02 Hunted - The Chosen

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02 Hunted - The Chosen Page 3

by Denise Grover Swank

  “Probably not. Now get in.”

  “No way. You show up with a Camaro and expect me to ride shotgun. Hand over the keys.”

  “Emma, get in the damned car. We don’t have time for this.”

  She held out her hand. “Exactly. Hand over the keys. You and I both know I’m a better driver than you.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Better driver, my ass. You just know how to street-race.”

  “And if the people who killed those kids find us, who better to be driving? Hand over the keys, Will.”

  He hated to admit she was right. While he’d love nothing more than to insist she was still recovering, he knew she was well enough to drive. He tossed the keys to her and shoved the duffle bag with their clothes and weapons in the backseat. “Then get your ass in the car,” he said. “Don’t just stand there waiting for someone to take a shot at you. I’ve had enough fun playing nursemaid.”

  She slid into the driver’s seat, looking happier than he’d seen her in weeks.

  “If I’d known all it took to turn you on was a fast car, I would have got you one ages ago.” Will teased, but his nerves were shot to hell. The sooner they got out of there, the better.

  “Shut up, Will.”

  When she pulled out of the parking lot onto the two-lane highway, Will reached for the glove compartment. “The car came with a surprise you’ll be sure to like.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “I finally found that Tim McGraw CD you kept asking for.”


  Emma smiled in spite of herself. Leave it to Will to take an insult she hurled at him when they first met and turn it into something bordering on sweet. As Will watched for her reaction, she wondered where she’d be if he hadn’t climbed into her car mere weeks ago. It left a mixture of gratitude and irritation.

  He reached over and laced his fingers through hers, sending shivers up her spine. This new Will was growing on her and that scared the shit out of her. Had she finally found a man worth taking a chance on? Emma had spent so much of her life simply surviving that she’d never had the luxury of considering happiness. Yet, there were moments with Will that teased her with its promise. Of course, she could never consider happiness without Jake. But the reality was that even once they found him, their lives would never be normal. Too many people wanted them.

  Her mind wandered to the possibility of a baby. The signs were all there, though she’d never admit it to Will. This poor baby was already hunted, not even born but burdened with prophecies and expectations. Acknowledging its existence opened a door to questions she wasn’t ready to face.

  Emma drove for a few hours, with Will constantly checking around them for signs of being followed. When he wasn’t checking, he was asking her how she felt.

  “For the fifty thousandth time, Will, I’m fine.”

  “You’ve been driving for a few hours and I don’t think we’re being trailed. I think I should drive.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “But what if you’re pregnant? You should be resting more.”

  She answered him with icy silence.

  “You don’t want to overdo it.”

  “I’m not discussing this,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “The fact that you might be pregnant might be what saves your lifes.”

  “Or gets me killed.”

  “Senator Warren is probably doing everything in his power to make sure you’re not harmed.”

  She turned to face him then looked at the road, anger bubbling in the pit of her gut. “Is that supposed to make me feel better? Besides, we don’t even know if I’m pregnant.”

  “That’s easily figured out. All it takes is peeing on a stick.”

  “If you’re so excited about peeing on a stick, then you do it.”

  “We have to talk about it sometime, Emma. If you’re pregnant, it’s going to become pretty obvious in a few months.”

  “Then I’ll deal with it then.”


  They stopped in Albuquerque well past midnight, checking into a motel that had seen better days. Once they entered the room, she stood next to the bed and smiled as he set their bag on the dresser.

  He turned to her with a wary grin. She’d refused to talk to him after their disagreement. “You look like you’re up to trouble.”

  “I don’t think I’ll hear any complaints.”

  Will raised his eyebrows. “Who said I was complaining?”

  Emma closed the distance between them and wrapped a hand around the back of Will’s head, pulling him down. Her lips were soft and eager on his.

  He broke away, his cocky smile spreading across his face. “What brought this on?”

