Chasing Pan_Tales from Neverland

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by S Cinders

  Chasing Pan - Tales from Neverland

  Dark Fairy Tales, Volume 2

  S. Cinders

  Published by S. Cinders, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. March 8, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 S. Cinders.

  Written by S. Cinders.

  Also by S. Cinders

  Dark Fairy Tales

  Mated - to the Big Bad Wolves: Tales From Little Red

  Witch Queens - Tales From Oz

  Chasing Pan - Tales from Neverland

  Dirty Bird Series

  Maddie & Cece

  Elizabeth & Bex

  Sophie & Margo

  Dirty Bird Series Box Set 1-6

  Rakes vs. Wallflowers

  Finally, Phillip

  Dancing With Daniel

  Better With Benjamin

  Finding Frances

  Sinfully Samuel

  Melt Me Miles

  Sisters Before Misters

  Sisters Before Misters


  Mr. Wayland, and Other Mistakes I've Made

  Hunter & Holt

  Applebottom Magic

  Blowing Kisses

  Barefoot & Pregnant

  Watch for more at S. Cinders’s site.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By S. Cinders


  Part 1 | CHAPTER 1 - Ebony

  CHAPTER 2 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 3 - Ebony

  CHAPTER 4 - Ebony

  CHAPTER 5 - Ebony

  CHAPTER 6 – Peter

  CHAPTER 7 – Peter

  CHAPTER 8 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 9 – Peter

  CHAPTER 10 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 11 – Peter

  CHAPTER 12- Ebony

  CHAPTER 13 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 14 – Peter

  CHAPTER 15 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 16 – Peter

  CHAPTER 17 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 18 – Peter

  CHAPTER 19 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 20 – Peter

  CHAPTER 21 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 22 – Peter

  Part 2 | CHAPTER 23 – Tinkerbell

  CHAPTER 24 – Tinkerbell

  CHAPTER 25 – Puck

  CHAPTER 26 – Tinkerbell

  CHAPTER 27 – Puck

  CHAPTER 28 – Tinkerbell

  CHAPTER 29 – Puck

  CHAPTER 30 – Tinkerbell

  Part 3 | CHAPTER 31 – Tiger Lilly

  CHAPTER 32 – Tiger Lilly

  CHAPTER 33 – Alex

  CHAPTER 34 – Tiger Lilly

  CHAPTER 35 – Alex

  CHAPTER 36 – Tiger Lilly

  CHAPTER 37 – Alex

  Part 4 | CHAPTER 38 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 39-Ebony

  CHAPTER 40 – Peter

  CHAPTER 41 – Peter

  CHAPTER 42 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 43 – Peter

  CHAPTER 44 – Ebony

  CHAPTER 45 – Peter

  CHAPTER 46 – Peter

  CHAPTER 47 – Ebony

  EPILOGUE – Peter

  Sign up for S. Cinders's Mailing List

  Further Reading: Witch Queens - Tales From Oz

  Also By S. Cinders

  About the Author

  For my sisters who have always encouraged me to chase the next adventure!

  Part 1

  CHAPTER 1 - Ebony

  I SENT THE WHIP FLYING out and didn’t flinch when it struck the sailors back with a resounding crack.

  “Where is it?” I spat.

  The hardened sailor winked at me, showing his blackened teeth, “A little harder, Captain. I like it dirty!”

  I summoned my first mate, Alexander Smeed.

  “I want to know where Princess Tiger Lilly’s crown is,” I handed the whip over to Smeed. “Do not show him any mercy. As the man said, he likes it dirty.”

  Smeed turned to whisper in my ear, “If his dick gets any bigger I am out. This is supposed to be torture, not cheap porn.”

  I forced myself to remain calm. Good help was hard to find. Alex had been my best friend throughout my entire life.

  He was also lazy, a womanizer, crude, smart as fuck, and a whole host of other things that I don’t care to mention.

  “I don’t care what you do to him, Alex. Just find out the location of the crown.”

