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Retribution Page 14

by Katie Reus

  She leaned closer. “Then what do you want?”

  He covered her mouth in a gentle, almost reverent kiss. Unbearable heat pooled between her legs as he continued stroking her breast. His unhurried movements sent a shot of pleasure straight from her nipple to the building heat between her legs. It was as if her pleasure points were connected and each time he teased her, the more damp she grew between her legs. When she clutched his shoulders, he moaned into her mouth, the sound urgent. His tongue rasped over hers with a barely contained hunger. The raw energy humming through him ratcheted up her own desire about a hundred degrees.

  She gasped when the backs of her knees hit the bed. Andre’s arm wrapped around her waist as he laid her on the silky sheets. For a brief moment she wondered what it would be like to allow herself to melt into Andre’s strong embrace. She’d spent so many years protecting her sister and choosing relationships where she was in control. For once, she wished she had a decent man like Andre in her life. Maybe someone she could love. When he suddenly pulled away from her, her entire body mourned the loss.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he drew the comforter up until it covered her bare breasts.

  “You need rest and I want you to have time to think about this. You’ve been through a lot in the past couple days.” His voice was hoarse, strained.

  “But I want—”

  He placed a firm finger over her lips, but she didn’t miss the heat in his eyes. “Sleep and we’ll talk later. Do you want me to send your sister in? I know I stole you away earlier.”

  Her entire body ached, both from her escape and from an unfulfilled need, but her mind was also exhausted. If she spoke to Nika now, she might give in to her sister’s demands that they call the whole thing off. Denying her little sister what she wanted was the hardest thing Alena had ever done and she was dangerously close to breaking. “Not right now. You’re right, I am tired. I’ll just take a little nap.”

  As he strode toward the door, she sat up. “Andre?”


  “I know we haven’t gotten to talk about everything yet, but Nika told me that your father was going to help pay part of the ransom. Is that true?”

  Something dark flashed in his eyes as he nodded. “Yes.”

  “I’d love to thank him later. Do you think you could ask him over for lunch or dinner tomorrow?” She bit back the guilt and nausea that pushed up. Her original plan had been to seduce Andre, then somehow get his father invited over. In a strange way, the kidnapping had worked in her favor. Now she’d be able to take Yasha out a lot sooner than she’d expected.

  “I don’t know—”

  “Please? It would mean a lot to me.”

  He sighed, but nodded. “I’ll ask him.”

  “Thank you.” Alena fell back against the fluffy pillow as the door shut behind him.

  He obviously hated his father too. Something she hadn’t counted on. But, she’d just have to work around it.

  * * *

  “What the fuck is going on?” Yasha shouted the moment Andre stepped into his office.

  Andre rubbed a hand over his face. Everything about this scene was so typical. “What are you shouting about now?”

  “Nice of you to come see me now that you’re back.”

  “I didn’t realize I needed to check in with you.” Andre stared at his father and for what felt like the millionth time in his life, he wondered how they could be related. He didn’t even think of the man in front of him as his father. He thought of him as Yasha, as if that somehow separated their blood relationship. If only it was so simple.

  Yasha glanced at two of his guards and nodded, indicating for them to leave. Once the door shut behind them, he sighed. “Your girlfriend is alive, yes?”

  She wasn’t his girlfriend. Hell, he didn’t know what she was but Andre didn’t correct him. Instead he nodded and gritted his teeth. The thought of Yasha knowing anything about his personal life brought out protective instincts for Alena. The man brought death and heartache wherever he went. He didn’t want this man anywhere near her. “She’s here and resting.”

  “What happened? I heard whispers that you didn’t meet with the kidnappers.”

  “She escaped so your money is untouched. You may take it when you leave.”

  “Don’t you think that’s convenient?” he sneered.

  “What’s convenient?”

  Yasha tapped a finger on the desk. “Her escaping so easily.”

  “If you saw her, you wouldn’t say that.” He bit back a sharper retort. Giving his father the details would be pointless. Yasha trusted no one. He never had. He treated people as if they were objects, especially women. In Yasha’s world, women were for sex only. Whether they wanted it or not.

  “I want to know how you met this woman and who she is,” Yasha persisted.

  Andre tempered his annoyance. If he showed emotion, his father would pounce and push him until he gave something away. “I’m not having this conversation with you. Who I date is none of your concern. However, if you’d like to have dinner tomorrow, Alena would like to thank you for offering to help pay for her return.”

  “I did not do it for her.”

  “I know that and you know that. She no doubt thinks you’re my loving, concerned father. Since we both know that’s not true, I’ll tell her you’re unable to make it.” That way he wouldn’t have to lie to Alena.

  His father’s head cocked slightly to the side and his eyes flashed with something Andre couldn’t put his finger on. “No, I will dine with you tomorrow. I would like to meet this woman you’re so infatuated with. Hopefully you haven’t fallen for another whore.” He practically spat the words.

  Instinctively Andre started to argue but thought better of it. Might as well get it over with, then get his father out of his life once again. For good this time. “Fine. Be here at six sharp.”

