Cousins (Cousins #1)

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Cousins (Cousins #1) Page 19

by Lisa Lang Blakeney

  Next I want to thank one of my dearest and closest friends Kelly Green who has listened to me talk about writing this book endlessly for the last few years and has been nothing but supportive and encouraging. Although she doesn't buy into my obsession with romance (If there's no romantic HEA in a book or a movie, I want no parts of it!), she still gets me, and I love you for that Kelly Boo.

  I also want to thank another two of my besties: Donna Kinard, who is my quasi beta reader and Robin Broughton Smith who is my #1 cheerleader. Donna reads all the important parts I need read, and gives me honest feedback that always works and makes me a better author. Robin serves as inspiration that following your heart will always lead you in the right direction. Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support ladies.

  When I first finished writing this book, I thought to myself that my acknowledgements page would end right about here. I am a total new fish out of water in the world of romance writing. I am also an introvert. I didn't know any fiction authors or bloggers. Not one. Little did I now that there would be several people very willing to help a newbie along. Support me. Encourage me. And without them I know that I would have felt desperately alone.

  Thank you to my editor Marla Esposito. (Shout out to all NYU alumni!) You are much more than an editor to me. Let's face it, without you I would have been writing ellipses … 'til the cows came home, and Elizabeth would have had very questionable and chunky hands:) Thank you so much for all that you do and in the nurturing way that you do it.

  Thank you to Liv Morris a.k.a. Obie-Wan Kenobi, an author with a million other things to do other than help me– I'm so sure:) But she took time out of her day to have an actual conversation with me and talk about my career, my book, my writing and just shoot the sh*t. You are a wealth of knowledge and are hands down responsible for me making smarter decisions about my writing and my marketing. Plus you're one funny NYC gal!

  Thanks to author Meredith Wild. The first author to ever actually respond to me on Facebook and give me actual concrete advice that I could apply to my marketing and my writing career. Thanks for all your help, your well wishes, and for being 'real'.

  Thanks to author Katie Ashley who has to be one of the nicest authors on the planet. You are another author who was very nice to me (via Facebook) when I first considered writing this book, and you taught me that how you treat people goes a long way in how you're remembered. That's why I read all of your books and try to support everything you do. Not just because your work is great, but because you're a great person. I hope to pay it forward one day.

  Thanks to author Jordan Silver a.k.a. Madame Butterfly a.k.a. MamaB. A writing dynamo who didn't know me from a can of paint and has served as true inspiration to what it means to serve your readers . Thank you for your kindness.

  Thanks to R.L. Mathewson for writing How To Write, Publish, & All That Good Stuff. One of my favorite books on indie publishing from an author who's actually doing it and doing it well:) I really tried to follow most of your advice. I hope I did you proud!

  Thank you to Yolanda Ann of Art Of Romance–the first blogger to take me under her wing and give me fantastic guidance on Facebook. I'd like to also thank bloggers: I Read Him First, the Goodreads New Adult Book Club, Escape N Books, Reading Is My Bliss and all the other bloggers and Facebook groups who work tirelessly everyday to promote indie authors and their work.

  Thanks to The Hype PR, an amazing group of women who support and help authors get the word out with grace and ease. I look forward to working with you further in the future ladies!

  Finally I want to thank my parents for nurturing my love of reading and writing all my life. It definitely is my passion thanks to you both. And I want to thank my Aunt Ruby who regularly sent me bags of romance novels when I was in high school that fed my desire for a Happily Ever After:)

  About The Author

  I grew up an only child gorging myself on daytime soaps, night time dramas, and romance novels. I write about strong alpha men and the smart women they seek to claim, and I tend to favor continuing storylines and sagas, although I will write a stand alone novel when inspiration strikes. My novels will probably always contain something a bit taboo, lots of dirty language, and mature content … so be warned:)

  I live in the great state of Pennsylvania and am married to an alpha male I met in college. We are the proud parents of 4 girls and 2 dogs. I LOVE talking to readers! So please connect with me via email or stalk me on the web at:

  Email: [email protected]



  Twitter: @LisaLangWrites

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