him on the bed.

  “Give me a few seconds to catch my breath, and I’ll get you a warm, wet washcloth,” I told him.

  “You stay here and rest,” Josh said, sitting up in the bed. “You did all the driving while I did all the resting. Besides, you’ve fallen asleep with me weighing you down two nights in a row.”

  The bed shifted when he got up, and I heard him walking toward the bathroom. I didn’t stay awake long enough to hear him turn on the water, but I roused a little when he cleaned me up with a warm, wet washcloth. I was out again before he finished and didn’t wake back up when he climbed beneath the sheets and cuddled up to me. I only knew he cuddled into my side because he always did, and it’s how I found him the next morning.

  I rolled over onto my side so I could hold him tighter against my chest. I expected us to outgrow our need to tangle our limbs together while we slept, but we hadn’t. I had almost drifted back to sleep when I heard a bird doing its morning song thing. For a split second, I thought I was back home in my bed until the bird’s morning song was drastically different than anything Savage or Sassy would sing or say. And, it sounded close, and I mean in the same room.


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