Beauty & Broken Daddy: A Second Chance Romance (Boss Daddies)

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Beauty & Broken Daddy: A Second Chance Romance (Boss Daddies) Page 9

by Claire Angel

  All bets were off—I was going to have this ravishing creature, if I had to crawl over broken glass to get to her.

  “I want you,” I whispered into her ear, playing with her earlobe with my tongue.

  “I want you, too.” She groaned back at me.

  I placed my hands on her tight ass and pulled her into my groin to show her just how much I wanted her. She opened her legs just enough so I could move in closer still. My hips had a mind of their own as they rocked against her core. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I picked Brooke up and she wrapped her legs around me. I carried her to the sofa, kissing her harder still. My head was spinning—I felt as light as a feather, drunk with my need for her.

  The doorbell rang. I ignored it. It rang again. Fuck! I stopped kissing her and put her down. I was not happy!

  “You better get that,” she said, looking just as harried.

  I pulled myself together, straightened my clothes, and pressed my hard dick to one side in the hope that it would yield. Brooke sat down on the sofa and fixed her hair.

  I opened the front door.

  “Frank? Is anything the matter?”

  “Hi, Noah. My apologies for turning up without calling, but I need you to sign these urgently. I need to file them with the courts first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay, Frank. Please, come in.”

  He followed me to my study, and for the next painfully long ten minutes, I was trapped in there with him, signing paper after paper, wishing with all my might I could be making love to Brooke. Afterward, he put the papers back into his briefcase and headed for the door. I tried to be as polite as possible. The man was, after all, the one who would liberate Cody from Cassandra.

  After he left, I hurried back to the sofa where I’d left my object of desire. She was nowhere to be found. On the kitchen counter, next to the cheese and crackers, was a note.

  I’m sorry to leave you hanging, Noah. I had to leave with Jennifer. I had a really good time. See you in the morning. Brooke.

  Chapter 18


  “What the hell have you been doing? You look like you were pulled backward through barbed wire.” Jen grinned when she and I left Brandon’s house.

  I thought it a good idea to get the hell away from Noah as fast as my wobbly legs could carry me. I was getting in over my head—Jen was right. There was enough drama in Noah’s life without me throwing my hat into the mix. My core was still aching when Jen and I hit the freeway.

  “Nothing,” I lied. “Just went for a brisk walk. Thought I’d give you and Brandon some space.”

  “You were gone for a long time,” she said. “I was starting to worry.”

  “I’m fine. Thanks for caring, though. Did you have a nice time with Brandon? He’s very handsome.” I hoped the change of subject was enough to distract her.

  “He is so sexy!” Jen gushed. “It’s impossible to keep my hands off him.”

  “Yes, I did notice. You two were pretty hot and heavy. You should thank me for making myself scarce.”

  “I owe ya large.” Jen giggled.

  “I’m beat. It’s been a long day. I can’t wait to get into bed with a good book.”

  “Yeah, now that you’re a corporate girl, you need you rest,” she teased.

  “Ain’t that the truth. Thanks for introducing me to Brandon. He seems like a really nice guy.”

  “He is. I might have to run away with him and marry him on a tropical island somewhere. Just think how gorgeous our babies will be. Just like Blue Lagoon.” She laughed.

  “You would.” I scoffed, playfully, looking out of the window, thinking of Noah.

  After Jen dropped me off, I sat in the living room, contemplating my fate. I felt guilty for leaving him without saying goodbye, but it was an emergency—a ‘can’t keep my legs together’ emergency! I hoped he wouldn’t be too pissed at me.

  I guessed time would tell. I went to bed and rolled around until I eventually fell asleep.


  As I sat down at my desk the next morning, I was filled with nervous tension. I hoped Noah wasn’t angry. At eight-thirty, he arrived carrying his usual coat and leather satchel. We smiled awkwardly at each other, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then he went to his office and closed the door.

