Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II Page 8

by T. S. Hill

“That’s a rather hard to answer, general question.”, Lori responded.

  “I like girls!” I piped in.

  “Just one or more than one, or all of them, or what?”, Sasha asked.

  “Yeah, or what Stan?”, Lori added.

  “Well I used to like all of them. I replied. But lately, I was just liking one. But then something reminded me, that in my dark and sordid past, I had on a few occasions, liked more than one at one time. But, there was always this catch. I always liked one better. And now, I’m positive that’ll stay true for the rest of my life.”

  “I glanced at Lori and she was smiling at me with a knowing, and loving look in her eyes. Sasha set her eyes on Lori.

  “What about you Miss Lori?” Lori’s eyes got big.

  “I’m not that much older than you! Call me Lori.

  “Okay, Lori.”, the girl said. “What do you like? Men? Women? Both? What’s your hierarchy of relationship and sexual partner likes and dislikes?” The girl had been blatantly open with us and was now putting us on the spot. Pretty much asking us to confront and define our feelings, thoughts, likes and dislikes.

  When Sasha had caught on to Lori’s comment about the Freudian allusion, I knew that we weren’t dealing with a ditzy blonde. Now, I was sure that she wasn’t going to let us off the hook until we had fully answered her questions.

  “Okay.”, Lori slowly began, looking directly at me, and more so addressing me, than Sasha. “I have struggled with this internally for a while. I’ve thought about it, wondered about it, and worried about it too. I had never acted on it before. I always thought one man and one woman. That was it. Never even fantasized about having more than one man at once. But then there were these feelings for some women, not all of them. But it’s definitely an affinity and sexual attraction.”

  “Like you Sasha. The time we spent walking around together, being girly, I love that! And yeah, I find you very attractive and highly desirable in a sexual way. I probably understand why a man is attracted to you better than almost anybody. That’s why I haven’t bitch slapped Stan here, for the case of titty eyes he’s had ever since you got here. Because, quite frankly, I’ve had them too! But also, I’m still not comfortable in my own skin with facing this and admitting it to myself, and Stan, and you.”

  “It’s okay to feel uncomfortable Lori!”, Sasha answered. “I’m sure that you were raised as a child to think that there was one and only one normal. It takes a while to get past that mind washing we all had as children. Our parents meant well, but really, they weren’t teaching us reality. It was like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, except they forgot to tell us the truth about the Sex Fairy.” Lori and I both chuckled.

  “That’s a really good way to put it!”, Lori and I both said, word for word in unison.

  “Oh wow!”, Sasha exclaimed. You two really are tuned to each other. Like some kind of psychic thing or something!”

  “Lori and I staring into each other’s eyes, both answered again, in unison, “Yeah, we are!”

  “Wooow!”, Sasha marveled at us, as her blue eyes got really big. I would give anything to be a part of a relationship like that! You guys are so lucky to have that. Did you just fall into a relationship with each other, or was it something that one or both of you pursued?”

  “I’d say, that one of us actually dove into it.”, I started answering while looking at Lori, “and then both of us have worked at it.” By the time I finished speaking, Lori was smiling and nodding her head.

  “So how long have you two been together?”, she asked.

  “One week.”, we both answered together again.

  “Oh! Fuck me! You guys are crazy! Really? One fucking week? Holy fucking shit! You’re amazing! What’s your secret to getting dialed in to each other so quickly?”

  “Well, Lori likes to use the word “fucking”, quite a lot, and evidently, it just does something for us.”, I replied.

  “Really? Me too!”, Sasha exclaimed.

  “Don’t get too excited honey.”, Lori jumped in. “He’s just poking at you, and me. He’s done that about my using “fucking” so frequently as an adjective, ever since I met him.”

  “Well saying it a lot, and doing it a lot, both probably contributed to our being so sync’d.”, I quipped.

  “Stan, I’m beginning to warm to your wry sense of humor.”, Sasha said.

  “Yeah, it’s not so bad, I just have to have something to rib him about.”, Lori commented.

  “So, Lori.”, Sasha jumped back in, “What’s your preference hierarchy? Like mine starts with couples, and then a woman, etc. How does yours go? And then we’re going to get Stan to tell us his. He didn’t make that real clear before.”

