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Retribution Page 5

by Katie Reus

  Before Declan could protest, the other man walked a couple feet away with Alena in tow and just out of earshot from Declan.

  Declan frowned, but his attention was immediately diverted as Nika stepped out.

  “Now that’s the kind of woman I wouldn’t mind waking up to every morning,” Clay murmured beside him as she descended the stairs.

  A primal surge of protectiveness swept through him. She might not belong to him, but he’d be damned if any one of his guys made a move on her. “She’s off limits.”

  Surprise on his face, Clay nodded. “Understood.”

  As Clay headed to talk to one of the airport security, all Declan could focus on was the woman coming toward him. She clutched the side rail and held up a hand to block out the sun. Everything about her was a sharp contrast to her sister. She wore jeans, a plain white T-shirt, a fitted military-style leather jacket, and flat shoes that looked like ballet slippers. And her dark hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail.

  When she reached the last couple stairs, he stepped forward and held out a hand to assist her. “Let me help you,” he murmured.

  Her head jerked at his voice. When her pretty mouth formed a small ‘O’, he realized she was noticing him for the first time. She yanked her hand back as if afraid to touch him and before he could react, she tripped over her feet and pitched forward, right into his arms.

  Her hand splayed against his chest as she tried to get her footing and he attempted to get his body under control. Her fingers dug into his skin for a moment and he had to bite back a groan. What he wouldn’t give to feel her claw her fingers down his back as he thrust into her. An exotic, rich scent that reminded him of cool Florida nights surrounded him. Fuck him, this wasn’t remotely professional, but he couldn’t seem to force himself to care.

  Touching her in her dreams was nothing compared to holding her for real. She was petite and soft in all the right places.

  His heart pounded mercilessly against his chest as her body meshed against his. As if his hands had a mind of their own, they settled on her hips—as if he had a right to actually touch her. His fingers flexed around her possessively. Something primitive kicked in and he had the sudden urge to grasp her and pull her tighter against him just to feel her warmth. For a split second her hold on him tightened, but just as quickly she shoved away and out of his embrace.

  “Are you okay?” He kept his voice low, not wanting to embarrass her.

  “I’m fine,” she muttered. With her darker, caramel hued skin it was hard to tell, but she was definitely blushing. Her cheeks had a bright flush to them. More than anything he wanted to take those too-dark sunglasses off and see the expression in her eyes. In her dreams, those green eyes of hers were electrifying. He wondered if they’d be the same in reality.

  “Nika, are you all right?” Her sister was by her side and shoving him out of the way before he could think of a halfway decent response.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just embarrassed.” She let out a light, self-deprecating laugh. He realized she was avoiding looking at him.

  He frowned, not liking that at all. Did she remember their dreams too?

  Her sister continued talking. “Andre wants to take me to lunch, just the two of us. You wouldn’t mind driving back to his villa without me would you?”

  “It’s fine.” Nika seemed more resigned than anything as she spoke.

  “There are already rooms set up for both of us and you’ll be with his bodyguards the whole time.” Alena flicked her wrist in Declan’s direction, but Nika didn’t follow the motion.

  Declan watched as her jaw clenched, but instead of arguing like he expected, she nodded. “Fine.” Her voice was tight, annoyed.

  Leaving the two women alone, Declan strode toward Andre, who was talking on his phone. As he approached, the other man muttered a quick goodbye then slid his cell phone into his jacket pocket.

  “What’s this about going somewhere special for lunch?” Declan asked. That wasn’t part of the security detail he’d been prepped for.

  “I’ve worked a lot the last couple weeks and I want some alone time with Alena. I’ll take one of your security details with me, but I want you to make sure her sister gets back to my place.”

  Warning bells went off in Declan’s head. If the woman wanted to kill him or kidnap him, or whatever she had planned—if anything—this would be the time to do it. Andre had been insulated at his casino, with heightened security there all the time. Maybe their plan was to get to him in Miami. “That’s not a good idea. You’ve had too many threats lately.”