  Alex’s eyes lit with glee, “Consider it done.” Turning

  to the prisoner that no longer held that smug look.

  “I have other business to attend to. But do not worry, I have found a replacement.”

  “Wait!” the sailor eyed Alex. All six-feet of raw Latin masculinity with messy dark hair and a scruffy black beard. “I will talk!”

  Alex laughed, his perfect white teeth in contrast to his tanned skin, “Of course, you will. But not until we have a bit of fun first.”

  I walked away to the sounds of the man screaming in terror. Just another day on the high seas for me honestly. Since my father, Captain James Bartholomew Hook retired things had been a bit dull.

  I plopped down in the captain’s chair that had once belonged to him. I had sailed with my father for as long as I could remember. I have no memory of my mother. Days in the past were filled with daring escapes and epic battles with the infamous Pan. But once he left with that Wendy Darling and her brothers, things seemed to grow rather tedious.

  My father had only one request when he passed on the Captain Hook legacy to me, and that was to kill Pan. But how was one to do that when he had disappeared into what Wendy had called, ‘the real world.'

  Whatever that meant.

  It had been fourteen years since his disappearance. Fourteen years ago, I had been dressed as a boy gallivanting around on my father’s ship in breeches and nicking the liquor from the Galley.

  At the age of nine, Pan had fascinated me to no end. I was positive that I would be the one to run him through. But my father hadn’t allowed me to get anywhere near the boy. Pan, not quite a man, had never seemed terribly dangerous to me. And I wasn’t afraid of him.

  I just wished to hell I could find a way to go after him, and then the Princess came to me for a favor. If I found her crown, she would grant me a boon. The chase led to now, and I was steps away from finding out how to leave Neverland.

  There was a knock on my door, and I sprung to my feet, “Come in.”

  Alex turned the knob, he was impossibly handsome, and a right pain in my ass.

  “Oh,” I flopped back down in my chair, “it’s only you.”

  He sighed dramatically, “Most ladies swoon in my presence, Eb.”

  “Then take a bath! I am certain your stink could knock a grown man out.”

  His lips twitched, “Hateful as always.”

  I smiled, “Did you get the location?”

  “Do the mermaids like to suck my...”

  I cut him off, “Eww, Alex not the image I need to be planted in my brain!”

  He laughed, “Just the same, I had Potter plot out the coordinates, and we are sailing there as we speak.

  “Where is it this time?” I grumbled.

  “Buried in Blindman’s Bluff,” Alex shrugged. “Do you ever get the impression that we have done this all before?”


  Only about a hundred million times.

  “Why do you say that?” I straightened in my chair.

  “It’s just that sometimes, I feel like we are sailing
around in circles. Neverland isn’t that big.”

  “We are leaving, Neverland,” I raised my hand to stop his question. “You cannot tell anyone, Alex. But I am finding a way out of here so that we can finally acquit my father.”

  “How?” he breathed. Then it was as if the light turned on, “Princess Tiger Lilly!”

  “I have a feeling that she will be willing to trade the fairy for her crown.”

  “Tinkerbell?” Alex’s lips curved down. “She’s a right bitch, you do know that, right?”

  I winced, “I know. But we need that pixie dust in order to make the ship fly.”

  I walked over to my father’s journals.

  “It says here that the ingredients are faith, trust, and pixie dust.”

  A wide grin spread across Alex’s face, “You are leaving out thinking a happy little thought.”

  I fake gagged, “I will be happy when I deliver Pan’s head to my father.”

  Alex grinned, “Sounds good to me!”

  IT WASN’T TOO LONG before we had sailed to Blindman’s Bluff. The dirt where the crown was buried hadn’t even settled yet. As I glanced around there were seven or eight previous hiding places in sight. Alex was right. We had done this all before.

  I grabbed the crown, and we sailed for the Indian Camp near Marooner’s Rock. It took less than a day, and we had sailed half the length of Neverland.

  “What boon would you like, Captain?” Tiger Lilly had lovely golden skin, with dark eyes, and silky black hair that hung down her back.

