The Playbook

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The Playbook Page 19

by Emilia Beaumont

  The officers who later questioned me asked if I wanted to press charges, and though Lucia urged me to do so, I didn’t want it dragging on. It would only draw more attention, there’d be a media circus for weeks to come, and I still needed to keep my head clear for work.

  Signing my name on the line, I pushed the paperwork toward the clerk. “I’m sure. Does it go into effect immediately?”

  “It’ll go to the judge first, then there will be a hearing,” the clerk replied, standing. “I’ll have it there before lunch, Mr. Maddox, and you’ll hear in the next few days about the hearing.”

  “Okay, good. Thanks for your help.”

  “No problem. Thank you for the autograph; my son is going to go nuts over it!”

  I shook his hand and walked out of the court house, surprised to find Lucia’s father standing beside a large SUV. “Get in,” he said, his eyes hidden behind a pair of dark glasses. “We need to talk.”

  I swallowed hard and climbed in, hoping that this wasn’t going to be the last ride I ever took as a Jupiter Suns quarterback. The SUV pulled away from the curb, destination unknown, and I didn’t care to ask. We rode in silence for a while as I fidgeted with the cuff of my sleeve, wondering how this was going to end.

  “You disobeyed me, and now she’s pregnant,” he finally said, breaking the silence. “Care to tell me how that happened when I warned you to stay away from her?”

  “Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think you want to know how it happened, and I can assure you, it was not planned. But it doesn’t matter how it happened; we love each other.”

  “Lucia said that as well,” he said gruffly. “What do you want from my family, Mr. Maddox?”

  Caught off guard, I looked at him to find the man who signed my paychecks staring at me intently, his glasses now nowhere to be seen. “What?”

  “If it’s money, I can provide it—there’d be conditions, of course,” he continued on, clearing his throat. “You already have the starting position on the team. I can extend that for as long as I need to, provided you stay away from her.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  I thought about the away game the other night and how for the first time in a long while, I was able to concentrate effectively on the game, knowing that I had Lucia waiting at home. I stuck to the plays, and in the end we were able to pull out a win. It had been the best damn game I’d had in years. “I’m not trying to scam you or your daughter,” I said slowly. “I don’t want anything from you, sir.”

  Surprise filtered through his expression, and I grinned. “I have everything I need: a baby on the way and a fine woman who loves me for me, and a well-paying job—that’s if I still have one, of course. What else could I want?”

  “Do you truly love my daughter?” he asked briskly as the SUV slowed down in front of the stadium. I started then, my heart hammering in my chest. Love was too short a word for what I felt for her. I respected her for everything she had been through and for the hell I had put her through, yet she kept on wanting to be with me. Any man was damn lucky to have a woman like her by his side.

  “You should already know the answer to that, Mr. Cortes. But just in case you’re unclear, I love her more than the game we call football,” I finally said, feeling something in my chest break free.

  “Good answer,” he replied, slapping me on the back, a smile breaking free. Fuck, it had all been a test, and it seemed like I’d passed. “Welcome to the family, son. Now get the hell out of my car and win me some games. You’re gonna have a mouth to feed soon.”

  I grinned and exited as quickly as I could, before he could change his mind. I called a cab and went back to the courthouse to get my car, then drove to Lucia’s new place of business to pick her up and to tell her what had just happened. She’d be happy to know we hadn’t ripped each other’s throats out and could be civil. I had other things to tell her, as well, things that were on my chest that I desperately needed to share with her.

  She was lugging a box up the steps of the townhouse that was her and Cara’s new office space, and I leaped out of the car to stop her. “I told you, you shouldn’t be carrying things.”

  I took the box from her and kissed her hello. “Don’t be silly, it’s good exercise. Besides I’m not even showing yet.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. I just want you to be careful.”

  She nodded. “I will.”

  “So how did everything go this morning?”

  “It was… interesting,” I said. “Did you already finish moving? I said I’d help.”

