Never Keeping Secrets

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Never Keeping Secrets Page 24

by Niobia Bryant

  “Come with me,” Monica said, turning to head through the dining room and up the stairs to Latoya’s old bedroom.

  “What’s going on?” Danielle asked as she closed the bedroom door.

  “We made mistakes but it’s time to let one motherfucker know he made the biggest one of them all,” Monica said, pulling her cell phone from her Celine tote as she dialed the number Cameron had scribbled on the card.

  Keesha and Danielle’s faces filled with understanding.

  Monica turned on the cell’s speakerphone and held it out in the middle of their semi-circle as they stood in the old bedroom of their deceased friend. Her death and the shattering of their lives brought on by one man’s quest for revenge.

  It was time to give as good—or as badly—as they got.

  Brrrnnnggg . . . Brrrnnnggg . . . Brrrnnnggg . . .

  It went to voice mail.

  Danielle reached for Monica’s free hand and then for Keesha’s as she felt so many emotions flood her.

  Keesha’s eyes brimmed with enough angry fire to burn a house down with one glare.

  Monica looked at a childhood picture of Latoya on the bedside table. A tear fell easily. And then another. And another. “Xavier Lofton, you have no idea of the check your worthless ass just wrote and we are coming for you to cash that motherfucker.”

  “Unlike you, we got plenty of enough balls to let you know to watch your back,” Danielle added with ferocity, leaning forward to speak into the phone.

  Keesha used her free hand to swipe at tears as anger nearly choked her. “Sooner or later, your ass is ours. Trust and believe that, motherfucker.”

  Monica ended the call.


  From a plush seat on his private jet, Xavier leaned forward to press a strong finger to his iPad to exit his voice mail. He chuckled as he recalled the idle threats of his classmates. Their words were nothing but jokes to him. They were nothing but amusement to him.

  What they had thought of as a silly school prank had completely shattered what little confidence he had. What little life he had as a teenaged nerd already feeling isolated and bullied. School had been unpleasant at times before “the incident” but after it had been a daily battle not to cry as he was called every inane nickname in the book. People laughed in his face and continued to play pranks on him to further humiliate and bully him.

  Life at UHS had been pure hell.

  And because students at nearby Malcolm X. Shabazz High used the same line of public transportation and had spread his story like wildfire, even the bus ride home was more of the same. Many times he made the forty-five minute walk home to try and avoid the embarassment.

  He took it for a full year, thinking the focus would shift off of him, but it never did. When he found himself even comtemplating taking his life for a millisecond, he knew he had to leave his dream school behind.

  Xavier dropped out of school and for him he had never recovered. Everything beyond then had taken him twice as much work and drive. Twice as much fight and determination.

  But he succeeded . . . eventually.

  He shifted his dark slanted eyes out the window at the beautiful landscape beneath him as his jet headed toward Paris. “Alright bitches, let the games begin,” he said, lifting his snifter of brandy in a mocking toast to them.


  Thank you to God for my blessings. Thank you to the readers, bookstores, bookclubs, and vendors for your support as we continue on this journey together. Thank you to the hardworking staff at Kensington/Dafina for being in the Niobia Bryant business. Thank you to my agent, Claudia, for teaching me so much about this industry and always having my back. Lastly, thank you to the usual suspects for all that you do, whether personal or professional, to keep my mind right so that the words can continue to flow.

  Love and blessings, y’all. Love and bountiful blessings.



  Niobia Bryant


  The questions that follow are included to

  enhance your group’s reading of this book.


  1. Danielle, Monica, Keesha and Latoya were the best of friends since high school. None of them could imagine their friendship ending. Do you believe it’s possible to outgrow a woman you once considered a friend? Give examples.

  2. In any relationship there is usually some give and take. Do you think it’s possible for a friendship to be one-sided the way Danielle viewed her friendships with the other women? Do you speak up and let the friend know or just leave the friendship alone?

  3. Danielle was ambitious, so much so that she compromised herself for her new career in journalism. Although she did go to college and fought hard to get the position at The A-List on her own, do you think she could ever overcome the way she got her first job on television? Was it worth it? How far are you willing to go for your success?

  4. If you were in Danielle’s position, would you have moved to Jamaica to be with Mohammed or suffered through your illness alone to avoid being a burden to the one you love?

  5. Monica entered her relationship with Cameron with insecurities about him still being married. Although Cameron presented his wife divorce papers before entering a relationship with Monica, do you think she could ever be able to fully believe he will not leave her the way that he left his wife? Is it possible for a man to be faithful and committed in one relationship when he has shown he was not those things in another relationship?

  6. Monica was averse to having children because of all the years she put into growing her career. She was in a committed relationship with a wealthy man. Do you think his financial status should play any role in her decision to have children or not?

  7. Monica had a very short amount of time to decide to kill or be killed. What would you have done in her position as her ex, Rah, manuevered to take her life? Have you ever been in a dangerous situation with an ex and would you be able to do whatever it takes to be free of his violence, stalking or other situations?

