Alpha Class: A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Etheric Academy Book 1)

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Alpha Class: A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Etheric Academy Book 1) Page 8

by TS Paul

  Yana peered down at the half lion half human stone creation. “But what about that thing? The Sphinx. Why build it in the first place?” The pod re-oriented itself so the occupants could see better.

  “Ah. Some believe it was built first. The pyramids were added later. Who is to say that it might be something left over from an alien civilization or even a tribute to one? Look at the Yollins. They have four legs. So does the Sphinx. Maybe there is some race that resembles that!” Jeo pointed toward the large lion-like creature.

  “The Yollins claim they haven’t been here before. The leader Kael-ven says that if they had found us in the past, and we could have been used, they would have conquered us. Their Emperor allows no world to be untouched by them in some form or another. We do know of at least three other alien groups that have visited Earth in the past. Why not more?”

  “Not to interrupt while you are on a roll, Jeo. But what does any of this have to do with engineering of any sort.” Peter cut in.

  “Uh. Oops? Sorry about that guys. Peter has a point. I was geeking out on you. Ancient aliens are something of a hobby for me. Having met actual aliens only makes it worse. I really did bring you here to talk about the construction of Khufu, not the origin. Sorry about that.”

  Yana asked. “You make good points. Which theory do you believe in for how they built it, slaves or workers?”

  “Excluding alien intervention, I would say, workers. Egypt was both a theocracy and a monarchy. The pharaoh was considered to be a God by many of the common people. Who wouldn’t want to please a God? The workers were volunteers. How would they even feed and house the thousands of slaves needed to build these?” Jeo pointed to the enormous structures.

  On Pod Two a faint alarm started to sound. Peter grabbed his tablet and connected it to the main system. “This is Peter. What is happening?”

  The voice of the EI assigned to them filled the speakers. “There are three squadrons of fighters’ en route to your position. Aircraft taking off from Almaza Air Base will be in a position to intercept you in less than 5 minutes. Additional fighters are taking off from Cairo West Air Base. Black Eagle Squadron Two is launching now but will be unable to reach you in time. Advise evacuation of the area.”

  Peter broke into Jeo’s lecture. “We need to wrap this up now! The Egyptians may have decided we are unwelcome. They are sending half their air force straight at us.”

  “I thought Egypt was friendly with the Queen? We sold them literally tons of metal and other materials from the asteroid belt.” Jeo checked his own feeds looking at the incoming aircraft.

  “Doesn’t seem to matter now. Black Eagle Squadron we are leaving the area.” He motioned for the kids to buckle up. “EI emergency override Alpha one Alpha. Return both pods to Archangel space please.” Peter grabbed hold of one of the grab bars built into the side of the Pod as it suddenly jerked upward. Like a roller coaster ride on steroids. Pod Two, followed by Pod One, screamed into the upper atmosphere then through the thermosphere, and into the exosphere in less than a minute.

  Both pods came to a sudden halt right at the edge of space. Alarms suddenly started to flash in both pods.

  “What’s happening?” Tina yelled at Jeo.

  Jeo clutched his seat restraints tightly and shook his head. He didn’t know.

  Like lightening, Peter glanced at the readouts. “EI evasive maneuvers! Head toward the battleship!”

  Both pods zipped away in a back and forth movement. Several explosions sent blast waves toward the space they once occupied.

  “What was that?” Nestor and Ron both yelled at once.

  Peter replied. His eyes never leaving the screen in front of him. “Those were ASAT weapons fired by those Egyptian Air Force planes that were after us. The F-16s and Mirage fighters I think. They are the only ones they have big enough to even carry the missile they shot at us.”

  “What’s an ASAT?” Maxim asked while staring at the back of Peter’s head.

  “It stands for air-launched anti-satellite. I thought the US didn’t use those anymore?” Ron answered before Peter could.

  Peter’s voice sounded harsh. “This isn’t the US, remember. Disregard anything you think you know about what the US might have or not have. The computer says that was a Bold Orion 199B. No one has used that since the very early 1960s. According to this, Egypt isn't supposed to even have something like that in its arsenal.”

  Peter turned back to look at the boys. “It may not have been able to get through our shields, but the shock wave may have crushed the outer shell of the pod. Next time, if there is one, put your helmets on. Earth is becoming a war zone.” He turned back to his screen.

  The pod communications were still linked as Tina asked a question. “If they want the technology so badly, why try to destroy us? That doesn’t make any sense!”

  “I don’t have an answer for you. They might have thought to damage us before we made it to space. It’s interesting that they are showing their cards now. Jeo could that missile have penetrated the shield?” Peter continued to type on his tablet as they talked.

  “No. Maybe. What did you say those were again? Orions?” Jeo’s voice had calmed down considerably.

  “Bold Orion. The very first American ASAT weapon developed in the 1950s, those things were over sixty years old. They are normally armed with a kinetic energy weapon, but what the Egyptian used? No idea.”

