Nights of Sin (The Bad Boy Collection Book 3)

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Nights of Sin (The Bad Boy Collection Book 3) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  You’re not coming back.

  She was angry. The club had promised her privacy. Her privacy had been breached, and now she didn’t want to come back to the club.

  Once outside of William the club owner’s door, she knocked, waiting for him to call her in. He worked to the late hours of the morning, or at least that was what he told her.

  “Come on,” he said.

  Opening the door, she watched him sit up, then do a double take.


  Her hair was a mess. She looked like she had been fucked. Alexa didn’t know if that was a good look for her.

  “Yes, I would like to request a full refund, and to also have my files back, thank you,” she said.

  “Any reason why?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.

  “Yes, and you know the exact reason why I want it back.”

  He sighed. “What did he do?”

  “It doesn’t matter what he did. I no longer wish to be part of the club. I don’t imagine you’re going to miss my funds.” She reached into the pocket of her dress, handing over her access card. “I don’t want to continue any longer.”

  William pressed the tips of his fingers together, staring at her card, and then at her. “I will issue you a full refund, but I want you to take that with you.”

  “I’m not coming back.”

  “I will not remove your membership from the club. I was the one in the wrong, not you.” He pushed the card toward her. “This is entirely my fault.”

  Gritting her teeth, she stared at the card, grabbing it. “I want my file back.”

  “You’re the first person that Corey has ever shown an interest in.”

  “I’ve observed him for the past month, and I’ve seen him with many other women. He’ll get over it, believe me. I’m sure he’ll find another woman to be fascinated about.” Her pussy was tender from their passionate fucking. He’d fallen asleep an hour ago, and she had waited until he was in a deep sleep before she even started to move. She was now tired, exhausted, and ready to go to sleep herself.

  “I don’t believe so. I’ve known Corey all my life—”

  “I don’t need to know his past, William. I want my file, please.”

  Again, he released another sigh, and moved away. She stayed in her seat as he entered another more private room, and came back seconds later with her file.

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “I won’t be coming back. You may as well cancel my membership.”

  “You’re actually a really hard woman.”

  “I’m not. I’ve been taught to stand up for myself. You promised me something, and you didn’t deliver it. He came to my workplace.” Even though she’d gotten a thrill, it was fleeting, and she didn’t want to risk getting hurt herself. She’d been with plenty of men, been let down, had her heart broken, she wasn’t going to fall again, especially for a classic bad boy like Corey. She recognized him, saw the pain he’d cause her, and had already decided against anything more than one night.

  The club had been fun for a short time, but like all good things, it didn’t last.

  She stood up, holding her file against her.

  “Please, if you need anything don’t hesitate to call.”

  Alexa wouldn’t be calling him, nor would she be coming back.


  Corey woke up alone, and it took him a couple of seconds to wonder why. Usually he loved waking up alone as women seemed to get serious about shit if he allowed them to sleep in his bed. Alexa hadn’t been just any woman. He wanted her, and she was proving to be damn resistant to him.

  “Morning, princess, did you have a nice sleep?” William asked.

  Glancing down his bed toward the chair in the corner of the room, he saw his friend, the owner of the club, waiting. “Do you ever actually sleep?”

  “When I don’t have women demanding a full refund, along with their files, and oh, yeah, trying to give me back the access card that is rightfully theirs. No, when that happens, I’m cranky, and guess what, Corey? I’m fucking cranky.”

  “Wait? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You asked for that information, and so I granted it to you with the understanding you wouldn’t act in haste. You went to her workplace?” William hadn’t stood, nor was he ranting. Instead, he sat calmly, talking, which could mean things were about to get a whole lot worse for him.

  “Okay, I’ve got a feeling that I’m not entirely sure what is going on.”

  “Who is missing from your bed?”

  “Alexa. She’s proving to be a hard nut to crack.”

  “She gave me a visit, and since you violated protocol, and I fucking helped you, she no longer wants anything to do with the club.”

  Corey listened as William told him exactly what was said between them, and he winced, feeling a throbbing beneath his temple. He should have known she was pissed. She’d given into her need, but she hadn’t exactly forgiven him. He’d seen how angry she was when he told her where he got the information. He never should have fallen asleep.

  “I can’t take back what was done. I couldn’t wait anymore.”

  “Alexa visited the club a minimum of three times a week. I don’t know why she doesn’t come here on a Friday. You should have waited, and been patient. Instead, I’ve just lost a brand new customer, and any friends she might have had.”

  “She was the plus one with Becca.”

  “My club is exclusive, Corey. It thrives as I keep it a certain way, which means I have to have a constant supply of customers to replace those that have found love. Do you honestly think you’re the first guy to grow intrigued by a woman’s presence within the club? You’re not. I’ve been to many weddings over the past couple of years because of people finding love within my club. I like to think of this as more of a love club.”

  Raising a brow, Corey stared at his friend. “Love club.”

