Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II Page 31

by T. S. Hill

“I guess you’re both right.”, Lori said smiling and winking at Sasha. So, when do we leave Cowboy?”

  “I need to try to get Rosita on the phone. I think we should leave as soon as Rosita can get free. As soon as we know, I’ll call Al, and his chopper can be on the way.”

  “I can be packed in twenty minutes, except my clothes from shopping are in Sal’s car.”, Lori replied.

  “Same here, for packing. I’ll need to probably repack one suit case instead of the bunch.”, Sasha spoke up.

  “I’m not looking to leave until tomorrow after the mail runs anyway. I’m expecting new bank cards to replace the ones we burned in Texas and Oklahoma. They should be here tomorrow. I don’t know if Rosita will answer this unknown number of this throwaway phone though.”

  “She and I swapped numbers, use mine to call her, it will show up on her ID as me.”, Sasha offered.

  “Sash! You haven’t been leaving that phone on here in the house, have you? You know that it could be traced easily by the towers it pings!”

  “No! Hell no, Stan! Shit Babe! I’m not that stupid!”

  “I’m sorry, Sash. I didn’t mean to imply that you’re stupid. I know the contrary to be true. I just freak out at even the smallest possibility of a security breach here. We’ll take Poss and ride out to the highway at least, and then turn it on, and try to call Rosita.” I walked around to where she was sitting and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her on top of her head. “Forgive me?”

  “Nothing to forgive Babe.”

  “Lori, I’m sure that Sal will be over in the morning to get your packages to you. If not, it’s just a short walk up the path through the woods.”

  “Yeah, she’ll probably be over here wanting blow job tips.”, Lori groused. “Isn’t it your turn again, Sash?”, she teased.

  “You’re the one with the sword swallowing training!”, Sasha, fired back at her.

  “But as a student in training, don’t you think that you could better offer her the encouragement she needs?”, Lori offered.

  “I’m still fighting my gag reflex! I need encouragement!”, Sasha complained.

  “Oh pooh! We’ll just both do it then!”

  “I guess that’s only fair.”, Sasha groused, sounding almost dejected. “Why can’t she just rent some porn, or watch some vids on how to give great head, and deep throat a cock?”

  “I think, she’s going to have to.”, I said, jumping back into the conversation. “Because we are all going to be in Houston for at least a few days, maybe longer. Lori, could you start a packing list for us, that way as we all review it and check items off, we won’t forget much.”

  “How much can we pack?”, Lori asked.

  “Good question. Not sure. The chopper is a six-seater plus the pilot and copilot, only there usually isn’t a copilot. So, figure the weight of two people that aren’t going. That should do it. Actually, considering that I’ve never seen Al with a copilot, figure the weight of three people, at say, one fifty each. That’s say, four hundred fifty pounds max. You gotta think space too. That chopper is cramped for space. So, what we can stack in those three seats is pretty much it.”

  “I got this.”. Lori said confidently. “When you call Rosita, tell her about the packing limitations. Do you have more luggage here? You never did replace what you lost in Mexico.”

  “In the storage room, back in the old office. Sash and I are out of here. We’ll be back in twenty minutes or so.”

  Sash and I took Little Poss out to the main highway and parked at a closed down defunct convenience store, where she called Rosita, and handed me the phone. After filling Rosita in, she informed me that the Donovan lady, that she had been working for, had passed away earlier that day. While Rosita was saddened by that, she was thrilled at the opportunity to show off her lace and possibly get it placed in Allie’s store.

  She told me that after mailing off her lace shipment the next morning, she would be meeting the Donovan family to pick up a few things and get the house in order for them. After that, she would be free, and meet us at the tree house, probably before noon. She would get her packing done that night.

  When that call was done, I called Allie and after assuring her that I wasn’t in jail, the hospital, or the morgue, I explained that I was investing in a small company that made Spanish lace, and was looking at another fashion investment. She seemed reluctant, and cool toward the whole idea, until I explained that Lori, the lace designer, and a model would be coming there to model the lines, and she seemed thrilled that Lori was coming out and was involved in the business.

  After we returned to the tree house, I told Lori that I had a change of plans in mind. “I want, Sash also to go on to Oklahoma City and help you and Rosita model the lingerie for Allie.”.