  “If it was a kinetic weapon we are safe. The shields will hold. Only a tactical nuke or something larger could, in theory, break them. As for what would happen to those inside? That is not a problem BMW ever tried to solve. I could ask them if you like. Peter, how do you know so much about the weapons packages in use down there?” Jeo sounded concerned.

  “It’s my job. As Guardians, we have to be prepared for anything. If you were to look in my quarters, you would see a bookshelf and digital display filled with books on weapons of war and destruction. All of us are studying. When we go out there the weapons will be different, but there are universal truths about how and why things work. All knowledge is valuable.”

  “Well said, Peter. That is a good way to wrap up today's lecture. When we get back to base, remember what we learned today and apply it in the future. Tomorrow we will be less explosive and study how the QBS Meredith Reynolds was constructed.” He received a round of groans at his pun.


  Ring! Ring!

  General Chun reached for his cell phone. Only one person besides his mother had this number, and it was far too late for her to be up. “Did you get it?”

  The general suddenly threw the phone across the room at the wall. It shattered into a dozen pieces! With a roar, he flipped his desk over scattering everything. His security force rushed into the room guns ready looking for threats.

  “Get out!” He yelled at them to leave.

  Now was not a good time.

  His contact and the strike team intercepted General Xi, and he was accidentally killed in the process. The technology was a simple laptop that once belonged to the US ambassador. It had nothing to do with TQB or even the Sacred Clan. It was a ruse on the part of the General to gain power.

  “Damn him to the hells of his ancestors! I needed that technology.” Now more than ever Chief Scientist Jìshù and his guide needed to be intercepted. They must have what he needed. Why else flee toward Russia?


  Bai Hu was in full flight once again. His beast was now in command. Only twice before had it forced its way out and now it intended to run like it hadn’t before. Bai Hu was too young and far too ignorant to realize what he thought of as ‘the beast’ was really just his own subconscious trying desperately to save him.

  If only the soldiers hadn’t found his tree.

  “Search that gully. Send the scouts out and have them watch the animal paths. Nothing gets by us, or we’re all dead.” The Chinese officer was so very tired. He and his men were just in from a long patrol when the call came in to search and blockade the Northe
rn border. They were quite a bit more North than the border actually extended, but none of the Mongolian troops would ever say anything about it. Those that still lived, that is. Chinese troops in this part of the world were under orders to play the part of bandits whenever possible. It was much easier to invade peacefully a country overrun with bandits than to take one by force.

  “Sir. We haven’t found anything but animals so far. Is command sure they came this way?”

  The officer pushed off the tree he was leaning against to yell at the reporting sergeant when there was a crashing sound. A small cloth-wrapped body fell from the tree onto the ground.

  “A spy! Seize him!” The officer drew his sidearm and pointed it at the small boy.

  The sergeant grabbed the child and pulled him to his feet.

  “Search him!”

  That was all Bai Hu wanted to remember. Pain followed by even more pain. He held his hands out in front of his face and cried out. They were covered in dried blood! The memory of how it happened came roaring back into his head.

  Rough hands grabbed his arms as they pulled and ripped the clothing his mother made for him. Bai Hu struggled and pulled at the strong grips trying to break free. The hands became more forceful and more violent as they searched his emaciated body. His anger grew.

  “Sir, it’s just a child. Nothing on him except this.” The soldier held up a necklace Bai Hu thought was securely around his neck.

  The officer holstered his weapon and took the small gold chain from the troop. It was rope gold with a small gold tag at the end. It had the look of being old and well rubbed. It might bring a good price at market. “Search him again and start questioning him.”

  Name, what is your name, kept being repeated to Bai Hu. He saw his father's most prized possession in the hands of the enemy and growled at them.

  “Sir!” The officer continued to stroke the gold and only glanced in the direction of his men.

  Bai Hu felt the change coming over him, and he didn’t try to stop it this time. He would have his necklace back!

  Too much blood. He opened his eyes again to the forest that surrounded him. Time to run. Checking his neck again, he tucked his prize away and ran.



  “But…” Jeo recoiled back from the Queen. Her eyes were starting to go red.

  “What part of ‘NO’ didn’t you understand Jeo? You almost got yourself, and five of our kids killed!” Queen Bethany Anne told TOM to reign in her emotions for this.

  “Exploring Earth’s engineering feats is how I teach.” Jeo held up his hands before the Queen could launch into another tirade at him. John Grimes, her bodyguard, and friend raised an eyebrow at that. It took a brave man to cut the Queen off like that!

  “You told me yourself those kids are our future. We shouldn’t be afraid to teach them, and they shouldn’t be afraid to learn.” Jeo pointed toward the academy.

  Bethany took a deep breath before answering. She didn’t know Jeo had it in him to stand up to her like this. “And what happens if they get killed? What if you get killed?”

  “Then we die with honor. When school is over, each of them may have to make that choice for themselves. Everyone here says the same thing. The moment we step through that gate we are at war with the universe. This is just a supply run to Hell. We have to train them the best we can for the future. If it means taking a few risks along the way so be it. Now, you can yell at me some more.” Jeo rocked back on his heels and stared up at John Grimes.

