02 Hunted - The Chosen

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02 Hunted - The Chosen Page 9

by Denise Grover Swank

  “He’s been my best friend since second grade.” He hung his head, holding his breath. “If I can’t trust James, I don’t know who I can trust.” He realized too late bitterness had slipped into his words. Emma shot him a look of shock, mixed with fear. What the fuck had happened?

  “Will, I have to take you to a hospital.” She swiped the back of her hand across her cheeks, a look of determination in her face.

  “No.” He laid his head back, wishing he had some type of narcotics. But he wouldn’t have taken them anyway. He needed to be alert in case they were attacked again.

  “But Will…”

  “No. You know we can’t. They’ll find us.”

  She sucked in her breath, her eyes welling with tears again. Will felt pain in his arm, where his mark was.

  Fear seized his chest. “Emma, are you hurt?”

  “No, don’t talk, Will. Just rest and tell me what to do.” Her sobs became uncontrollable again. “Tell me…what to...do.”

  His mark burned, the pain worse than his side.


  Emma drove through the night. Will wanted her to stop, worried that she would get tired since she was always tired these days, but her guilt kept her awake. Every so often she noticed Will rub the mark on his arm.

  He dozed off and on. The pain in his side bothered him more than he admitted. She could feel it inside her own body when it got intense. She offered to stop and buy him alcohol to help ease his discomfort, like he had when she was shot, but he refused. Raphael told her she could use the pendant to heal Will, but she didn’t trust him. Raphael addled her brain and made her lose sense of everything. She’d be better off ignoring anything he told her.

  Images of Raphael invaded her thoughts. She couldn’t figure out what had happened. She had never reacted to a man the way she did with him. Not even Will. She was confused, embarrassed, and horrified. And scared.

  Raphael told her he would come for her.

  Not if she had anything to do about it.

  The sun rose as she continued north, exhaustion overtaking her after she drove around the edge of Minneapolis. Will suggested that she stop, but the early morning light made his injuries more evident and she was even more anxious to get him help.

  “Will, you’re really hurt. I need to take you to a doctor. It might be safe here. They have no idea we came to Minnesota.”

  “No,” he moaned, his breath raspy. “James will be able to help. Just get to James.”

  So she ignored Will’s insistence that she stop to rest and prayed that James really could help.

  She turned onto a two-lane highway. They were out in the middle of nowhere. Raphael would never find her here. She realized how ridiculous it was to be more afraid of a single man than two groups of powerful gunmen. But she had the feeling he was more dangerous than all of them put together.

  “How close are we?” she asked. They’d been on the unpopulated road for a half an hour.

  “Close,” he croaked. His face was pale and sweat beaded his forehead.

  The street grew blurry through her tears.

  Will told her to turn down a single lane dirt road. She drove for a quarter of a mile until a cabin came into view nestled in the trees, about a hundred feet from a lakeshore.

  “What if he’s not home?”

  “We can go in.” He paused to catch his breath. “James won’t care.”

  Emma pulled in front of the cabin, the gravel under the tires crunching. She ran to the front porch and pounded on the door.

  A muffled voice called out, “All right. I’m coming. Keep your pants on.” The door swung open, a man wearing jeans and tugging down a t-shirt stood in the entrance. He ran a hand through his short, cropped hair and eyed her with appreciation. “Or in your case, don’t keep your pants on.”

  “Are you James?”

  He grinned. “At your service.”

  Emma shook her head. “God, no wonder your Will’s best friend. You’re exactly alike.”

  He looked surprised. “Will?”

  She started toward the car. “He’s in the front seat.” When she opened the door, Will’s labored breathing scared her. It had gotten even worse. “He’s hurt. He said you could help.”

  James sucked in his breath. “Fuck. What happened to him?” He leaned down and unbuckled Will’s seat belt. “Dude, you look like shit.”

  Will’s swollen mouth formed a pathetic grin. “Yeah, you don’t look so great yourself.” The words came out in raspy gasps.

