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Retribution Page 22

by Katie Reus

  Rick Savitch might be smart, but everyone left a digital fingerprint. It was just a matter of time until they found him.

  Chapter 26

  Nika jumped at the sound of her bedroom door opening, but stilled when she saw her sister.

  Alena ducked inside and quietly shut the door behind her, her dark eyes just a little wild. “It’s done,” she whispered.

  An icy chill slithered through Nika, knowing exactly what ‘it’ was. “How?”

  “They’ve got guards watching the food preparation, but there was only one guy in the dining room. I told him I wanted a drink and I spilled champagne on my top. Since I’m not wearing a bra, it was easy enough to distract him.” She motioned to her soaked, white shirt, as if Nika could have missed the dark outlines of Alena’s nipples.

  Moving quickly, Alena pulled out a small spray bottle and hurried toward the bathroom. Nika followed and leaned against the doorframe, watching as her sister disposed of the rest of the liquid then dabbed at her ruined shirt. “What if someone else sits in that seat?” Nika asked, fear detonating inside her.

  “They won’t. Andre will sit at the head, there are two seats to the left of him, and one to the right. There are only four of us.”

  Her sister’s reasoning did little to soothe the acid rolling around in Nika’s stomach. For a moment she considered confessing everything to Declan, but after all she and Alena had been through together, she couldn’t betray her sister.

  Not when her sister had been the one to raise her, to protect her from seeing the carnage after their parents’ attack. When she’d seen that photo of her mother, she’d finally understood where her sister’s rage came from. Alena had only been ten when she’d seen their bodies. That image was probably seared into her brain so deep. Lord knew Nika couldn’t get that horrific photo out of her mind. But for Alena to have seen it at such a young age?

  Alena turned around, her expression determined. “We’ll be leaving in a few days—unless you want to stay and play with Mr. Security—so stop worrying.”

  Nika couldn’t even think about a future with Declan. The sex had been amazing but she’d done nothing but lie to him since they’d met. Well, sort of. He knew her identity now, but he still didn’t know they planned to undermine his very job. She reached out and grabbed Alena’s arm as her sister tried to leave the bathroom. “Alena—”

  Nika stumbled and sagged against the door. Alena caught her before she could fall, but nothing could block out the vision that assaulted her mind.

  Declan was pointing a gun at one of Yasha’s men. He was tall, dark, scary looking. Andre was shouting. And Alena was on the floor covered in blood and crying.

  Nika opened her eyes to find Alena staring down at her. She shifted and realized she was lying on the carpet in the room.

  “Nika! Are you okay?” her sister shouted.

  “Stop shouting, I’m not deaf,” she muttered.

  They both turned at the sound of the door opening. Nika sat up to find one of Declan’s men standing in the doorway, gun drawn.

  He lowered his gun when he saw them. “Is everything all right in here?”

  “We’re fine!” Alena snapped.

  Without pause he stepped back and shut the door behind him.

  “What just happened?” Alena whispered.

  Nika clutched onto her sister’s arm. “I saw you covered in blood. Andre, Declan, and Yasha were there too. Alena, we can’t go through with this tonight. We’ll find another way.” Her voice broke on a sob. She couldn’t lose her sister. She refused to.

  “You saw me covered in blood? Where, when?”

  “It doesn’t work like that and you know it. Alena, you were on the ground, Andre was shouting at his father and Declan had a gun. I don’t know what’s going on, but whatever it is, it’s not good.”

  Her sister pulled her into a hug and smoothed her hair down. “You see things all the time and they mean nothing. Stop worrying.”

  Shaking her head, Nika pulled away from the embrace. Alena couldn’t believe the lie coming out of her mouth. The things she saw always meant something. “It’s not nothing. I know what I saw. I’ve never seen something happen to you before. Not like this. This is a warning.”

  Alena stood and held out a hand for her. She helped Nika to her feet then placed her hands on Nika’s shoulders. “I’m going to change and I suggest you do the same. I’ll see you downstairs for dinner.”

