
Home > Romance > Retribution > Page 11
Retribution Page 11

by Katie Reus

  “Uh, Saturday, I think.”

  “Do you know where you are?”

  “No, they—”

  “That’s enough.” The mechanical voice abruptly came back on the line. “Mr. Makarov, you have two hours to bring the money. Your countdown begins now. As soon as we have the money, we’ll give you the girl.”

  Declan shook his head. “No! That’s not negotiable. Either he gets a visual of the woman before he leaves the money, or you don’t have a deal. He is not giving twenty million dollars in exchange for nothing.”

  There was another long moment of silence. “The woman will be at the address given. Andre comes alone or she dies. He will receive further instructions when he arrives.”

  The line went dead before Declan could respond. He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Did you get anything Odell?”

  “No. I was able to trace him further this time, but I still lost the signal.”

  Declan glanced at Yasha then leaned down so he was close enough to Odell that Yasha couldn’t hear. “If you can, reconnect with that satellite, I want you to monitor what you showed me earlier. See if you find any unusual activity.” He’d tell Andre about it as soon as Yasha was out of the room.

  “My son is not making himself a target for some whore,” Yasha snarled.

  “My sister’s not a whore you asshole!” The abrupt outburst from Nika shocked everyone into silence for a brief moment.

  Yasha’s eyes narrowed on Nika and he opened his mouth but Declan cut him off.

  “You need to either shut the hell up or get out,” Declan ground out. With only an hour to map out a plan, he couldn’t have anyone impeding them. Without waiting for a response, he turned to Clay who waited silently by the door. “Tell everyone to gear up now.”

  Clay nodded and exited as Declan focused on Andre. Before he could say a word, Nika’s small hand clutched onto his arm in a vise-like grip. “Declan…”

  Her eyes rolled back into her head, showing the whites and her body dropped like a sack of rocks. Before she could hit the floor, he snaked an arm around her waist, but her entire body was limp and unmoving.

  “Oh my God,” Odell muttered.

  Laying her onto the carpet, Declan checked her pulse. It was strong. As he crouched next to her, an icy chill rolled over him. “Nika!” When she didn’t respond or even flinch at his voice, he gently lifted back one of her eyelids. Her pupils were almost fully dilated. Hell no. He wasn’t letting anything happen to her.

  Chapter 12

  Nika blinked as she tried to focus on her surroundings. Everything around her was fuzzy and faded at the edges.

  This was a dream or vision. Vision, she decided a moment later.

  Her gut clenched, a sense of impending darkness threatening her. She couldn’t explain why, but terror welled up inside her as she looked at the dim, unfamiliar environment.

  Glancing around at the muted darkness, she saw what looked like support beams above her and she could hear male voices…nearby.

  Blinking she sat up and realized she’d been lying on a bed. Well, a mattress with a couple sheets thrown on it. And she was in what looked like a half-built house. Exposed wooden beams were everywhere, and dust covered the concrete floor below her sock covered feet. Like someone had stopped construction on this place a while ago. A wood plank covered the window in her ‘bedroom’ or whatever room this was supposed to be. Faint light peeked through a crack in the plank so she guessed it was daylight still.

  Standing, she wavered once on her feet as she got her bearings. It was always like this in a vision but she forced herself to get her shit together. This was important, she was certain. Could feel it bone-deep.

  As she walked across the room, something dark to her left caught her eye. The wall hadn’t been completed in this room, with beams and some plaster the only separator between her and the other room.

  She saw a crate marked ‘explosives’ sitting against a wall. When she took another step forward her eyes widened. There were assault rifles propped up next to it. She wondered if they were loaded.

  She could escape if so. Or at least have a chance to.

  Nika shook her head, realizing that wasn’t her thought, but…this must be Alena’s head she was in. Or she hoped. Before the thought had fully formed, she heard the same male voice from before. In the next room, maybe. They were so close, as if the plaster part of the half-wall was all that was blocking them. She didn’t move, not wanting to make a sound or inadvertently reveal her presence.

