Maid For The Tycoon: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

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Maid For The Tycoon: A BWWM Billionaire Romance Page 13

by Lacey Legend

  Spencer made his way to the guest room. He paced back and forth for some time as he scrolled slowly through his contact list. Taking a deep breath, he hit the call button for Jenna’s cell phone.

  “Hey, it's Jenna.”

  “I may have been unreasonable earlier and said things that were uncalled for and untrue.”

  Best to get the apologies out of the way first, thought Spencer.

  “Go on.”

  “That was it to be honest. You’ve every right to be weary of leaving Zada with a stranger and it was totally thoughtless of me to tell you to lie to Liana.”

  “You’re inviting me to the Bahamas then?” asked Jenna playfully, reminding him of the insinuation that her eye was on Spencer’s wallet not his heart.

  “Sadly not. I’m inviting you to a townhouse I own off Fifth Avenue. I decided to showcase my culinary skills and make you dinner.”

  “And when’s this taking place?”

  “Tomorrow, if you’re still free. My family stays in the townhouse when they are visiting. As they’re out, I wondered if you and Zada might visit. Rosie’s nanny will be here. We could see how Zada interacts with Rosie and the nanny. If everything runs smoothly, we can let the three of them get on while we eat. That way you’re here if Zada needs you, but I get you to myself if everything works out.”

  “My friend suggested a babysitting date. I realize it isn’t cool or sexy, but it does mean we can be together. So, yeah, I’d love to come.”

  “Is there anything you don’t eat?”

  “Nothing too posh like frog’s legs or snails. I’m a simple girl, really.”

  “I wish you were.”

  “Wish I was what?” asked Jenna.

  “A simple girl.”

  Jenna’s mind flew to Leon and then how she’d broach the subject about Spencer’s night out without her.

  “The people around me are complicated,” she said truthfully. “I genuinely am a simple girl.”

  “Should I send a car to pick you up tomorrow?”

  “I’m fine with public transport.” Spencer’s comment regarding Jenna only being available when overseas trips were involved still hurt, irrespective of the apology.

  “Jenna, don’t be like that. I said something stupid and I apologized. Let me send a car for you.”

  “The fact is you said it. It must’ve come from somewhere. You must’ve thought it.”

  Spencer fought to control his voice; the conversation was emotionally demanding. Spencer didn’t really do emotions. He didn’t like dredging up the past. A sorry should have been an adequate end to the matter. Now it seemed Jenna wanted to dissect the squabble.

  “I said it,” said Spencer carefully. He stopped; surprised an excuse didn’t immediately roll off his tongue to direct the conversation back to where he wanted it to be. Forced to examine why he said it, he was able to give an honest answer. “I said it because I knew it would hurt you. Because you aren’t that kind of girl, I was certain my suggesting you are driven by money would offend you. I was upset because I didn’t think I’d be able to see you and I wanted to upset you as a punishment.”

  “I wasn’t expecting you to be that honest.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to be, myself. I said it to be mean and I’m sorry. Please accept the car.”

  Jenna gave it some thought. It was too easy to accept everything Spencer offered as part of his billionaire lifestyle. It was important Jenna keep two feet on the ground to remember how different her circumstances were from Spencer.

  “I’ll accept a car to drop me home afterward but I’ll make my own way over there.”

  Spencer sighed. “There’s no point in me arguing is there?”

  “None at all,” said Jenna firmly, but friendly.

  “Tomorrow night then,” confirmed Spencer.


  Jenna had decided on a casually sexy outfit to wear on her babysitting date. It was time to show off her slim, toned legs in skintight black jeans with whopping great high heels to give her a few extra inches. The loose cream knit top was matched with a faux black leather bomber jacket. Twirling in the mirror Jenna decided she’d achieved the perfect look of effortlessly sexy. As she was applying some light makeup, there was a knock at the door. Surprised, given Liana had left for classes and her mother was at work, Jenna checked the peephole.

  Leon was slouching comfortably on the rail outside her front door.

  I really don’t need this right now. Trouble is he’s the kind of guy who will wait unmoving until he sees me. Better get it over and done with. She unbolted and unlocked the sturdy front door.

  “You’re very brave, risking my mom’s temper and my sister’s tongue.”

