02 Hunted - The Chosen

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02 Hunted - The Chosen Page 20

by Denise Grover Swank

  She needed to find out where Jake was. She knew what Will would say—let James take care of it—but she had doubts the son of a bitch would help her. Maybe it was time to take matters into her own hands.

  Kramer moved toward the bar when a knock on the door interrupted him.

  “Mr. Kramer?”

  “What did you find?”

  “The fence at the rear of the compound has been cut but no sign of intruders.”

  “Lock down the compound. No one gets in or out without my knowledge.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Shit. So much for a clean getaway.

  A shadow fell over her and Emma stared up into the surprised face of Scott Kramer. She bolted to her feet, pointing her gun at him, her heart hammering in her ears

  “Emmanuella, I’d say what a surprise, but that would be an understatement. You’re the last person I expected to find hiding behind my bar.”

  “Why don’t we have a little chat.” She waved the gun toward Kramer.

  He grabbed a decanter off the counter and poured the liquid into a glass. “I’d offer you a drink, but in light of your condition…”

  “Let’s cut the small talk. Get your ass in a chair before I blow it off.”

  He sat down, an amused expression on his face. “Here we’ve been searching everywhere for you and you found us instead. To what do I owe your visit?”

  “I want my son.”

  He twisted his lips and shrugged. “Sorry, we don’t have him, but then you know that already.”

  She slid back the chamber on the gun and pointed it at his chest. “Don’t play games with me. I know Alex has him and you know where Alex is.”

  “That’s not entirely true. We last spotted Alex in northwest Montana, but we aren’t sure exactly where he is. I know you were eavesdropping so surely you heard me tell them to contact me when Alex was located.”

  She had, to her disappointment.

  “Is that the real reason you’re here?” Kramer asked, shifting his eyes. “Where’s your babysitter?”

  “Babysitter?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “I’m surprised Davenport let you out of his sight, although we knew he wasn’t with you in Minnesota.”

  Her anger rose while the pendant on her neck grew warmer.

  “You knew we didn’t have your son. Why are you really here?”

  “I want answers.”

  Kramer laughed. “You didn’t have to break in to ask them. You could have simply shown up at the front gate.”

  “The difference is I plan to leave when I’m done.”

  “Well, therein lies the problem. You know I can’t let you leave, Emmanuella. But for the time being, let’s pretend you can. I’m curious what you wanted to know badly enough to come back here.”

  She couldn’t tell him they were there for the book. “Why did Alex find me six years ago? What was he looking for? I’d never seen him before in my life.”

  He sighed. “Alex wished to take matters into his own hands. None of us were aware of what he did until we found out from you. We would never have condoned it.”

  “So you condone kidnapping but not rape.”

  “Kidnapping is such an ugly word. I prefer detained.”

  “Why me?”

  “We’ve suspected for years you were the woman of the prophecy. We’ve simply watched you since we saw no reason to make contact yet. Then the other group began trying to kidnap your son, and we lost you both. We found you just in time to bring you here for the deadline in the prophesy. Of course, that didn’t go as planned. Davenport was supposed to bring you here and we would have explained the situation to you, hoping for your cooperation. We never expected to have so many issues.”

  “And if I didn’t cooperate?”

  Kramer shrugged. “We hoped for the best. We can be very persuasive.”

  “For the sake of argument, let’s say I’m really stuck here. What are your plans for me?”

  “Until we learned of your special talents, we simply planned to offer shelter and aid.”

  Emma rolled her eyes. “How generous of you.”

  “There’s no denying that men wish to harm you. We offer you protection.”

  “And after the baby is born?”

  “After learning of your special talents, you’re even more valuable to us now.” He leaned his arm on the back of his chair in a casual stance. “Tell me, Emma, what are you capable of?”

  The situation was so crazy she wanted to laugh, but his nonchalance grated on her nerves. “I could fry you where you sit. Are you afraid?”

  “No. Intrigued. Fascinated.” The way his eyes lit up told her it was true, to her aggravation.

  “You caused an explosion in the woods. How did you do that?”

  “You and Warren said Alex was obsessed with me now. Why?”

  Kramer laughed. “Don’t wish to share your secrets? Fine. For now. Besides, I’m interested in your thoughts on this. After you escaped, Alex had some type of breakdown. He seemed determined to not only find you but claim you.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Like I said, he had some sort of mental breakdown. He mumbled on and on that he realized who he really was and some nonsense about his destiny. Phillip tried to reason with him and tell him that Davenport had the mark, that it was too late, but he insisted it wasn’t. He said something about not being bound to destiny.”

  Raphael’s words echoed in her head.

  “Alex said we were thinking too small, too immediate, that this didn’t concern us at all. He said this was a game that had been played for centuries, always ending before a winner was declared, only to be rebooted decades later. But this time was different.” Kramer sipped his drink, then narrowed his eyes. “He said this time you were different.”

  Her heart raced. “What does that mean?”

  “We don’t know. I had hoped you could tell me.”

  “I have no idea. I didn’t know about any of this until you dragged me into it.”

  “That’s not true. Your son has a gift. Surely you were aware of your specialness.”