  “I would like Tinkerbell,” I responded clearly.

  “You can’t have a person!”

  For a moment, the facade of the perfect Princess fell, and Tiger Lilly gaped at me.

  “I need the pixie to travel beyond our world,” I explained.

  Tiger Lilly narrowed her eyes, “Where are you going?”

  I hedged, “To explore new lands and new seas.”

  She shook her head, “No. Tell me the truth, Captain, you are wasting my time.”

  I gritted my teeth not wanting to share my voyage plans with her. But I knew that if I wasn’t forthright, I could lose this boon.

  “I am chasing Pan!”

  The words tumbled out of me at a rapid pace, “I will avenge my father, and bring Pan’s head on a platter, to feed to the crocodiles.”

  “Chasing Pan?” Tiger Lilly seemed to be pondering the idea. “Time runs differently in the real world. Pan could be dead, for all we know hundreds of years have passed.”

  “I have considered that,” I clenched my fists. “But Pan wasn’t born of that world. He was born in Neverland. We stop aging at twenty-five. So, even if time has passed where he is at, Pan will still be alive.”

  Tiger Lilly’s lips curved into a smile, “Chasing Pan, what a singular idea.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “I should like to see that rogue again. He did steal my first kiss after all.”

  “We aren’t going to kiss him,” I ground out. “We are going to kill him.”

  She pouted, “Not one kiss?”

  “No!” I had to be firm.

  “I will promise you the pixie on two conditions,” Tiger Lilly grasped my hand.” Are you amenable, or will you find another way to chase your enemy?”

  There was no other way, and she knew it as well as I did.

  “Fine!” I ground out. “What are your conditions?”

  “I come along on the voyage!”

  I heard Alex moan behind me, but I ignored it.

  “Done,” I nodded, “What else?”

  “One kiss,” her eyes gleamed, “Pan gets one kiss before he dies.”

  One kiss that could be the kiss of a blade as it slices through the skin.

  “Tiger Lilly, we have a deal.”

  CHAPTER 2 – Ebony

  “WHAT IN THE HELL IS this, Alex?” I fumed, storming down the deck.

  Alex stood there with three gorgeous men looking smug.

  “Why are Nibs, Cubby, and Tootles here? We have no need for lost boys in this venture!”

  Nibs wrinkled his aquiline nose, while Cubby folded his arms across his muscular bare chest. Didn’t they own a shirt?

  “We don’t go by Nibs, Cubby, and Tootles any longer,” Tootles scowled. He pointed to Nibs and Cubby, “This is Nate and Charlie, and I am Tom. You can at least allow a man to grow up, Captain.”

  It had been years since I had seen them. I hardly recognized the boys—men, I suppose I should say.

  “Right,” I cleared my throat. “Now, get your asses off my ship!”

  Alex stepped up, “Not so fast, Eb. We are going to need extra crew. Several of our men have abandoned ship. They don’t want to leave Neverland.”

  I glowered, “Who told them we were leaving?”

  Princess Tiger Lilly walked up, her long dark hair swaying perfectly behind her.

  “Oh,” she covered her mouth innocently. “Was that a secret?”

  “Yes, it bloody well was a secret,” I rolled my eyes. “Look it doesn’t matter, I am not taking lost boys on a trip to kill Pan. They will turn on us. It is a recipe for disaster.”

  Charlie raised a hand, “Now, Captain. Pan deserted us to go with Wendy. When he left, we started to grow older just like all the residents of Neverland. Now we are stuck being called ‘lost boys’ as grown men. I am not saying I want you to kill him. But that’s between you and him. I won’t interfere either way.”

  Nate nodded, “Same, I just want to get off this bloody island!”

  Tom added, “We are hard workers. You won’t find us lazing about.”

  My eyes flashed to Alex, who immediately straightened.

  Tiger Lilly stepped forward, “Let them come, Captain Hook. We all deserve one great adventure in our lives, don’t we? And besides, they are quite nice to look at.”

