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Nights of Sin (The Bad Boy Collection Book 3)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  The two women screamed. Ordering a couple of beers, Corey took a seat, and tugged Alexa into his arms.

  “We get to plan the wedding together.”

  They had gathered a small crowd, including Nathan. He raised his brow, to which Corey kissed Alexa’s head.

  No one was getting to his woman, no one.

  They both received congratulations from members of the club. Alexa didn’t take the attention all that well. He held her tight against him, not letting her go.

  Once they were left alone Alexa and Becca disappeared to the bathroom, and he was alone with William.

  “So, you asked her?” Corey asked.

  “It has been two months, and you’re right. I’m tired of waiting for her. Becca’s mine, she will always be mine, and it’s time for her to realize it.”

  Corey chuckled. “That’s exactly what happened with me. It was like a wakeup call, don’t you think?”

  William nodded. “It was fucking scary. I’ve never been more damn terrified in my life than asking for her to be my wife.”

  “You really didn’t think she’d say yes?”

  “Becca’s complicated. She doesn’t love easily, and she has never made it easy to love her. I never knew if she’d agree or not.”

  Corey sighed. “I like to think that I got Alexa at the right moment for her to agree. I’ve had to show her that I mean business with her. It hasn’t been easy.”

  “Fighting for what you want is never easy,” William said.


  They clinked their bottles together, and Corey turned to face the door.

  “You know we’re screwed right?” William asked.

  “Totally. They’re going to plan a double wedding, you know that, right?”

  “I figured as much.” William chuckled. “How was the dungeon?”

  “Perfect.” He looked back at William, smirking. “I may be ordering more time in the dungeon. Something tells me Alexa has a lot more fun planned for us there.”

  “It’s yours. Just let me know when you want it.”

  “Want what?” Alexa asked, taking her place on his knee once again.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he stroked her hip. “The dungeon. I was thinking we should keep it on reserve indefinitely. What do you think?” he asked.

  Alexa had the best blush he’d ever seen.

  “I think so.” She pressed her head to his. “Yeah, I think we’ll put that room to good use, don’t you?”

  “Totally.” Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled her close, and slammed his lips down on hers. In front of the club, he showed everyone that Alexa was different from every other woman. She not only claimed his lips, she claimed his heart, and all of him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Two months later

  “There’s still time for us to run,” Becca said.

  They were in the room within the church for the brides to finish getting ready. Alexa looked over the large front garden that was full with the press. It seemed that even though Corey hadn’t been in the public eye, it didn’t mean he wasn’t remembered. Some reporter had seen him going into a wedding store over a month ago, and since then they had been hounded.

  At first Corey had been really upset as he worried it would affect the publishing of his book. It didn’t. He had hit publishing last month, and the sales had been out of this world. Alexa knew it shocked him that people would actually enjoy his books, but there it was. He was already working on the second book, and he’d even been approached by an agent, whom he turned down.

  Corey didn’t want to make his new passion stressful, which was why he was handling everything himself, without being ordered around.

  “I’m not going to run.”

  “The press out there are going to be doing nothing but flashing their cameras and telling stories,” Becca said.

  “Are you going to run out on William? He’ll catch you.” Alexa knew William was tired of letting his woman run away. There was no chance in hell of her friend ever escaping.

  “I’m not running. William, he’s it for me. I was just hoping he’d have gotten the hint sooner.”

  “Hint? What hint?”

  “Going away to Italy of course. I was hoping he’d see the error in letting me go, and follow me. It was all romantic in my head.”

  “You’ve been doing that for years.”

  “So? It doesn’t mean a girl can’t dream.”

  Alexa shook her head. “How did you expect him to know that? You always told me you wanted your space.”

  Becca sighed. “Why do you think I accepted his proposal? I accepted that he’s not like Corey with you, but he’s still my man.”

  “What does Corey have to do with this?” she asked.

  “He would follow you anywhere you wanted to go. It’s how I know he loves you so much. He follows you without shame, and he doesn’t care that anyone is watching him. Did you know that he told the men at the club you weren’t to be approached?” Becca asked, moving up behind her.

  “Corey told me that. Kind of selfish of him, but I guess that’s men for you.” Alexa shrugged. She actually got a thrill after what he’d told her. Corey loved her, and she would do anything for him.