  “We’re not taking the woman with us!” a man said. He sounded familiar. One of the men who’d helped kidnap her.

  “Yes, we are. This is not up for debate.” Another man responded, his voice raspy, as if he was tired or maybe a smoker. But, he was obviously the one in charge. Though she couldn’t see them, she could tell by his tone. He didn’t shout, but the edge in his voice was clear.

  “Andre Makarov is dead either way. Why are you bringing her?”

  “He needs to think we’re cooperating,” Mr. Raspy voice said.

  “We’re wasting our time,” the other man muttered, this time in quieter tones, almost sulky sounding.

  “The woman isn’t part of this. She hasn’t seen our faces. Once we get Andre and his money, we let her go. And no one else will strike him but me. Andre is mine.” Venom dripped from the man’s voice.

  “Then what’s the fucking point? We’re going to get rich off this guy so who gives a shit about that bitch? Some of the guys are getting pissed you won’t let us touch her.”

  “I’m not a rapist. And your men are thinking far too small if they’re concerned about one woman. This is a huge score. They can buy plenty of women after this.”

  “You know who she is though. Not every day a prime piece of ass like that—”

  A sharp thud rent the air, as if flesh had met flesh. A man grunted.

  “Do you want to stand around and bitch, or do you want your money?”

  “I want my fucking money.”

  “Then bring the woman to the vehicle and quit questioning my orders.”

  The man let out a string of curses in a foreign language. Russian maybe.

  No, she wouldn’t let them hurt Andre. The frustrating man had proven he wasn’t like his father. He didn’t deserve to die.

  “Nika! Wake up! Can you hear me?”

  Nika sucked in a deep breath as her eyes widened and she found herself staring into dark, familiar eyes. “Declan?”

  “Are you okay?” Worry lines etched around his eyes.

  He looked up and away from her. “Cancel the ambulance,” he barked to someone.

  Using his forearm as leverage, she held onto him and pulled herself up. “I’m sorry, I…” The realization that they weren’t alone made her stop talking. She couldn’t tell him what she’d seen in front of others. They’d think she was insane.

  Immediately he hooked an arm around her back and helped her sit up straight. “You passed out. How are you feeling?”

  Glancing around, she spotted Andre and the other man, Odell something, sitting by the computers and staring at her with concern. She leaned in close to Declan, clutching onto his shoulders. She didn’t care what anyone else thought of the action, she didn’t want them to hear what she had to say. “I need to talk to you in private.”

  A frown marred that handsome face, but he helped her to her feet. After a brief murmur to Andre, Declan quickly led her to the kitchen.

  She could see the tension rolling off him. “We have to leave pronto, but I’ll have one of my men take you to a doctor if—”

  “No, but you can’t let Andre meet the kidnapper alone. They’re going to kill him.”

  Declan’s espresso eyes darkened and narrowed. “Why are you telling me this? Feeling guilty?”

  It took all of a second to understand what he meant. “No, you dumbass! Listen to me. Whoever those men are, they are not going to let him live. I don’t really understand but the man who—the leader—he wants to make And
re suffer.” That was the vibe she’d gotten from her vision.

  He stepped closer, caging her in against the nearest counter, his big body immovable as he leaned down so that inches separated their faces. “Why are you telling me this? Not getting as big a cut as you’d hoped?” His words were quiet, but they dripped with raw, barely concealed anger.

  “A cut of what? Why aren’t you listening to me? Whoever these men are, they are going to kill Andre,” she whispered the last part, not wanting anyone to overhear. Her thoughts were still a little jumbled but she knew what she’d seen in her vision. Andre might be related to the scum of the earth, but Nika couldn’t allow him to go to his certain death in good conscience. When she’d been in that dream state, she’d gotten the sense from her sister that Alena didn’t want that either. They needed to save him.