  8. Latoya fought hard for her relationship with the Lord. Her husband asked her to shun her friends because their relationship with the Lord was not as strong or visible as hers. Would you have done the same? Do you think it’s possible to be saved and have friends who are not? Would you, in the name of honoring your husband, take his lead on every decision you made? Should Latoya have stood up to her husband more or was she being a good wife and even better First Lady of the church?

  9. Latoya had always considered herself a doting mother who put her children first and would fight to any ends to keep them with her. Do you think her addiction to pills made her lose sight that the very existence of her addiction meant she was putting herself first? Do you think her actions were selfish? Do you think her husband’s quest for power pushed her to it?

  10. Do you think Taquan and Bones will work together to make sure that Latoya’s children stay in contact? If they don’t get along is it the grandparents’ duty to ensure this? If someone you disliked had a child with the same person you have a child with, could you put aside those feelings for the greater good of the kids?

  11. Keesha had a lot of anger against her mother for the way she treated her and for her discovery that the man she was raised to believe was her father was not. Do you feel it’s ironic that she faced the same dilemma as her mother to fess up to having two men who could have gotten her pregnant? Do you think being in the situation made Keesha more sympathetic to Diane? Should it have?

  12. Keesha stated that she wouldn’t want to have the baby of the man who killed her fiancé. Do you think her statement was harsh? Do you feel it shows Keesha fully sees her role in the tragedy outside of Xavier’s involvement?

  13. Keesha had a daughter and was pregnant at the time she chose to take her own life because of the death of Corey. Was she putting her relationship ahead of her children or did she truly have a mental breakdown that erased reasoning

  14. If you were Keesha would you be able to still live in the house where Corey was killed?

  15. Was Xavier justified in his actions against the women? Had he let the need for revenge go too far? Have you ever wanted to pay back someone for doing you wrong in the past or is it best to let it go and let karma rule? Would you go after Xavier Lofton for revenge?

  16. Do you feel Xavier is directly responsible for any of the deaths in the book (Latoya’s car wreck, Corey’s murder, Shawn’s suicide, or Keesha’s suicide attempt)?

  Don’t miss Naomi Chase’s sexy and thrilling novel,


  Coming soon!

  Chapter 1


  Moaning with pleasure, Tamia tightened her thighs around the sweaty, muscular back of her lover.

  He groaned her name, his hips pumping up and down as he drove into her. Deeper, harder, the slap of their naked bodies echoing around the shadowy room.

  Tamia clung tightly to his shoulders, her nails breaking his skin as his thick, hard shaft pounded her core. He felt so good inside her, hitting all her sweet spots. It was as if they’d never been apart.

  Staring into her eyes, he lowered his mouth until his warm breath fanned her lips. “You thought I’d let you walk out of my life?” he whispered, the husky rasp of his voice sending shivers through her. “Is that what you thought? Huh?”

  Lost in sensation, Tamia could barely breathe, let alone speak.

  He thrust faster, his dark eyes boring into hers.

  “I’m never letting you go, Tamia. Never . . .”

  Five hours earlier

  Time ground to a halt as Tamia stared up at Dominic, stunned speechless.

  She couldn’t believe he was standing at her table, looking like he had every right to be there with his hands casually tucked into his pockets, a smile playing at the corners of his full lips.

  As fury quickly replaced her shock, Tamia spat, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  His eyes glinted with amusement. “Hello to you too, Tamia.”

  “Don’t ‘hello’ me, motherf—” Glancing around the elegant restaurant, she lowered her voice to an angry hiss. “I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing, but we have nothing to say to each other.”

  “I disagree,” Dominic said calmly. “I think we have plenty to talk about.”

  “I don’t give a shit what you think.” Tamia turned her head, darting an anxious glance toward the front entrance. The last thing she wanted was for Brandon to show up and see Dominic standing at her table. There was no telling what he would think—or do.

  “You need to leave, Dominic. I’m serious.”

  “Why?” His eyes gleamed. “You expecting someone?”

  Tamia scowled. “Not that it’s any of your damn business, but yeah, I am expecting someone. He should be here any moment.”

  Or so she hoped.

  For the past twenty minutes, she’d been anxiously waiting for Brandon to join her at Da Marco, the Italian restaurant he’d taken her to on their first date. She’d told him to meet her there at four o’clock. It was now ten minutes past the hour.

  He’s coming, she assured herself. He’s just running late.

  She didn’t want to consider the alternative. That Brandon was at the justice of the peace this very moment exchanging vows with Cynthia. She couldn’t bear the thought of it.

  “Let me buy you dinner,” Dominic drawled.

  Tamia gaped at him, incredulous. “What part of ‘I’m expecting someone’ did you not understand?”

  He looked amused. “Come on, Tamia. You don’t really think he’s coming, do you?”

  Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “How the hell do you even know who I’m waiting for?”

  Dominic chuckled softly. “I think I can safely assume that you’re waiting for Brandon. Which is unfortunate, since I heard through the grapevine that he’s getting married today.” He raised a thick brow at Tamia. “Did I hear wrong?”