  God, she was so stubborn. “Alena…” But her sister didn’t turn around.

  Nika raked a hand through her hair and started to follow after her sister, but stopped herself. She waited a few seconds, then opened the door. The same guard from earlier was standing there. She half-smiled at him and headed down the hallway. Once she was in front of Declan’s door, she knocked. When he didn’t answer, she tried the knob. Locked.

  “Are you looking for Mr. Gallagher?” She turned at the sound of a male voice.

  It was the same guard. She frowned at him. Was he following her around? “Yes, do you know where he is?”

  “He’s not here.”

  There wasn’t much time left until dinner and she wouldn’t trust anyone else with this information. “Do you know where he is?”

  “No, but he should be back in half an hour or so.” Nice, vague answer.

  “Okay, thanks.” He hadn’t come to see her like he’d promised and now her mind was racing. Was it possible he somehow knew what she and Alena had been planning? No. If he did, he would have told Andre and she and Alena would have been out on their asses by now.

  She hurried back to her room and locked the door. If she could get dressed and get downstairs before anyone else, maybe she could get rid of the silverware. And Alena wouldn’t be in any danger.

  * * *

  Declan stood at the end of the stairs. Andre and Yasha were already in the dining room, drinking vodka—which Declan had purchased himself. If anyone tried to poison their drinks, it wouldn’t be from the bottles. Now he was just waiting for Alena and Nika to make an appearance.

  “Hey, boss, did Ms. Brennan ever find you?” Nathaniel asked as he walked through the front door.

  “Which sister?”

  “Nika. She was looking for you earlier. Oh, never mind…” He nodded toward the stairs.

  Declan turned back to find Nika descending. His heart quickened when he saw her, an automatic response around her now. There were a hundred other things he should be focusing on, but it was hard to think straight with the way her dress clung to her curves in all the right places. She wore an emerald green cocktail dress that matched her eyes and each step she took, he got a peek of perfect, toned legs. Something was wrong though. He could see it in her expression.

  When she reached the bottom stair, she clutched his hand. The gesture surprised him, but he didn’t pull away. He dropped a kiss on her cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you…I really need to talk to you. It’s important.”

  The panic in her voice made all his instincts go on full alert. “Come on. We’ll find some privacy.”

  “Nika, there you are!” Her sister interrupted the moment and Nika dropped his hand as if she’d been burned.

  She swallowed noticeably, her back straightening. As soon as Alena reached the bottom of the stairs, Alena hooked her arm through Nika’s.

  “Are you eating with us?” She directed the question to him.

  He shook his head. “No ma’am.”

  She gave him a tight smile and steered Nika away. Nika threw him a glance over her shoulder and the sheer terror in her eyes kicked all his senses into high gear. He fell into step behind them, giving them a small berth. Unless they’d managed to get very creative, neither woman had any weapons. Alena’s short yellow dress was practically a second skin. And Nika had come to him about Clay earlier. If she wanted to kill Yasha, why would she have told him everything?

  “Ramon, Kevin, Nathaniel, you read me?” He quietly spoke into his mic. When they all answered in the af
firmative, some of his apprehension abated. They were trained and these were just two civilians. His men could handle it.

  As they entered the dining room, he made his way until he was standing against one of the walls. He blended into the scenery as Alena and Nika were being introduced to Yasha.

  * * *

  Nika couldn’t fight the terror spiraling through her like an out of control avalanche, rolling over everything that got in its way. She stood right in front of the man who had killed her father and raped and beaten her mother to death. She’d met him once and wasn’t sure how she’d stand to be near him again, especially after seeing the actual pictures of what he’d done. Sitting through a whole meal with this monster seemed utterly impossible.

  As Alena sidled up to Andre, Yasha’s gaze narrowed on Nika. “Good evening Ms. Brennan. What’s your name again?”

  She knew very well he remembered her name but forced a polite smile. “I’m Nika.”

  “So how are you liking Miami so far?” he asked casually, though there was nothing casual about the gleam in his eyes. He looked like a predator, ready to rip her throat out.

