Devil You Know

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Devil You Know Page 14

by L. A. Fiore

  Trouble was brewing and the priority was to keep it from touching her. And if that meant I had to watch her from the sidelines—the life I had foisted on her—that was my penitence for not holding on with both hands to what I had when I had it.

  Checking my watch it was after four. The cleaning crew had finished an hour before. I locked up and headed upstairs, stripping on my way to the shower. Thinking about Thea that night at my gym, the man that had his fucking hands on her, touching her like he owned her, had bloodlust burning through me. Did she deal with that shit often? It was part of the reason I wanted her brought up to speed. She was a trusting soul and would unknowingly welcome the fox right into the hen house. She had said the only thing worse than a life without me was a world without me in it. I hadn’t appreciated how right those words were until she was the one flirting with potential trouble. Her apartment still had only that one piece of shit lock. A lock I could kick in with little effort. How had Cam let that go all these years? I intended to rectify that immediately.

  It was only after six when I left my apartment. Thea wouldn’t be up yet. Tough shit. Her safety was more important than her fucking beauty rest.

  I woke in the morning to the sound of someone pounding on my door. It was too early for this, particularly since I hadn’t fallen asleep until three in the morning. I grabbed my robe and on the way to the door I formulated all the nasty comments I intended to share with whatever asshole felt it okay to bother me so early. Yanking the door open, all those scathing remarks went right out of my head at the sight of an irate Damian. His expression was so sour he would make a flower wilt.

  “It is too early for this.”

  He pushed into my apartment. “You need better locks.”

  What? Where the hell did that come from? Yes it was true I could use better locks on my door, but why the hell did he feel the need to share that discovery with me at this godforsaken hour.

  “Why are you here now?”

  “Stupid that you’ve been living here with that shit on your door.”

  “What is stupid is that I have to deal with an enraged and unwelcomed Neanderthal first thing in the morning. This could have been discussed later, like after lunch. Why are you here now?”

  He ignored my question. The man was on a mission to lock down my apartment when he said, “I’ll send someone over later to add the locks and a security system.”

  “That’s very kind, but not necessary.”

  “I’m not asking, Thea.”

  “You never do.” I could argue with him but it would be about as productive as slamming my head into a wall, repeatedly.

  He seemed to be assessing the safety of my apartment, walking around the place like he owned it. He even walked into my bedroom. And me, the fool that I was, watched him because despite why he was here, I really liked seeing him in my apartment…specifically my bedroom. Now I was tired and horny. Fabulous.

  “I would like to go back to sleep now that we’ve taken care of this most pressing issue, so I’ll show you to the door if you’re done.”

  He was already making his exit. “I’ll be back with my guy later today.”

  “Yeah, you said that already, I’ll be here.”

  He walked out without another word. What the hell had that been all about? Sure, I needed better locks, it was something I should have taken care of before this, but the building had never had any trouble. That wasn’t an excuse, but I had only just learned of the need for extra caution. My temper had definitely been stirred by Damian’s continued high-handedness, but I acknowledged he was acting as he was because he still cared.

  Damian had shown up with his friend as threatened. He stayed only long enough to get his man into my apartment. Carlton had spent hours installing the alarm system and then another hour teaching it to me. It had been two days since I got my alarm and even though I had already felt safe in my apartment, I felt even more so having the place locked up like Fort Knox.

  I was at the grocery store in need of a sugar fix, scanning the offerings in the bakery, when the kid behind the counter asked, “Thea, what can I get you?”

  We were on a first name basis. “Hey, Kenny. I’m thinking the sticky bun cake because that icing looks good, but I had a date not too long ago and he went on and on about risk. Now he’s got me thinking about what I eat. I’m only thirty-one, but it’s a downhill trip to forty and then fifty and even though fifty is the new forty, it’s still fifty. Which apparently my neighbor thinks I look close to, trying to hook me up with our new neighbor who is in his fifties. Not to mention I’ve had to deal with a blast from the past, a very welcomed, sexy and slightly irritating blast from the past.”

  “So am I boxing one of these beauties for you or do you want something else?”

  He looked humored by my indecision; the line of people behind me waiting for their sweets looked annoyed.

  “I’ll get the sticky bun cake.”

  “Good choice.”

  I apologized to the people waiting. I tended to get carried away when sweets were involved. It was while I stood waiting that I saw Damian. At first I thought he was a hallucination because I had started to daydream about him, thought about him at night too, but I realized he wasn’t a figment of my imagination. The man I was even now trying to forget through a nearly lethal dose of sugar stood in my grocery store. The sight itself wasn’t a foreign one because he and I had done countless trips to the grocery store for Mom growing up, but looking at his body I suspected the experience would be a very different one now.