  “Your concern is noted, but I always have threats and it’s just lunch.” There was an edge to the man’s words.

  Declan nodded once. Andre was his client and he didn’t argue with his clients unless they were putting themselves in imminent danger. “Okay, I’m heading up your detail though.”

  “No, I want you to go with her sister. Alena’s very protective of her and I told her you were the best. I can’t tell her I’m giving Nika second best now.”

  Declan mentally sighed, but outwardly kept his expression calm. “How well do you know this woman?”

  Andre’s features went carefully neutral. “I don’t allow someone into my house without checking them out first. You know that.”

  “I do know that, but you hired me to do a job. You’re my priority.”

  Andre raked a hand through his normally immaculate blond hair, the action out of character for the polished man. “I know and I…I’m sorry but the woman is driving me crazy. She’s so hot and cold, I can’t get a read on what it is she even wants… And you don’t fucking care about that.” He straightened abruptly, all business again. “I want some time alone without any interruptions.”

  In the end, Declan knew Andre could do whatever he damn well pleased. Declan’s guys were the best so he wasn’t worried about that, but he wanted to be the one protecting Andre. Still, he knew when to push and when not to. If he pushed too hard, Andre could let him go completely. “I’ll take care of her sister for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Declan briefed his men on the change of plans before getting into the back seat with Nika. Against his better judgment he watched as Andre left with Alena and four of his men. Two were ex-special forces and the other two were former members of the FBI’s hostage rescue team so he wasn’t worried about their capability.

  He glanced up front as Clay put the SUV into drive, then looked at Nika’s profile. Normally he drove but he didn’t want his attention divided from her. She hadn’t said two words since she’d gotten in the vehicle and she still hadn’t taken off her sunglasses.

  The need to see her eyes surprised him. Pictures were never the same and he knew that she was purposely ignoring him.

  “How long do you plan to stay in Miami?” Declan asked.

  She lifted her shoulders, the action jerky instead of casual as he assumed she wanted. “I’m not sure.”

  “I think your sister might be a while. Andre wanted to make sure you were taken care of, so is there anything you’d like to do? Shopping or sightseeing?” He shifted his leg so that their knees were almost touching.

  “I’m fine, thank you.” She turned toward the window and crossed her legs away from him, effectively dismissing him.

  His hand clenched against his leg as he had to restrain himself from reaching out and cupping her cheek. From touching and exploring her the way he had in their dreams. He didn’t have a right to touch her, even if every fiber inside him said he did.

  Forcing his unprofessional feelings on lockdown, he shifted back in his seat and faced the road. Maybe the intoxicating woman was a psychic after all. One way or another, he was going to find out.

  Chapter 6

  Alena crossed her legs away from Andre and fiddled with her seatbelt strap. Right now the only weapon she had was body language and psychological games. The man was confused as hell about what she wanted and she could tell it was driving him crazy. She felt really guilty
, but she needed the advantage.

  He wasn’t a playboy. She’d done enough research to know that. And the past couple weeks spent with him had only confirmed the truth. Still, he was used to getting what he wanted, especially when it came to women. Right now he wasn’t. And it was making him crazy.

  “Your sister will be fine.” His deep voice so close to her ear caused her to turn toward him.

  She sucked in a quick breath to find him inches from her face. So far he hadn’t pressured her to sleep with him. He certainly wanted to, but the man had been incredibly respectful. She knew he was restraining himself, holding himself back, but he desperately wanted to sleep with her. That wasn’t arrogance on her part, she could see it every time he looked at her. The lust in his eyes was potent and scorching. Unfortunately, she wanted him just as bad. The realization had been unexpected. “I know, I trust you,” she murmured.

  In response, he reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Even though she had plenty of motivation to lie to him, it was impossible to deny her attraction to the man. When he touched her, her body simply reacted. Like a switch flipping on, heat bloomed in her lower abdomen and she hated it. Hated that the son of her enemy could make her want so much when previous lovers had barely stimulated her, even during sex.