  “I like my man right up front, then if I’m going to have a woman, I feel like I need to share her with him. It’s only fair, plus, there’s something about the whole one man two women scenario that just lights my fire. I think it satisfies my bi side, without having to give up my man. So, me and my man, then me and my man sharing a woman. I don’t think that I really want to participate with anything beyond that. At least, not that I can see right now.”

  “So, you’re a lot like me then Lori.” Sasha offered. “You don’t see yourself with multiple men.”

  “Not in the least.”, Lori replied.

  “Stan, you wanna wrap up your preferences in a neat package for us?”

  “You know, I’ve never talked with anyone about this, nor given it much thought until yesterday, actually. But, casting my total discomfort aside, okay. Here goes!” Both of the girls had their eyes locked on me. And, I felt the spot light as I began. “Never minding my past. I’m looking at the here and now and going forward. My preference is first for just me and my woman. I understand that she was born with a bi tendency that I don’t have. But I love her. If she wants to have a woman and share her with me, I’m going to engage that for her, and do my best to enjoy it as much as she does.”

  “Whoever she brings into the relationship needs to know though, Lori is and will always be the number one for me. Any and everybody else comes second or below. And, despite my past participations, from time to time, with multiple women at once. Right now, that two women and me, is my second hierarchal level, and that’s where it stops.

  “You guys both have each other as your number one, and anybody else that comes in to the relationship, has to sit in the back seat.”, Sasha summed, then continued. “That’s only as it should be. I’m optimistic!”

  “Optimistic?”, I asked.

  “Sure! Men are totally eliminated from the possibility of entering into a relationship with you two. So that means fully half of my competition are completely gone!”

  “Honey, to begin with, nobody said anything about bringing someone else into our relationship, just now.”, Lori began gently explaining. “And, you do realize that you would never be a number one with either one of us. At best, you would be a number two.

  “Yeah.”, answered Sasha. “But with my fucked-up mess, remember that a couple is my first preference, so you both would be number ones to me! I’d still be a winner. You don’t run across really great people like you two every day, that’s why I was willing to take the risk. I’ve been so damn lonesome for so damn long.” I jumped back in at this point.

  “My mind is kinda reeling here, but as fucked up as all of this would sound, to probably anyone walking or riding on this street right now, it’s actually making fucking sense to me. I must be going nuts! Where the fuck is our food?”

  Lori replied to me, “It really hasn’t been that long, since we ordered.”

  “Well, suddenly, I’m fucking starving!”, I quipped back.

  “Look who’s throwing that word around now.”, quipped Sasha.

  “You two women are probably going to be the end to me!”, I said, and then began laughing. “Okay, you know there’s one thing that I don’t get here, Sasha.”

  “Yes?”, she responded.

  “You like couples first, then women and then m
en third. So why were you so intently flirting with me at the library.”

  “That’s’ kind of embarrassing”, she said.

  “We’re all here to tell it like it is, and just lay it on the line.”, I replied.

  “It’s embarrassing, but it’s pretty mundane too.”, she began. “It’s not that big of a deal I guess. You see with heterosexual couples, the female, unless she is bi, never wants another woman in the relationship. If she is bi, she doesn’t usually want the guy to find out, because she’s afraid of him rejecting her. But name one heterosexual male, that doesn’t dream of sex with two women.”

  “Hence, I go for the guy, with hopes of landing both. This is actually the first time that I’ve had the female actually coax me into the circle. But, I must have paid you too much attention Stan, because I obviously, like totally pissed off Lori, and wound up getting cold cocked. No pun intended.”

  “Good.”, I replied, “It’s not that good of one.”

  “What?”, asked Sasha.

  “The pun. It’s a bad pun.”, I said.

  “Yeah.”, Lori jumped in, but the cock’s a pretty hot one!”

  “You got that right sister!”, Sasha said with her eyes widening. Turning toward each other, Lori and Sasha high fived each other.

  “Yeah, you two women are definitely going to be the end of me!”

  Finally, the food arrived, and none too soon. I told the waiter that I hoped the food would be worth the wait.

