Storming Love Blizzard Kimo & Mike

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Storming Love Blizzard Kimo & Mike Page 3

by Neil S. Plakcy

  “What’s the matter?”

  “It feels like I pulled a muscle in my back. Maybe I should have taken it easier on the slopes today, but I was having such a good time I just wanted to keep going and going.”

  “Lie down on the bed and I’ll give you a back rub,” I said. Anticipating that opportunity, I had packed a big bottle of the orange-scented massage oil we both liked, and as Mike stripped down I hunted for it in my big duffle bag.

  When I looked up again, Mike was naked, lying on his stomach on the king-sized bed. Just seeing his naked body got me going, and my dick began to stiffen as I stripped off my shirt and long pants, my socks and shoes, leaving my boxers on.

  I stood beside him, squeezed some oil onto my hands, and began a light pressure on his shoulders with the palms of my hands. Mike groaned with pleasure beneath me. His head was sideways on the pillow, facing me, and he saw my erection pressing against my boxers.

  “You are such a horn dog,” he said.

  I used my knuckles against the stiff muscles of his upper back. “Is that a problem?” I asked. “Vinnie and Phil are probably in their room fucking like bunnies right now.”

  “Is that who you’re thinking of? Vinnie and Phil?”

  “Vinnie is sex on legs,” I said, taking long strokes down Mike’s back. I liked the silky way his back hair felt under my hands. “I see why you crushed on him so much in college.”

  “I lied, you know,” Mike said. His voice was partly muffled by the pillow. “I did scope out his dick in college. We were at a frat party one night, and both of us had to take a leak at the same time. There was just a single toilet so we shared the bowl.”

  “Kinky,” I said. “You and I have done that.”

  “Yeah, but you and I have done a lot more than that,” Mike said. “I couldn’t help taking a look at his dick as he let loose.”

  “How was it?”

  “Like Phil said, Vinnie’s not the most endowed guy in the world. Very average, in my opinion.”

  “Unlike you,” I said. Mike’s dick was thicker and longer than mine, though he was a shower, not a grower—it didn’t get any bigger when he got hard. Mine swelled at least an inch or two when it was fully erect, as it was right then.

  “Yeah. For the longest time, the only dicks I ever saw were my own, and ones in magazines. So I kind of thought everybody was my size.”

  “And wouldn’t the world be a better place then.” I found the muscle that had caused Mike to yelp when he bent over, and he winced under me. I added more oil to my hands and moved slowly back and forth over the muscle until I felt it relax.

  I tugged my boxers down and straddled Mike’s legs, my dick sticking out from my body at a forty-five degree angle. See, that’s where geometry comes in handy, I thought, as I bent over. Back in high school I had never realized that I’d be able to apply those concepts to sex. Maybe I’d have paid more attention if I had known.

  I kept rubbing Mike’s lower back. I keep most of my tension in my shoulders, while his rests in that smooth area just above his shapely butt. After so many years together, we knew those things about each other, which added to our pleasure. Sometimes, though, I did want to try something new.

  “You ever think about fooling around with Vinnie and Phil?” I asked, as I ran an oily finger along the top of Mike’s crack.

  “No!” he said. He tried to get up, but I was holding him down. “You are not going to fuck around with my college buddy.”

  “Easy, tiger,” I said. “It was just a question.”

  Mike and I had dated for a while, then broken up after he had sex with a random guy while he was out of town at a conference. After a lot of angst and drama and unfettered lust, we got back together, and we had been monogamous since then, with a single exception—a guy we had invited into our bed when we were on vacation. It had been fun, but we had both agreed afterward that we liked just being a twosome.

  “I don’t want you saying anything to them,” Mike said. “You see how Phil is. You say one thing and he’s going to twist it.”

  “What’s the matter?” I asked, as my finger went farther into Mike’s crack. “You afraid I’ll dump you for Vinnie? He is pretty hot, after all.”

  “Not as hot as I am,” Mike said. He rolled over onto his back so I could oil up his chest and abs. His fat dick waved hello.