  “It’s okay, I didn’t have much,” she said as I grabbed her hand, and together we walked inside. “I got everything moved in today. But there are some shelves you can put up if you’re willing.”

  “Anything for you,” I replied, giving her a squeeze. I was going to miss having her right down the hall. “You ready to go?” She nodded and locked up again.

  Today was a very important day. Today was going to be the first time we’d hear our child’s heartbeat. We were both nervous and fidgety when we got to the clinic—but neither of us could stop smiling. I watched as Lucia signed herself in, and then we settled onto a bench together, our hands still clasped. “So,” I said casually, stretching my legs out in front of me, “I got a visit from your father today.”

  “What?” she asked, turning toward me. “Oh dear God, what did he do?”

  “Nothing,” I chuckled, releasing her hand to stretch my arm along the back of the bench. “Well, he had me going for a bit. He asked me a few questions and then dropped me off at the stadium, still in one piece.”

  “What kind of questions? He asked you how it happened, didn’t he?”

  “No, of course not,” I replied, hoping the little white lie would take away her look of mortification, then gave her a serious look. “He did make me think, though, and I have something I want to ask you.”

  “Okay,” she said as my fingers stroked the back of her neck. I sucked in a breath, suddenly feeling lightheaded. What if she didn’t agree? What if I wasn’t ready? The nerves were worse than any major game I had ever played in. “He asked me if I loved you, Lucia, and you already know I do, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said, drawing out the word slowly. “I love you, too.”

  “I told him yes, of course,” I finally said. “But my conversation with your father made me realize I can’t live without you. Literally. I feel like part of me is missing when you’re not with me.”

  “Oh, Jacob,” she breathed, her eyes misting with those ever-present tears. I was getting used to them, especially after the other night where we had watched some sappy movie in my bed and she had cried her way through it. A box of tissues was a handy thing to have in practically every room of my house now.

  “So, I want you to move in with me. Right now, today, as soon as possible, Lucia. I mean you liked the house, didn’t you? But if you don’t, I can buy another one, anywhere you like, anything you want. We can start working on the nursery. You pick any room in whichever house you choose, but maybe not our bedroom—”

  She placed a finger over my lips, silencing me. “Shh, you’re cute when you ramble, you know?”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Of course it is, you love-sick fool. I don’t want to be away from you, either. And I like how you say it’s ours,” she responded, moving her fingers to my face. “I’m so happy, Jacob.”

  “Me too,” I found myself saying, a grin on my face. Hell, I was more than happy, I was ecstatic.

  “Lucia Cortes?”

  I looked up and found a nurse smiling down at us. “Come on, babe, it’s time to meet our little lovebug.”



  I sat back on my heels and looked around the office, a smile on my face. The space was really shaping up to be something wonderful. Most of my diplomas were already hanging on the wall adjacent to the beautiful windows that gave me a partial view of the beach and the water beyond. A potted plant stood in one
corner, a gift of sorts from my father to congratulate me on my new practice. And though I could still feel his worry and concern about my new move and my new man, he was coming around, warming up to seeing Jacob and me as a couple. I was glad he had reached out to Jacob on his own, and they had both survived the meeting unscathed.


  I looked up to see Cara in the doorway, looking every inch the therapist I knew her to be. “There’s someone to see you.”

  I pushed off the floor and straightened my pencil skirt, giving her a nod. “Okay, show them in.” I didn’t have anyone scheduled yet, but a walk-in this early must be a good sign, I thought.

  She grinned and pushed away from the door as I nervously twisted my hands together, wondering who it could be. I didn’t have to wait long.


  The head coach of the Jupiter Suns walked into my office—the last person I ever imagined. He had his ever-present baseball cap with him, but instead of being on his head to cover his bald spot, it was in his hands, and he twisted the material to and fro. “Lucia. Is this a bad time?”

  “N-no of course not,” I responded, surprised that he was here. “Come in, have a seat.”