  “I know your mom’s at work and Li’s at evening classes. Figured now would be the best time to catch you,” explained Leon knowingly.

  “To catch me for what?”

  “Are you going to invite me in?”

  “Actually now’s not a good time, Leon.”

  “You busy or something?”

  She sighed. Dealing with Leon was like peeling off a band-aid very slowly. The more sensitive she was to his needs, the longer it would take.

  “I’m busy and doing something. I’m off out on a date.”

  “Oh.” His face dropped, but only for a second. “I got a job. You were the only person I could think of to share the news with.”

  Leon produced a bottle of sparkling wine from behind his back. It wasn’t quite champagne, but it wasn’t a cheap label either. Jenna felt guilty.

  “Is your mom not in?”

  It sounded pathetic to her own ears suggesting he break open the bubbly with his mother. She knew he was making a concentrated effort to steer clear of his old friends because they were still tied up in illegal activities. It meant he had no one his own age if he wanted to hang out. Making new friends could be hard at the best of times. Jenna was his only link to the past that had a clean record.

  “No, mom’s at bingo. When I was banged up, she created a new social life and stuff. Suppose when I was safe behind bars, she didn’t have to make herself available to bail me out every time I got in trouble and we know how often that was. I’m pleased for her though. It’s good she’s got friends and activities to do outside work.”

  Jenna could see the sincerity in his eyes. Her heart felt as if it were cracking. Leon was making such an effort. She should be encouraging her childhood sweetheart, not abandoning him because she’d been swept off her feet by some billionaire. She checked her watch. Because she’d declined Spencer’s offer of a private car, she had to accommodate for the unavoidable delays she’d encounter on her way over to his, which meant she didn’t have any time for Leon. Manners forbade her from closing the door in his face.

  “Is the job with the garage that fixes bikes for that dodgy motorcycle club?”

  Leon grinned. Pleased he could surprise Jenna. “No. A local place I left my CV with. The friend I did some work for put in a good word and they agreed to take me on. Not bad going, given I’ve been out less than a week.”

  “It’s incredible,” admitted Jenna.

  “Shows you what I can do when I put my mind to something.”

  “It sure does.”

  “Feels good that it’s something I can be proud of.”

  “I’m proud of you, too.”

  The hand holding out the bottle went slack, as if Jenna’s words of approval were enough for Leon. “Maybe I should hang onto this for another time, when you’re free to celebrate. I don’t start till next Monday so there’s plenty of time between now and then.”

  Jenna desperately wanted to remind Leon that sharing a celebratory glass of sparkling wine was not her idea of keeping their distance from one another. Then again, wasn’t her career as a social worker to improve the quality of life and well being of those who needed it – and didn’t Leon need that right now?

  Do I follow my vocation as a social worker or force myself to only see Leon as my criminal ex-boyfriend, she wonde
red. Be vague. Be noncommittal. That way, you aren’t letting him down, but you aren’t making him a promise you can’t keep either.

  “Given we live in the same block, I’m guessing we will see each other before you start the new job.”

  “I’ll keep the bottle on ice then.” Leon stepped out of the frame way of the front door. “You have a nice night then, Jenna. I hope he appreciates his time with you.”

  The comment tugged at her heartstring. She remembered Spencer confessing he’d been deliberately mean to her because he hadn’t got his own way. Watching Leon walk away, she couldn’t help but compare the two men.

  Lost in thought, she realized she’d been staring into space for over ten minutes. She dashed inside to prepare Zada. It was inevitable she’d be late now. Rather than ring Spencer and have him reprimand her over not accepting his offer of a car, she settled for an impersonal text. With Zada set up to go, she locked up the apartment and made haste.

  Fortunately, the Gods of public transport had been smiling on Jenna. She had a smooth ride and was only quarter of an hour late. Pushing the pram along Fifth Avenue, Jenna was amazed by the size of the houses. Reaching her destination, she was nervous ringing the doorbell.

  Spencer opened the door in beige chinos and a maroon polo shirt and brown suede shoes. He was impossibly handsome. As he kissed her on the cheek, she felt her stomach doing flip flops. Crouching low, he extracted Zada from the pram and lifted her high in the air. Zada was laughing and gurgling. Spencer’s smile was boyish as he relished the baby’s joy at his antics. He landed a kiss on the top of Zada’s head.