  I began rubbing the oil into his chest, straddling him so that our dicks met. Though we’d just had sex the night before I was horny for him. I slid my body down so that it rested on his and began a slow, gentle frottage.

  Then we heard the sound of glass shattering.

  “What was that?” I asked, sitting up. Voices were raised in the living room, sounding like Chris and Jenny.

  “Domestic drama,” Mike said. He tugged on my shoulder. “Come back to me.”

  Something else broke, and I said, “We’d better check it out before someone gets hurt.”

  I grabbed my swim trunks, which had dried out after the whirlpool visit the night before, and hurried out to the living room. Chris was bleeding from a cut to his face, and there were shard of glass and pottery around him and Jenny.

  “I hate you, I hate you!” she was screaming. “I hope you die. I hope you ski right off that mountain and land at the bottom of a ravine so deep they never find your body!”

  Vinnie and Phil came out of their bedroom. Vinnie wore a pair of boxer briefs that hugged his body, and Phil wore a terrycloth robe, and from the way they looked I guessed that they’d been fooling around just like Mike and I had.

  Jenny had another glass vase in her hand and she was poised to throw it at Chris. “Say something, asshole!” she screamed. “Look at you. Like a stone. Like you just don’t give a shit about me or anything else.”

  “Easy, slugger,” I said, as I walked slowly over to Jenny. “Trashing the condo isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “I don’t want to trash the condo. I want to kill him!”

  “Not on my watch.” I grabbed the arm that had the vase in it and immobilized it, pulling it behind her. She dropped the vase, which bounced off the sofa beside her.

  “That hurts!” she said.

  “It only hurts when you struggle,” I said. “You calm down, and it won’t hurt a bit.”

  Mike had come out of our room by then, wearing another of the terrycloth robes that had been provided for us, though his was short and tight on his big body. He, Vinnie and Phil watched the drama playing out. Jenny relaxed and I let go of her arm, and she turned to me and began to sob against my bare shoulder. Her tears stung against my skin.

  “Come on, Chris, let’s get that cut taken care of,” Mike said, and he and the other two guys led Chris down the hall toward Vinnie and Phil’s bedroom.

  Jenny and I sat down on the couch. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I can’t believe I did that,” she said. “I’ve never hurt Christopher before.”

  I had seen a lot of domestic abuse cases, and I knew that they rarely just sprang up like that, but I didn’t push her. “Want to tell me what happened?”

  “He’s such an ice cube,” she said. “He has no human feeling whatsoever.”

  “Whereas you’re the exploding volcano?” I asked. “Fire and ice? Opposites stop attracting?”

  She smiled. “I guess I was being kind of volcanic,” she said. “It’s just that there are things wrong in our marriage and I can’t convince Christopher to focus on them.”

  “Have you tried counseling?”

  She nodded. “The counselor says we need to talk more. But every time I try, Chris shuts down.”

  “Do you still love him?”

  “What’s love got to do with it?” she asked.

  “Well, Tina Turner,” I said, and she smiled. “If you still love him, then you keep trying to make things work. If you don’t, then you give everybody, including your kids, a break, and you move on.”

  She started to cry again, and I put my arm around her shoulder and held her close.

  When she stopped, she said, “I do still love him. I think that’s why I get so mad at him. If I didn’t care I’d have walked out a long time ago.”

  From what she’d told me about their financial situation, I doubted that. “Then you have to keep on trying,” I said.

  Mike came into the room. “How are things here?” he asked.

  “I’m okay,” Jenny said, and she stood up. “But I want Chris to sleep out here tonight.”

  That wasn’t exactly the way I would have “tried” to make my relationship work, but at least it meant the rest of us could get a good night’s sleep.

  Jenny went into the room she had been sharing with Chris, and Phil helped Chris make up the sofa bed. Mike and I went back to our room. “Too much drama,” he said.

  “Hey, they’re your friends,” I said.

  “I want them to be yours, too,” he said.

  “Vinnie and Phil, maybe,” I said. “But I’ll pass on Chris and Jenny, at least until after the divorce.”

  “Is that what she said to you? That she wants a divorce?”