  “I’ve been to twenty weddings, which means forty of my customers have since married. Some of them still visit from time to time, but others do not. I never expected you to visit Alexa’s work. Fix this problem.”

  William stood, making his way toward the door.

  “You’re just joking about the whole business of weddings, right?”

  “No. I’m not. I have a good success rate of helping people find love.”

  “Was Alexa really pissed?” he asked.

  “She wasn’t exactly happy. From the way she was acting, I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t come back.” William let himself out, and Corey sat on the bed, looking toward the clock. It was a little after six, and he was still fucking tired. Alexa had exhausted him, but he’d not done the same to her. She’d been able to leave his ass, and to deal with William. He must be losing his touch.

  Climbing out of bed, he stared at the floor. There were none of her clothes, nor any sign other than the used condoms in the trash that she’d even been there.

  Alexa had been fire in his arms, and had surprised him with how damn hot she’d been. There had been no holding back. She had given as good as she got. His cock thickened at the memory of her wrapped around him. She had been an amazing fuck, and he hadn’t even gotten into her ass. No, he’d teased her ass, hoping to be with her again.

  What’s wrong with you?

  One night, that was all.

  One night wasn’t going to satisfy him, and now William was pissed at him. He’d not expected her to go running away. She’d taken him by surprise with that.

  Running fingers through his hair, he then started to stretch, waking up his body so that he’d be prepared for the morning ahead. He only ever used this room to crash in when he’d drunk a little too much, or was too exhausted to drive himself home. He lived in a penthouse suite in a luxury apartment building within the center of town. Seeing as he didn’t have any actual work to do, he tended to do whatever took his fancy. There wasn’t anything that kept him interested, not even for a couple of weeks. He tried getting into buying real estate, bu
t that didn’t satisfy him. Buying expensive art held no appeal. Instead, he helped William when he could, visited the club, and either traveled, or did nothing.

  Wow. He’d become a total bum in the world. At least the press no longer followed him around. In his early twenties when he was at the peak of his success, taking over his father’s business, and making it even more successful, he’d been hounded day and night. The women he fucked would sell their stories to the press, and he couldn’t have a life. So, he’d woken up one day, and decided to fuck the press, and to fuck everyone else. The company was all his, and he’d done some serious negotiations so the company would remain whole, but would no longer be his responsibility.

  Once the sale of the company had gone through, and he’d taken life as a bad boy, the press had lost interest, leaving him alone. He was no longer someone to be inspired by.

  In the years since he’d quit the high life, he’d never found anything as satisfying as feeling Alexa’s tight pussy wrapped around his dick, or her mouth. Chasing after her had given him something more, and he wasn’t about to lose that.

  Chapter Five

  Monday afternoon

  The weekends were always slow without Becca around, and after everything that happened with Corey, Alexa wasn’t going back to the club. Instead, she’d stayed in her apartment, baking for her neighbors. She loved baking, but she only had to look at sweet stuff and her hips went up a dress size.

  After cookies, brownies, and cupcakes, her weekend was complete, her apartment building was happy, and she was back at work, which she loved.

  Laura was manning the front desk on the first floor, so Alexa took the second floor and dealt with visitors as they came to her for help. She set people up on computers, scanned books, arranged returns back on the shelf, and with reserved books, she sent out notices via email.

  Someone placed a sex book on the desk in front of her, and when she looked up, she saw Corey was before her. He wore a handsome smirk, and he looked happy with himself.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked.

  “I’d like to explore every single position inside this book with you.”

  She looked toward the left and the right, making sure no one actually heard him. “What are you doing here? You got what you wanted.”

  “Actually, I didn’t.” He flicked open the book, and pointed to one picture of a woman straddling a man, then the reverse cowboy, and then he flicked toward the middle where anal sex was displayed. This was in the restricted adult section of the library.

  Heat filled her cheeks as her pussy grew damp.

  “We haven’t even gotten started.”

  Grabbing the book, she slammed it closed. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Why did you sneak out of my room?”

  “Answer my question first.”

  “You’ve gotten under my skin, and I’m interested in you. Most women, they like my interest.”

  She snorted. “You’re used to women begging for you.”

  “Honey, I hate to break it to you, but you were the one constantly eye-fucking me. I simply gave you what you wanted.”

  “I didn’t come to you.”

  “No, you didn’t, and maybe that’s why I’m being insistent about this. So you only have yourself to blame.”

  She released a laugh. Alexa couldn’t help it. He was actually suggesting that the reason he was interested in her was entirely her fault. What kind of a man was this?

  He was an asshole.

  A bad boy.

  Bad news.

  She wasn’t interested in getting to know him, or spending another night with him.

  Friday night was pretty amazing.

  It was more than amazing. She had spent the whole of the weekend actually thinking about him and what they had done. He’d blown her world, and she loved every second of it.

  “You’re insane. Are you wanting to take this out?”

