Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3)

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Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3) Page 9

by Maddie Wade

  Dane sat behind his desk his elbows up. “Didn’t it occur to you that dad had already lost one daughter?” he bit out, and Jace stood as Lucy went rock still at the blow he’d dealt her. She held out her hand to tell him to stop, and he did. but remained standing.

  “Yes, Dane it did, but as I said I’m good, better than good,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “She is Dane,” Zack said coming forward from the wall.

  “So, you knew about this?” Dane groaned out.

  “If it weren't for Lucy I would be dead. She and her team helped rescue me from that hell hole in the middle east, well, her and Zin.” Dane’s eyes cut to a stony-faced Zin.

  “You knew too?” Dane asked, and Zin nodded.

  “Fucking hell, did everyone know except me?” he asked looking around the room.

  “No Jace didn’t know.”

  “Well, that’s something.” Dane replied, “So why did you leave?” he asked, and his voice sounded more accepting.

  “I just didn’t have it in me anymore. That kind of thing, it strips your soul you know? I enjoyed the intrigue and the excitement but I missed my family, and it was getting increasingly harder to be away all the time and make up believable excuses,” she shrugged her shoulders as if feeling silly. “Plus, Mateo was young, and I didn’t want to miss that.”

  “Did they mind that you left?” Dane asked, and Jace knew he didn’t believe they had been happy about it.

  “Roz wasn’t very pleased,” Lucy said downplaying the fact that Roz had threatened to kill her if she saw her again.

  Dane let that go but looked at Jace and by the look he gave him, Jace knew he was not done talking about that, but that he wasn’t going to interrogate his sister.

  Lucy went on to tell her brother how she had been recruited and why. She only shared about some of Zack’s rescue, but Jace knew she would share the rest if he asked.

  “So why have I never heard of this group?” Dane asked.

  “You probably have,” Zack said “We used to call them Zenobi after the female Egyptian warrior. The whole team is made up of women.”

  “Fuck,” Dane exploded, “they are some of the meanest bitches ever. So, can you tell us who they work for?” he turned to Lucy, “Nobody ever really knew.”

  “They do work for the British Army, but they also freelance.” Lucy had come over to him and was seated next to Jace on the sofa. Her body turned into him as she sat, her fingers tying little knots in her hair. Dane got up and came around to sit opposite her on the opposite sofa. Zack had gravitated towards the window, and Zin was still by the door stopping anyone from entering.

  “So, that was you in Iran?” He asked leaning forward. Jace knew exactly what Dane was talking about. Mujahedin-e Khalq, an Iranian terrorist group, had taken over the French embassy killing five people and threatening to kill the other thirty-five unless the French released Afsar Yekta who was being detained on terror charges by French authorities.

  A small unit had gone in, killed the terrorists, and freed the hostages. His stomach sunk when Lucy replied, “Yes that was Angel, Mustique and I who did that.” She said proudly.

  “Just the three of you?” Jace asked and shuddered in fear as she nodded.

  “Jesus H Christ,” Dane said and put his head in his hands. Jace knew exactly where he was coming from. There had been over ten hostiles killed that day, and the thought that Lucy had been in that much danger-filled his stomach with acid. He couldn’t say he wasn’t incredibly proud of her and very impressed, but fuck!

  Lucy’s face went sombre then, “So do you forgive me?” she asked uncertainly, and Jace wanted to hit something at the vulnerability in her eyes.

  “Yes Bratfink, of course, I do. I just wish I’d known that’s all.” He said opening his arms to his sister who went into them.

  Zin spoke then. “You don’t, you know. Knowing someone you love is in danger would have gotten you killed too.” He said quietly. Dane twisted his neck, looked at Zin, and slowly nodded.

  “You’re probably right. I would have had a hard time concentrating knowing she was doing what she was doing.” Dane ruffled her hair and then she stood and came back to Jace leaning her body into his as she sat beside him, her hand curled around his bicep. He lifted his arm, and she scooted in closer, her palm on his abdomen, and her cheek on his chest above his heart.