  It was better than I expected, but still weird. The elevator behind me opened and Bradley, a handsome, gregarious, young temp from downstairs, entered like a whirlwind. We’d bumped into each other a few times on our way to the deli. He was a wonderful conversationalist, and I adored his wicked sense of humor. Not to mention the fact that Bradley Cooper loved to drop little hints of office gossip in my lap. The who’s who and the stolen ass groping on the floors below me. If you needed to know anything, you bought Brad a cuppa and he spilled the beans.

  “Hey, gorgeous. What’s happening?” he greeted with a bright smile.

  “Well, hello there, handsome. Ugh, not much to report on this side. How about you? Any salacious gossip I missed over the weekend?”

  “As a matter of fact,” He smirked, “I might have some intel on a very cute little clerk and her very horny supervisor. But that’s a story for another day.”

  “I see. Then, what brings your stylish self to my neck of the woods, funny man?” He liked that.

  “I’ve got a little something for you,” he whispered as he stood in front of me, twirling an object around.

  “Oohh, I love presents. What is it?”

  His eyes were playful as he handed me the gift wrapped, oblong box, roughly the size of my hand.

  “It’s something you’ll really like.” He grinned, looking pretty pleased with himself. He enjoyed torturing me, the little shit.

  “Oh, Bradley!” I said excitedly. “Where did you get it?” I squealed as I unwrapped a bottle of perfume that hit the streets the week before.

  I was bummed when my favorite perfume went off the market. That seemed to happen to me a lot. Just as I found a lipstick or scent I loved, it was discontinued. The struggle was real.

  “You are such a honey! This must have cost you an arm and a leg.”

  “A gentleman never tells.” He grinned. “You mentioned it the other day when we were knee deep in sandwiches and cappuccinos, so I thought I’d snag one from my sister. She’s a rep for the company, so she gets a few freebies every so often. I told her you were a cool chick, and I needed her to do me a solid for the coolest temp at the otherwise dreary grind.”

  “I can’t believe it! This is so generous, Brad. You shouldn’t have...but I’m glad you did.”

  I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. He put his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

  “It’s nothing,” Brad said. “Thanks for being such a good office accomplice.”

  Just then Noah came out of his office and glared at us. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes fired daggers at me. He went back into his office and slammed the door.

  “Oops, I guess the boss doesn’t condone fraternizing between lowly co-workers at the office.” Brad giggled. “I better go before I get a ‘Dear John, please fuck off, effective immediately! Care of management’ note in my pigeonhole.”

  “Good idea. I would hate to be the reason for your unemployment status on your social media platforms.” I laughed. “But, honestly, thank you so much for the gift. You’re so sweet for remembering. Oh, and please tell your sister she’s a doll.”

  “Will do, princess. See you later,” he said and disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared.

  The internal line on my desk buzzed as soon as the elevator doors closed. I guessed the boss needed me. I grabbed my notepad and headed for his office. I knocked and waited for His Highness to grant me access.

  “Yes.” He growled. Oh marvellous, he was in a bad mood. Lucky me.

  “Hi,” I said, pretending not to give two shits and sat down across from him.

  “What the hell was that?” He spat the words at me.

  “What was what, Noah?” I ask
ed, knowing exactly why he was pissed but giving away nothing.

  “What are you playing at, Brooke? Are you trying to see how many men you can cavort with at work?”

  Even though I knew why he was pissed, his question made my blood pressure hit the ceiling. I tried to keep calm, but it was way too late for that.

  “Firstly, it’s none of your damn business who I choose to ‘cavort’ with! And, secondly, Brad is gay, you idiot!” I yelled at him at the top of my voice. I threw the notepad down on his desk and turned to march out of the room.

  Before I got to the door, Noah had me by the arm. He swung me around, pushed me up against the door, and kissed me like a madman. I pushed him away, but he came in for a second attempt.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Noah? It’s not as if we are an item, anyway,” I said, still fuming.

  “I know,” he said in a husky voice, “but I can’t help it. You drive me crazy, Brooke. I must have you,” he said, and kissed me again.

