To Honor and Trust

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To Honor and Trust Page 12

by Tracie Peterson


  He turned. “Yes?”

  “Where did Thomas find you?”

  “I was in the woods. You recall I enjoy botany.”

  She nodded and waved good-bye, but a weight settled in her stomach. Had Wes been the one following them in the woods? And if so, why? The thought caused a shiver to course down her spine.

  Could not even a man like Wes be trusted?

  Chapter 12

  For two days, Wesley had attempted to come up with a way to contact Callie—a way where he wouldn’t need to reveal his true identity. Returning to the cottage meant he might be seen by Mr. or Mrs. Bridgeport. And though he’d not yet been introduced to the couple, it would be impossible to avoid making their acquaintance at some social function in the near future. Since he didn’t want Callie to view him as a socially elite sort of fellow, he hadn’t reached a point where he wanted to take a chance on being recognized.

  His intent was not to lie or trick her, but he wanted more time to get to know her without any pretenses—without her thinking of him as a member of the social set. He had enjoyed their comfortable conversations and hoped for more time with her before disclosing that in addition to acting as the golf pro he was a guest at the clubhouse.

  Wandering along a path near the common gardens, Wesley stopped to admire some of the flowers. He glanced up when one of the gardeners approached and gestured toward the array. “There are more varieties in the greenhouse. Guests are welcome to pick a bouquet any time they’d like.”

  The gardener had solved his problem: He’d pick a bouquet of flowers and have them delivered to Callie. After the gardener handed him a pair of shears, Wesley selected a variety of flowers he thought she’d enjoy. He realized she might not be able to swing a golf club for another week or so, but he hoped she’d be able to accompany Thomas for his next lesson.

  He stepped into the greenhouse, amazed at the wide selection of flowers. The sweet scents of the mingling blooms greeted him. He turned to the gardener, who remained nearby to answer questions or meet any request. “You have an astonishing array from which to select. And all of them are beautiful.”

  “Only the best for the guests of Bridal Veil Island.” The old man gave him a lopsided grin. “That’s our motto here at the greenhouse. We try to keep everyone happy.”

  “From what I see around here, I doubt anyone could complain.”

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t think we’ve ever made it through a season without a few complaints, but we keep trying.” He chuckled. “Never can tell, this year may be the one.”

  Wes studied his bouquet for a minute. “I don’t see how I can improve upon this any further, do you?”

  The gardener took a closer look, stepped across the greenhouse, and returned with several clippings from a cinnamon fern. “If you place these fronds around the outer edges of your bouquet, it may add to it a bit. See what you think.”

  Wes nodded. “It does. Thank you for your help. If I write a note to go along with the bouquet, do you have someone who could deliver it for me?”

  “We do. I need your name and where you’re staying to log into my book, and I’ll attach a card with the required information.”

  Wes tightened his hold on the bouquet. “What information?”

  “I need to put the name and address of the person you’re sending it to, and I have to include your name and address on the card, as well. Something new they started a couple years ago.”


  “I don’t make the rules, mister. I just do what I’m told.” He reached for the flowers, but when Wes didn’t hand them over, the old man frowned. “You want them delivered or not?”

  Wes shook his head. “On second thought, I think the young lady would be pleased to have me deliver them in person.”

  The gardener tucked the shears into a sheath on his belt. “Probably right. I hope she likes them.”

  Wes held them up a few inches as he turned to leave. “I’m sure she will.”

  “Come back anytime.”

  Wes strode away and didn’t stop until he was sure the gardener couldn’t see him. He stared at the bouquet. He wasn’t going to personally deliver the flowers, and he couldn’t let anything so pretty go to waste. Unable to come up with another plan, he turned toward the clubhouse. His mother would appreciate the flowers.

  He’d gone only a short distance when he heard someone call his name and a bicycle wheeled up beside him. “Thomas! What are you doing over this way?”