  He gave me a small smile as he seated himself on the couch while I closed the door, curiosity drumming in my veins. I walked to the chair opposite and sat down on the edge. “Can I get you something, water or juice, perhaps?”

  “No, I’m good,” he said, clearing his throat. “I’m just going to come straight out with it. I’ve come to apologize. I didn’t give you a fair shake from day one, even though I knew you were only trying to help out. Lucia, I’ve known you for years, and you have a good heart. But all this, the head-shrinking stuff, it never sat well with me.”

  There was a story behind that explanation, but I didn’t press. Now wasn’t the time.

  “I-I don’t know what to say,” I said slowly. I was still trying to process that Coach Hanshield was in my office apologizing to me. Talk about an interesting turn of events, indeed.

  “Say you will forgive me?” Greg asked, his eyes full of remorse. “And no, before you ask, your father didn’t ask me to do this. This is all me. After the way you handled Maddox, I have to say you know what you are doing. I thought he was going to kill that man.”

  “You and me both,” I admitted, my thoughts going back to the confrontation with Jacob’s father. The good thing was that both my father and Jacob had put out restraining orders on him so I didn’t have to worry about him coming around anymore. I think he got the message, crystal clear, that last time. I hoped to never see him again, or I was going to kill him myself. Jacob didn’t need him popping up out of the blue all the time. Though, I had to give Jacob more credit than I was doing, he seemed to have let go all of the anger he’d been storing up against his father, and if Marshall ever did violate the restraining order, I had a feeling Jacob would just let the event wash over him like water off a duck’s back.

  “I don’t know how you did it, but he’s a changed man. A completely different player. He’s more focused than ever before. I’d even hasten to say he’s better than he ever was in his college football glory days. I’ve seen and compared the tapes—he’s on fire.”

  “I can’t take all the credit, Greg. We’re a team. You and your coaches built him up, gave him the confidence he needed. It’s just a shame Danny had to get hurt for Jacob to shine. How is he, by the way? I’ve been thinking about him.”

  “Not so good. He’s talking about retirement even though I know he’s far from done. Actually, I wanted to ask you a favor.”


  “I’m going to send Danny to you, if that’s okay? I’ve talked to him, and he’s game if you are.”

  “It’d be my pleasure. Tell him to call, and I’ll get him an appointment straight away. We’ll get him through this rough patch together.” He nodded, and I sensed he wasn’t done. “Is there anything else on your mind, Greg?”

  So,” Greg continued, looking a bit nervous now. “I was wondering if you, well, if you can fit me into your schedule, too.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised for the second time in a matter of minutes. “Why is that?”

  “To be brutally honest, I’m struggling. Always on the road, the games, the pressure of it all… it’s starting to get to me,” he said softly, suddenly looking a great deal older. “My wife, she complains that I am testy when I am at home; I can’t switch off. I think I just need to talk it out and would like to bring her in to talk, as well, when the time’s right.”

  I smiled at him then and pulled out a fresh notebook. “I think that would be a great idea. I have some free time now, if you want to strike while the iron is hot.”

  He swallowed. He and I both knew he was taking a big step, and he nodded again.

  “Okay then,” I said with a reassuring smile. “Tell me, what’s been going on?”

  “Here’s your next appointment. I will schedule them weekly unless you tell me otherwise.”

  The coach looked up at me and squeezed my hand lightly. “Thank you for listening, Lucia. There’s no one else I would trust.”

  “Not a problem.” I smiled as I showed him to the door. When I opened it, Jacob was standing there, causing my heart to flutter in my chest wildly. His look of surprise was priceless, and he opened his mouth to speak before I gave him a firm shake of my head, pushing past him to usher the coach out. When he was gone, I turned around, finding him grinning at me. “Really? Coach?”

  “Client-therapist confidentiality,” I immediately said, standing on my toes to kiss him. “I can’t say anything else.”