  “I only have a son because of Alex. And I assure you, there’s nothing special about me.”

  “Oh, you are so wrong. Even we were unaware how special you are.”

  “Great, I’m special, but I am not your property. I just want my son and to be left alone.”

  “I know how you can get your son back.”

  “How?” Why would he tell her? Then she remembered they wanted Jake now. He hoped to use her.

  “There’s no denying Alex’s obsession with you. If you really want to find your son, I know how to do it.” He paused. “You could lure Alex out. You find Alex, then you find Jake.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “For your son, of course.”

  “Do you think I’m stupid enough to trust you?”

  “Of course not. I’m just pointing out your options. We could help you.”

  “No, thanks.” She shook her head. “I still don’t know why you’re telling me this. What’s in it for you?”

  “Alex. He’s a loose cannon with Phillip’s presidential campaign. He’s unstable and needs to be neutralized.”

  “You would kill Warren’s son?”

  “No, of course not,” he scoffed. “Merely contain him.”

  “Like you contained me.”

  He shrugged. “You wouldn’t need to be contained if you would only cooperate.”

  “Okay, I’ve heard enough. I’m out of here.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t allow that.”

  “In case you haven’t figured this out, I have a gun.” She waved the weapon to emphasis her point.

  “Emma, be reasonable. I have armed men outside my door. How will you get past them?”

  Will stepped out from behind the bedroom door. “She won’t be doing it alone.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Kramer laughed and folded his hands under his chin. “I wondered when you�
�d show up. If she’s here, I knew you couldn’t be far away. This just keeps getting better and better. Phillip thought you would come back, but I didn’t peg you for being that stupid.”

  Will winked and flashed his grin, pointing his gun toward Kramer. “Just goes to show that sometimes you never really know a person.”

  “This isn’t like last time, Will. You just can’t waltz out of here with a hostage. They’ll be prepared for that. I have armed men all over the compound. You’ll never get away.”

  Kramer sat in his chair so smug and sure of himself that anger overrode Emma’s fear. What gave him the right to order her around? Destroy her life? He smiled at her as he reached toward his pocket.

  Will raised his gun. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  “Now, Will. Are you going to shoot me and have all those men out in the hall rush in here and possibly kill Emma? I’ve given them orders to shoot to kill when they see her.”

  “I don’t believe you. She’s too valuable.”

  “Are you really willing to bet her life on that?” Kramer asked. “Our men shot at her in Minnesota.”

  Emma reluctantly nodded. “It’s true. They did.”

  “So why didn’t you send men with guns in Kansas City?” Will asked. “Why just some thugs with a pipe?”

  Kramer shook his head with a frown. “That wasn’t us.” He tilted his head to Emma. “See? I told you we are more than eager to help protect you.”

  “While you threaten to kill me? Yeah, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.” The pendant on her neck lay under her shirt, warming against her chest.

  “It’s obvious we’re at an impasse,” Kramer said. “Who’s going to make the first move?” He locked eyes with Will and slowly slipped his hand into his pants pocket.

  Will’s demeanor screamed cold and calculated, but Emma saw the vein pulsing on his neck. He was hesitating. Because of her. Anger burned in her chest and the pendant scorched her skin.

  Kramer slowly slipped out a phone with a smile of victory raising the corners of his mouth. “Excuse me while I make a call.” He began to push buttons.

  Emma held her breath. Oh, my God. We’re trapped. They’d be locked up and watched like caged animals possibly for the rest of her life and she’d never get Jake. Rage over his smugness and intimidation blistered her throat and she recognized the ball of power and electricity building in her core. She couldn’t let him get away with this.

  “Stop.” She growled, electricity tingling on her arms.

  Kramer paused, his finger hovering over his phone. His arm jerked and shook. He looked up his eyes wide and his mouth gaping.

  She couldn’t believe he did what she said. In her peripheral vision, she saw Will turn to her in shock.

  “Who are you calling?” she asked.

  His mouth twisted in a grimace. He appeared to be struggling against himself. “Security,” He muttered through clenched teeth.

  “Put the phone down on the table.”

  Kramer’s hand shook as he reached for the table, phone in his hand. His face paled and his voice rose in panic. “What are you doing to me?” The phone dropped onto the table with a clank.

  “Ensuring our getaway.” She turned to Will, unsure what to do next. “Where’s James?”

  “Taken care of. I only need to worry about you.”

  She raised her eyebrow in mock surprise. “Funny, I thought it was the other way around.”

  Will walked to the door and put his ear next to it.

  “What should we do with him?” she asked, fear creeping in to replace her anger. How had she controlled him? Kramer’s mouth twisted in agony, his eyes wide with terror.

  “Can you make him tell them to remove the security guards outside the door?”

  “I don’t know.” She turned to Kramer, but the stone around her neck had already began to cool. She thought about what he planned to do to her and the rage returned, along with the power.

  Will moved toward her and she lowered her voice. “I have no idea how much I can control him. What if he’s on the phone and he tells them we’re here?”