  “Apart from my sister getting kidnapped, peachy.” Okay, maybe the sarcastic response hadn’t been the best idea, but fuck him.

  Yasha’s eyes narrowed, but her sister laughed a delicate, silvery sound and if Nika didn’t know her better, she’d believe Alena was having a good time.

  Nika on the other hand was close to puking on her stilettos.

  “Would either of you ladies like something to drink?” This time Andre spoke, all smooth charm. Unfortunately it was real. Why did he have to be such a good guy?

  “I’d love a glass of champagne and I’m sure Nika wants a glass of pinot noir if you have it,” Alena answered.

  Nika nodded and pasted that smile on again. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a seat. I’ve been feeling a little unwell today.” Without waiting for a response, she walked to the seat Alena had directed her to sit at.

  They’d gone over their seating arrangement earlier and this was exactly how they’d planned it. The only difference was Nika wasn’t faking her nausea. She felt as if she’d vomit at any moment and there was nothing she could do about it without betraying her sister. If she told Declan now, he’d have to expose them and that would put both of them in danger from Yasha.

  The dining room was huge, but she was very aware of the extra security buzzing around. Declan and another man stood against one of the walls and even though her back was to them, she was very aware of Declan’s presence. He might not be looking at her, but she felt as if molten hot laser beams were slicing into her back. She wished she was with just him right now, upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Or better yet, far away from this place on a warm beach somewhere.

  Two more of his men that she’d seen around the house stood by the mini bar area and near the fireplace was a man she’d seen with Yasha before.

  Alena squeezed Nika’s thigh as she slid in next to her and a second later, a server appeared out of nowhere with their drinks. She took a sip of her wine and resisted chugging it.

  Next to her they were talking about one of Andre’s Biloxi casinos and possibly expanding and some other nonsense. She had to resist the urge to stare at Yasha. The tall blond man looked so much like Andre, except his eyes were darker. Penetrating. And empty. Looks aside, seeing the two of them together it was so obvious how different Andre was from his father.

  “How is your sister?” Yasha’s question to Andre brought an unexpected silence from their host.

  The movement was slight but Andre’s hand clenched tightly around his glass, his knuckles going white. His grip was so hard Nika was afraid he’d break it. Finally he spoke. “She’s fine.”

  “Please tell her I was asking about her wellbeing.”

  “Damn it, father,” Andre muttered.

  Yasha turned his attention toward her and Alena. “He chooses his half-sister over his own father. She’s nothing more than the daughter of a whore.”

  Nika bit back a gasp at the man’s crude words and she could feel Alena stiffen next to her.

  Andre slammed his fist against the table. The silverware and plates shook dangerously. “Damn it! Can’t you just behave like a normal human being for a couple hours? Why are you even here—”

  “Andre.” Alena placed a calming hand on his forearm. He stilled immediately and she nodded behind Yasha. A man dressed in all black had just stepped from the kitchen and was carrying two salads toward them.

  Nika’s breath hitched in her throat but she managed a smile as the man placed the plates in front of her and Alena. A moment later another man appeared and he placed plates in front of Andre and Yasha. Apparently they were just going to keep on dining and ignore what Yasha had just said.

  Yasha picked up his fork and looked back and forth between Andre and Alena. “Maybe you’re just a common whore too, Alena.”

  Andre stood and shoved his chair back as he did. It clattered loudly against the hardwood floor. “That’s it! Get the hell out of here right now.”

  Alena shook her head and held out a placating hand. “It’s okay. He’s just being protective of his son. Let’s just eat and everyone will calm down.”

  Nika risked a peek over her shoulder to find Declan staring at her. His expression was neutral and she hated that she couldn’t get a read on him. Silently she turned back to find Andre picking up his fallen chair.

  Yasha glanced at her as he stabbed a piece of lettuce with his fork. She looked away and picked up her glass of wine. Anything to keep her hands busy. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as he brought the food to his mouth. Everything around her funneled out. This was it. It was finally happening. Maybe once it was all over, they could truly lead somewhat normal lives. His death would look like an accident.

