Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3)

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Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3) Page 7

by Maddie Wade

  “Luce baby, don’t tell me things like that unless you want me to have a heart attack. I know you’re good, better than good by the sounds of it. But rightly or wrongly, the thought of you putting yourself in harm’s way makes me want to throw up and kill someone in equal measure. Namely this Roz woman. I know that makes me a dick. On the other hand, it’s as sexy as hell that you are so fierce. Watching you go with Zack and Dane and the guys is good for me, but I have a feeling what you did was way more dangerous than that?” he said on a half question, and Lucy guessed that he wasn’t ready for the details just yet

  “Okay baby, I won’t talk about it until you’re ready.” And she saw relief cross his features, “But I won’t hide who I am anymore. No more pretending that I’m not as capable if not more so than the rest of the team. That said, I got out because I’d had enough of that game. I like doing the computer work mostly, but if someone I care about needs me, I’m back in the game.” She saw from the look that crossed his face that he knew exactly what she meant.

  Jace nodded, “Okay baby.” He said nodding and dropped a kiss on her mouth. Lucy knew from his kiss that he was ready to move on from the subject and she was more than happy for the directions his thoughts had taken.


  Two hours later they left the house after deciding on dinner, then the new action movie. Jace had driven his car after stating that Lucy’s driving scared him slightly, to which she told him he had control issues.

  The banter had been fun and light-hearted, and Lucy had completely forgotten her feeling of imminent doom.

  Walking into Wagamama hand in hand they naturally went for a booth with easy access to the exits and clear lines of sight. They both burst out laughing when they realised what the other had done.

  “Great minds think alike,” Lucy said as she grabbed the menu from the middle. They were seated side-by-side thighs touching shoulders rubbing, and she couldn’t be happier. Lucy had always been tactile, and she loved that Jace was too.

  The waitress arrived, and both ordered Katsu curry, but Lucy had a beer while Jace ordered a ginger beer. He took drink driving very seriously and never touched a drop if he was driving.

  They sat and waited for their food to arrive.

  “Why Sly?” Lucy asked out of the blue, having always wanted to know and never asking.

  Jace stopped with his ginger beer half way to his lips. He took a sip and then put the glass down. “When I was starting out in the Army I got tagged as the grey man. The man that could blend into the background and not be noticed. Once I joined the SAS that stuck. I was always the one who could get information without people realising I was doing it. One of the guys called me a sly fox, and as there was already a Foxy, people started calling me Sly, and it stuck.”

  Lucy noticed his face had lost its animation and thought she knew why. “Who was it that called you Sly?”

  Jace took a sip of his drink and then turned to look at her. “It was Smithy,” he said in a flat voice. Lucy didn’t know what to say so she tucked herself closer to him and slid her hand across his belly. He instantly responded and wrapped his arm around her, dropping a kiss on her head.

  Their food arrived and the moment was broken. Both tucked into their meal, hungry after the afternoon's activity. The mood soon lifted when Jace nearly spat his drink across the table.

  “What the hell? Are you okay?” Lucy asked tapping his back.

  “Yeah, just forgot to block and heard something I wish I hadn’t,” he said with a shudder. Lucy looked up and around wondering what he might have heard.

  “What was it?” she asked in a conspiring way.

  “See that guy over there,” he motioned to the big assed body builder and his petite blonde girlfriend who were seated two tables over.


  “He wants to dress in her underwear while she flogs him.” Lucy felt her eyes go wide and her mouth hang open. She slapped her hand to her mouth when Jace’s eyes went to her lips.

  “No! I went to school with him; he is the biggest asshole going. Oh, my God, this is so much fun. Do another.”

  “No way, do you want me scarred for life?” Jace said with a mock scowl.

  “Please Jace.” Lucy implored batting her lashes at him.

  “Fuck! One day and I’m whipped.” He said as he signalled the nearby waiter. Lucy knew she had him when he groaned at her continued puppy dog eyes.