  “Want to come and meet Rosie and Nanny Merton?”

  Jenna wasn’t sure if the question was directed at her or Zada.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she answered on her niece’s behalf.

  They traipsed up two flights of stairs to get from the kitchen situated in the basement to the nursery and main bedrooms on the first floor. As Jenna expected, Miss Merton was lovely. In her late thirties, she was warm, friendly and radiated competency and the natural instinct to care. Zada was taken with her straight away.

  “You need to meet Rosie.”

  Jenna’s hand flew to her mouth at the sight of the little girl. Her skin was the complexion of peaches and cream and she had bright brown eyes and her dark hair was cut in a bob. Rosie was a gorgeous tiny thing, but the child’s wheelchair she was sitting in almost had Jenna in tears. The three-year old made eye contact with Jenna and smiled glowingly at her.

  “Spencer,” she cried in slow tones.

  “Hey, you got my name out,” he replied giving her a hug.

  “Rosie has trouble remembering names?” asked Jenna

  Spencer shook his head. “Speaking may not be an option for Rosie in the very near future. Children with Rett Syndrome lose the ability to communicate verbally. When she says my name, I try and remember where I am and listen hard so I don’t forget the sound of her voice when it goes completely.”

  “Can Zada play with her?”

  “Hopefully. Rosie’s alert and has an interest in her surroundings. Her motor skills aren’t good, but she’s quite sociable.”

  In her infancy, Zada’s curiosity resulted in her approaching Rosie directly. Rosie was calm and sweet, and watched Zada play, reacting positively when Zada tried to involve her.

  “I better get back to the kitchen or dinner will be burnt,” said Spencer huskily. “Come join me if you’re happy to leave Zada here.”

  Content that Zada and Rosie were a good match, after exchanging a few words with Nanny Merton, Jenna re-entered the kitchen.

  Spencer had his back to her as he cooked. Jenna had no idea what to say.

  “I’m glad I brought her.”


  “Zada. I’m glad I bought her to spend time with Rosie.”

  “Me too,” he said shortly.

  “I can see how wonderful Nanny Merton is and I can see how devoted you are to Rosie. I think it’ll be good for Zada to spend time with such a sparkly little fighter with a big heart.”

  Spencer tuned around. His expression was a mixture of kindness and pride. “Rosie truly is something special. Going through that rapid destruction phase and somehow she’s always able to make us smile.”

  “I know. I feel quite ashamed we had a bust up regarding when we’d be able to meet next, when there are far bigger problems in the world being faced by far smaller people.”

  Spencer walked to Jenna, bowed his forehead and ran his hands on her upper arms. “I know our lives are very different Jenna King, but I don’t think you and I are.”

  Jenna could feel her heart racing. She could feel the warmth of Spencer’s hands through her knitted sweater. She wanted him. It wasn’t about the billions in his bank account. It wasn’t about his handsome good looks. It was about a man that was as sensitive as he was intelligent and generous as he was motivated. Jenna put her hand over his heart and raised her head to meet his eyes.

  Chapter 11

  Spencer’s brown eyes were fathomless. Jenna could feel the strong beat of his heart. He gazed at her intently, but remained rooted to the spot. Jenna lifted her head higher in order for her to brush his lips. Catching her lips, he was able to transform the kiss from a peck to something that lingered longer.

  Unused to taking the lead, but drawn to the softer side Spencer had revealed in the nursery, Jenna reached her arms round Spencer’s neck to drag him lower for a deeper and longer kiss. As they kissed on the tiled floor of the kitchen, Jenna’s arms eventually released their loop hold on Spencer’s neck. Resting on his waist, she tentatively let her hands wander the leather of his belt until she found the buckle. Trembling, she unbuckled his belt and clumsily undid the button and flies of his chinos. Her thumbs slipped inside the Emporio Armani waistband of his boxers. Spencer broke the kiss and raised his head to the ceiling waiting for Jenna’s next move.

