02 Hunted - The Chosen

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02 Hunted - The Chosen Page 25

by Denise Grover Swank

  Will sighed. “Yeah, it’s worth a shot. I’ll get started on it first thing in the morning.”

  “No!” Emma shouted.

  Both men turned to look at her in surprise.

  “He’s scared and alone. I’m not leaving him with that bastard Alex a minute longer than I have to. Let’s go now.”

  “Emma...” Will’s eyes were full of love. And pity.

  She burst into tears. “I can’t leave him there. I can’t.”

  Will put his hand on her arm. “Emma, you’re exhausted. You had a head injury and you’ve hardly slept in the last two days. You won’t be any good to Jake if something happens to you.”

  “As much as I hate to admit it,” James crossed his arms across his chest with a frown. “She might be right. It might be best to scope some houses out at night. You’ll be less obvious that way. If you like, I’ll play babysitter while you do some surveillance, see if you can knock some of those off the list. Emma can stay here and rest.”

  “No. No way.” Emma protested. “I’m going. He’s my son.”

  Will looked torn with indecision.

  “Will, surely you can see the sense in this. I’ll stay behind and do more research while you get some legwork done. Emma can stay here and get some rest.”

  “I’m going!”

  Will closed his eyes. “I don’t want to leave her.”

  “Emma,” James said, his voice softening. “I promise to be on my best behavior. It doesn’t take a genius to see that you’re exhausted and I’m sure you have a raging headache guessing from the bruise on your forehead. I’ll keep guard while Will is gone and he’ll be back before you wake up in the morning, isn’t that right, Will?”

  Will studied her for a moment before he nodded, his jaw tensing. “I’d feel better if you stayed here and got some rest. I’ll be back before you notice I’m gone.”

  “But he’s my son. I should be there when you find him.”

  Will cupped her face. “Even if I find Jake, I’m not trying anything until I know what we’re getting into, especially since Alex is hoping to lure you there.”


  His eyes plead with hers. “Emma, I want him back too, but I’m not going to risk his life trying to rescue him. We need to go into it with a plan.”

  Her chin quivered and he pulled her head to his chest.

  “I promised you that I’d get him. Just let me get him back my way, okay?”

  Emma nodded. She had no doubt Will meant it when he said he wouldn’t try to save Jake unprepared. And if Will found him tonight, she doubted she could sit in the car and not rush in and try to rescue him. “Okay.”

  Will’s body relaxed. “You stay here and get some rest and with any luck at all, we’ll have him soon.”

  She looked up into his face. “Tomorrow I’m going with you.”

  He smiled. “I have to admit you come in pretty handy.” He released her and restocked his bag as he and James discussed the most promising houses on the list. Emma sank into a kitchen chair watching him, dread rolling in like a morning fog.

  Will sensed her hesitation and knelt in front of her. “Are you okay with this?”

  “Something just doesn’t feel right,” she said. “But it’s stupid. I can’t see any reason for you not to go, yet something is off.”

  “Do you feel sick?”


  “I can stay if you like and we can start tomorrow.”

  Emma inhaled deeply and smiled. She wasn’t about to let her paranoia get in the way of finding Jake. “No, I’m just being weird. I’ll go to bed and tomorrow I’ll go with you and we’ll get Jake back.”

  He pulled her up from the chair and into his arms. His hand threaded in her hair as he pulled her mouth to his. She clung to him, a deep sense of foreboding overwhelming her. But she pulled back and smiled. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”


  She stared into his warm, brown eyes searching for something she couldn’t fathom, sure she’d find it in him.

  He kissed her softly. “I love you.”

  The words were there, on the tip of her tongue, three little words that would mean so much to him. She thought she loved him, but how could she be sure?

  One side of his mouth lifted into a lopsided grin that didn’t reach his eyes. With a sigh, his arms dropped. “I’ll be here in the morning when you wake up.”

  Her vision blurred as she watched him pick up his bag and head out the door. She ran to the bathroom, choking back a sob. Why couldn’t she give him what he wanted? After everything he did for her, after he proved his trustworthiness time and time again. She considered running after him, but what would she say? She still couldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear.

  Panic struck her out of nowhere and she splashed cold water on her face, chastising herself for her unease. She was not a clingy woman. She was capable of being on her own and taking care of herself, but the thought of something happening to Will sent paralyzing fear coursing through her blood. Was she worried something would happen to Will or was she worried he’d give up on her before she finally told him? She didn’t want to think about living without him.

  Maybe that was her answer.

  She took several deep breaths before she left the bathroom, not wanting James to see her anxiety.

  “Aw, there you are. I wondered if you were going to lock yourself in the bathroom all night to stay away from me.” James poured water into two mugs and looked up at her. “I’m having some tea. Would you like some?”

  She stopped, caught off guard by his change in attitude. Her eyes narrowed. “You made me tea?”

  He held a spoon over a mug and raised his eyebrows. “Sugar?”

  She nodded, still cautious.

  “For heaven sakes, Emma. I’m not going to bite. We got off on the wrong foot and it’s obvious Will is crazy about you. Even a fool can see you’re not going anywhere so I thought I’d make more of an effort to get along.”