  “Fine - one more and you have to make it up to me,” he declared

  “Okay,” she said and slid her hand over his thigh close to his dick.

  “See the waiter over there; he is wondering why hot dogs are called hot dogs.” Lucy smiled at him.

  “What about me?” she asked

  “I can’t read you, baby.” He replied and cupped his hand under her jaw, “I only hear you when you dream.” He said softly, and she flinched and pulled back.

  “Okay time to go,” she said with a smile she knew was too big. Her heart fell at the look of sadness that flew across his features before he masked it.

  “Sure baby,” Jace dropped two twenties on the table, and they left hand in hand, each in their own thoughts.

  The rest of the night went well, the awkwardness soon dissipated over popcorn and a shared love of action movies.

  Chapter Nine

  Jace was still a little disappointed about how Lucy had clammed up when he mentioned her dreams but also relieved that she hadn’t asked when he had heard them. He knew it would not be an overnight thing, her opening up and letting out all the hurt she had held onto for so long. But foolishly he had hoped.

  They had stopped at his place to pick up some clothes as they were spending the night at hers. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight now he finally had her, and she thankfully felt the same.

  Jace shoved some clothes and his wash bag in a rucksack and left, making sure everything was secure before he did. Lucy smiled up at him when he returned, and he felt the knot in his stomach release. The playful Lucy was back, and he wondered what she had done to put that smile on her face.

  He said nothing just gave her a quizzical look back.

  “What did you do?”

  “Who me?” she said holding her hand on her heart her face a mask of fake innocence.

  “Yes you,” he said starting the car and pulling away from the curb.

  “Nothing. I don’t know what you mean,” she said facing forward a smile playing on her lush mouth.

  “Okay have it your way,” he answered leaning forward to turn the music on. His ears were instantly assaulted by Meghan Trainor’s ‘Dear Future Husband’.

  Lucy bust out laughing. She knew he hated anything poppy. Not to be outdone by her devious play he one-upped her by singing along in his girliest voice, even throwing in some shoulder wiggles for fun.

  Lucy was crying with laughter by the time the song ended, and all of the shadows that had lingered in her eyes were gone.

  “God, please stop, I can’t take it.” She said as he pulled into her drive.

  “What? I was just hitting my groove,” he replied as they both got out of the car. He rounded the bonnet and went up behind her as she opened the door. Tickling her ribs and making her laugh and run away from him. He kicked the door shut and turned locking it and setting the alarm.

  He turned back to the stairs and saw a trail of clothes. He followed the trail until it ended at her door with her sexy G-string. He went in shedding his clothes as he hit the bed to find Lucy lying in the middle of it, her arms stretched out for him. Jace realised that right here was the only thing that mattered, and he would do anything to keep it.


  A few hours later as Jace lay with Lucy in his arms; her leg sprawled across his waist he thought back to the crazy song.


  “Um,” she mumbled sleepily

  “I’ll buy you flowers every anniversary and sleep on the right side of the bed,” he whispered, and he knew she heard him because he felt her smile against
his chest.

  She didn’t speak, but he felt her relax into him and fall into a luckily dreamless sleep.


  The next morning, they ate breakfast at her kitchen table, her in his t-shirt from the previous night and him in jogging bottoms Lucy had whipped them up waffles and bacon with maple syrup, while he made coffee. He was truly in heaven, a sex goddess and a culinary goddess all rolled into one and not forgetting she could kick ass. He had shared his joy with her, and she had given him the ‘don’t push your luck’ look which he kissed off her face.

  That had led to a long-shared shower involving getting very dirty before getting clean. He was in a fantastic mood and looking forward to the day more than he could remember. Even the blows he had received the last few weeks were overshadowed by the last 24 hours.

  They were all going to Dane and Lauren’s today. Dane had sent a text to Lucy last night to check on her and to ask if she would come a bit earlier than everyone else to help out as he didn’t want Lauren to over-do it.