  “I talked Mother into letting me ride my bicycle down to the river for a while. Since Miss Callie still isn’t walking very well, Mother said she’d let me go by myself this once, but I have to be back on time, or she’ll never let me go again.” He glanced toward the sky. “Do you know what time it is?”

  Wes pulled his watch from his pocket. “Fifteen past three.”

  The boy sighed. “I’ve got fifteen minutes before I’m late, but I can make it back in ten if I pedal fast.” He lifted his foot onto the pedal.

  “Wait a minute, Thomas.” Wes extended the bouquet toward the boy. “Do you think you could carry these flowers and still manage your bike?”

  Thomas straightened his shoulders. “Sure! I can carry lots of things and still ride without any trouble.”

  “Would you take them to Miss Callie and tell her that I hope she’s feeling better and I look forward to seeing her at the golf course very soon?”

  “I can, but why don’t you come along and give them to her yourself? I’m sure she’d be pleased to see you. She was real sorry you took off so quick the other day. And my mother wanted to meet you.” He nodded his head toward the road. “Come with me.”

  “I can’t. I’ve got some other matters that I need to attend to right now, and I’d hate for these flowers to wilt before I can deliver them.”

  “Okay. I’ll take them, but I better get going or I’ll be late.”

  The boy wrapped his hand around the bouquet and sped away. At the rate he was pedaling, Thomas would make it home in far less than ten minutes.

  Earlier in the afternoon, Callie had enlisted Maude’s help. Together with the girls, the four of them had gathered on the front porch to create puppets. They were in the midst of cutting and sewing when Thomas, flowers in hand, rounded the front fence and skidded to a stop a few inches from the porch steps.

  He held the bouquet aloft. “Look what I brought, Miss Callie. Get-well flowers from Mr. Wes.” After resting the bike against the porch railing, he ran up the steps and presented her with the bouquet. “Mr. Wes said he hopes you’re doing much better and that you can attend lessons next week.”

  The words caused an unexpected tingle of excitement. She hadn’t experienced such pleasure since receiving flowers from Matthew. She sniffed the bouquet. Be careful. You still don’t know if you can trust him any more than you could Matthew.

  “That was most kind of him. The flowers are beautiful. Would you take them to the kitchen and ask Lula to put them in water, Thomas?”

  Thomas took the flowers and headed for the door. “If Mother comes looking for me, I’ll be out back working on the puppet stage.”

  The moment Thomas entered the house, Maude tapped Callie’s arm. “So you’ve got you a beau, have ya? I knew all that talk of not trusting a fella and going to Africa wouldn’t last, once the right man came your way.”

  Callie didn’t want to discuss Wes with Maude or with anyone, for that matter. He was a nice man and she enjoyed his company, but she barely knew him. And she wasn’t interested in a beau. But trying to alter Maude’s opinion would likely result in failure. Better to change the subject than try to convince the nanny. Though she hadn’t known Maude for long, Callie had already discovered the nanny seldom adjusted her opinion.

  She tipped her head toward the older woman. “I haven’t had an opportunity to mention this before, but when I took the children to the puppet show the other day, I heard talk of valuables being stolen from one of the cottages.”r />
  Maude ceased her stitching. “Is that so? What kind of valuables did they say?”

  “A diamond bracelet and a jeweled hair clasp, along with some other valuable pieces. I hope they find the culprit. It makes me uneasy to think there might be thieves roaming about.” She kept her voice low to prevent the children from hearing.

  “I can’t say as I’m too surprised.”

  Callie dropped her sewing to her lap. “Why? Do you know something about the incident?”

  “’Course not, but I doubt those jewels will ever be seen again. This resort is full of haves and have-nots. With the number of poor folks working as servants, I’d think there would be plenty of thievery.” Maude dipped her needle into the fabric and continued to embroider a bright red nose onto one of the puppets.

  Callie frowned. “That hasn’t been the case in the past. I think if any thefts had been reported, Mrs. Bridgeport would have mentioned it to me. Most of the servants and workers have been here for years. I’m sure the help is carefully scrutinized before being hired.”