  “Me, a model? Really?”,Sasha responded, with her eyes showing her excitement.

  “I like it!”, Lori said. “It will entirely be a project for us girls.”

  “You three model, and Lori can also do the selling. Allie already likes you Lori, and Rosita’s lace sells itself. On you three women, anything looks great, but with the hot Brazilian fashions, and Rosita’s sexy lace, I think Allie will be bowled over!”

  “You really want me to model too?”, Sasha asked.

  “Yes!”, Lori and I answered in unison.

  “Then, yes, I’ll do it!”, Sasha replied.

  “I think that will work great!”, I began explaining. “We’ll leave tomorrow afternoon after the mail is delivered, usually that’s around threeish. We’ll spend the night in Houston, and the next morning, I’ll meet with Al, and get us set up, while you girls fly out to Oklahoma City. That afternoon, you’ll be back and we’ll get to work. We’ll let Rosita fly back here and pick up Lori’s boxes that we haven’t been through yet, and when she returns to Houston we’ll have everything, and everyone, that we need, all in one place.”

  “Sounds like a plan, Stan!”, Sasha cackled.

  “I’m excited!”, Lori answered.

  “I bet Rosita’s really excited!”, Lori said.

  “Well, the Donovan lady died today actually, and tomorrow will be Rosita’s last day there, just to meet the family and get things squared off. So, it’s a mixed emotions day for her.”

  “Oh, wow! Poor Rosita!”, Lori commented.

  “Poor Mrs. Donovan!”, I said. “She’s the one that’s dead. Rosita may be looking at the opportunity of her life.”

  “Still, you know that she is sad. She worked for that old widow woman for some years. They had to be at least a little close. Go easy on her the next few days Cowboy, and be considerate that she’s had a personal loss.”

  “What? Am I some kind of creatine now? Of course, I’ll be good to Rosita. I love the girl too you know!”

  “I didn’t mean anything by that Cowboy, my heart just feels for someone when they have a loss like this. You’ve been through it, so you know.”

  “Yes, I do. So, don’t worry about how I’ll treat Rosita.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry Cowboy.”

  “I’m a little worried about both of you.”, Sasha interrupted.

  “Why?”, we both said at the same time.

  “Because you haven’t been able to have any alone time with each other for the last few days. I’ve had more alone time with Babe than you have Lori. I think you guys need that, and its making you a little edgy with each other.” Lori and I looked at each other.

  “I think she’s right.”, we both said together.

  “See your doing that shit again!”, Sash pointed out. “Having the same thought, and saying the same thing, at the same time. While that’s real cool and all, and shows how much you both are on the same page, I think it also shows that you need to commune with each other more, or you would be more in harmony than just in lockstep sync. It’s just a theory, but I think that with my twat being a little sore from the workout with Babe earlier this afternoon, I’ll just sleep on the sofa tonight if you two don’t mind?”

  “That’ll work for us
Shug!”, Lori quickly replied.

  “Thanks for that insight, Sash.”, I added.

  “Are you going to call Al again tonight?”, Sash asked.

  “Right now, in fact.”, I replied.

  “Can I listen in? I’ve never met anyone that rich in my life.”

  “Oh, you may have Sash,” I ventured, “and just didn’t realize it at the time. Al is the most down to earth guy you’d ever want to meet. He has a bigger than life body and personality, but still, he has no pretensions. He’s just what you see is what you get, good old Al!”

  “Well for fuck’s sake, call him so we can get this dog and pony show on the road.”, Sasha shot back.

  “Or maybe, in the air!”, Lori chimed in. Sasha nodded grinning.

  When I called Al and told him our plans to fly out tomorrow afternoon, and that I would meet with him, hitting the ground running on his problem, he was thrilled. He also suggested that we stay in his guest house, and headquarters our work there, while we were in town. He felt that under the circumstances of who our enemy was, it would be safer under his security umbrella, and more comfortable for us, than in a hotel.

  Plus, he offered to have a car, or cars as we may need, at our disposal. I knew that Al probably felt more comfortable having us in close proximity to him also. What a great client! I had once seen his house, and guest house, and the guest house put my tree house to absolute shame. His house was, of course, a real freaking mansion. The girls were all really going to be in for a treat, and also some long hours and hard, boring work. This assignment also held a promise, to be a very good payday for us. I was elated. The girls were excited. And, I was keeping my fingers crossed on this one.