  Lucy had been more than happy to do it as she loved Lauren and adored her big brother. Dane had texted him too, but it was short and to the point.

  You and Luce good?

  to which Jace had replied

  Yes very.

  Dane’s reply had been…

  Don’t make me have to kill you.

  Which made Jace laugh but he was also glad that Lucy had that from her family.

  He had a great relationship with his parents and sister even though he didn’t see them often now. His home was here, and theirs was York. He often skyped though, especially with his nieces who were twelve and seven. Hence the reason he knew the words to that godawful song. He had bought them a karaoke machine last Christmas and God, had they made him regret it.

  “Come on Luce, or we won’t be there before anyone else.” He shouted up the stairs. He’d left her applying her make-up which he didn’t think she needed, but whatever. She liked it, so who was he to argue.

  “What put the silly grin on your face?” Lucy asked coming down the stairs. Okay, the make-up was good, it made her eyes look all smoky and sultry, which made him want to take her back upstairs. Her hair was loose and hanging down her back and over her shoulder, brushing her breasts.

  This was how he liked it. Her hair was thick and wavy and always looked soft and untamed; it made him want to put his hands in it. Going to her, he got close and looked her up and down. She was wearing an aubergine wool dress which came to her knees and clung to every delicious curve. Black leather stiletto ankle boots with tiny cream buttons down the one side, and a tiny metal piece on the pointed end of the toe finished off her look.

  Fuck she was hot! Reaching out he pulled her to him and she came easily - a small smile playing on her lips.

  “I was thinking how beautiful you looked making breakfast, but now I’m thinking we should skip this party and go back upstairs,” he said his voice deepening into a sexy growl.

  He watched as her eyes flashed and went heavy. He dropped his head and was about to take her mouth when she turned her head at the last second.

  “I like that idea, but what I don’t like is the thought of Dane or my dad coming over looking for us when we don’t turn up.”

  Jace groaned and dropped his head to her neck as he cupped her ass in his hands.

  “Come on baby. Let’s go before you change my mind.” Lucy said as she shimmied out of his grasp. As she did his hand slid across her waist where her G-string should be.

  “Um Luce?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered as she pushed her arms into a black wool coat.

  “What have you got on underneath that dress?”

  She shot him an innocent look and started backing towards the door. “Hold-ups,” she answered as she grabbed her bag. He stalked towards her, and she pulled open the front door.

  “And?” he asked a predatory feeling coming over him.

  “Um my KA-BAR,” she answered.

  “Fuck that’s sexy. Are you trying to kill me woman?” he asked as he locked her front door and followed her to the car, his eyes glued to her ass.

  “Well no, but I thought it would give you something to help you keep your mind from straying to what everyone else is thinking.” She said as she got in the driver’s side.

  Jace slid in beside her not entirely happy with her driving especially as they had had more snow overnight but not wanting to show it.

  “Well it will do that,” he said grabbing her hand and placing it over his straining erection. He watched her suck in a breath, and a flush fills her cheeks as she realised she was caught in her own web. He placed her hand back on the steering wheel and said

  “Come on sweet cheeks, let’s get this over with.”

  He watched Lucy pull her composure together and start the car. Jace fiddled with the stereo trying to find a decent song.

  “Um, what are you doing? The driver gets to pick the music,” Lucy said and swung her eyes to him as she stopped at a red light.

  Jace shook his head, “Uh, uh, not after that little stunt yesterday. It’s time for some payback.” He synced his phone to her cars Bluetooth and hit his playlist, finding a song he knew would drive her nuts. Oasis, Gas Panic came through the speakers, and Lucy threw him a look of mock pain.

  “No, anything but them.”

  “Sorry baby, I had that shit yesterday you have my shit today.”

  “Fine,” she said with a huff and turned back to the road.

  Jace felt a grin pulling at his lips as he watched her profile. Even slightly pissed she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Letting his smile turn into a full grin he relaxed as much as he could with her hair-raising driving and watched the world go by.