  And, not taking his eyes off of Lori and Sasha, he replied to me, “If it means that I get to keep my eyes on these two ladies a few minutes longer, then it’s well worth the wait!”

  “And do we get drinks with this fine fare, or are you salaried and not accepting tips?”, I replied to him. I think he sense how close to my edge that he was getting, because he immediately scurried away, and one of the female waitresses brought out drinks, which were all bottled water anyway.

  Sasha spoke up, “I can’t tell you guys just how neat I find all of this, hanging out with you guys, and having these really cool discussions. This is so real, and so honest. The honesty of us, this! It’s just great!”

  “It is great, isn’t it?”, Lori agreed.

  “I’m, getting used to it.”, I contributed.

  “Well, it’s such a relief for me to get all of my stuff out in the open, to Stan, and give recognition to it myself, just for my own validation. I don’t feel so guilty and weird anymore.”, Lori stated. Then I weighed in again.

  “Does this mean that I can quit feeling guilty now about liking Sasha’s boobs, and being turned on by seeing you two all snuggled up, pressing your tits together? Oh yeah and one more thing! I found that shooting my cum load in each of your respective faces to be extremely pleasurable. Well, Lori’s best, but both were pleasurable experiences. I don’t plan on feeling guilty about that either. Assuming of course that I don’t have to feel guilty about either of the first two things.”

  “He’s so fucking cute!”, Sasha said to Lori. “How do you keep your hands off of him?”

  “I don’t!”, Lori answered. They both started giggling, and then Lori turned to me. “Yes, Stan. I think that it’s time that we all stop feeling guilty, and jealous, and afraid.

  “Good!”, I replied. “I think I can get used to the rest of it. So, Sasha, you’re not mad at Lori for cracking you nose? And, how’s your jaw by the way?”

  “A bit sore.”, she said. “But, okay. Thanks for asking, and no, I’m not mad at Lori. I really can’t blame her for getting angry with me yesterday.

  Then I turned to Lori, “And you’re not pissed at Sasha for coming on to me yesterday?”

  “Nope, I’m cool with all that now.”, Lori quipped.

  “Well then, I’m glad to see you two kiss and make up.”, I quipped. Lori and Sasha looked at each other and both shrugged, then leaned forward, and kissed slowly and tenderly on the lips. I wasn’t shocked by it. I was surprised by it, and maybe shouldn’t have been. Strangely, it was a very arousing thing. When they broke the kiss, I spoke again.

  “I’m not feeling guilty about what I’m feeling right now, and I’m not feeling jealousy, nor anger, and certainly not fear. But if you two keep that up, I’m going to be levitating this table”

  “Levitating the table?”, Sasha said.

  Lori patted her hand on the table, and under her breath said, “You’ve seen his cock hard!”

  “Oh!”, Sasha shrieked. And they both burst out laughing. Lori put her hand on Sasha’s shoulder, and Sasha her hand on the same arm that Lori was touching her with. And they held on to each other laughing.

  “Actually, I may keep it up, just to see that happen!”, Sasha said, and they both giggled more.

  “Another bad pun.”, I said.

  “What?”, asked Sasha.

  “Keep it up?”, I responded.

  “It is a bad pun Stan, but like Lori said, it’s a pretty hot cock!”

  “Uh huh!”, Lori chimed in.

  “Girls, this has been great.”, I broke in. “But we’ve got a lot of business to take care of today. And Lori, I believe that you may have one other thing that you might wish to bring up to Miss Adamson, before we head out?”

  “Aw do you have to go?”, Sasha whined. This is my only afternoon off until Friday. I was hoping that maybe we could all go somewhere and fool around or something, like, maybe, and if you guys wanted to.” Lori looked at me with troubled eyes.

  I wasn’t sure if she was troubled because I wanted us to go, or if she was troubled by Sasha’s, maybe too much too soon, suggestion. Either way, it was too much too soon to suit me, and too many questions to still answer. Plus, I was determined to get back on track with the persecution and prosecution of Sam Milinni.