  “I’m willing to take the chance. If we walk out of here with them still out there we’ll get the same results. At least this way we have a shot.”

  She nodded. “Okay.” She focused on the power and then on Kramer and making him do what she wanted.

  Kramer grabbed his head. “Stop,” he groaned.

  “Emma…” Will said.

  “I’m trying.”

  “I think you’re trying too hard. Scale it back.”

  Kramer seemed to be in even more pain than before. What if she killed him? “I’ve never done this, Will. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Her voice rose with her panic.

  “It’s okay, take a deep breath. You’re doing great. Maybe not so intense.”

  The power in her chest felt like it was about to explode. Kramer laid his head on the arm of the chair, rolling in agony. She knew she had to release some of it or the result would be disastrous. Instinctively, she lowered the gate to the power, letting it travel down her arms and through her fingertips, The room filled with electricity.

  Kramer stopped moaning.

  “Emma, what the hell was that?” Will asked.

  “It’s okay.” She took a deep breath. She felt more in control and centered herself on the power tumbling inside. Somehow she knew she could do this. “Kramer, pick up your phone.”

  He sat up and retrieved the phone off the table.

  “Look at me,” she said.

  He looked toward her, the fear on his face dissolving into blankness.

  “Scott,” she said in a soothing voice. “I need you to do something for me. Will you help me?”

  He nodded.

  “That’s good, very good.” Her voice was soft and sweet, like a mother to a child. “I need you to tell the security guards in front of the apartment that you don’t need them and to leave. Will you do that for me?”

  “Yes,” he mumbled softly.

  “Thank you. You can call them now.” She moved so that she could keep an eye on him and on the door.

  He punched numbers on the phone and Emma tightened the grip on her gun, the slick of sweat on her palm making the handle slippery.

  Kramer raised the phone to his ear.

  Will lifted his gun.

  Kramer stared at the wall with a dead look in his eyes. “This is Kramer. Call off the security guards in front of my apartment.” His voice sounded tired.

  “You can hang up.”

  Kramer pressed a button on the phone.

  “Thank you, Scott.” She turned to Will. “Now what?”

  “We’ll wait for the guards to disperse, then we’ll leave.”

  “What about him?”

  “We’ll leave him here. We should have enough time to get away.”

  Remnants of power still coursed through her body. She took a deep breath and shook her arms.

  “Are you okay?”


  Will leaned toward her. “Look at him. He’s still under your control.”

  “Is there anything we want to get out of him?”

  “Of course, where to start is the question.”

  Emma knelt down in front of Kramer. “Scott, why did your group think I was the woman in the prophecy?”

  His vacant eyes stared at her. “Walker told us. He read the papers and did the research and translations. He said you were the one.”

  “But how did he know? How did you know where to find me?”

  “Walker insisted it was you. Alex said Walker gave him your location six years ago.”

  Emma shot a glance to Will.

  His mouth pressed into a tight line.

  “So why not capture me sooner? Why wait?”

  “Walker insisted that you not be brought to us until it was time. He said we weren’t allowed to interfere.”

  The hairs on Emma’s neck stood on end. Raphael had said the same thing. That he wasn’t allow
ed to interfere.

  Will knelt beside her. “I thought Warren was in charge. Why is Walker calling the shots?”

  “No one questions Walker.”

  “Why not?” Emma asked.

  Kramer didn’t answer.

  “Why not?” Will asked, lowering his voice.

  “I don’t know.” Kramer said.

  Emma’s eyes widened as she turned to Will.

  An explosion rattled the windows and shouts erupted behind the building. Will stood and dimmed the light, checking out the back window. “They’ve found James’ trap. That’s our diversion. We need to go.”

  Emma rose. “But—”

  “You already got more out of him than I ever hoped to. Let’s not take any chances. The guards are focused on James in the back. We’ll go out the front. Keep an eye on Kramer.” Will moved to the door to the bedroom and stopped in the opening. “If you feel threatened, go ahead and shoot him.”

  She held her gun on Kramer, but he seemed more a zombie than the man she talked to ten minutes earlier. His eyes were vacant and his mouth now drooped on one side. What if she’d damaged his brain?

  Will returned with several neckties. “Have him move to the office chair.”

  Emma gave him the order and he rose and sat in the seat she pointed to.

  Will tied his arms and legs to the dining room chair then gagged him with a tie.

  “Should I try to release him?” Emma whispered. As much as she wanted him in his zombie state, she needed to know she hadn’t permanently injured him.

  Will sensed her apprehension. He lifted her chin with his fingers, searching her eyes. “If it were up to me, I’d have you scramble his brains, but I know what that would do to you. So, if you need to release him, go ahead.”

  She nodded, her lips pressed tight, then knelt in front of Kramer. “Scott, look at me,” she whispered.

  His expressionless eyes stared into hers.

  “You are no longer under my control. I free you.” To her surprise, she felt the bond disconnect.

  His eyes widened as he realized he was bound. He began to rock in his chair as he struggled to free himself.

  Her shoulders tensed and her voice tightened. “I’m feeling generous today. I might not be so lenient next time.” She stood up and turned to Will. “Let’s go.”


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