  On previous encounters, it had been Spencer leading the way. Pulse racing, Jenna crouched until she was kneeling on the floor. She could see Spencer’s cock pressed hard against the pristine white cotton of his underwear. As she rolled down his boxers, she was surprised at how horny she was at the sight of Spencer’s naked erection. Eight inches long and thick, she licked her lips as her hand gripped his shaft. She let her tongue flick over the helmet of his dick and was encouraged when she heard him gasp loudly. Opening wide, she imbibed the bulb and sucked hard.

  Spencer bit his lip from moaning out loud, lest they draw attention to the basement. His hand went to Jenna’s head. Softening her throat, Jenna was relaxed enough to start inching Spencer’s rod down her mouth. Taking him as deep as possible, her head bobbed on the rock hard erection. Spencer thrust his hips slightly, which brought tears to Jenna’s eyes as she choked on the shaft. Releasing him from her mouth, she used her hand to work him while her tongue tended his balls. Her touch was driving Spencer slowly crazy.

  Tapping her shoulder, when she looked up Spencer nodded to insinuate that she should stand. Jenna did as Spencer wanted but kept one hand tight around the base of his cock. His eyes were half shut at the pleasure Jenna was bestowing on his dick.

  Hurriedly, he lifted her top over her head. Flinging it to the ground, his hands went straight to the cups of her deep pink bra. Roughly, he shoved them down to get a view of her pert, rounded breasts. His large hands massaged them, causing Jenna to arch her back so that her breasts filled Spencer’s hands. Squatting slightly, Spencer took her left nipple in his mouth. He sucked forcefully until he felt it hardening between his teeth. Releasing the nipple, he latched onto her right breast to do the same. As he took in mouthfuls of the dark flesh of her breast, his hands went to her jeans. Unlike Jenna, Spencer was quicker and more confident in easing his access to Jenna. Her belt and jeans were undone in under a minute.

  Spencer dropped to his knees and shoved Jenna’s jeans toward her ankle with him. Carefully he undid the strap of one of her high heels. Jenna was able to use Spencer’s broad shoulders t
o steady herself as he assisted in removing both items of footwear. Free of her heels, Jenna kicked her jeans away. Spencer laughed at her wantonness. He liked the sexy side of Jenna that wanted him in a raw and physical way.

  Teasing her carnal urges, Spencer bit the sheer pink material of Jenna’s briefs. As his head tussled with the cotton, Jenna was surprised to hear a rip and watch her panties magically fall to the floor. Spencer stood up and began striding forward, forcing Jenna to stumble backwards until she felt an object directly behind her.

  “I told you I’d take you at a dining room table,” he reminded her.

  Her smile was brief. Spencer was serious. He lifted her on the table and placing a hand on her breast bone pushed her back until she was lying flat on the oak surface. Grabbing her by the ankles, he held them wide apart to permit himself a view of her perfectly groomed slit. Turned on by trimmed pussy, he thrust his cock straight into her entrance. He could feel Jenna stiffen as he worked his length into her. Legs still high and wide, Spencer was able to withdraw the eight inches and then plough straight back into her.

  Taking his time, he glided in and out of her. The constant pressure of his helmet bursting through and then sliding out of her slit had Jenna writhing on the table close to orgasm. Spencer liked looking down to see his cock devoured by Jenna’s needy pussy. To be in her so deep that his pubis was firm against her pussy lips was a visual aphrodisiac.

  Determined to bring Jenna to climax first, he continued to tease her by sliding into her and then sliding back out. She was begging for more of him, but he knew teasing her slit would be the key to her orgasm. In minutes, Jenna was thrashing around on the table, her legs shaky in Spencer’s firm grip. Her breathing was sporadic and there was no doubt in Spencer’s mind he’d delivered a mind-blowing orgasm to Jenna.

  Hoisting her legs over his shoulders, Spencer was able to increase his speed. Cock buried in Jenna, he slammed repeatedly into her – hard and fast. Jenna was bouncing off his pubis from the force he was penetrating her with. Dragging her by the waist further onto his shaft, he pumped furiously, enjoying Jenna’s whimpering. Jenna locked her ankles around Spencer’s neck to ensure he could pound her as vigorously as he demanded. With Jenna providing resistance, Spencer’s hands were free to caress Jenna’s breasts and roam her youthful body.


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