  Jace watched as Dane took it all in and then his face relaxed and he smiled at Jace. Jace had been given the big brother seal of approval.

  “We need to talk about Megan,” said Lucy her body slightly tense against his. He squeezed her middle gently and dropped a kiss on her head, and she relaxed.

  “I agree, I think we need to tell dad,” Dane said.

  “Yes, that’s what I was going to say,” she nodded, “he deserves the truth, and he knows something is up.”

  “We should talk to Lizzie first though and make sure she is on board,” Dane said.

  “I agree,” Lucy replied.

  “Do you want me to get her?” Jace volunteered.

  “We need to talk about Lucy’s little plan first,” Zack said turning from the window and coming to sit beside Dane. He sat back, his legs crossed, his posture relaxed as if he had these conversations all the time.

  “What plan?” Dane asked his eyes going to Lucy and then Jace. His face went tight as if he knew he wouldn’t like what was said next.

  “Lucy contacted Roz,” Zack said and held up a hand to ward off what Dane was going to say. “Before you say anything I didn’t know, but after talking with Lucy yesterday I agree. The Divine Watchers have no knowledge of Roz and Zenobi as far as we are aware and they have an immense amount of underground contacts we don’t have. We would be foolish not to use that.”

  “He’s right Dane, Roz will help me I’m sure, plus she owes me.” She said quietly.

  “Well I trust your judgment,” Dane said softly, and Jace knew he couldn’t have given Lucy a higher compliment.

  “Okay so now that is settled we need to have a meeting with the rest of the team and bring them up to speed. I don’t like everyone being on different pages. I’ve briefed Zin,” Zack said nodding his head to a stony Zin. “Speak to Lizzie and Colin, and I will see everyone at the office tomorrow at 8am.” Zack said as he stood and moved to the door.

  Everyone stood and followed as Zack went back into the living room. Nate, Daniel, Drew, and Will all looked up in question. Each man knew that the meeting hadn’t been just a conversation about the weather. Jace watched Zack shake his head, and they all acknowledged his silent signal not to ask questions.

  Jace pulled Lucy to him and turned her so she was facing him. He sat down on the sofa behind him and pulled her down onto his lap. She offered no resistance and instead snuggled in closer to him.

  “How long before we can go?” he asked her as he discreetly ran his hand over her thigh.

  “Why you tired?” she questioned on a laugh.

  “No, I’m not, in fact, I’m wide awake,” and he shifted his hips so that she got his meaning.

  “Oh, well when you put it like that,” she said and buried her head in his neck. The little minx flicked her tongue over the skin on his neck, and he felt himself start to get hard.

  “Okay talk to Lizzie, then let's go,” he said all out of patience now. He tapped her leg indicating she should get up. She stood and grinned at him.

  “Someone’s keen,”

  “Quit playing with me woman, or I’m going to take you home and make you pay,” he said half joking. Lucy squinted at him then and snorted.

  “As if you could,” she said laying down a challenge and turning to walk towards her sister. He came up behind her and slipped his hand around her waist halting her stride with a jolt and bringing her back flush with his body. He bent his head and whispered.

  “When we get home, I’m going to fuck you until you scream for more and then I’m gonna fuck you some more, and if you’re lucky I might let you come,” he said in a low husky v
oice. He felt Lucy shudder against him and knew he had her. She stayed silent, but he could feel her heart had accelerated, and her breathing was choppy. Raising his head, he looked at her and noted the blush on her cheeks.

  “Still want to challenge me?” he asked.

  “Fuck yeah, where’s the fun in surrender,” she replied, and he barked out a laugh drawing the attention of the whole room.

  “You never cease to surprise me, Luce,” he said and dipped his head and kissed her cheek.

  “I’ll show you the fun baby,” he told her and released her so that she could go to her sister. Turning he caught a ‘you the man’ look from Drew and smiled inwardly. Spying Colin, he crossed the room. He had a few things to discuss with Lucy’s dad.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lucy strode over to her sister putting a little extra sway in her hips to pay Jace back. Much as the thought of him bending her over his knee made her shiver in a delicious way; there was no way she was actually going to let him do it. That would just make her too vulnerable, and she didn’t like that feeling.