  Her shoulders relaxed as she perched on a barstool. James handed her a mug.

  “Thanks,” she murmured taking a sip. “I know you and Will have a long history and I don’t want to get between you two. Let’s start over.” She held out her hand to him. “Hi, I’m Emma Thompson.”

  He took her hand in his. “James Buckner. Pleased to meet you.” He smiled, but his eyes were dead as he released his grip. Her apprehension returned.

  James leaned over the counter, sipping his tea. “Is it too soon to ask what your intentions are regarding my friend?” He tried to sound teasing, but the tone fell flat.

  She started to rise. “I don’t think—”

  He held his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, that was out of line. Let’s keep it more neutral.”

  She lowered onto the stool, ready to bolt if needed. Her nerves were already tangled enough without having to spar with James.

  “What’s your little boy’s name?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “Jake.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Five.” She cradled the cup in her hands, trying to hide her shaking hands.

  James noticed her tremor. “Maybe we should start a fire. You want to light it?” He laughed.

  She knew what he meant and her stomach twisted.

  “So is it true? You get your power from that stone hanging around your neck?”

  She raised her chin in a challenge. “I don’t know.” Her voice was hard and unyielding.

  His cold eyes held hers. “Will thinks you do.”

  She broke contact first. She should have gone with Will. Or made him stay. She was stupid to think James could be trusted.

  “You should drink your tea. It will warm you up.”

  She took several sips just to avoid talking to James and shifted her gaze around the room. A folder stuffed with papers set on the end table next to James’s laptop. Could that be what James had worked on?

  He set his mug down, the thud filling her ears with uncharacteristic
loudness. Was it her imagination that the room suddenly seemed bigger?

  “I’m going outside for a minute. I’ll be back right back.”

  After he slipped out the door, she jumped off her stool, heading for the file. Dizziness swamped her head and she lost her balance, grabbing hold of a chair to keep from falling. I must be more tired than I thought. Focus. She might not get this chance again. Shaking her head to clear the persistent fuzziness, she rifled through the pile of papers. He’d been researching for days with few results and she suspected he was holding back. She found a printout with a photo and a bio. Andrew Garcia, lawyer and congressman from Texas. The initials VP were hand written in the top corner. Her breath stuck in her chest. Thumbing through the stack, she found others— politicians, influential businessmen. James told them he hadn’t found any other members of the Vinco Potentia, yet here was a stack of twenty men, all with VP scrawled across the top.

  The name on the last page caught her breath in her throat. Aiden Walker. Entrepreneur. No photo. Kramer said Walker knew she was the woman in the prophecy. Walker sent Alex to see her six years ago. Walker’s first name was Aiden.

  Her father’s name was Aiden. It couldn’t be...

  A creak on the porch outside alerted her to his return. She slid to the stool, wobbling as she took her seat. She rubbed her head, wondering if she should go to bed.

  “You feeling okay?” James shut the door behind him. “You don’t look so good.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She glanced over her shoulder and lost her balance, falling of the stool.

  James ran up behind and caught her before she hit the floor. “You must really be tired.”

  “I guess.” She blinked several times, trying to ground herself.

  James led her to the bedroom. “A woman in your condition needs to take better care of herself. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to the baby.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed.

  “You go to sleep and I’ll take care of everything.”

  She sank back into the pillows, closing her eyes. James covered her with a blanket then leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Sweet dreams.”

  Before she drifted off, she jerked with awareness. James knew she was pregnant.


  Will drove into White Horse, the list on the seat next to him. He rubbed his face, trying to wipe away his fatigue. Maybe he should have stayed with Emma. She hadn’t been herself when he left. The need to hear her voice overwhelmed him. He’d call her and make sure she was okay. If she sounded the least bit worried, he’d go back and work on this tomorrow.

  He reached into his pocket for his cell phone, pressing the speed dial for James.

  “What’s up?” James answered, sounding surprised. “Where are you?”

  “I’m in White Horse, but I’m worried about Emma. Let me talk to her.”

  “She’s fine. She’s sleeping.”


  “Yeah, she was exhausted and went to bed right after you left. She’s been asleep for about twenty minutes.”

  Will paused. Something didn’t feel right. “I’m thinking about heading back. I’m beat and I doubt I’ll get much information tonight. Hopefully, Emma can contact Jake tomorrow and we’ll be able to pinpoint his location.”

  “Will,” James chided. “You’re already there. What would it hurt to check a few houses? I say you give it an hour or so, then head back.”

  “It’s a good forty-five minute drive, James.”

  “Get a cup of coffee, you’ll be fine. We’ve pulled all-nighters before. What, are you getting old, Davenport?” James’s teased, but he seemed tense.

  “No, I’m just worried about Emma. She seemed upset when I left.”

  “Of course she’s upset. She wants her son back so why don’t you stick it out a bit longer and see what you can find?” Will heard a door close. “Look, I know Emma and I have had our differences, but I know how important she is to you and I don’t want to risk our friendship over this. I’ll protect her if something happens.”

  “Maybe you’re right...”

  “Of course, I am.” James sounded rushed. “I have to go.”