  There was no point in fighting the fact that I wanted him just as much. He reached behind me and locked the door while he pinned me between it and his body. Despite my anger, I reached down and felt for his groin, as if my mind and my body were disconnected. I unzipped his pants and found his hard cock. He groaned as I took him into my hand and stroked his shaft, slowly, purposefully.

  He pushed his hands up under my shirt and skillfully unclipped my bra. Then, he took my nipples between his fingers and squeezed them hard enough for me to gasp with excitement.

  His mouth left mine as he made his way steadily down my neck to where my heaving breasts were waiting for him. It was sheer ecstasy when his tongue played across my proud mounds, stopping to suck each nipple in turn.

  I moaned as he moved against me, his hips rocking in and out of my firm grip on his shaft. Then he stopped and lifted me off the ground, like I weighed absolutely nothing, and lay me down gently on the chaise lounge in the corner of his office. He started undressing me, while he stared dreamily into my eyes. Before I knew it, my shirt and bra were on the floor, followed by my skirt and panties. He smiled when he looked down at my naked body.

  “You’re even more breathtaking than I imagined,” he said and kissed my stomach, licking the inside of my belly button. I was so wet for him, my core ached. I longed to have him inside me, for him to take me as his.

  I pulled him closer and unbuttoned his shirt, careful so as not to rip the buttons from the fabric. I ran my hands over his smooth, hard, muscled torso, as his shirt fell open. His skin felt so good to the touch. He stood back, undid the belt, and stepped out of his pants.

  My breath caught in my throat as I looked at his large cock, at eye level, its head gleaming with wetness for me. He was a perfect specimen of a man. Noah stood there, very still for a long time so that I could take him in, then he lay down on top of me. The heat from his body radiated through me as he stared into my eyes with his beautiful hazel pools of promise.

  “I want you, Brooke,” he whispered into my ear, while his fingers traveled to my pussy.

  When they reached their destination, I swore to never let him go. I wanted to stay there under his beautiful body, forever, lost in sweet abandonment.

  “Take me, Noah. I’m yours,” I whispered back.

  My words excited him because he pulled away his hand and drove hard into me. My core welcomed him in, and together we moved frantically against each other, chasing the high of release. I held onto his ass and pulled him in with each stroke. He moaned as he pulled out and re-entered me.

  “Come for me, my beautiful,” he said as I spilled over the edge into blissful orgasm.

  My body shivered and rocketed as I gave in to absolute abandonment. As soon as I came, he followed with powerful shudders. I felt his seed shooting into me, and I bucked against his throbbing shaft.

  When we were both spent, we remained in each other’s embrace, neither of us moving a muscle. And that’s when I got scared.

  Chapter 19


  Her skin was so smooth to the touch, like Egyptian cotton on naked skin. I couldn’t move—my orgasm was so overwhelming, my legs refused to obey my mind when I commanded them to. Never had I felt this way before, not even with Cassandra. This wasn’t lust. It was something else altogether—what, I did not know or dare to imagine.

  I moved, reticently, out of her, and felt instantly abandoned when I wasn’t inside her any longer. What was she thinking? Was this just a pity fuck to her? Did she feel sorry for the poor single dad, fighting for his kid, jealous of whoever his PA was talking to? She must think me pathetic, even if her body said otherwise.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her, not sure why.

  “Yes,” she said, not looking me in the eyes.

  Great! Well done, Noah. You just fucked up, you horny idiot!

  She got up off the chaise lounge, collected her clothes, got dressed, and started for the door.

  “I have to get back to my desk,” she said softly.

  “Okay,” I answered like a fool, instead of telling her that this wasn’t just lust on my part, that I felt for her very much. But that one lackluster word was all I could manage.

  I remained seated on the piece of furniture where I had just made love to Brooke Jones, the first woman who I felt anything for in years. My mind raced as I thought of what I would say to her when I eventually emerged from my office, the shameful hiding place of a coward.

  The phone rang. It was Frank. I answered the call while I got dressed.

  “Hi, Frank.”

  “Hi, Noah. Are you alright? You sound a little down.”