  Instead of kissing her mouth, he nipped her jaw. “I have a room prepared for you, but I’d like you to stay in mine tonight.” And there it was. Right out in the open.

  The plan was working so much better than she could have wished. So why was she feeling guilty? He was a means to an end. That was all. She couldn’t afford to get soft now. She placed a hand on his chest. “Maybe.”

  She felt, more than saw the tension humming through his body and her answer did nothing to appease it. He didn’t respond though. He sucked her earlobe between his teeth and gently bit down. She held back a moan as heat pooled between her legs. He got her so slick and turned on and they’d hardly done anything.

  Out of the corner of her eye she could see the driver glance at them in the rearview mirror and she couldn’t fight the inexplicable wave of shyness that rolled over her. She modeled seven to ten months out of the year and was used to taking her clothes off in front of strangers. She didn’t want anyone seeing her and Andre intimate though.

  “Andre,” she whispered.

  Sighing, he dropped a chaste kiss on her lips and leaned back, but his shoulders were taut with tension.

  “So where are you taking me?” she asked, needing to fill the silence.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I hate surprises.”

  The corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He looked adorable like that. “That’s too bad.”

  “Is that right?”

  He shot her a sideways glance. “Say you’ll share my room and I might tell you.”

  “Are you trying to blackmail me?”

  “Is it working?”

  “I don’t think so.” She bit back a smile at the frustrated expression that crossed his face. He looked like a kid who’d been told he couldn’t open his Christmas presents.

  Andre opened his mouth to say something when his phone rang. When he looked at the caller ID, he frowned. For a moment she thought he might not answer, but then he sighed and slid his finger across the screen. “I told you not to call unless—What? Damn it. No, I’ll be right there. Give me ten minutes. I’m not that far away.”

  As he hung up she knew they weren’t going to lunch. Part of her was disappointed but another part of her was glad. All this time she’d been spending with him was wreaking havoc on her conscience. She needed to focus and remember the plan.

  “I’m sorry, Alena. There’s a problem down at one of my warehouses and—”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “It’s business so don’t apologize. I get it.” And she did. Probably more than most.

  Relief and surprise crossed his face. “I’ll make it up to you tonight. I promise.” He leaned forward. “Stop the vehicle.”

  “Sir, I don’t think—”

  “You’re taking Miss Brennan back to my villa and I’m catching a ride with them.” He motioned toward the SUV behind them. “It’s a simple change of plans. Don’t make me ask for another security team.”

  “Of course, sir.” The driver glanced in the rearview mirror then pulled off onto the side of the road. He keyed his radio and started talking to someone in the other vehicle, letting them know what was going on.

  Andre pressed a tender kiss to Alena’s forehead. “I’ll only be a couple hours.”

  Something foreign inside her twisted but she ignored it. She leaned closer so that her lips touched his ear. “I’ll have my stuff moved into your room.”

  His pale eyes darkened at her words but he didn’t respond. For a moment he looked like he wanted to, but instead he just slid from the vehicle. When the door shut behind him she had to stop herself from jumping at the sound.

  Tonight was it. Once she slept with him there’d be no going back.

  “This is reckless,” the driver growled as he steered back onto the road.

  The dark-haired man in the passenger seat shrugged. “He can do whatever the hell he wants man.”

  The driver muttered something she couldn’t hear clearly, but it earned a chuckle from the other guy.

  “What were we supposed to do? Restrain him?”

  An odd possessiveness jumped inside her as they talked about Andre. Alena cleared her throat, reminding them she was there.

  Instantly the vehicle went silent. She relaxed against the leather seat and stared out the window, forcing her mind to calm. After a few minutes she plucked her purse from the floorboard. She wanted to let her sister know she was on her way. As she reached for her cell phone, her entire world shifted in a sharp, violent twist.