  Later that night, with Sasha zonked out on the sofa, Lori and I crawled into our bed together, alone at last. Although we were both exhausted from the day, finally laying naked with our bodies intertwined, that magnetism that had first drawn us together, back in that old Texas barn, took over, and we found ourselves making sweet, slow, passionate, love.

  Sex between us that night was once again a spiritual type of experience for both of us. It wasn’t wild sex, just tender sex. It wasn’t earth moving, but it moved both of us. It was a shoring up of our bonds. Any fog between us was cleared, and once again our love and passion for each other came through all of the other clutter of life, and reaffirmed itself as the prime priority for both of us.

  Even though our orgasms were separate and much softer landings than some of the crashing and screaming ones we’d had in the past, we were still left completely spent, and fully satisfied. In the darkness, our dreams meshed, and as one, we slept peacefully in each other’s arms. Sasha had been one hundred percent correct, and absolutely did the right thing in placing us in our bed alone for that night. We really needed that, and it put us well on track for the ordeal that we all would face in Houston.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Our Next Assignment

  Thoroughly preparing for a trip, means way more than just properly packing.

  I awoke with someone repeatedly, and gently, whispering Babe in my ear. I cracked one eye open and saw nothing but a massive, beautiful, pair of tits dangling near my face. I cracked open the other eye and recognized the large brown nipples.

  “Sasha, what is it?”, I moaned.

  “Sal’s here. I’ve brought you and Lori a cup of coffee. I raised up slightly in the bed and saw, that she indeed did have a mug of coffee in each hand. The mugs had been hidden just around the sides of her sumptuous rack.

  “Sugar Tits, you are definitely worth keeping around.”, I said, taking the mug out of her left hand.

  “Thanks, Babe!”, she said quietly, and smiling. I raised a little higher in the bed and leaned over to kiss her, with her leaning in to meet me halfway.

  “Thanks for last night, Sash. The alone time for Lori and me was just what we needed to reinforce our connection. You are a very wise woman.”

  “That goes double for me.”, Lori sleepily spoke with a raspy voice, rolling over to face Sash and me. “Did you say that you have coffee? Oh, I smell it now! Oh Shug, you are so sweet!”

  “I was just telling her, that she’s definitely a keeper.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t take anything for Shug.”, Lori said, leaning over me to reach for the mug in Sasha’s right hand.

  “Thanks,”, Sasha said, smiling sweetly, “you know that I’m crazy about both of you.” Her blue eyes sparkled. After taking a sip of her coffee, Lori raised herself a little higher in the bed and leaned across me to kiss Sasha, who also met her halfway.

  “This trip, with the four of us together is going to be the greatest thing I ever did.”, Sasha gushed.

  “I’m looking forward to it.”, I said.

  “Me too!”, Lori chirped. Sasha suddenly leaned in close to us and whispered, “Then will you both do me a favor?”

  “Sure, what Sash?”, I whispered hoarsely.

  Raspily she whispered back, “Please get up, and help me get Sal the fuck out of here! We’ve got shit to do to get ready!”

  “Sure, Sugar tits.”, I said standing and slowly moving toward the bedroom door with my mug in my hand.

  “Cowboy?”, Lori called after me.

  “What is it Sweetheart?”, I answered

  “You might want to put on your robe, and go pee first. Your morning wood is really out there.” Sash giggled.

  “That didn’t scare her off a couple of days ago.”, I quipped, turning back toward the bathroom. “I don’t know why it would now. C’mon Lori, get up. You need to get your packages from Sal, and the stuff you bought for Sasha.”

  “Oh, I got you some really neat stuff Shug!”, Lori said sleepily bubbling. “Flats galore, plus yoga pants, and tank tops for us to wear around the house, and a couple of those Brazilian designed dresses that Rosita and Cowboy are crazy about. Of course, I like them too, and I hope they’re something that you’ll like. I think they’ll look great on you, especially with the cleavage that you’ve got to show off!”