  Reaching her sister who was talking to Ava, she stopped a foot away when they both grinned at her.

  “What?” she asked them. Lizzie gave her a massive smile and started to fan her face as Ava giggled next to her.

  “That was so hot!” she exclaimed. “The way he just grabbed you and hauled you back to him and whispered in your ear,” Lizzie said dreamily.

  “Phew even I need a cigarette, and I don’t even smoke,” said Ava with a grin. Lucy laughed at the two women and turned her head to Jace who was now talking to her dad. His head was tilted down as he listened; he had a couple of inches on Colin. His face had an intensity that gave her pause, and she wondered if her dad was giving the ‘don’t break my daughter's heart’ speech.

  She loved her dad and brother, but the over-protective thing got old sometimes. Lucy studied Jace's profile. He was so handsome. His jaw was strong, his cheekbones high and his body was made for sin. But it was his smile that drew her. He was always smiling or joking, never taking himself too seriously.

  He made her happy just by walking into a room. It was as if his very presence made everyone relax.

  Lucy forced her attention back to her sister and Ava, “He is pretty special isn’t he?” she asked.

  “So what did he say?” Lizzie asked.

  “I’m not telling you that,” Lucy stated on saucy grin.

  “Spoilsport,” Lizzie returned. Lucy knew she didn’t mean it. Her sister had always wanted the best for her. She still felt horrible for thinking the worst of her over Jace. She couldn’t believe she had done that and hoped Lizzie really did forgive her.

  “Can I borrow you for a minute?” she asked Lizzie and watched her sister's face go serious.

  “Of course, is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I just need to talk to you.”

  “Sure,” Lizzie replied and turned to Ava, “I’ll catch up with you later, and we can arrange for you to see that figurine that I have in the shop,” she said grabbing Ava’s hand and squeezing.

  “That would be good,” Ava replied with a smile. Ava walked away to join Celeste and Reg.

  “What was that about?” Lucy asked

  “Oh, we got talking about her son and how she is really missing him, and then she went on to tell me that he loves dragons and she now collects dragon figures for when he is older. Its a shame she missed Christmas with him,” Lizzie said her face thoughtful.

  “I didn’t know she had a son,” Lucy said, turned, and looked at Ava.

  “Yes, he’s only two, and she misses him like mad. Zack really should let her go home and spend time with him or at last have him brought here,” she said unhappily.

  “Does Zack even know?” Lucy asked.

  “Don’t know but I would have thought she would have said something,”

  Lucy got thoughtful. “I don’t think he does you know.”

  “Well maybe someone should tell him,” she said looking at Lucy.

  “Why me?” Lucy asked

  “Because he likes you.”

  “Yeah well, we’ll see.”

  Lizzie smiled clearly pleased with herself. “Now what did you want to talk about?”

  Lucy took her sister’s arm and guided her to the kitchen door giving Dane a signal as she did. He quickly excused himself from talking to Mimi and David and followed her.

  Reaching the office, she sat on the sofa and tugged her sister down next to her. She wasn’t sure how the next few minutes would go. She needed to tell Lizzie about her past and find out what she thought about telling their dad about Megan.

  Dane came in and went to sit as before, with his hip resting on the desk.

  “Liz, do you remember about five years ago I started going on lots of work courses?

  Liz nodded. “Yes, why?”

  “Well, it wasn’t quite what you thought. I wasn’t working for GCHQ by then. I was working for a private company doing black ops.” Lucy stopped and watched Lizzie’s face as Liz started to nod.

  “I know,” her sister said shocking her.

  “What?” Lucy asked wondering if perhaps Lizzie was confused.

  “I know. I knew at the time that you weren’t doing what you said,” she replied holding Lucy’s eyes

  “How?” Lucy asked incredulously.

  “I’m not an idiot,” Lizzie replied looking stung. Dane had come to stand next to Lucy now with his hands on his hips.

  “When you came back the first time you had changed. Not in a bad way. You seemed more confident and older somehow. And remember that time you broke your collarbone and needed help getting in the shower?”