  James looked at Emma, his face stricken. “What happened?” His teasing tone was gone.

  “Three men beat him up,” her voice broke and tears filled her eyes again. “One of them had a metal pipe.” The memory of Raphael hitting the man with the pipe made her gag.

  James turned back to Will. “You let three men beat the shit out of you? You’re losing your touch. We gotta get you out of there. This is going to hurt like hell.”

  James pulled Will out of the front seat. Will stifled a cry of pain as he leaned into him.

  “Open the door so I can get him in.” James directed her.

  Emma ran and held it open as James and Will shuffled into the cabin. James led Will to the kitchen and sat him down in a chair.

  “In the bathroom is a stack of washrags and towels. Bring them here,” James said. She ran down the small hall and grabbed an armful of linens, carrying them to the kitchen. When she returned, James was cutting Will’s shirt off.

  “Son of a bitch, Will. What the hell happened?”

  “I had a little encounter with a metal pipe.”

  “Looks like more than just a little.”

  Emma gasped when she saw the red and purple mottling that covered Will’s left side. James glanced over his shoulder. “Bring those over here.”

  Emma put them on the table and stepped back, worried that she’d get in the way.

  “Candy, Barbie, whatever the hell your name is, get some ice out of the freezer and put it in a bag.”

  Will’s hand jerked up and grabbed a fistful of James’ shirt, his eyes narrowing. “Her name is Emma and you will treat her with respect or I will fucking beat the shit out of you.”

  “Will, it’s okay,” Emma said. Her racing heart strangled her words. James was their only hope at this point.

  “The hell it is,” Will snarled.

  James held up his hands in protest. “Sorry, honest mistake, Will. Seriously, when was the last time you had anything to do with a decent woman?”

  Emma turned her back to James and opened the freezer door, her face burning with embarrassment and anger.

  “Shut the fuck up, James.”

  She scooped ice into a bag as James knelt down in front of Will, pressing his fingers into Will’s side.

  Will winced and started to cry out but stopped.

  James turned and glared at her. “Emma,” he said her name slowly emphasizing the syllables. “Do you think you could wait outside? I don’t care if you’re in here, but apparently, your boyfriend thinks it’s unmanly to show his pain in front of you.”

  She hadn’t even considered that. “Of course,” she said as she started to leave the kitchen.

  “Emma,” Will gasped.

  She stopped in front of him, the sight of his beaten face and bruised side bringing a fresh wave of tears.

  “I don’t want you alone out there. Stay here.”

  “It’s okay, Will. I’ll go get a gun out of the bag and stand watch.”

  “If you see anything…” he said through gritted teeth.

  “I promise if I see anything, I will come straight back here and let you know.”

  He stared at her through the slit of his half-swollen eye. The other was completely swollen shut. “All right.”

  Emma leaned down and kissed the top of his head and walked out the front door, into the morning sunshine. She opened the trunk and pulled out the duffle bag, surprised at how heavy it was.

  After dragging the bag to the front porch, she unzippe
d the opening. The bag of money lay on the top, with Will’s clothes underneath, and several shotguns and handguns at the bottom. Although she was more familiar with handguns, she knew a shotgun would be a better choice. Will had taught her how to shoot one a few weeks ago and about twenty minutes after that, she killed a man with the same gun.

  She sat on the wooden porch swing hanging in the corner, the gun across her lap, and looked out at the lake. A dock extended from the shore with a fishing boat tied to one side, bobbing in the water.

  Birds chirped and soft sunlight filtered through the canopy overhead. As she looked out onto the water, Jake came to mind. She sighed in disappointment. With Will hurt, she was even farther from finding him than before. She closed her eyes and searched for him in her mind, reaching out and calling his name. Just like all the other times except the first time she tried, she could feel him on the other side, but he refused to answer. She opened her eyes, shelving her hurt feelings and telling herself he had to have a reason. Surely he still loved her. But maybe he didn’t. She’d failed him, too. She left him alone in the truck, allowing the Cavallo to kidnap him.