  I shook my head. “The opposite. But I can see the signs. Did Chris say that she’s hit him before?”

  Mike shifted uncomfortably.

  “She has, hasn’t she?” I said.

  He nodded. “Chris didn’t want to say, but eventually he did. She gets excited, and she throws things, she hits him. Once she even cut him with a kitchen knife.”

  “It’s hard for guys to admit stuff like that. But men can be abused, too.” I looked at him. “We argue and fight sometimes, but you never feel like I’m abusing you, do you?”

  Mike smiled. “You mean like last night, when you forced your dick into my ass?” He reached his hand out to me. “No, K-Man, I never feel like you’re abusing me. I know that I can take anything you dish out, and you can do the same.”

  I took his hand and squeezed. “Maybe they’ll go home tomorrow,” I said. “Then we can enjoy the rest of the trip.”

  “Maybe not,” he said. “Have you looked outside lately? It’s a real blizzard.”

  It was so comfortable snuggling up next to Mike in bed, warm and cozy, while the snow raged outside. It snowed all through the night, and when we woke the next morning the lifts and slopes were closed and we were stuck in the condo.

  Someone, maybe Chris, had cleaned up all the broken glass and pottery from the living room. All six of us gathered around the gas fireplace after breakfast. “I’ll pay for the damages,” Chris said to Vinnie. “You just let me know what they charge.”

  “I’m very sorry that happened,” Jenny said. “I let my temper get the best of me, and it wasn’t polite to do that in front of all of you.”

  “Polite?” Chris said. “That’s a mild word for it. You embarrassed me in front of my friends. How am I supposed to feel like a man around them when you treat me that way?”

  Here we go again, I thought.

  “You aren’t any less of a man because your wife got angry at you,” Phil said.

  “She might as well cut my dick off,” Chris said. “She’s a controlling, castrating bitch, and I’m done.” He turned to her. “I want a divorce, and I want custody of the boys. I don’t want them anywhere near you and your toxic attitudes.”

  “You bastard!” Jenny screamed, and she launched herself at Chris.

  I grabbed her, and she scratched my arm as she fought against me. Chris seemed to want a piece of her too, so Mike and Vinnie had to hold him back.

  While we all tussled, Phil was on the phone. By the time we got Chris and Jenny calmed down, Phil said, “We got lucky. A couple who were due in today couldn’t get in because of the storm, and their unit is free.” He looked at Chris and Jenny. “It’s number two fourteen. Pack your bags and get out. I won’t let you ruin Vinnie’s vacation.”

  “Phil,” Vinnie said.

  “I’m with Phil,” I said. “Mike and I spent a lot of money to come out here for a fun trip, and I’m not going to let a pair of bitchy breeders spoil things for us either.”

  Everybody began arguing. Mike insisted that it wasn’t my decision to make. Vinnie pled with Phil that Chris was his friend, that they could work things out. Chris and Jenny blamed each other and refused to share a unit together.

  “This unit is registered in my name,” Phil announced, over the racket. “If Chris and Jenny don’t get the fuck out of here, I will call the police and have them removed.”

  I had always assumed that Vinnie was the boss in their relationship, because he had the more macho personality, because he was bigger and stronger and dominated conversations. But it was clear from that encounter that Phil was the one in charge.

  “I’ll find a hotel room,” Chris said, and he stalked back toward the bedroom he had been sharing with Jenny.

  “I want to talk to you,” Mike said to me, and he nodded toward our room. I followed him down the hall.

  “You had no right to speak to Chris and Jenny that way,” he said, once we were inside, with the door closed behind us. “They’re my friends, and it should be my decision whether I want them to stay or go.”

  “Funny how yesterday you wanted them to be our friends,” I said. “Here’s a concept, sweetheart, which you should have figured out by now. I will do everything I can to protect you and make your life better. That’s what I do. Protect and serve.” That was the motto of the Honolulu Police Department, where I had worked my whole adult life, and I had taken it to heart in many ways.

  “I don’t need you to protect me,” Mike said. “I’m an adult. I can take care of myself.” He walked to the door. “I’m going to help Chris pack. You can stay here.”