  “Yes, that was three years ago.”

  “Well, I noticed the scar on your hip. I’m no expert, but that round looking scar looked like a bullet wound,” Lucy heard Dane suck in a breath and waited for the explosion, but it never came.

  She looked up at Dane and then back at Lizzie. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Lucy asked taking her sister's hand.

  “Because I knew if you wanted me to know you would tell me and anyway I didn’t know I only suspected. I knew when I saw you go on the mission to get Noah back. You looked like a Lucy I didn’t know. Just as beautiful and kind but so strong. I was so proud of you. Mum would have been too.” Lizzie said, and Lucy saw tears fill her eyes and felt her own eyes flood. She blinked them back and swallowed a sob.

  She felt Dane crouch down beside them.

  “Did you know?” Lizzie asked him.

  “No, not until 20 minutes ago” he answered and Liz smiled

  “She keeps secrets our baby sister does,” and they both laughed. When they stopped, Lucy said, “I don’t want dad to know. It’s over now, and that part of my life was not always pretty.

  “I agree, let sleeping dogs lie.” Dane agreed, and Lizzie looked at them, “My lips are sealed,” She smiled and motioned zipping her lips.

  “We need to talk about dad, though,” Dane said and looked at Lucy, who looked at Lizzie. Lucy explained that she wanted to bring Megan home and she felt that their dad had the right to know that Megan was alive. Lizzie instantly agreed and threw her arms excitedly around Lucy when she said she was bringing Megan home.

  They agreed that Dane would be the one to speak to their father and would do it tonight so they could get started planning the mission. Which could take months as they had no exact idea where Megan was.

  “You know I think next year is going to be a good year for our family,” Lizzie said. “With you and Jace together and Lauren expecting those beautiful babies and now Megan coming home.

  “What about you Liz?” Dane asked.

  “My marriage was over for a long time, and I was afraid to admit it. Marco and I actually get on much better now we are apart, and that’s good for Mateo. We were just never meant to be and admitting that is a relief. I feel like I can move on now and find out what the world has in store for me,” she finished, and Lucy could see from the determined
look on her face she meant every word.

  “Well now that is settled I’m going home. I promised Jace I’d show him my knife collection,” Lucy said with a smirk. Lizzie laughed obviously on her wavelength and Dane looked confused. That caused the sisters to crack up laughing even more. They’d done this as kids too, sharing a joke only they got leaving Dane out in the cold. Their dad had scolded them for it but eventually had just said, “Boy you will never understand women, so I don’t suggest you try.”

  She stopped her trip down memory lane when Dane said, “I don’t want to know,” and stood.

  “Do you want me to help clear up before I go?” she asked him. But Lizzie stepped in, “I think you’ve kept Jace waiting long enough don’t you? You go I’ll help.”

  “You sure?” Lucy said feeling bad about bailing but really wanting to get Jace home. Her body was humming after their last little encounter.

  Lizzie laughed loudly, “Yes, now go and take that soppy look off your face.” Lucy felt a blush fill her cheeks and wondered what the hell had happened to her. Quickly she left the room blowing a kiss to her brother and sister.

  She found Jace talking to Daniel and Drew and quickly and efficiently extracted him. So caught up in her need to get him home, she didn’t notice the amused looks and raised eyebrows the men were giving Jace, with Drew even giving him a thumbs up. They efficiently said their goodbyes and were in the car on the way home in no time at all.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jace had been fighting the need to barge into Lucy’s conversation with Dane and Lizzie throw Luce over his shoulder and drag her home. The fact her whole family and many of their friends were there had stopped him. He wasn’t scared of getting his ass kicked, but he had her family’s blessing and he thought dragging Luce home for wild monkey sex would probably put a dent in his new-found relationship with Colin as Lucy’s boyfriend.

  He’d been taken aback when she had come out of the office with a look of determination and desire in her big brown eyes. Her dragging him by the hand to say his goodbyes had been amusing and every man in the room, with he hoped the exception of her dad and brother, had known exactly what was on Lucy’s mind.


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