  “Well c’mon! Let’s go see!”, Sasha said, catching Lori’s excitement. Knowing that the women were on their way to meet Sal, I took my time and enjoyed my mug of coffee, then trimmed and edged my beard, and showered.

  Finally dressed for the day, I made my appearance in the kitchen to pour myself a second cup of coffee. There were shopping bags and shoe boxes everywhere, but I could hear the women’s voices coming from the den/new office. In there, boxes and shopping bags were everywhere too, along with the three women, all in various stages of dress, or undress.

  “Ladies!”, I said loudly to get their attention. “I only want to remind you, that in a few hours we have to be on a chopper to Houston.” Realizing at that point, that Sal was dressed in a shorty, ultra-see-through, nighty thing, with nothing under it but a tiny G string, I averted my eyes and moved toward the old office that we were clearing for Sasha. However, her exposure before me hadn’t seemed to bother her in the least. Since her sessions with the girls, I was certainly beginning to see a different Sal that I never knew existed before. I certainly hoped that things between Aug and her stayed on the happy trail.

  “Cowboy, another twenty minutes and we’ll be done, then another ten, and all of this will disappear.”, Lori called after me. “I promise!” I waved my hand behind me as my acknowledgement.

  In in the old office, I sat down in side chair that had been shifted to the middle of the floor in all of the disarray of rearranging. There I sat, sipping my coffee, viewing my various rifles and shotguns, aligned down the wall, and began to think about what weapons we might need to take to Houston with us.

  Lori, Sasha, and I would of course carry the side arms that we already had, but I wasn’t even sure if Rosita had ever fired a weapon, or knew how to use them. I knew that Al had security on his estate, but that was the rent-a-cop minimum, hardly worth the money he spent on it, except for show. His alert and monitoring system was second to none, but what’s the point in knowing that a home invasion is happenin
g, if you don’t have something to fight back with?

  Knowing that we were most likely dealing with Milinni’s crowd, made me anxious; very anxious. I had already seen the kind of firepower he traveled with, back at the barn in Texas. The ensemble of two choppers full of men, armed with AR’s and handguns, was nothing to be scoffed at. My instinctive paranoia had kept me alive through many incidents that otherwise would have been deadly. I wasn’t going to let go of it now.

  Within a few minutes, I had decided to take two of the AR-15’s and the little pump twenty-gauge shotgun, that I still had from my youth. It was light weight, easy to point and shoot, without much kick, and yet, still deadly. If push came to shove, Rosita could, with a little instruction, probably handle it, and I knew that Lori or I could. If our space, and weight limits hadn’t been so tight on the chopper, I would have taken more, but with an appropriate amount of ammo, this selection, would have to do.

  Ninety-five percent of the time when I traveled, weapons weren’t necessary. I hoped that this trip would be a ninety-five percenter, because if it was a five percenter, and against Milinni, it could be a major shit-hit-the-fan event. After casing up the three weapons, and piling boxes of ammo on top of them to take with us, I sat a little longer thinking about the assignment, and the whole trip and process.

  Now that Rosita could definitely go with us, we really needed to also bring along all of those boxes of Lori’s evidence and information on Milinni. Rosita could get it scanned and entered, to cross match against what we found in Al’s system, and what Sasha was able to research out from that. I just couldn’t figure a way to get all of those boxes there, without someone driving the boxes out to Houston, or sending Rosita back on the chopper, to pick them up. Both ways, would be huge time burners. Shipping them would cost a bunch of time and money. And, time was not a luxury in this assignment.

  I decided that I needed to call Al back and see just how much bulk and weight we could bring on the chopper. I sat down my coffee cup to go get my throwaway phone, and the keys to Little Poss, and stepped back into the den/new office, not thinking to announce myself. Never do that if you can remember to not. Sal was standing buck naked, save a pair of black spike heels on her feet, hands on her hips, which were shoved forward, showing off her blonde dyed, Brazilian waxed, diamond style, pubic patch to Sasha and Lori. Of course, from my almost front-on angle, I caught the full view of her, smoking, five feet and eleven inch frame, of pure sexual hotness. Even though, I immediately, (well, almost immediately), averted my eyes toward the opposite door, and rushed toward it, I must say, she was drop dead, gorgeous, hot!


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