  “Do I need a reason?” She looked up at him seductively, lifting up his shirt to slide her hands lightly over his chest.

  Will sucked in his breath. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her body against his as he leaned down to kiss her, his mouth more demanding than hers. She moaned as weeks of pent-up frustration boiled to the surface.

  “What about your leg?” he asked, breathless.

  She pulled his shirt over his head. Her fingers skimmed his back and slid down to the waistband of his jeans. “What about it?”

  He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “Emma, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  A smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “My leg is fine. You won’t hurt me.” Her hands moved to his front and she unbuttoned his jeans.

  He reached down and grabbed her hands in his own.

  “Will, really, I’m fine.” Emma started to tug his jeans down over his hips; his hands released hers. She looked up. “I want you.” Her voice was low and seductive.

  Will struggled with his conscience, but his need won out. “In that case, you’re definitely overdressed.” He pulled the sundress over her head. The sight of her in bra and panties made his gut tighten and his heart pound. Will’s eyes strayed to the bandage on her leg. He hesitated.

  Emma placed her hand on his cheek, lifting his gaze to her face. “Don’t look at that. I don’t even need the bandage anymore.” She kissed him again then dropped her hand from his face. She stepped back and tilted her head, smiling coyly. She reached behind her back and unfastened her bra, letting it slip over her shoulders and drop to the floor.

  “Look at this instead.”

  Will studied her face with her teasing eyes and the barest of smiles on her lips. Her long, dark hair draped over her shoulders ending at the top of her breasts. His eyes stayed there and then down to her hips and the black panties she wore. Emma stood still, watching and waiting for him.

  He looked back into her face and realized he wanted her more than he had ever wanted another woman. He kicked off his jeans, pulled her into his arms, and onto the bed, surprised he remembered to be gentle with her leg. She smiled in triumph when he lay next to her.

  Afterward, she lay naked beside him. Will marveled at how perfectly she fit in his life and his arms. She looked into his face with the tenderness that caught his breath weeks ago in a Kansas cornfield. His heart tripped before he smiled then leaned down to kiss her. How did he get to this place of belonging? Will trailed his fingers along her stomach. He wondered if she was pregnant, afraid to ask again, but curious to know. He looked back into her face and she read the question in his eyes.

  Emma bit her lower lip, a shadow of fear crossing over her eyes before she covered it.

  “Emma, you don’t have to tell me anything. I know you don’t want to talk about it.”

  “I know you want to, but I just can’t.”

  He nodded, but wondered if there was more to it. Even though she claimed she believed he had no choice when he decided to leave her with the senator’s group, he knew she didn’t totally trust him. Not that he could blame her. Not when he was the one who took her to them in the first place.

  “Emma, I know you had Jake alone but—”

  He felt her tense and her eyes filled with the grim determination he had seen
too much in their time together.

  “I know you don’t want to talk about the possibility of you being pregnant and we don’t have to. I just want you to know that if you are, you won’t do this alone. I’ll be here with you and I’ll do everything within my power to keep you safe.”

  She watched him in silence.

  “Do you believe me?”

  She slowly nodded her head.

  Will didn’t know why the possibility of a baby filled him with excitement. It wasn’t planned. He and Emma weren’t married, which surprised him that he even cared. Yet he couldn’t deny the happiness growing in his heart.

  Tears shimmered in her eyes.

  “Aww, Emma, it’ll be okay. Don’t cry.” Will pulled her close and stroked her hair.

  “Are you sure?” Her voice was so quiet he barely heard it.

  Will kissed the top of her head. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  He hated himself for lying to her.


  Jake sat on the edge of the bed clutching his stuffed dog, watching the television. Diego was on, but he’d seen this episode a gazillion times. Besides, the conversation outside the door was more interesting.

  The men thought he couldn’t hear them. He could, not their spoken words, but the thoughts in their heads. They didn’t know this; it was his secret. It got noisy sometimes, especially since it was a fairly new for him. It started only a few weeks ago. His mother had been the first.