  Leaning her head against the swing chain, exhaustion overwhelmed her. She closed her eyes and the image of Will, bloodied and battered in the parking lot, flooded her vision. He could have been killed. Because of her.

  The front door opened moments later. She opened her eyes and saw James in the doorway, watching her, his emotions guarded.

  His lack of expression sent her fear racing. “Is he okay?”

  “For now.” James walked to the swing and sat beside her, looking out into the lake.

  Emma chewed on her lower lip. “He needs to go to the hospital, doesn’t he?”

  “I think he should, but he refuses. What do you know about that, Emma?”

  In her peripheral vision she saw him turn to her, waiting for her response. “What did he tell you?”

  “Not a fucking thing. That’s why I’m asking you.”

  She fingered the gun in her lap.

  “Why do I think this has everything to do with you?”

  Emma turned to face James, his eyes full of hatred. Inwardly, she reeled but held his gaze with a defiant expression. “You’ll have to ask Will.”

  “What kind of mess have you gotten him into?”

  Anger surged at his question, but she couldn’t deny it. James was right. It was her fault.

  “It’s up to Will to tell you what he wants you to know,” she said.

  James stood and leaned against the railing, looking out into the water. “He wants you. I tried to give him something for the pain, but he refused to take it until he talks to you.”

  Emma headed for the door, but James got there first, blocking her path with his arm. She waited, her face expressionless.

  His eyes narrowed as he lowered his voice. “I don’t know what you’re mixed up in, but I sure as hell know I’m not letting Will dig himself into some goddamn mess for a piece of ass, got it?”

  She tilted her head. “Loud and clear. Now let me through.”

  James lifted his arm and Emma brushed past him, eager to see Will.

  Chapter Ten

  Will lay on the bed waiting for Emma, still amazed at the physical discomfort he felt when she was out of his sight and protection. His left side screamed with pain, eating at the edges of his consciousness, but he tried to focus on the muffled voices outside the front window. James had a burr up his ass and was outside with Emma. Alone. He had no doubt she could take care of herself, but he worried nevertheless. He knew how difficult James could be, but then again, so could Emma.

  A few moments later, she stood in the doorway with a shotgun in her hand. To anyone else, she’d look hard and dangerous, but he saw the tremor in her hand. Her face was so drawn and pale that Will worried she’d collapse in the doorway. But he released a sigh of relief at the sight of her, which only sent a fresh round of pain.

  “Will.” She rushed to bed and knelt beside him. “What did James say?”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “That I should be at a hospital.”

  “He’s right. I told you that already. So what are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  “You’re both wrong. The only thing I need is you.” He lifted his right arm out to her, motioning for her to lie next to him.

  Emma shook her head, her eyes widening in horror. “No, I’ll hurt you.”

  “No, I’m not hurt on this side. You’re exhausted, Emma, and this is the only bed you can sleep in unless you sleep in James’ bed.” He knew it shouldn’t, but the disgust in her eyes pleased him. “Come here. I promise to be a gentleman.”

  “No, James would kill me.”

  James appeared in the doorway. “Damn straight I will. Are you fucking insane, Will? Did you incur some brain damage I didn’t figure out in that expert medical exam I just performed at my kitchen table with some wash rags and an ice pack?”

  Emma stood up and Will grabbed her hand, tugging her toward him. “James has always been overprotective. Ignore him.”

  Emma hesitated, glancing over her shoulder.

  He snorted and walked out of the room. “Do whatever the fuck you want, you always do anyway. At least take your damn pain pill.”

  She stood still, watching the empty threshold.

  “Shut the door, Emma.”

  She studied him, the pain on her face so palatable it burrowed in his chest and became his own. “Will, I can just sleep on the floor or out in the car. I only need a nap.”

  But he could see it in her eyes, the need to be with him, and victory and validation replaced his fear and uncertainty. “Emma, don’t you get it? I need you. Need you. Please. When I’m worried about your safety, it kills me.” He held out his hand to her. “Please.”