  “Uh, yeah, I’m fine. A little distracted, but fine. What’s up?”

  “Can you pop by my office? I have something for you,” he said. “It’s important.”

  “Okay, give me half an hour,” I agreed.

  “See you in a bit,” Frank said, then ended the call.

  I finished dressing, dreading my meeting with Frank. The last thing I had the energy or patience for right now was a vicious attack from Cassandra. But, I had to face facts sooner rather than later. My ex was relentless in her pursuit of my total annihilation, so I may as well get to it.

  I opened the office door and peered out, trying to look casual, but even I wasn’t fooled. Brooke was sitting at her desk, typing away furiously on some report or another. She didn’t look up. I cleared my throat, but still she kept on typing.

  “I need to step out for a few hours,” I said in my boss' voice.

  “Okay,” she said, simply.

  I guess that was my cue to get the fuck out of her face. I took it and ran.

  “Can we talk when I get back?” I asked just before I got into the elevator.


  Her chilly response was like an icy hand that gripped my heart and squeezed. How could twenty-four hours change one’s world from promising to complete disaster? I was exhausted.


  “I don’t understand,” I said as Frank sat behind his desk, his gaze fixed upon me.

  “Yup, who knew?” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

  “When did you get this?” I asked, staring down at the paper in my hand.

  “It was delivered to me by courier an hour or so ago. I thought perhaps you had performed a miracle. This certainly isn’t a gesture brought upon from her loving heart, is it?” Frank folded his arms and placed them on his desk.

  “I must say, I did not see this coming. Are you sure she’s not merely fucking with us? A little blind man’s bluff before she hurls a grenade at me?” I asked, filled with suspicion.

  “I called her attorney, and it seems to be on the up and up. I guess the fight is over.”

  “It’s a ridiculously high price to pay to get my son back, but I guess all is fair in love and war. So where do we go from here, Frank?”

  “Well, if you agree to her terms, we’ll sign and wait for her to do the same. Then, once all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, you pay a small
fortune and kiss Cruella goodbye.”

  “I assume you read through the small print with a fine tooth comb, Frank?”

  “And then some. There’s nothing ambiguous about it. It’s stock standard, if a little extreme. Congratulations, Noah. It seems as if the war is over before it began.”

  “I know why she did this,” I said finally.

  “Do tell,” Frank said and leaned back in his leather chair.

  “She knows full well that if dragged before a judge, she’d have a tough time explaining her various infidelities and string of babysitters who acted as substitute mother to our son.”

  “I guess so,” Frank said thoughtfully.

  “She and I both know that she would look pretty useless. But I don’t have the energy to drag our dirty laundry out in the courts for every nosy reporter to splash across the front page of the city’s newspapers.”

  “It’s only money, Noah. A shit load, admittedly, but money, nonetheless. You’re a wunderkind in your field. You’ll make it back in no time.” Frank smiled.

  “Agreed. As long as this is the last time my pennies will line her pockets. No more boob jobs, unnecessary liposuctions, and spa trips to health spas. Oh, and definitely NO tennis lessons!”

  Frank laughed from his gut. “Sorry, Noah. I couldn’t resist.”

  I smiled back at him. “I know how you feel. It would be funny if it wasn’t such a kick in the nuts.”

  “On the upside,” Frank grinned, “seven-hundred thousand dollars will buy you a nice, cold, gelpack to cool those flaming balls of yours.”

  I laughed despite my wounded bank balance. I felt as if a cargo ship had been lifted off my shoulders. The SS Cassandra was finally pushed out to sea. Hallelujah!

  My wrist was stiff after all the signatures I spilled all over Cassandra’s document of retreat. With a light heart, and a lighter pocket, I left Frank’s office a new man. There was one thing left on my mind when I drove back to the office and that was to talk to Brooke and tell her how I felt about her. I tapped my steering wheel as AC/DCs The Razor’s Edge blared at almost full volume through the Jag’s speakers. Nothing like a bit of kickass rock to clear the head.


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