  Declan’s angry expression faltered. “Whoever? You don’t know who took your sister?”

  “Of course not. You aren’t listening to me.” She let out a frustrated groan, finally shaking off the rest of her sluggishness. “I saw, just now, what they’re planning. Well, heard and sort of saw.”

  Declan leaned back a fraction, but not much. His hands still caged her in against the counter. “You…saw it? When you passed out?”

  “Yeah. Just now. I was in a house that hadn’t been finished. Or maybe it’s in the process of being finished. There was a lot of dust though so I think it’s abandoned or something. I heard two men arguing. Talking about Alena, I think. They never said her name, but they said Andre’s. They’re going to bring Alena with them, but they’re not planning to let Andre live.”


  “A man with the raspy voice said he wants him to suffer and he said he was the only one who got to touch Andre. He didn’t explain why. Oh, I also saw a crate of what might be explosives and guns. Assault rifles.”

  Declan’s frown deepened. “Did you see anything about these men I can use? Any distinguishing characteristics?”

  He believed her. He was different than most people she’d met but she’d still expected some sort of argument. “You believe me?”

  “Is there a reason I shouldn’t?”

  “Well, no. I just expected…an argument or something.”

  “I can’t think of one reason why you’d lie about this. And if you are, you better believe you’ll pay.” His voice was a low growl.

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as his words rolled over her, but she ignored the short-lived flash of fear. “I didn’t see them. They were behind a half-built wall. They probably thought I—Alena—was asleep. I think but I don’t know. It’s hard to completely gauge things in that state. One of the men was angry because the man with the raspy voice wouldn’t let him,” Nika swallowed back the bile in her throat, “touch Alena.” For that small miracle, she was so damn grateful that her sister hadn’t been harmed in that way. It made it easier to freaking breathe.

  “You’re sure of all this?”

  “As sure as I can be under the circumstances.”

  “Can you think of anything else?”

  She shook her head. She’d had visions before, usually of things about to happen, but she’d never had one of real importance. And not one connected to people she was close to. Not like this anyway.

  “Stay here, I’m going to talk to Andre.”

  Instinctively she grabbed Declan’s bicep. His muscles flexed under her fingers but she didn’t let go.

  “You’re not going to tell him about me are you?”

  “I’m not telling anyone about this, trust me. I think I have a better idea of who we’re dealing with now. And you’ve been a big help. We’re going to get your sister back. Stay put,” he ordered. Before he left, he cupped her jaw gently. He opened his mouth, maybe to say something else, but just as quickly he snapped it shut and strode from the room.

  * * *

  Andre lifted his arms as Odell helped secure the bullet proof vest.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Andre? You barely know this woman.” His father paced in front of him, but Andre managed to keep himself from lashing out. He was always in control. Except around his father. Or sperm donor, as he preferred to think of Yasha.

  Considering the ‘great’ Yasha Makarov cared for no one but himself and considered all women disposable, the question was hardly surprising. “I don’t expect you to understand.”

  “This could be a trap. She could be using you.”

  Andre had thought about that, but if Alena had wanted to extract money from anyone, the last two men she’d been involved with would have been much easier—and wealthier—targets. Yes, Andre had done well for himself, but she’d dated richer men. And she had a very nice financial cushion. He’d had her checked out thoroughly. No, whoever had done this was coming after him personally. He could feel it straight to his bones. It wasn’t as if she could have predicted he’d be called away on business. He’d been the intended victim, not her. She was just an innocent bystander. Which made him feel beyond guilty. “Not everyone has an ulterior motive,” he snapped.

  “Is that too tight?” Odell asked quietly.

  He shook his head. “No, but thank you.”

  Before his father could continue his tirade, the door opened and Declan stepped through carrying a blue windbreaker. Immediately Yasha turned on Declan. “Talk some sense into my son. This is a trap.”

  “I hate to agree with him, but your father is right.” Declan handed him the light jacket. “Put this on.”