  “How about this?”, I began. “I want you to go back to your library sometime over the next few days and do a genealogy search, of your father’s family name. Trace it back as far as you reasonably can, so that you know who your father’s father was, who his grand pa was, and who his great grand pa was, and his great great, and great great great grand pa was. Give Lori your email. In a few days, we will email you and you can email us back with the information. Then we’ll send you further instructions. If you do a thorough and accurate job with this assignment, my company, may have some more work for you. Paid work actually.” I noticed that Lori’s troubled look was easing off of her face.

  “Oh, that would be great Stan! Sure! I’ll get right on it.”, Sasha said.

  “Now, we really do have a ton of work to get done, because we have to be in another city tomorrow, to start a new phase of our work. But, if you will promise to promptly take care of that assignment, we’ll spend another half hour together window shopping and chatting as we stroll around the block here. Then we really do have to go.

  “Oh, I’ll do the assignment right away!”, Sasha replied, to both of us. And let me write down my private email for you right now. When will you guys be back in town? Can I see you then?”

  “Easy girl!”, I replied. The three of us just met yesterday, under very, unique conditions?” Lori and Sasha both nodded their heads. We plan on seeing you again. Right now, we haven’t a clue how long it will take until our work permits us to come back to Crockett. We will keep in touch with you.

  I’m favorably disposed toward you, and I can see clearly, as well as you can, that Lori really likes you, and seems to be okay with the possibility of sharing, us all sharing, with each other. But we all need to just take things as they come, slowly. Hopefully, that way nobody gets hurt. There’s already been some hurt, I said pointing to Sasha’s nose. We don’t want any more, if it can be helped.”

  “I can appreciate that!”, Sasha said, writing out her email addy on a napkin.

  “Don’t worry, Sasha.”, Lori told her. “We’ll keep in touch with each other by email.”

  “But no phone calls!”, I added. “Understand, it’s a business thing.”

  “Are you sure you guys aren’t some kind of spies?”, Sash
a asked.

  “No, dear.”, Lori answered. “We definitely aren’t spies!”

  The lunch hour foot traffic had cleared from the sidewalks, and the three of us ambled lazily down the street together, in the direction that Lori suggested. I had never been around that end of the street, but after meeting at the ice cream shop, Lori and Sasha already had. We walked along several blocks with Lori holding my hand, and her other arm around Sasha’s shoulder.

  We stopped in front of a couple of dress shops and the girls swapped opinions on fashion. Then we stopped in front of a jewelry store and they ogled over the sparkling stones. Lori seemed fascinated with the wedding sets of engagement rings and bands. I noted that she was partial to the white gold, and the single emerald cut diamond engagement rings. She was a woman of simple, but elegant taste.

  The next shop was a lingerie shop, and they both were totally excited by an all red ensemble. I had to admit, when I looked at the window manikin that was showing it off, and I imagined Sasha with their shapely legs and mammoth tits in it, I knew the outcome would be a real winner.

  When I imagined Lori in it, with her total package, and awesome beauty, my cock immediately pressed against my jeans leg. I knew I had to buy it for Lori, and under the circumstances, not wanting to slight Sasha, I made an executive decision. After they had moved on to looking at other window offerings of the shop, I made my move.

  “Stay here, ladies.”, I told them. “I’ll be right back.” I marched into the shop. When I emerged, I had been sold again, as I had been in the lingerie shop in Denton. I had two large boxes. Both of them gift wrapped and both contained the red outfit that they had been ogling, along with coordinated hose, garter belts, shoes, hair pieces, masks, arm length gloves. The works!

  I handed them each a box and said, “Just keep this for a special occasion. I’m sure you two will figure that part out. It’s for. Well. It’s for a special occasion. Anyway! That’s why I’m giving them to you!” I started back down the street.

  “Stan!”, they both called out together. I turned. “What is it?”, they both called out in unison.

  “Look who’s sync’d up now!”, I called back to them. “It’s the red!”, I shouted. They both squealed and hugged each other. Before I knew it, they had caught up to me and with one of them coming around either side of me, and ambushed me. I found myself facing them on the sidewalk. They both grabbed me, and both kissed me on the mouth at the same time. Lori slipped her tongue in and then Sasha took the cue and brought hers into play. It was an awkward, but not unpleasant, kiss.


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