  Even though she was strapped in, her body jerked as her head slammed into the window. The strap pulled painfully against her chest and pain fractured in her skull as she tried to gain her bearings. Had they been in an accident?

  The two guards in the front seat shouted something but she couldn’t make out the words. Everything was too fuzzy. “What’s going on?” she mumbled or at least she thought she said it out loud.

  The SUV jerked again and this time she managed to brace herself with an arm as the vehicle violently jolted. A scream tore from her throat as glass and metal crunched all around them.

  Her world started spinning out of control. Nausea bubbled up. Was the vehicle rolling? She reached out a hand to brace herself on the seat in front of her but grasped air.

  Suddenly everything jerked to a halt and an eerie silence descended inside the vehicle. She pressed a shaky hand to her temple. When she looked at her fingers, they had blood on them. Struggling against her seatbelt, she leaned up and tried to check the driver’s pulse. She couldn’t reach him though.

  His head lolled to the side almost unnaturally, but it looked as if he were breathing. From her position it was too hard to tell. The other guard unstrapped his seatbelt and swiveled to look at her. It was as if everything was happening in slow motion.

  Shaking her head, she tried to get a grip on her surroundings.

  “Are you okay ma’am?” The dark-haired guard asked.

  “I think so. What’s…what’s going on?”

  “A semi-truck clipped us—” He abruptly stopped talking as he focused on a point behind her head. “Get down!”

  Instinct beat out curiosity. She threw herself down on the seat.

  Loud pops surrounded them as glass shattered everywhere, covering the inside of the vehicle. Just as suddenly the noise stopped. She didn’t want to move. Was too afraid. But she knew she had to. She tried to lift her head, to push up, but everything swam in front of her. She stared down at the leather seat, but it was all blurry.

  Voices, male voices, seemed to be saying something in the distance, but she couldn’t make out anything. Maybe she’d lost more blood than she realized. She couldn’t hold her body up and co
llapsed back against the seat as darkness sucked her under.

  * * *

  “Where exactly is Andre’s place?” Nika’s sexy voice filled the interior of the SUV.

  Declan glanced at her, surprised by the question. He’d expected silence the rest of the drive. “It’s in a gated community near Star Island.” Before he could elaborate, his cell phone buzzed. One of his security team. “Yeah?”

  “They fucking ambushed us! Andre left about ten minutes ago for some emergency but the girl is gone and we’re completely immobile.” Kevin’s hoarse voice cut through the line. “We need an ambulance.”

  His mouth went dry. “SITREP, now.” He might not be in the Corps anymore, but some things stuck with him. He needed a breakdown of what the hell was going on.

  “A semi-truck and a fully armed Humvee came out of nowhere, boxed us in, and shot out the engine.”

  “Where’s Andre? Is he alive?”

  “He’s not even here. They must have planned to take him but he left when he got a call.”

  “Wait, what? Who took her?”

  Though she couldn’t hear Kevin, Nika straightened at Declan’s words. There was no doubt he meant her sister.

  “Oh my God! Someone took—”

  He held up a hand, needing her silence while he got all the details. To his surprise she was quiet but he could feel the fear rolling off her. She was completely still, watching him intently. He kept her in his periphery, not wanting to look at her face and get distracted. He forced himself to tune her out as his guy continued.

  “Boss, we don’t know. They wore masks, non-descript fatigues and carried M-4’s. Fucking assault rifles.”

  “Fuck,” he muttered. At least they’d been wearing masks. That meant they might want to keep her alive.

  “What’s going on?” she shouted as she gripped his forearm.

  Ignoring her, he asked, “Did they say anything? Make any demands?”

  “No, just that they’d be in touch.”

  “Is anyone else injured?”

  “Ethan’s hurt, but it’s from the crash. If we get him to the ER soon he’ll be okay. The only time they opened fire was when they blew out the windows and the engine. Boss, I recognized a tattoo. At least one of the guys is ex-military. Special Forces. These guys are pros.”


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