  He stalked out, careful not to slam the door behind him. A few minutes later there was a timid knock on the door. “Come in,” I said.

  It was Phil. “Mike pissed at you?” he asked. “Vinnie is about ready to blow a gasket.”

  “Come on in. We’ll commiserate.” We sat at a pair of chairs by the floor-to-ceiling window that looked out at the slopes, which were blanketed in white. The lift gondolas rocked gently in the wind but there was no one out on the slopes. The snow kept falling.

  “I wanted Vinnie to have a fun vacation,” Phil said. “He’s been under so much stress lately. Our management is cutting back on health and wellness, and he’s afraid he might lose his job.” Vinnie managed an employee gym for a big company, where Phil was a marketing executive.

  “I feel the same way,” I said. “Mike lost touch with his college friends until your wedding, and I was happy to see him get back together with Vinnie and Chris and the other guys. I didn’t want to come here, but Mike wanted to so badly that I gave in.”

  “Chris and Jenny are really toxic,” Phil said. “I don’t mind Chris so much, but put him together with Jenny and I want to run screaming from the room.”

  He looked around at our rumpled bed. “Speaking of which,” he said. “Everything comfy cozy in here?”

  I saw him notice the big bottle of massage oil. “Just fine,” I said.

  “Maybe once the breeders are gone we can all relax and have some fun,” Phil said, and there was no mistaking his meaning.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Mike and I are pretty traditional. Monogamy and all that.” I didn’t need to tell him about that vacation incident.

  “Vinnie and I are open to most anything,” Phil said. “He has a raging libido and I know he’s had a crush on Mike since college.”

  “Really? Mike says neither of them knew they were gay.”

  “Vinnie knew. He just figured Mike was too confused to do anything. He missed his chance by not trying to jump Mike’s bones before they graduated.”

  Mike appeared in the doorway to our room. “They’re both gone,” he said.

  Phil jumped up. “I’d better make sure Vinnie is okay.” He strode out of the room, leaving Mike and me alone together.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ve been feeling unbalanced on this trip, and I acted too quickly.”

ike sat in the chair beside me. “It’s what you do. You act before you think.”

  I started to protest, even though I knew he was right.

  “But that’s what I love about you,” he said. “You see something that needs to be fixed and you jump right in. I feel bad for Chris, though. We could have just kicked Jenny out and let Chris stay.”

  “Whatever’s wrong with them is both their faults,” I said. “Next time, if Chris is divorced, he can come on his own.”

  Mike nodded. “Yeah, I think that’s going to happen. I didn’t want to say anything to him, but I wouldn’t stay with anybody who hit me.”

  “Really?” I thought back to the times we had argued so much we’d punched each other in the arm, wrestled, and so on.

  “What we do is just roughhousing,” Mike said. “I have never once felt that you were acting violently toward me.”

  “Same here. And the best part of fighting with you is making up afterwards.”

  Mike raised his eyebrows. “Well, we did fight earlier, didn’t we? And we’re stuck inside as long as that storm rages outside.”

  We stood up at the same time, and Mike wrapped his arms around me and kissed me hard on the mouth. I put my hands on his butt and returned the kiss. As we pressed our bodies together, my dick stiffened and his did too.

  “Is this a private party, or can anybody play?”

  We looked up to see Vinnie and Phil in the doorway. Mike and I pulled apart, and I was sure that the guys could see we both had hard-ons. The next move was Mike’s, though I’d go along with whatever he wanted. This was his vacation, and I was determined that he enjoy it, even if it meant sharing him with his college crush and the crush’s husband.

  “Sorry, private party,” Mike said. He walked across the room to the door. “Vin-meister, I had a major hard-on for you in college, and I wish like hell we had fooled around back then. Might have helped me short-circuit some of my problems. But all that crap in the end led me to Kimo, and he’s all I want. Now and forever. So you guys will have to find some way to amuse yourselves while my partner and I fuck our brains out.”

  He closed the door as they both smiled, and then turned back to me. While the storm raged outside, we made our own heat, and we spent the rest of the trip enjoying each other’s company, on and off the slopes.


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