  “Stop!” Declan shouted, his voice making the room go quiet.

  Everyone turned to stare at him and Nika’s heart stuttered when she saw his dark, angry expression.

  “Drop your fork, Yasha.” Declan’s voice was razor sharp.

  “You told him?” Alena’s voice was accusing, her expression broken.

  Nika shook her head, trying to get her sister to be quiet. She’d wanted to tell Declan but unless he’d read her mind, he’d figured it out on his own.

  “Told him what?” Yasha asked as he laid the fork down, eyeing both of them warily now.

  Instead of responding, Alena picked up her knife and lunged across the table. Plates and glasses scattered everywhere. Nika’s wineglass smashed and covered Alena’s dress with a giant splash. Before Nika could react, Andre intercepted Alena and snagged her by the waist midair. He tugged her back, but she still struggled against his chest like a wild animal. One of her shoes flew off, sailing past Yasha’s head.

  “Let me go!” she screamed.

  At the same time, Declan shouted again. “Drop it!” Nika looked up to see Yasha’s man pointing a gun at them while Declan pointed a gun at him.

  Without turning around, Yasha held up a hand. “Dima, drop your weapon. They’re not going to hurt me. Are you?” He zeroed his gaze on her and Nika froze.

  In her peripheral vision she could see her sister on the floor sobbing, covered in red wine. Declan still held his gun, and Andre was holding onto Alena tightly and shouting something, but Nika couldn’t make out the words. All she could focus on was Yasha’s dark, hollow eyes.

  The same eyes Nika’s mother had seen before she’d had the life stolen from her.

  “Do you know who we are?” she asked the question, but she felt detached from her body as she spoke. Her voice sounded tinny to her ears.

  He shrugged, so arrogantly unconcerned. “You look familiar. Did I sell or fuck your sister, cousin? Someone you love? This is about revenge, yes?”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t going to tell him who they were. He could figure it out on his own. Before she could change her mind, she picked up one of the glass tumblers and threw it at his face. With only a
few feet separating them, he didn’t have time to react. The heavy glass thudded against his forehead with a loud clunk.

  With a surprised cry, he stumbled back and held a hand to his face. Blood trickled down his forehead. “You bitch!”

  “That’s enough! You need to leave. Now.” Declan took a step closer with his gun and that’s when she noticed one of Declan’s other men had a gun trained on Yasha’s security guy.

  He’d come with light security tonight, no doubt because he thought he’d be safe at Andre’s house. Either that or they were all waiting outside. Probably the latter.

  Yasha kept his gaze trained on Nika as he spoke. “I’m leaving, but be warned. You and your sister are dead.”

  Chapter 27

  Andre’s grip on Alena loosened slightly as his father left the dining room. He wasn’t sure what the hell had just happened. Alena shoved away from him and buried her face against her hands as sobs racked her body. Nika knelt down next to her sister and gathered her into trembling arms. Alena didn’t fight Nika’s soothing.

  He wanted to demand that Alena tell him what was going on, even as he wanted to comfort her—though he clearly had no idea who she really was. But first he needed to take care of his father. “Declan, take them upstairs,” he growled before trailing after Yasha.

  Andre stopped him in the foyer where the rest of his men waited. “I want to talk to you before you leave.”

  “About what? How your girlfriend tried to kill me?”

  Andre bit back the anger driving through him and motioned toward the sitting room next to the foyer. “Can we speak in private?”

  Nodding, Yasha strode toward the room, his expression calculating. There wasn’t a door to shut for privacy but they were far enough away from his father’s thugs that they wouldn’t be overheard.

  Instead of sitting, Yasha leaned against one of the high-backed chairs. Despite the casual stance, Andre knew his father enough to realize Yasha was containing his rage. The red splotch on his forehead would soon leave a bruise, and blood was smeared where he’d wiped it away. It was sure to be a reminder to his father every time he looked in the mirror for a little while. Not that Yasha would need one.


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