  The storylines hadn’t been most favorable to her about her appearance, calling her a gold-digger, and many other names. After one of the headlines was particularly mean and he found her crying, Corey had taken the press on, and even threatened to sue them. For a few days it had gotten ugly as several people had lost their jobs. Corey may no longer be a businessman, but he’d kept contacts within the press. They owed him favors, and they had responded in kind.

  There were no more nasty reviews or comments, which she was happy about.

  “We’ve both gotten two amazing men.”

  “That we have.”

  The bell rang giving them the warning that they were five minutes from being given away. Their fathers hadn’t been able to make it, so they were both going to escort each other down the aisle toward their husbands. Neither of them was concerned about their parents’ absence. Both had grown up caring about each other, and being each other’s parent, getting them out of scrapes.

  This was how she always wanted to get married, and it was a dream come true to her to finally be living it.

  “Are you ready?” Alexa asked.

  “I’m ready, I’m more than ready. What about you? Any nerves?”

  Alexa thought about it. “Yes, I’m nervous. Corey’s not known as being the guy you marry.” She shrugged. “I guess I’ll find out if he’s the kind of guy I’ll marry.”

  “How?” Becca asked.

  Opening the door, Alexa chuckled. “We’ll see if he’s at the altar or if he’s taken a run for it to get as far away from me as possible.”

  Becca was laughing as they made their way downstairs toward the small ceremony.


  “Are you going to run?” William asked.

  Corey frowned, turning toward his friend. “What?”

  “You know, marrying Alexa? Are you ready?”

  “I was the one who asked her, not the other way around.” He was nervous that Alexa was going to run from him, and he was tempted to go and escort her ass down here himself. Tapping his thigh, he glanced at his watch to see they had another few minutes. She wouldn’t run from him. They were happy, and in love, and even with his past, she had accepted that.

  Blowing out a breath, he turned his back, facing the priest.

  “I’m not going to run. After today, Becca’s not going to run from me, not a damn chance. No more long holidays in Italy. She’ll keep me by her side.”

  Corey snorted. “If Alexa had taken a holiday like that from me in Italy, she wouldn’t have lasted a day away from me. I’d have followed her ass until we got back home.”

  “You wouldn’t give her space.”

  “Not like that. Space is going to the toilet, or work, or something else. A summer vacation is not space. It’s a cry for at

  “Fuck off!”

  “Sh, we’re in the church. Show some respect.”

  They were silent for many seconds, and Corey just wanted to have the final wedding band on her finger and carry her out with him. He had a winter vacation planned in a cabin in the mountains for Christmas, and nothing was going to stop them from having a romantic one.

  “Do you want to run?” William asked.

  “No. I don’t want to run. I can’t wait to get my damn ring on her finger.” He waited until the bell tolled, and then he turned around. Alexa stood with Becca. Both women held each other’s arms, and they both looked a dream. He only had eyes for his woman, and William gasped.

  “Beautiful,” William said. “I’m not running away. Becca’s mine.”

  The wedding march played, and Corey watched as the woman of his life walked toward him. Everyone faded away, and all that remained was the two of them. Alexa and Becca split up, going to each of them. He held his hand out, and she slid her hand into his.

  “Do you want to run?” he asked.

  She giggled. “Not you as well? Becca asked if I wanted to run. I’m not going to run, Mr. Weaver.”

  Together with their friends, they faced their priest. Alexa squeezed his hand tightly, and Corey didn’t want to be anywhere else. In front of some of their friends from the club, he bound Alexa to his side for the rest of his life.

  When the time came to kiss the bride, he tugged her close, sinking his fingers into her hair. He took possession of her mouth, leaning his head against hers.

  “You’re not going anywhere else now.”

  She ran her hands up his chest. “If you stop being my naughty bad boy, I may have to find grounds to divorce you.”

  “Don’t you worry, baby, I’ve got a lot of plans for tonight. We’re going to be naughty until the sun rises.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Taking hold of her hand, they made their way out toward the press. He couldn’t make them leave them alone for the day, but he’d gotten them to keep back for their big day.

  After half an hour of photographs and answering the press’s questions, they climbed into their waiting limo that would take them back to the club.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I’ve got a little surprise in store for you.” He pressed a kiss to her lips as she snuggled up against him.