  His eyes welled with tears at the thought of her. He missed her, but he wouldn’t show his weakness to the men. They were afraid of him. If they saw him cry, they might lose their fear. His mother’s image appeared in his head and a tear slipped down his cheek. He had never been away from her, not since he was three. He was five now. That was a long time ago.

  Jake was tempted to call to her. He’d done it once before, but the first time she called out to him, he answered her and she almost died. Somehow, the Bad Men knew how to find her after he talked to her. When she called to him many times after that, he ignored her, burying his face into his dog to cry if the men weren’t around. When he went to sleep at night, he lay in bed and pretended that she lay next to him, cradling him in her arms. The hope of seeing her again made him feel better even though he had never seen it happen in his head.

  The future he saw held mostly ugly things.

  The men in the hall began to get nervous. That usually meant they had to enter his room or someone more important was coming. He listened closely. It was someone new. He listened to their wandering thoughts to see if it was him, the man who visited Jake in his dreams before they took him from his mom. Whoever it was made them even more nervous than usual.

  Jake wiped the tears off his face and stared at the television, waiting. He didn’t care that he still clutched his dog. It didn’t matter. They were still scared of him.

  The door opened and he ignored the movement. It always aggravated the person who walked in. He could hear their frustration as thoughts rattled around in each man’s head, so he did it every time. It was a fun game for now.

  A man walked in, stopping just inside the door. Jake watched Diego walk through the jungle looking for a lost animal. He suddenly wondered if Will was looking for him. He told his mother not to look for him, but he never told Will not to. He quickly pushed the thought away. He never saw Will saving him either.

  The man stood still, waiting for Jake to acknowledge his presence, but Jake continued watching the television. Diego was never with his mommy. Jake wondered if Diego missed his mommy, too.

  Jake heard the man’s frustration turn to anger, not that Jake cared. The man couldn’t do anything.

  “I need one of you to come in here.” The man called through the still-open door.

  “No fucking way. I saw what he did to Hernandez a few days ago. I’m staying outside.”

  Jake felt bad about Hernandez. Kind of.

  The new man groaned with his voice but thought lots of bad words Jake’s mommy never let him use. Jake wanted to laugh, but it would ruin the game.

  The man shut the door, taking small steps toward him. Jake watched him out of the corner of his eye. He sat in an empty kitchen chair next to the bed, crossing his legs. His hands rested on his knees, lacing his fingers together.

  The man waited for Jake to look at him, but Jake devoted his attention to the speedboat that Diego drove.

  “Hello, Jake.” His voice was calm and smooth. He didn’t sound angry like he did in his head.

  It wasn’t him.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Jake was already bored with the ignoring game so he shrugged his shoulders. If it wasn’t him, what did it matter?

  The man’s thoughts got excited over Jake’s shrug. Words and feelings twisted in his head. Jake listened, trying to sort through the mess.

  “My name is Alex.”

  Father. Jake sat up a little taller. His father? Jake turned to face him.

  A smile spread across the man’s perfect face. “So you do know?”

  Jake didn’t answer but continued to stare. Whenever he asked his mother about his father, she always said he was somebody that didn’t deserve to know him. He tried to dig deeper into the man’s head to see more but found it cluttered with unimportant things. He needed to touch him.

  Jake slid off the bed, his sneakered shoes making a dull thud on the wood floor. He walked the few steps to stand in front of the man and study his face. He had blond hair like Jake’s, cut short and not as curly. The man’s blue eyes burned into his. Jake heard the curiosity and excitement behind them.

  “I want to touch you.”

  Alex’s eyes widened. “He speaks. Touch me, huh? Okay. You won’t hurt me, will you?”

  A tiny smile lifted the corners of Jake’s mouth and reached his hand out to the man’s arm.