  “Well that, I guess, is a good thing,” Jacob replied, sneaking another kiss in. “I’ve got a surprise for you, as well.”

  “You do?” I asked as we walked into my office. He nodded and shut the door, leaning against it. I found my breath increasing as I took in his handsome features, wondering if maybe we could be quiet enough to do it right here. The thought crossed my mind, and I grinned, causing Jacob to grin as well. “What are you thinking?” he asked softly.

  “I’ll tell you later,” I said, leaning suggestively against the desk. “What’s your news?”

  “Well, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but as you know, I have some issues,” he responded with a laugh. “So, I decided to seek out another therapist. I start next week. Don’t worry, it’s a guy! I made sure. I just don’t think we’d get much done if I continued with our unofficial sessions.”

  “Oh my God, that is great! And, no, I get it,” I exclaimed, happy that he acknowledged that he needed to see someone professionally. “It’ll be good for you. But who did you go to? I could’ve given you a recommendation.”

  “I know. I just wanted to do this on my own. I found a great guy, though. Maybe you’ve heard of him—Dr. Harris?”

  I raised my eyebrow; I knew the name very well. “Oh, I see,” I said teasingly, “you chose my direct competition over me.”

  He laughed and pulled me into his arms. “I couldn’t have done it without you, of course,” Jacob said. “I think you are turning the bad boy into something respectable.”

  “Well I hope the bad boy is not all gone… I think I might need him for something.”

  He reached out and gripped my hips with his hands, the heat in his eyes unmistakable. “Oh really? And what’s that exactly?”

  Boldly, I reached down and cupped him, feeling the hardness against the palm of my hand. “Well, we haven’t christened my new office yet.”

  His eyes dilated as his hands slid up my sides. “God, you are so sexy when you talk like that.”

  “I can hear you! You better not be naked ‘cause I’m coming in!”

  Surprised, we jumped apart as the door opened and Cara stormed in, her eyes full of laughter. “Geez, guys, get a room, will you?”

  “We have a room,” I said laughing. I darted in front of Jacob in attempts to hide his erection from view, but she gave me a knowing look. “Jacob
, this is Cara. Cara, this is Jacob.”

  “Finally we meet! I’ve heard a lot about you,” Cara said, sticking out her hand. “And if you are half the man Lucia brags about, then you’re okay in my playbook.”

  I groaned and gave her a wicked stare.

  “Thanks, I think,” Jacob replied hesitantly, shaking her hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you, as well.”

  Cara released his hand and looked at me, a grin on her face. “Were you really about to do the dirty in the office? I mean we haven’t even been here a week! But carry on, I won’t stop you. So damn lucky.”

  My face turned red as Jacob choked on his laughter, smothering it with a cough. “Cara.”

  “What?” she asked. “Now you’re embarrassed? At least someone’s getting some!” She giggled and backed away to the door. “I’ll leave you to it. Just wait till I’m out of earshot, okay?”

  I shook my head and she turned to leave. “Nice to meet you, Jacob. You break her heart, I break your pretty-boy face. Got it?” Cara disappeared, and I burst into laughter. She was a hard-ass, but I loved her.

  “Is she always like that? I don’t know who I’m more scared of, her or your father,” Jacob said, a grin on his face. “There are huge football players that would be terrified of crossing her, and I’m one of them.”

  “I highly don’t recommend it,” I giggled, clasping his hand in mine. “Come on, I’m hungry. We can christen the office later.” I pulled Jacob toward the door but was tugged back against him, his hands wrapping around me. “You know I am not going to let you down, right?”

  I spun around in his arms, seeing the serious look on his face. “Are you seriously concerned about Cara? She’s all talk, I swear.”

  His grin was adorable. “No, I’m not worried about Cara. I just don’t want to disappoint you, Lucia. I-I feel like I’m walking in a dream, having you and our little lovebug in my life. I don’t want to wake up.”


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