  They arrived at Dane and Laurens a short time later and Jace went to the boot and lifted out the items Lucy had made him put there earlier that morning. All the ingredients for mini quiches, pasta salad, and cupcakes had been in her cupboards.

  Lucy had grabbed the bottle of Chase Gin she had brought and her pink kitchen aid mixer and walked toward the door, and he was sure she was swinging her hips more than usual. He knew he was right when she turned and smirked at him. Little minx was gonna pay for that.

  Walking through the door that Dane was holding open for them he forgot to block for a second and heard Dane wondering if he should give him the Big Brother talk.

  He smiled and answered him. “No need mate, I won’t hurt her and if I do you can break my face,” he laughed and clapped Dane on the shoulder.

  Dane blanched and growled. “Don’t do that.”

  “Sorry mate, but you were so loud. I’ll block now. But seriously I won’t hurt her. You know how I feel about her.” Jace said, his face serious now. Dane shut the door behind him, and they nodded. They both followed the sounds of the girls chattering.

  Arriving in the kitchen, he saw Lauren sitting at the kitchen table chopping cucumber for salads, Lizzie was pulling a large ham out of the oven, and his Luce had already started taking over the counter with her mixer. He placed the ingredients on the side next to her.

  “Do you need me to do anything,” he asked as he touched a hand to her hip and caught her eyes with his as she looked up at him and smiled.

  “No, I’m good baby, me and the girls have this. You go and keep Dane and dad from driving us nuts.”

  He dropped a kiss on her upturned mouth, “Okay baby, do you want a drink or anything?”

  “No, I’m fine. Quick go before Lauren kills Dane,” she nodded her head towards Lauren and Dane, where Dane was fussing over Lauren, and she was trying not to bite. Jace smiled

  “He’s just worried, Luce. She means everything to him, and so do those babies,” he defended.

  “I know,” replied Lucy her voice and face going soft. Jace dropped another kiss on her and turned away leaving her to do what she had to do.


  Lucy watched Jace walk to her brother and say something to him, w
hich caused Dane to turn to him and smile. Lauren shot her a grateful smile and then grinned up at Dane. Throwing her a wink and a grin Jace followed Dane towards the living room.

  As soon as they left, Lauren was on her feet and heading for her. Lucy started to back away, knowing what this meant and ran into her sister.

  “Spill,” said Lauren

  “And don’t leave out the details,” said Lizzie. Lucy laughed and held up her hands at the determined look on their faces.

  “Okay, okay. God, have you ever thought of working for the government?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Pfft, amateur’s,” Lizzie said, “Mimi has been teaching me her tricks and boy that woman is the badest badass of them all, all wrapped up in a flowery dress and sensible shoes.” Lauren giggled, and Lucy smiled. Lizzie was not wrong. Nate’s mother was awesome and had taken out a highly-trained SIS agent with a welsh cake griddle.

  If she lived to be a hundred years old, Lucy didn’t think she would ever beat that. She giggled at the thought of her and Roz in a room together. Mimi would teach her some tricks to Lucy bet.

  “Come on Luce start talking.”

  “Okay but hand me that mixing bowl so that I can start this quiche mix while we do it and a buck’s fizz wouldn’t go amiss,” she said as Lizzie hastened to do her bidding.

  Lucy started to crack eggs into a bowl as she explained how she and Jace had talked at Zack’s, leaving out the bit about her past employment and their subsequent plan. She told them how Zack had caught them necking and Lauren laughed outright.

  She instructed Lauren on which cheese she wanted grating for the quiche and then asked Lizzie to start the pasta bows while she then told them about what had happened after they came home. Both stopped when she said he had thrown her over his shoulder and taken her upstairs and what had happened next.

  Lauren started to fan herself in front of her face.

  “That is hot, Dane….” she went to say something else, but both girls held up their hands.

  “NO!” they both yelled, and Dane and Jace came running into the kitchen.

  “What happened?” Dane asked his eyes going over Lauren checking for pain or injury.


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