  He made contact with an electric jolt. Alex jerked under his hand, but Jake grabbed tight. Images flooded his mind. He pushed through them searching for answers to his questions. Will. Will sat in front of the man at a big wooden table, wearing his bluffing grin. Mommy? The man talking to his mother, her face white and scared. Will hitting the man. His mother, younger, outside by a fire. His mother crying. Alex had hurt her.

  Anger boiled through Jake’s body. The man yelped in pain and pulled away. Burn marks appeared where Jake’s fingers had been.

  “You hurt my mother.”

  “It was a misunderstanding. I’m really sorry about that.”

  Jake looked into his mind. “No, you’re not.” Jake balled his fists, gathering power in his hands.

  “Wait!” the man shouted as he jumped out of his chair and backed way. “If you hurt me, they’ll kill her.”

  “You’re lying. You need her.”

  “I need her, but my associates would rather have her dead. They will kill her if you hurt me.”

  “You don’t know where she is.”

  “We found her. Will was looking for you and they followed him.”

  Will was looking for him? A spark of excitement ignited in the hollow pit of his chest. “I don’t believe you.”

  Alex squatted in front of him. “Jake, you don’t have to believe my words. Just touch me again and you’ll know.”

  Jake eyed him suspiciously. He was right. He might know from reading his thoughts, but touching him would make it clear.

  This time he put his hand on Alex’s forehead and shut his eyes. After the electrical jolt, images appeared. So many, he had to search for the right ones. A phone call telling Alex they had been found. An e-mail with photos of Will and his mom getting into a car. Jake pulled his hand away. Alex gasped.

  Jake knew that the men holding him would kill her, but Alex wanted her alive.

  “You saw? You saw I want to protect your mom?”

  Jake narrowed his eyes. “Yes.” It was true, but he still didn’t trust him.

  Alex reached out, hesitating before resting his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Jake, I missed so much of your life already. I tr
ied to find you for years, but your mother kept you well hidden. I want to get to know you. I want to get your mom so we can be a family. I bet you’d like a family, wouldn’t you?”

  Jake’s eyes filled with tears. He probed Alex’s mind and saw he spoke the truth. But what about Will? Confusion clouded Jake’s thoughts.

  Alex stood up and rubbed Jake’s head. “Yeah, I know you do. Don’t you worry. I’m going to help you get your mommy back.”

  Chapter Four

  Emma stood in a dark forest, a bonfire roaring in front of her. The cool, damp air clung to her back, contrasting with the heat of the blaze that warmed the front of her. Her breath came in shallow pants, her chest rising and falling while her heart beat savagely against her ribs. An undercurrent of electricity flowed along the surface of her skin, causing a tingle that rippled across her body. She wasn’t frightened. She was more alive than she had ever been and she felt power, unimaginable power. Her excitement mingled with the electrical current, causing an unexpected pleasurable sensation to spread through her. She gasped in surprise and delight.

  The fire called to her. Every part of her shivered with anticipation. Emma felt a presence approach from behind. It lifted the hair off the side of her neck. A soft breeze blew and the leaves of the trees rustled, whispering in the night. Stray hairs tickled her face, leaving tiny electrical jolts in their wake. Warm, soft lips moved to her neck, kissing lightly and moving up to her ear. Warm breath fanned her damp skin and a slow burn began to ignite in her gut. Emma tilted her head, looking up into the leaves of the trees above her before closing her eyes.

  “You are not bound to destiny.” A warm, husky voice filled her ear as the mouth that spoke the words kissed her neck below her earlobe. Waves of pleasure washed through her. Every part of her yearned for more.

  She didn’t know who made her feel this way. She only knew it wasn’t Will.


  The next morning Will drove as Emma watched the endless sand and scrub brush. The barren land looked like her future, bleak and hopeless. The memory of her dream rushed back and she tried to stuff it back in the recesses of her mind where it belonged. It was a dream, just a dream.


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