  Emotion vacillated in her eyes as she bit her lip.

  “Shut the door,” he whispered.

  She walked to the opening and stopped, her hand gripping the jamb. For one heart-stopping moment, he thought she was leaving. Walking away from him. Then she shut the door, her hand still holding the knob as she leaned her forehead on the wood. With a heave of her shoulders, she spun around and walked the short distance and took his fingertips into her hand.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “It will hurt me more if you’re not here.”

  She eased onto the edge of the bed and it creaked with the movement. She watched his face, her lips pressed tight.

  He smiled up at her. “See? So far so good, now lay beside me.”

  “Take your pain pill first.” She let go of his hand and handed him the pill on the nightstand along with a glass of water.

  He swallowed the narcotic and pulled on her hand. “Now lay beside me.”

  Emma set the glass on the table and lay on her side, facing him. He lifted his hand and she laced her fingers in his, the touch sending ripples of solace to his soul. He listened to the sound of her even breaths, a contrast to his ragged ones. Deep in his gut, he knew the sound was a bad sign, but he was at a loss of how to handle it. A hospital was out of the question.

  “Will, I’m so sorry.” Emma whispered. Tears slid through the cracks of her closed eyes, falling onto the pillow.

  He knew she meant something more than just his injuries. Something happened to her, something she wouldn’t tell him yet. He couldn’t imagine what occurred after she ran off that tormented her. His heart ached that he didn’t prevent it. He had failed her. He lifted her hand to his lips and softly kissed her fingertips.

  Her lips trembled as she fought to control her tears.

  “I love you, Emma. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Her gentle cries shook the bed, sending sharp pains shooting through his side, but the burn in his mark was ten times worse.


  Emma woke to the sound of Will wheezing.

  She pushed herself up, her heart pounding. Pale moonlight filled the room from the window, but she could see a gray pallor cove
red his face and sweat beaded his forehead.


  His eyes were wide and he gasped thick woofs of air. “I think I need to sit up.”

  She reached an arm around his back and tried to lift him, but he cried out and fell back on the pillow.

  “James!” Emma screamed, getting up on her knees. “JAMES!”

  Will panted, gasping as James appeared in the doorway, throwing on the light. She blinked as her eyes adjusted.

  “What happened?”

  “I don’t know… I was asleep... he woke me up gasping…” she babbled, fear lapping at her reasoning. “I tried to help him sit up…”

  James moved to the end of the bed. “Will, enough of this bullshit. You need a doctor, fuck that, you need a hospital. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have a collapsed lung.”

  Will shook his head, a slight movement that tightened his jaw. “No…”

  “Why? Because of her? Well, lucky for me you’re really not in much shape to argue. I’m taking you anyway.”

  “No...” Will panted, his eyes wide and pleading.

  “Will, please.” Emma begged through her tears. “Please.”

  “Fuck this, I’m getting my car.” James stormed out of the room.

  Will’s hand gripped her arm, his fingers digging deep and his eye desperate. “Emma. No.”

  Panic bombarded her limited control. She forced herself to take a breath. “Will, you’re going to die. I need you. You can’t die on me.”

  His body shook with his uneven breaths and his face looked more gray than before.

  “I found a couple of fake IDs in the bottom of the bag. James can check you in under one of those names.” Her voice shook, revealing her hysteria.

  He closed his eyes. “I... can’t… leave you,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Don’t be stupid, Will. If you stay here, you’ll leave me anyway because you’ll be dead.” Her words were harsh, but the reality was harsh. Will dead. She lost Jake. She couldn’t lose Will too. Her shoulders shook with suppressed sobs.

  Other than Jake, he was the only good thing she had in her miserable existence. She might not deserve him, but she refused to lose him this way. The pendant in her skirt pocket burned fiery hot against her leg and she pulled it out, amazed to see it glowing in her hand. Raphael’s words came back to her.


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