  Corey had asked to the one in charge of what they did for their Christmas party. He had plans, and he truly hoped she liked it.

  “So, I was thinking we can have ten kids,” he said.


  “I want a big family.”

  “How are you going to keep the bad boy image?” she asked.

  “I have my many ways.” Sliding his hand down from her neck, he cupped her tit. “There’s more than one way to be naughty.”

  She moaned, and as he slid her dress open, he saw they were nearly at their destination. “Take a look,” he said.

  Alexa looked out of the window, and she moaned. “You’re taking me to the dungeon?”

  “It’s our special place.”


  Five years later

  Corey stood at the door watching as Becca and William walked toward the door. It was Christmas, and their friends were already pregnant with their third child. In the last five years their lives had completely changed. The club was still the same, and they all visited the club regularly. Alexa still worked at the library when she could, but seeing as their own home was full of children, it was hard to get any spare time.

  “Any time today,” Corey said, shaking against the cold.

  It was Christmas, and their friends were spending the day with them. Corey was convinced the only reason they were staying with him and Alexa was because Becca couldn’t cook. His woman could not only cook, but she did something wonderful with the turkey.

  “I’m seven months pregnant, Corey, leave me alone.”

  Becca and William’s kids chuckled and rushed into the house.

  “Where’s Alexa?” William asked.

  “In the kitchen getting dinner finished.” He heard Alexa tell the kids to sit down at the table.

  Closing the door behind their friends, he couldn’t wait any longer, and he walked into their dining room, going to his wife, who was putting a large tray of beef on the center of the table. Moving behind Alexa, he pressed a kiss to her neck, touching the swell of her stomach where their child lay.

  She stood up, sighing as he sucked on the pulse of her neck.

  “Ew, Mommy and Daddy are being gross,” Charlie, one of their twins said, speaking up. They had been blessed and cursed with two sets of twins, Charlie and Bruno their oldest, Bella and Talia their youngest.

  Corey pulled away. “How are you?” he asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  They didn’t know if they were expecting another set of twins. Either way, Corey didn’t want his woman to be in any kind of pain. Rubbing her stomach, he took his seat at the head of the table as William and Becca took a seat at the table.

  It had been five years of wedded bliss.

  When Alexa had entered that club all those years ago, he’d never once thought that he would become a bestselling author, love his work, and have a woman and family to love.

  Alexa had opened up his world, and given him something to live for.

  She had given him a chance when he hadn’t deserved it.

  He carved up the beef, and the chattering began. This was family life to him. Corey hadn’t lost what attracted Alexa to him. He still had his moments of being a bad boy for her only. They still played in the club, and he still took her to the dungeon. Nothing between them had changed, only their love had blossomed.

  Later that night, when all the kids were in bed, and he was in bed with his wife, he rubbed some soothing lotion into the skin of her stomach. Whenever Alexa was pregnant, she loved being massaged, soothed, and rubbed. He was more than happy to have any excuse to touch her.

  “What are we going to do?” Alexa asked.

  “About what?”

  “When the kids ask us where we met?”

  Corey frowned. “Why would they ask?”

  “School. Curiosity. They’re going to want to know where we met. Telling them I spotted you at a sex club with another woman isn’t exactly romantic.”

  Corey thought about the question for a moment while rubbing her naked body. Sliding open her thighs, he lifted her up, and found her wet entrance. Sliding in deep, he heard her gasp. Her ass rested against his thighs. This meant he didn’t put any weight on her stomach, and he had her body open for him to play with.

  “It’s simple. Tell them I was a customer at the library, and I made you an offer you couldn’t refuse.”


  “No, let’s face it. You didn’t have to come to the club. You came because you wanted me as much as I wanted you, and you loved that I didn’t give you a choice. You loved me chasing you.”

  He slid inside her to the hilt, locking their hands together.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And I’m never going to stop chasing you.”



  Making love to his wife, Corey told her exactly how he was going to keep on chasing her, and locked at his side. If words were not enough, he would simply chain her to the bed if he had to.

  He may be married, and tamed a little, but deep down inside, he would always be her bad boy, who loved to have his wicked way with her.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Evernight Publishing


  Sam Crescent, Nights of Sin (The Bad Boy Collection Book 3)




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