  “You may be right, but when folks get into dire circumstances, there’s no telling what they’ll do. The money from selling a few pieces of expensive jewelry would go a long way.” She hiked a shoulder. “’Course that’s just one old woman’s opinion.”

  “You’re not old, Maude. And you may be right about the jewels, but I hope not.”

  A memory of the noises in the woods on their way home the other day flashed through her mind, and Callie shivered. Could that have been the thief? She shook her head. What a silly thought.

  She pushed the idea from her mind, and when they’d finished sewing, the two women went inside. Callie stopped in the hallway. “I believe I’ll take some time and write to my parents while you see to the children, Maude.”

  Callie hadn’t expected to hear from her parents while at Bridal Veil. A letter had arrived shortly before their departure, and her parents knew she’d be gone for the winter. If her mother did write, she’d send her letters to Indianapolis for fear they might not reach Callie on the island. They had both learned that mail deliveries to and from Africa were not something one could count upon for swift or correct delivery.

  Her letter wasn’t particularly long. She told her parents about the children and the activities at Bridal Veil. She didn’t mention her injury—they would only worry. And though she knew they wanted to hear she was planning to join them, Callie ended her letter by saying that she was still praying for God’s direction and asked that they do the same. She decided against telling them about the job offer in Chicago, but she continued to weigh her options. She’d been happy teaching there, and during her time in Chicago, she’d become acquainted with Jane Addams and even taught English classes at Hull House several evenings a week. The experience had been gratifying, and with the expansion of Hull House, there would be an even greater need for teachers and volunteers. Wasn’t that work as important as the work in Africa? Her decision would be much easier if God would whisper in her ear or perhaps drop a note from heaven.

  She smiled at the idea as she signed her name and then reread what she’d written. The leisure pastimes at Bridal Veil likely sounded quite mundane to those who were serving God on another continent. Yet her parents’ letters expressed interest in her pursuits with the Bridgeport family. Besides, her parents had once enjoyed the same activities, and if she didn’t write about such things, there would be nothing to fill her letters.

  Day by day, Callie’s ankle continued to heal, and so long as she used a cane, she was able to move about fairly well. She’d informed Mrs. Bridgeport she could once again accompany Thomas to his lessons. If his golf lesson had been scheduled for today rather than tennis, she would have been much happier. But since she wouldn’t be able to take a tennis lesson, there would be no reason to worry about Archie.

  Mr. Bridgeport had rented a wheeled chaise, though Callie wished he would have arranged for a carriage. She still thought it would be too great a task for Thomas to wheel her about, but he’d been practicing for several days and vowed he was up to the task.

  She settled in the wicker seat. “It’s going to be more difficult with me as your passenger, Thomas. I weigh more than your sisters.” He’d been pedaling his sisters during his practice sessions.

  He climbed on and began to pedal. “There’s not much difference.”

  Callie chuckled. “We’ve only gone a few yards. Let’s see how you feel once we get to the tennis court. I doubt you’ll have enough energy for your lesson.”

  Thomas proved her wrong. When they arrived at the tennis court, Thomas had more than enough energy for his lesson.

  After they finished, Archie strode over to where Callie stood watching. “He’s improved, don’t you think?”

  Mrs. Bridgeport had accompanied Thomas to several lessons, and Callie had to admit there was marked improvement since she’d last seen him play.

  Thomas beamed at the compliment. “I’ve been practicing with Hank most every day.”

  “And with me,” Archie said.

  “Right. And with you.” Thomas ran inside the small storage building to put away his tennis racket.

  “Let me help you to your chaise.” Archie grasped her elbow.

  “I’m much better simply using the cane, but thank you for the offer.”

  Archie frowned, but he removed his hand. “Thomas tells me that you’ve been giving them lessons about the plants and wildlife on the island. I’d be pleased to take you on a carriage ride and show you some places where you could take the children for some of their studies.”