  She glared at him. “How did you know I’d be here?” she demanded, ignoring his question. “Have you been following me?”

  “Of course not,” he said with lazy amusement. “I had a business meeting this afternoon, but my client had to cancel. I was just about to leave when I saw you.”

  Tamia didn’t believe him, not for one damn second. This was the same conniving motherfucker who’d once blackmailed her for sex. So she couldn’t believe a word that came out of his lying mouth.

  Before she could light into his ass, the waiter appeared. After topping off Tamia’s water, he divided a friendly smile between her and Dominic. “Will you two be dining together this evening?”

  “No,” Tamia said so sharply that the man looked startled.

  Dominic smiled at the waiter. “Give us another minute.”

  “We don’t need another minute,” Tamia interjected through clenched teeth. “He’s not joining me for dinner. I’m waiting for someone else. In the meantime, I’d like to order the grilled scampi with orange honey salad.”

  “Excellent, signorina.” The waiter shot a sympathetic glance at Dominic before moving off.

  Tamia picked up her crocodile Dolce & Gabbana handbag, one of many expensive gifts Brandon had lavished upon her during their recent trip to Italy.

  “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” she coldly informed Dominic as she rose from the table. “I expect you to be gone when I get back.”

  With that, she turned and stalked off, feeling Dominic’s gaze on her ass until she rounded the corner and disappeared from view.

  Once inside the empty restroom, she slipped into the nearest stall and retrieved her smartphone from her handbag. After taking several deep breaths, she pulled up Brandon’s number and pressed send.

  Her heart sank when her call went straight to his voice mail.

  “This is Brandon. Keep it short and sweet. ”

  Tamia inhaled a shaky breath, debating whether or not to leave a message. If he’d gone through with marrying Cynthia, there was nothing she could say or do at this point. But if he was somewhere having second thoughts, she had to at least try to get through to him.

  The beep sounded, prompting her to speak or hang up.

  Gripping the phone, she nervously moistened her lips. “Hey . . . it’s me. I’m at Da Marco waiting for you. I hope . . .” She trailed off, not wanting to sound too desperate. “I hope to see you soon.”

  She disconnected, closed her eyes, and held the phone to her thudding heart.

  Please don’t let it be too late, she silently prayed. Please let Brandon be on his way to the restaurant, not the courthouse.

  Drawing another deep breath, she stepped out of the stall and crossed to the row of sinks to inspect her reflection in the mirror. Her sleek bob was freshly straightened, her red lipstick was perfectly intact, and she wore a Versace tapestry print dress that molded her voluptuous curves. She’d been delighted when the Italian saleswoman told her that the dress wouldn’t hit the U.S. market for another four months. She enjoyed being ahead of the curve.

  With a parting glance at her reflection, Tamia left the restroom and headed back to her table.

  When she saw Dominic sitting there, a wave of incredulous outrage swept through her.

  This motherfucker!

  As she marched over to the table, he stood and smoothly pulled out her chair for her. Ignoring the chivalrous gesture, she thrust her hands onto her hips and spat, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  His lips twitched. “You might want to keep your voice down,” he advised. “People are staring at you.”

  “I don’t give a shit.” But even as the angry words left her mouth, Tamia couldn’t help glancing around. Meeting the curious stares of several other diners, she scowled.

  Not wanting to cause a scene, she reluctantly sat down and allowed Dominic to push her chair back in. But as soon as he reclaimed the seat across from her, she began looking around for the waiter so that she could request her
food to go.

  “I ordered a bottle of Chianti,” Dominic said, gesturing to the wineglass in front of her. “It’s good. Have some.”

  “I don’t think so.” Tamia glared at him. “I thought I told you to leave.”

  “You did,” Dominic said mildly.

  “So why the hell are you still here?”

  “I thought you could use some company.” He raised his glass to his lips, eyes dancing with humor. “Were you able to reach Brandon?”

  Tamia’s face heated. “None of your damn business.”

  Dominic laughed, leisurely sipping his wine.

  Tamia hated him with every fiber of her being. But not even she could deny how fine he was, with his hooded dark eyes, juicy lips framed by a trim goatee, broad shoulders and muscular six-four body attired in Armani. His lazy West Indian accent only added to his immense sex appeal.

  But it didn’t matter how fine he was, or that he was by far one of the best lovers she’d ever had. From the moment Tamia met him, he’d wreaked pure havoc on her life, ultimately causing her to lose everything. Now that she was trying to pick up the broken pieces and move forward, she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. The sooner he got that through his thick head, the better.

  Tamia took a sip of her water, glancing impatiently around the restaurant. “Where the hell is that damn waiter?”

  “Probably taking care of our order,” Dominic drawled.

  Tamia’s eyes snapped to his. “Our order?”

  “Yeah.” He drank more wine. “I canceled your salad and ordered dinner for both of us.”

  “Excuse you?” The nerve of this motherfucker! “Who the hell told you to do that?”

  He smiled lazily. “We’re both here. We might as well eat together. Besides, this will give us a chance to discuss my proposal.”


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