  “So you think this is a trap too?” he asked as he slipped the jacket over his head.

  “I think these men are highly trained and might try to take you in addition to your money. This is only partially about the money. I could be wrong, but I think that whoever is behind this wants to take whatever he can from you then he’ll likely kill you.”

  “How do you know that?” Andre asked.


  “So why are you letting my son go?” his father interrupted.

  Declan switched his attention to Yasha. “If we don’t, they’ll kill the woman and come after Andre again. I don’t know who’s behind this, but if this is personal, he’s not going to rest until your son is dead. We can stop him now while he’s still cocky enough to think he’s planned it perfectly.”

  Andre intervened when it appeared his father would argue with Declan. “You have no say in this father, so get over it. I’m doing this and you’re free to leave at any time.”

  A muscle tightened in his father’s jaw. “Does the name Rick mean anything to you?”

  Andre’s eyebrows rose at the name. “Why?” He glanced at Declan, who also looked surprised.

  “Before I arrived, I spoke with an associate of mine who might have mentioned that name. He might have a connection with all of this.”

  Declan’s gaze locked on Andre’s. “I think we know who the kidnapper is.”

  “You can’t be sure,” Andre muttered.

  “He’s the only person who makes sense. Whether you want to admit it or not, this is personal. He blamed you for your wife’s death. According to you, he swore you’d pay one day.”

  Andre shook his head. “That was a long time ago—”

  “Rick is the name of the bastard who was fucking that whore?” Yasha’s lips curled up in distaste.

  “That’s enough,” Andre said. His wife might have cheated on him, but Andre took some of the blame. He hadn’t exactly been the best husband. Or even a husband at all. Maybe if he’d paid more attention to her or come home before eight o’clock some nights… His throat tightened with painful memories, but he shoved them away. He’d been a fucking ghost in his own marriage.

  “Why? She never respected you—”

  “I’m not having this conversation again.” Andre turned to Declan. “I’m ready when you are.”

  He might not know Alena as well as he wanted, but he couldn’t let anything happen to her. After years of faceless bed partners, he’d finally met a woman who made
him feel something again. He’d fucked up his marriage. No matter what anyone said, he shouldered most of the blame for his wife’s indiscretions.

  Nothing might develop with Alena but he’d already failed one woman, he couldn’t fail another. Especially not this one.

  “I need to speak to you alone,” Declan said, his intent clear.

  “Father, privacy please.” Andre didn’t look at Yasha as he spoke, but knew his use of the word ‘father’ would work.

  After a muttered curse, Yasha left the office.

  “We have a lead where Alena’s being held,” Declan said the moment the door closed. Before Andre could ask questions, he nodded at Odell. “Show him what you’ve got.”

  As the computer genius pulled up the satellite feed and other maps, Declan explained to Andre his theory of her whereabouts. “I’ve already put in a call to my guys. Eight man team I had on stand-by. They’re on their way to the subdivision. There are four main exits. Instead of infiltrating I’m going to have them watch the exits and tail anyone who leaves. They’ll blend, don’t worry,” he added. “They’re all in armored minivans or cars that look like every day vehicles.”

  He cleared his throat before continuing. “Since we know that they’ve got eyes on your place, if their knowledge of Yasha’s arrival is anything to go on, we should keep up appearances and head to the meet point. I’m going to order another team to head to the subdivision also as backup. This time these guys don’t have the element of surprise. The end goal is for you to never make it to the meet point, for my guys to apprehend and stop them before they arrive. And despite what they think, we’ll have eyes on you at all times. You’re not alone. I need you to have all the facts before we move forward.”

  Andre nodded once. There wasn’t another option for him. He was doing this. “Let’s go then.”

  Chapter 13

  Alena wasn’t surprised when a masked man stepped into the door-less entryway of her room a few minutes after the conversation she’d overheard.

  “Time to go,” he said, motioning with his hand.


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