  Instead of moving, Yasha still lounged against the desk. “I need a favor.”

  Of course he did. “What is it?”

  “I need to use one of your marina warehouses in a few days, just for a couple hours.”

  Andre shook his head. “No. No way. I’m not helping you move drugs.”

  “This is not about drugs. I simply need a place to meet with some associates. I’m being watched by the FBI and I can’t afford to be seen at any of my establishments.”

  “You swear it isn’t about drugs…or women?” He narrowed his eyes. His father was a criminal, but for the most part he was honest with Andre.

  “Neither. I need privacy and considering our relationship, they won’t be watching you.”

  Andre couldn’t tell if he was lying, but he had given him the money for Alena. “I’ll think about it.”

  “When you do, think about the money I gave you with no strings attached.”

  No strings except the favor he wanted. “I’ll let you know tomorrow evening.”

  Yasha nodded once. “I will see you then.”

  As the door shut behind his father, Andre called Declan.

  He picked up on the first ring. “Everything okay?”

  “Where are you?” Andre asked.

  “In the kitchen, going over some things with Odell. Your father is in your office and I don’t want him to know what we’re doing.”

  Andre scrubbed a hand over his face. “He’s leaving but he’ll be back tomorrow for dinner.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” Declan asked.

  “No, but he’s up to something dirty. I can feel it. I want to talk to you. Alone.”

  “Be there in a sec.”

  Andre collapsed into his leather chair after they disconnected. His father was an evil man. He understood that on every level.

  It was time he did something about it.

  Chapter 16

  Nika looked at herself in the mirror for the tenth—okay, fiftieth—time, then rolled her eyes at her reflection. Declan was just taking her to dinner, nothing more. She hadn’t dated much as a teenager so
maybe the ridiculous excitement humming through her was normal.

  Growing up with an uncle who worked in foreign intelligence and with a sister who looked like, well, a model, dating hadn’t been easy. Her uncle had basically vetted anyone who had asked her out, not caring that they were sixteen-year-old boys. To him, everyone had been suspect. And on the off chance some guy passed his stupid tests, they ended up falling for Alena anyway. Turning eighteen and leaving for college had been the best day of her life. Not that she didn’t love her family. She did more than anything. They were small and tight-knit, and they seriously had issues, but her sister and uncle were all she had.

  She shook her head and turned away from the mirror. If she allowed herself, she’d be lost in her memories forever. By the time she got to the front door, Declan stood in the foyer talking on his cell phone. When he saw her, however, all speech stopped and his eyes glittered with pure, heated desire. And it was all directed at her. She clutched onto her purse as if that could somehow ground her.

  He’d wanted her before, but this was something entirely different. The primitive waves rolling off him sent a jolt of hunger and feminine awareness spiraling through her entire body. She swallowed once, but couldn’t seem to break contact. Those dark eyes of his held her captive. If he kept mentally undressing her, they’d never make it to dinner. Not that that was such a bad thought.

  “I’ll call you later,” he muttered into the phone before sliding it into his pocket. He didn’t take his eyes off her. He wore dark pants, a black sweater that stretched perfectly across his oh-so broad chest and shoulders. For the most part he’d been wearing suit jackets that didn’t exactly hide his muscular build, but the lack of a jacket showed everything off.




  Three things she normally avoided in a man. Not with Declan. It was as if she was drawn to those qualities.

  “You look…perfect,” he murmured.

  Self-conscious, she glanced down at her simple black dress. It didn’t even show off any cleavage with its boat-neck cut, but he certainly liked it. Which made her feel ridiculously happy. “Thanks.”

  She didn’t know what to expect from him, but she was certain of one thing. Whatever was going to happen with him would inevitably be short term. A fling might break her heart, but she was going to take the chance and enjoy it while it lasted.

  “I should have asked before, but are you a vegetarian?” he asked as he held open the front door for her.

  She shook her head because she didn’t trust her voice. Outside the house stood four armed guards that she could see, but she was certain there were more that she couldn’t. Separated from the line of black SUVs, an older model Land Rover sat in the front of the circular stone driveway. “Is this yours?”

  The lights flashed when he hit the key fob. “I figured this would be a little lower key than one of the SUVs.”

  Nika was surprised he didn’t drive something flashier, but she was secretly pleased. Everything about him was just so…male. Including his vehicle. Since she spent a lot of time traveling with her sister, the men they often hung out with had horribly entitled attitudes. Declan was understated. More importantly, he was the kind of man she knew could and would protect her if the need arose. He’d protect anyone that needed it.

  “So you don’t think we need any extra security?” she asked as soon as they were headed toward downtown Miami.

  He glanced in the rearview mirror. “We’ve got a small team tailing us, but if I actually thought you were in any danger, we wouldn’t be leaving the house. You were never a target and you’re not involved with Andre.”