  Will listened to the dead silence in his ear for several seconds after James hung up, deciphering what James had said. While he was glad for James’s attitude change, something wasn’t right.

  He parked at a stop sign, leaning over the steering wheel and staring out into the vacant street. The moonlight cast long shadows from the streetlights adding to Will’s foreboding. This fishing expedition could wait. He needed to get back to Emma.

  A rap on the window caught him by surprise. He jumped and found a police officer outside his car. Son of a bitch. Will rolled down the window, steeling himself for a performance. If the policeman checked his license and registration this would get ugly.

  The officer leaned over, peering into the car. “Is everything all right?”

  Will released a lighthearted laugh. “Oh yeah, everything’s fine. I’m just a little lost.” He pointed his thumb behind him. “My wife’s back at the campground in Spruce and is dying for a Starbucks frappuccino. Made me go find one.”

  The officer stood, shaking his head. “We don’t have a Starbucks here, son. The closest one’s a couple hundred miles away. If you’re camping, you drink campfire coffee, not that fancy stuff.”

  “That’s what I told her, but you know women…” his voice trailed off.

  “Boy, do I. Got one just like her at home.” He shuffled his feet. “You head on back and tell her if she wants to drink five-dollar coffee on vacation, she should head to Seattle next time.”

  Will laughed. “Sure will, officer. You have a good night.”

  He watched the policeman climb back into his car before he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned on his blinker and drove around the block before heading back to the cabin.


  Emma woke to the sound of muffled male voices. She tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids felt weighted. The scratchy wool blanket irritated her arms but she lacked the energy or will to move. The voices rose, louder and protesting. She cracked open one eye, enough to see that the door was closed.

  “That’s not the deal we had,” James said in the other room.

  Who was he talking to? Had Will come back? She tried to sit up but couldn’t move. Oh my God. I’m paralyzed.

  “Take it or leave it, Buckner. Unfortunately, at this stage of the transaction, you don’t have much room to negotiate.” The man’s voice was familiar, Emma’s mind still too fuddled to determine whom it belonged to.

  “You promised to leave Will out of this. That’s the only reason I agreed to this in the first place.”

  “Again, it’s too late to negotiate. Now where’s Davenport?”

  “Gone. I told you, he took off and left her here with me.”

  “You’re lying. He would never voluntarily leave her. He’s incapable of it.”

  “You don’t see him here, do you? Look around if you like.”

  The man swore. “You’re right. If he were here he would have met us with a shower of bullets. Where is she?”

  “The bedroom.”

  The door creaked open and Emma tried desperately to open her eyes. She needed to protect herself yet her body refused.

  “Emmanuella.” He uttered her name in awe. Then she recognized it. Kramer. Fear and disgust slithered in her belly. “She’s drugged?”

  “Yes, and I removed her pendant.”

  “May I have it, please?”

  “Not until you agree to leave Will out of this.”

  The warmth of the pendant was gone from her chest. Panic spread as she realized James had betrayed them. Will. Would they hurt him? Did James realize what these people would do to them? He must since he was so adamant that they leave Will alone. Fear sent her heart racing and she forced herself to remain calm. James told them Will wasn’t here. He had gone to White Horse. Will could still find Jake.

  A piece of furnit
ure banged into the wall, vibrating the bed. “You’re making me have second thoughts about our arrangement, Mr. Buckner. I thought you were smarter than this.” Kramer’s voice was deceptively calm. “I will get the pendant with or without your help. I suggest you cooperate.”

  She kept her eyes closed, not a difficult task considering her eyelids refused to budge. Better to let them think she was still unconscious. After her momentary panic, she slowed her breathing. She’d just wait until she gained back control over her body, then get away. Even though the likelihood of success of escaping was slim, she chose to ignore the fact. One thing she was sure of— they’d have to kill her before she let them lock her away.

  James cursed under his breath.

  “Aww, very nice. I knew you’d see things my way. I wonder if the power is specific to the owner or if anyone can use it?” Kramer asked. He drifted to her side and leaned over, his warm breath fanning her face.

  She forced her rising terror into submission. Not yet. You can freak out later, but not yet.

  “The last time we were together you treated me as though I were a puppet, Emmanuella. I think it’s only fair if I repay the favor soon. Take her to the van while I finish up in here.”

  Hands grabbed her legs and under her armpits, hoisting her off the bed. Her butt sagged as they moved. She felt awkward and vulnerable as she swayed with their out-of-sync gaits. Her hip hit the doorframe as they passed through and she stifled a cry.

  “Careful,” Kramer droned. “We don’t want to damage her. Yet.”

  She swallowed hard despite her nausea. Will would show up. Will would save her.

  Will was an hour away.

  The cool night air hit her arms and goosebumps erupted. The wind gusted, whipping her hair around her face. One of the men stumbled, nearly dropping her as they descended the steps. Despite her best efforts, she began to tremble. Fear that they would figure out she was conscious gnawed at her control.

  The man carrying her top half shifted, her back pressing against his chest. She heard the creak of a metallic door as her body swung, then landed on a hard metal floor with a thud. She landed on her side and her head. The contact forced the air from her lungs.


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