  “No. I’ve got my own copy, with lots of notes.”

  Rolling her eyes, she took the book, rounding the desk, and going toward the restricted section.

  “You can leave. I’ll put this away.”

  He didn’t leave.

  Corey followed close behind her. “William told me you were pissed, and what you said to him. He gave you a full refund.”

  “He wouldn’t take my access card.”

  She’d left the card in her small tray in her apartment where she kept her car keys and loose change. Alexa smiled at a few people who passed as she made it into the section where the book was supposed to be.

  “Come to the club tonight.”


  Alexa wasn’t going back to the club.

  “If you don’t come to the club, I’ll come to your place. I know that address as well.”

  She spun to face him, glaring. “You’re blackmailing me?”

  “I like to think of it as more giving you an incentive to go back to the club.”

  Shaking her head, she moved toward the shelf, sliding the book into it. The section was empty, and silent. Folding her arms, she turned toward him. “Why me?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m not some gorgeous model, nor am I like any of the women you screw at the club? Why me? Why am I getting special treatment?”

  “Why did you watch me?”

  She frowned. “Why do you refuse to answer my question?”

  “Why do you refuse to answer mine?”

  Growling, she found her temper and stormed up to him. “What do you want, Corey? Crap, I don’t even know your last name.”

  “Weaver. The name is Corey Weaver.”

  She paused. “Oh my God, you’re the owner of Weaver International? That guy who took over his father’s company, and took the business world by storm.”

  “You know about that?” he asked, folding his arms.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Well, I’m honored you knew.”

  “I didn’t know who you were,” she said. She hadn’t recognized him, not once. Holy shit, she had been watching him have sex with any number of women.

  You’ve had sex with him.

  “It has been a while since I’ve been in the public eye. I quit the life, and now I satisfy my own needs.”

  “This is … wow.” She went to walk past him, but he grabbed her elbow.

  “It changes nothing.”

  “You’re like this millionaire god. I don’t know what you are, but this was a mistake.”

  “Seriously? You’re going squeamish because I used to be part of a large company.”

  “Part of? You ran it.”

  “You have an inheritance that means you don’t have to work a day in your life. The only time you’ve touched that money was to get the exclusive access to the club.”

  She stared down at where he touched her. Today she had settled on a red buttoned shirt with a knee length skirt that flared out. He pushed her against the wall and placed his hand above her head, trapping her with his body.

  “Let me go.”

  “No. I’m not ready to let you go, and I bet your pussy is soaking wet.” His gaze ran down her body. “It would be so easy for me to find out.” One of his hands landed on her thigh, and he started to gather up her skirt.

  “Not here. Not at my workplace.”

  She held onto his hand in the hope to stop him from doing anything more. Her pussy was soaking wet with her cream.

  “I’ll stop, but you’ve got to agree to come to the club tonight.”


  “If you don’t, I’ll come to your place. We’re not over. You know that, babe.”

  “I don’t know anything. I could get a restraining order against you.”

  “Do it, and see what they say when they see your use of your card.”

  Gritting her teeth, she didn’t have much of a choice, not really. Corey had taken the choice right out of her hands. She either went to the club, or he went to her house. For some strange reason, she wasn’t afraid of him

  “I’m not going to go back to your room.”

  “Then we’ll play with other people watching. I don’t care so long as you’re there.”

  She didn’t see a reason to fight him, so she nodded. “Fine. I’ll be there.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I look forward to it.”

  Corey let her go, and she watched as he made his way downstairs toward the main part of the library.

  Going back to the front desk, she saw Laura fanning herself. “I didn’t know you were dating.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Well, who was the hot and handsome who had you pinned in the restricted section? Damn, watching you two together was like witnessing a live porno, only better.” Laura sighed.

  “You heard?”

  “Nah, I didn’t hear, but I figured I’d come to the main desk so you didn’t find an excuse to leave. So, what gives?”

  “We’re not dating. I don’t know what we’re doing.”

  “He’s into you. From the look in his eye, he wanted to strip you naked and take you there and then.”

  Alexa chuckled. “It’s not going to happen.”

  “How come?”

  “He’s like the ultimate bad boy. Trust me, he uses women and tosses them aside.” She wasn’t about to tell her work colleague that she had seen him screwing these women, nor where she went when on a regular basis.

  “It’s a shame. You really should have seen the way he looked at you, honey. He looked like he wanted to eat you.” Laura had this love-struck look in her eye. “Oh well, we’re always doomed to want what we can’t have. You should give him a chance though.”

  “Why? It’s never going to work.”

  “The memories, honey. When you get older and when you look back, if there’s a chance you will have any regrets, I’d do it.” Laura gave her a wink, and stood. “Think about that before you make any rash decision.”

  A life filled with regrets didn’t sound like a life at all.


  “So, there’s a few rumors going around the club,” Nathan said, coming up to Corey as he waited in the reception hall for Alexa’s arrival.


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