  She’d figured, but had needed to ask. They’d brought in even more security to Andre’s house and that place was locked down tighter than a fortress. She knew it was the only reason Declan was probably even leaving for an hour or so. “Did you manage to find out anything about the kidnappers?”

  “We’re working on it. We found the house where they kept your sister.”


  He snorted. “Hard to miss with the garage door splintered apart.”

  A short laugh escaped even as that same sense of relief spread over her. She was so damn grateful Alena was okay. “I’m guessing you didn’t find anyone though since you haven’t said.”

  “No one. So even if your sister did kill someone, he wasn’t at any of those houses. We found evidence they’d been staying at a couple of the homes but they’d all cleared out. My guys had four of the exits blocked, but they found another way to get out undetected.” She could hear the anger in his voice and had no doubt he’d make it his mission to find those men.

  “Are you guys ever going to involve the police?”

  He lifted his shoulders again, not answering one way or another. And she wasn’t going to push.

  “As a precaution,” he continued, “we’re going to keep your sister under basic lockdown along with Andre, but the real target was always Andre. It would be stupid to make another attempt so soon, but I’m guessing whoever wanted to kidnap him will try again.”

  Nika wished she could somehow feel better about that, but it was still scary. Alena wanted to use Andre to get to Yasha. And someone wanted to hurt Andre. It would be too easy for them to get caught in the crossfire. The thought of Declan getting caught in anything made her blood turn to ice.

  And what happened when Alena killed Yasha and they tried to leave? What if some crazy kidnappers followed them and tried to take her sister again? Nika doubted that scenario but there were too many variables and Nika didn’t understand why her sister couldn’t see that. She’d tried talking to Alena again after her nap but her sister hadn’t wanted to listen to a word. If anything, she was even more determined to kill Yasha now. And Nika had been too afraid to ask if Alena had actually slept with Andre. Her sister liked to put on a façade for the world, but she was very particular about her bed partners. Still, Alena planned to seduce Andre and if things had already gone that far, Nika knew her sister would never back out once they slept together. It was as if Alena was completely blinded by her rage.

  “Andre’s father is coming to dinner tomorrow night.” Declan’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

  She stiffened, but forced herself not to outwardly react any more than that. Even though he wasn’t looking at her, she was under the distinct impression that Declan was testing her. Or maybe she was just reading into it too much. “Yeah, Alena mentioned something about that.”

  “What do you think about him?” Again, his face was impassive, but she could almost swear he was baiting her.

  More likely, it was her own guilt clawing at her. “I know he was giving Andre the money, but he seemed like a dick.”

  Declan let out a sharp bark of laughter. “That’s an understatement.”

  Nika mentally shook her head at herself. She was totally overreacting. He wasn’t testing her. He was just making conversation. “How long have you lived in Miami?”

  “Two years. I moved here to be closer to my family and start Gallagher Security.”

  “You have a brother, right?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Three, actually.”

  “Are you close to them?”

  “Very. What about you? Other than your sister are you close to your family?”

  She shrugged and tried to choose her words carefully. “We have an uncle but other than that, we don’t really have anyone.”

  He cleared his throat and she guessed what he was going to say before he said it. It was that standard date talk, she thought. You talk about work, family and hobbies. “What about your parents?”

  “Dead.” The word stuck in her throat. She couldn’t tell him the real way they’d died and she didn’t want to lie about that. It just felt wrong on too many levels.

  “I’m sorry. I lost my mom too. Car accident.” His words were quiet and sincere.

  She glanced at him but he didn’t take his eyes off the road. “I’m sorry yo
u lost your mom. How old were you when it happened…ah, if you don’t mind me asking?” She knew she shouldn’t continue down this path because it would likely invite more questions about herself, but she wanted to know everything about him.

  “This summer it’ll be four years so…I was about thirty at the time. What about you?”

  “I was five so I don’t really remember much about either of them. Alena does though and she…” Nika fiddled with her seatbelt as she trailed off, her throat tightening.

  “She what?”

  Nika shrugged. “She just tells me stories. I imagine it was harder on you because you at least have memories of your mom.”

  He didn’t respond, just glanced in the rearview mirror and frowned.

  Her heart beat quickened as she took in his body language. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah.” His short, one word answer didn’t leave much room for discussion.

  Nika self-consciously smoothed down her dress as silence descended in the vehicle. The little voice in her head told her to guard her heart, but with Declan she didn’t want to. He was different, like her, and she enjoyed that she could be herself around him. Well, to an extent anyway.

  “What are you thinking?” His intoxicating voice sent shivers to all her nerve endings.

  “I’m just thinking about last night and wondering if the next step will be just as good.” She wasn’t sure where the words came from, but with him she wanted to put everything out there. She couldn’t be honest about everything with him, but this attraction between them, this inexplicable pull, she wouldn’t deny it. Didn’t want to. It was obvious he wanted her as much as she wanted him so while she still felt a little insecure around him, she felt comfortable being herself. It was freeing.

  His fingers tightened on the wheel. “It’ll be better.” The words came out as a soft rumble.


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