  He walked toward me and I had always loved watching him move, but seeing all that was Damian Tate now moving in my direction was a sight I could seriously get used to. He curled his back to lower his head and the scent of him had a moan burning in the back of my throat because I remembered that scent, thought of it often while in bed. “You’re using the alarm?”

  Not the words I wanted to hear. I would have much preferred my name or something sweet and dirty or better yet no words at all—just the lowering of his mouth another inch so he could kiss me. My reply wasn’t very enthusiastic. “Yes and thank you.”

  “Anton and I want to talk with you.”


  “Is now good?”

  I guess I wouldn’t be indulging in my nearly lethal dose of sugar. “Sure.”

  “Kenny, I can’t take that with me right now.”

  “Do you want me to hold it?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be back later.”

  “You got it.”

  Damian and I didn’t speak as we walked to the car. We also drove in silence. When we reached the club he led me to Anton’s office, which was located in the back, and still I saw quite a bit. Anton’s associates had gathered, some of which I recognized from pictures on the news. These men were what legends were made of—the kind of mobsters depicted in the movies and books…the kind who would kill their mothers to secure a deal. I had only caught a glimpse, but they were very easily recognizable, because like Anton, they were practically celebrities…Dominic Ferrari, Salvatore Federico and Sylvie Dane. It was the juxtaposition of Anton against the older men that held my attention. He was younger and unlike the big brawny bulldogs, he reminded me of a dagger, a dangerously sharp, but beautiful dagger. When he struck, I bet you didn’t see him coming. He might look cultured, but Anton came from a place far worse than most would ever see. I didn’t know the specifics, but I did know he had clawed his way out of a dark and ugly place. And even with all the polish he had now, those demons he had battled back and leashed still lived inside him.

  I was shown into Anton’s office, the man himself appearing a few minutes later.

  “What’s going on, Anton?”

  “Please have a seat.”

  “I have a feeling I need to be standing for this news.”

  Anton and Damian shared a look before Anton said, “What Cam didn’t share with you the other night is part of what he’s investigating involves an associate of mine who isn’t a fan o
f NYPD poking their noses into his business.”

  The first trickle of alarm moved through me and I did sit, dropped right into the chair behind me. Cam wasn’t just looking into dirty cops but also gangsters. Had Dad been too? Was that why he’d been killed?

  “Thea?” I focused back on Anton before I slid my gaze to Damian, who was leaning up against the wall opposite the door. The pieces fell into place. “That’s why you resigned your commission, why you moved back home. To help Cam figure out what happened to Dad.”


  I was up and across the room wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my face to his chest to hide my tears. “Thank you. I’m sorry I gave you a hard time the other night.”

  I’d caught him off guard, but he didn’t hesitate in pulling me closer. I didn’t want to let go, but I did. And a glance at him showed he wasn’t unaffected by the moment because his eyes were darker than usual. My legs were just about useless so I didn’t walk back to Anton’s desk and instead took a seat on the much closer sofa.

  I had forgotten Anton was in the room until he said, “Damian is helping Cam with ferreting out some information.” There was understanding in his expression as he studied me. “We’re concerned about you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “Your Cam’s sister and if those he is investigating catch wind of what he’s doing, it is possible they will seek leverage to make him drop the case.”

  That had a shiver of fear moving down my spine. “You think it’s possible someone might come after me?”

  “Remote, but it’s not a chance we are willing to take,” Anton said.

  I was a little slow, but I was catching up. “That would explain your early hour visit from the other day about the locks on my door.”

  Damian didn’t reply but he didn’t need to.

  “That was all you had to say as to why you were so insistent on the alarm system.” I raised my hand to stop his interjection, not that he was falling all over himself to reply. “I realize the man you are now seems to hoard words like a little kid with a shiny new toy. Still when you drag a woman from bed before the sun rises, it is best to be clear as to why you are doing so.”

  His grin in reply mesmerized me, enough that I just stared at him until the grin turned into a wicked smile then I shifted my attention back to Anton because I was feeling reckless and now was not the time. “Do you think Mom, Kimber and Ryder are on the radar?”

  “Kimber and Ryder probably not, but your mom…we’ve got her covered.”

  “You have someone watching my mom?”

  “Her trainer is one of Damian’s.”

  My head once again jerked to Damian. “Yoga man is one of yours?”He was stuck on the nickname; me, I was relieved to hear of the connection to Damian because otherwise the way they met was just plain weird.