  “I believe I can locate enough unique places to show them on my own, but thank you, Mr. Penniman.”

  Once Thomas returned, Archie grasped Callie’s arm and helped her into the chaise. “Do you know where to find the giant sea turtles that come up on the beach to lay their eggs?”

  “No, but I don’t—”

  Thomas came around the chaise, his eyes wide with excitement. “Have you seen them, Mr. Archie? I heard they’re huge and look like giant sea monsters.”

  Archie chuckled. “They’re big all right, but I don’t think they look like monsters. They come up on the beach at night and lay their eggs, and I know where to find them.”

  “Oh please, Miss Callie,” Thomas pleaded with wide eyes.

  “I can come by for you at eight o’clock in the morning. I’ll show you where they are, and then you’ll know where to take the children when you have a chance at some later time. We can be back in time for my first tennis lesson.” Archie grinned. “I’ll bring a carriage so you’ll be comfortable.”

  She didn’t attempt to hide her irritation when she looked at Archie. He was a manipulative man who would use anything to gain an advantage.

  “Have you forgotten that we have lessons in the morning, Thomas? I’m sorry, but I don’t think it will be possible, Mr. Penniman.”

  “But we could change them to the afternoon. I’m sure Mother wouldn’t care one bit if we switched the lessons to the afternoon this one time. Won’t you at least ask her?” Thomas had become as persistent as Mr. Penniman.

  “The best I can offer is this.” She turned to Archie. “I will speak with Mrs. Bridgeport and see if she is willing to have me change the schedule. You may come by at eight o’clock tomorrow morning, but please know that if Mrs. Bridgeport doesn’t find the arrangement acceptable, we won’t be going.”

  “I’m more than willing to take my chances. I’ll see you in the morning.” He winked before he turned and strode back toward the tennis court.

  Callie settled back in the chaise and sighed. Hopefully, Mrs. Bridgeport would deny the request to change the day’s schedule. If she didn’t, Callie would need to arrive at some other plan to avoid Archie Penniman and his carriage. Right now she longed to have a shell like one of those large sea turtles. What a wonderful place to hide from the likes of Archie Penniman.

  They’d gone only a short distance when Thomas wheeled the chaise to the side of t
he path and came to a stop. “Mr. Wes!” The boy yanked off his cap and waved it overhead before glancing over his shoulder at her. “Mr. Wes is heading our way. He motioned for me to stop. Is it okay?”

  She chuckled. “Since you’ve already stopped, I think it would be rude to commence pedaling before he’s had a chance to say hello.”

  Moments later Wes jogged to the side of the chaise. “I hoped to see you soon. How’s the ankle doing?”

  Thomas pointed to a nearby wooded area. “If you two are going to talk, can I go and see if there are any new plants over there?”

  Callie nodded. “Yes, but stay close enough that you’ll hear me when I call.”

  Thomas took off as though he’d been granted a supreme gift. Strange how she liked the idea of spending time alone with Wesley, while thoughts of being alone with Archie Penniman caused her stomach to roil. And though both of them had shown interest in her, they were complete opposites, especially in their behavior.

  “I’m glad to see you, as well. I wanted to thank you for the lovely bouquet of flowers you sent.” The ribbons of her straw hat flapped in the breeze, and she pushed them aside. “You could have brought them to the house, you know. I would have been delighted to have them delivered in person.”

  The moment the words escaped her lips, she wanted to snatch them back. He’d likely think she was in the habit of encouraging men’s attention. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks and wished she could make a quick escape.

  He leaned on the side of the chaise, their faces close enough that she could see the glint in his eyes. “I’m glad you liked them, and I’m sorry I couldn’t deliver them in person, but I had to get to the golf course. I did select them myself, though.”

  “Truly? I don’t believe I’ve ever received flowers that have been personally chosen by someone. Unless we’re picking flowers from our own garden, I think most of us rely on the florist.” She beamed at him. “You did an excellent job. I thought the colors magnificent.”


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