  He has a point. I know that my niece, Tina, would take any chance to better herself. She wants to be here, with us. John said looking at his boss.

  I absolutely hate the fact that we could be sending children to their deaths here. But he does have a point. Do you know if Bobcat has finished that ten-person pod yet? Bethany Anne responded.

  Jeo was starting to sweat. He could almost feel the silent communication between the Queen and John. Like much of the information he had gathered, the whole telepathy thing was an open secret. Particularly among those in the inner circle. He was studying his feet in great detail when he heard his name.

  “Lost in space there Jeo? Now that I have your attention, I have my decision. I will allow you and the children to continue your class visits to Earth.” Queen Bethany Anne stared at him. He had no idea she was reading his mind.

  “Before you start celebrating I have two conditions.”

  Inwardly Jeo cursed. Good or bad?

  Bethany Anne smiled. “First you will give Team BMW back those experimental pods. Bobcat swears he needs them for a project. Instead of them, you will be testing the new ten-person pod they built for me. Try not to scratch it, please.”

  “My second condition is one of protection. The recent tension on Earth is increasing exponentially. Spain, Bulgaria, and now Egypt has seen recent violence against our people with us or in the Unknown World. Too many lies and twisted truths exist. Our time here grows short, only a few more months and we will be ready. I am assigning one of the Black Eagle Pods to you. Peter can fly it, but it will be under the EI’s control. You will call for help if attacked. Understood?”

  The fear in the room ratcheted up, and the Queen’s eyes took on a red cast.

  Jeo nodded vigorously. Pissing her off was not a good career move. “Yes, Ma’am. I will do whatever you wish. Thank you.”

  She only nodded. “Peter? Keep a firm eye on both him and the kids please.”

  Pushing off the back wall, Peter stepped forward into the light. “Yes, My Queen.”

  What is this My Queen stuff? I blame you for this. Bethany Anne looked in John’s direction.

  She looked back at Jeo. “Just do a good job. Thanks, Peter.”

  Peter chuckled as he stepped forward and grabbed Jeo’s arm. “Come on. Audience over.” He all but picked the man up and carried him out of the room.

  Jeo could only stare down at the grip of iron that held his arm. He knew Peter was strong, but this was crazy!

  “Where are we going?” Outside the room, Peter let go of him and smiled.

  “BMW’s lair. They are supposed to have completed the pod that the Queen just said to use. They won’t be happy to give it to us.” Peter grabbed Jeo’s arm and pointed him in the direction of the tram.


  “Any reason you can think of that Jeo and Peter would be coming here to see us?” Bobcat spoke to his two friends. He just happened to look at the security feeds and could see the two reaching for the door.

  “Merideth? Do you know why we have visitors?” Bobcat looked up out of habit. Merideth was the EI that helped to run the asteroid base.

  “Yes, Bobcat. The Queen ordered them to see you.”

  “Hmm. She usually calls us directly for stuff.” Bobcat muttered to himself.

  Marcus looked up from the design platform he was using. “Did you say something?”

  “It wasn’t important. We are about to have some visitors.” His last word almost echoed in the room. Marcus had put his head back down and tuned him right out.

  Bobcat sighed, “Talking to myself again it seems.” Leaving his two friends to their work, he sauntered down to the main entrance to meet his fate, yet again.


  “Did you know I’ve never actually been inside this place since they took it over? I was here when one of my digging crews hollowed it out with the Yollin mining equipment. We were doing this practically by hand with modern, for Earth, digging equipment. The work went really fast after that.” Jeo frowned remembering his mining days.

  “Where did you meet them at then? I know from your file… oops. Forget I said anything.” Peter stepped ahead of Jeo.

  “I have a file? Why? Am I some sort of security risk or something?” Jeo stopped dead in his tracks and yelled at Peter’s back. “Hey, answer me!”

  “He can’t Jeo. He’s under orders. If it’s any consolation, I was upset when I found out about my file.” Bobcat called out to Jeo.

sp; Turning, Jeo looked at his former boss. “Why have them in the first place?”

  “You’re a scientist. How do you collect data? Think about it for a moment. We are surrounded by Electronic Intelligences and ADAM, the Artificial intelligence all the time. As part of their programming, they track things. It’s both for security, and it helps them internally. Where we go. What we do. Who we talk to. About what? There are no private thoughts here. Half the Queen’s Rangers can read your mind at the drop of a hat.” Bobcat pointed at one of the sensor clusters that dotted the entire base.

  “That’s horrible! I had no idea!” Jeo looked horrified.

  “Yes, you did. We all did. Don’t tell me you never even considered it? We are all here for the same general purpose. Anyone with disloyal leanings or masters they report to other than the Queen is asked to leave. A small group was set down in Australia just last week. People are human. Humans are complicated. Has having your movements or conversations tracked hurt you in any way?”


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