  Alex frowned, while Charlie blushed profusely. Tom and Nate grinned at Tiger Lilly, and I could barely keep a groan of exasperation inside.

  “This isn’t a pleasure cruise. I expect you all to work.”

  They all nodded, expectantly.

  “Did you bring the pixie?” I questioned Tiger Lilly.

  She walked a few paces back, and I noticed that every male eye was glued to her shapely ass.

  Pleasure cruise indeed, this was turning into the damn Love Boat, not the Jolly Roger.

  Tiger Lilly picked up a crate that was covered by a blanket. The moment she removed the covering I was greeted by the middle finger of a very angry Tinker Bell.

  “Perfect!” I smiled for the first time that morning.

  THE VOYAGE BEGAN WITH little fanfare. My father had been ill and wasn’t able to see us off. I tried not to worry about him, but it was unusual to contract an illness in Neverland.

  Charlie, Nate, and Tom were true to their word. I hated to admit it, but things on the ship were running more smoothly than they had in quite some time. Tiger Lilly, being the true princess that she was, didn’t do a damn thing.

  I hadn’t expected her too, and yet it still grated on my nerves.

  That wasn’t the worst of it. Tiger Lilly was under the impression that we were ‘friends.’

  “Ebony,” She was lying across my berth, reading the latest copy of, ‘GLAMOUR vs. GLAMOURS.'

  “What Tiger Lilly?” I still struggled at the social graces.

  She cocked her head to the side, pouting her perfectly pink lips, “I think that you could be rather attractive, if you would only try.”

  I looked down at my grubby pirate gear. It had been my fathers. While it was way too large and ill-fitting, it did bring me a sense of comfort.

  “When was the last time you washed your hair?” She wrinkled her nose.

  I scowled, “I bathe daily, Tiger Lilly!”

  “Do you comb it?”

  I flushed. I didn’t have a mother around, and pirates never worried about what their hair looked like.

  “Go to hell!” This was my standard reply whenever she pissed me off, whic
h was often.

  She smiled, “I wonder what it looks like, when it’s not all matted up like that?” I found one of my hands reaching up to touch the mess that I usually tied into a ponytail. Was it that bad? I didn’t look in a mirror very often, but almost involuntarily, my feet walked over to the oval mirror that was above my wash basin.

  Two gray eyes stared back at me, along with a straight nose, high cheekbones, and a cupid’s bow mouth. I also had what most would consider being a rat’s nest living on my head, and dirt on my face from the rigging.

  I looked back at her, “Not every girl is beautiful, Tiger Lilly.”

  She narrowed her eyes, “That, Ebony, is where you are wrong.”

  Tiger Lilly then spent the next four hours trying to detangle my hair. I cannot tell you how much coconut oil was used, nor the number of curse words that spewed from my lips.

  “Why do people do this to themselves?” I pouted, as she washed the oil out for what had to be the fiftieth time.

  “It wouldn’t be so bad if you had bothered to brush it in the last decade. There!” She turned me around and grabbed the mirror.

  My wet hair was the color of fresh chestnuts. It was thick and had a bit of a curl to it. It fell just below my breasts. My face had been freshly scrubbed, and my lips had a sticky substance on them that made them shine.

  “What did you do to me?” I grabbed the mirror out of her hand staring at my reflection. I looked like a, like a woman.

  Tiger Lilly grinned, “This is only the beginning!”

  I found my clothes being ripped from my body. She was rather strong for a Princess.

  “You wrap your breasts?” she recoiled in horror.

  I flushed, “They are obnoxiously large, and I can’t fit into my father’s shirts unless I do.”

  Tiger Lilly huffed, “You need a corset, thankfully I have plenty.”

  She raced off, and I looked down at the coarse cloth I had used to wrap my breasts. Slowly I began to unwind the fabric, wincing when the blood rushed back into my flesh.

  My breasts were full for my slight frame, and I had always been embarrassed by them. I cupped them in my hands wondering what they were really necessary for anyway.


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