  “Did you have someone on me?”

  “We’ve all been, Cam, Damian and me but doing it on the down low. We’re stepping that up and Damian wants point.”

  Damian had been acting rather distant with me so hearing he wanted point both puzzled and excited me. I couldn’t focus on that though because I was worried about why they felt they needed to up their game. “If this conversation was meant to reassure me, I’m not feeling very reassured.”

  “The more information you have the better prepared you’ll be to protect yourself.”

  “True, but you’re only giving me bits and pieces.”

  Anton walked around his desk and settled on the corner of it. “Think it through, Thea. Your dad was working on a case that might have involved dirty cops. In the middle of that investigation...”

  I had already thought of that and yet hearing it spoken out loud wasn’t easy.

  Anton noticed because he softened his voice when he added, “It can’t be overlooked. Plus, you were the executor of your dad’s will.”

  I had been staring at my lap as I twisted my fingers, but that comment from Anton earned him my attention. I had been executor. Dad knew Mom wouldn’t be able to handle it. And in her shoes, if it had been Damian, I wouldn’t have either. “Someone might think he left something regarding the investigation and I found it while going through his things?”

  “It’s all conjecture, but we would be fools to not consider all the possibilities and plan accordingly.”

  “What about Cam? Wouldn’t it be more likely that they would go after him, like they had with Dad?” The thought had tears stinging my eyes.

  “He’s smart and knows the kind of people he is dealing with.” My dad had been smart too. Anton waited until my gaze met his. “These precautions are likely all for nothing, but it is better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Does Cam know you’re talking to me?”

  “Yes. He wanted to be here but he couldn’t get away and didn’t want us to wait.”

  “I’ll do whatever you think is necessary.”

  “I don’t think it will be for a long duration.” Anton checked his watch. “But sadly, I have other business to see to.”

  “I’ll take you home,” Damian said as he moved to join me.

  “Do you also have other business?”

  I got a raised brow from Damian in response.

  “What I mean to say is if you need to come back to this part of town, seeing me home is silly…not with rush hour traffic. I’ll get a cab. You can walk me to it and I’ll even call you when I get home.”

  Anton and Damian shared another look before Damian lifted his chin in agreement. Anton pressed a kiss on my cheek, looked behind me to Damian, and then walked from the room.

  Damian and I didn’t speak as we walked outside and waited for a cab. A yellow car turned the corner and Damian stepped into the street. He didn’t need to put up a hand or whistle. His sheer size alone commanded attention. The cab pulled up.

  “Your phone,” he said.

  I handed it to him and he punched in his number. “Text me when you get home.”

  “I will.”

  He responded with a chin lift. He held the door for me, paid the cabbie and walked back inside before the cab even pulled from the curb.

  That night the girls came over and we had margaritas and painted our nails. I filled them in on the unnerving meeting I had had earlier with Anton and Damian. I hadn’t been able to think of much else. The idea that my dad could have been targeted, that Cam was following in those footsteps was terrifying. But the longer I thought on it, I just wasn’t so sure things were as dire as Anton made them sound. It had been over two years and if people feared Dad had information, information I might discover, wouldn’t they have approached before this?

  “Based on what you’ve shared, you seem pretty mellow,” Ryder said as she salted the glasses for the next round of drinks.

  “It could be the margaritas,” I said.


  “Seriously, I can’t think about Dad being targeted. It was hard enough losing him the way we did, but the idea he was killed because he was doing his job, and worse by another brother in blue, I can’t entertain that idea. Not yet.”

  “You might have to.”

  Ryder was right, at some point I might have to, but that point wasn’t now. “I know and I will if that time comes. And I’m completely willing to do whatever they think is necessary for me to stay safe, which is why I asked we hang out here tonight. But it is possible Anton and the others are seeing more danger than there is because they are conditioned to see danger.”

  Kimber reached for a nacho. “You mean the cop, the gangster and the black ops dude.”

  “I don’t know that Damian was in black ops, but yeah. It’s like conspiracy theorists that see something in everything. They are trained to see all the pitfalls even when they don’t exist.”

  “Possibly, but I’m glad you are listening because if they aren’t wrong…” Ryder said then added, “Does Mom know?”

  “Not yet. Not until they know more.”

  “Makes sense. I want to know about Damian. What is
he like now?”

  “He has always been intense but he is even more so because he has such a commanding presence, even being a silent one.”


  “He told me that he came home on the anniversary of Dad’s memorial to raise a glass at McGinty’s. I told him I would have joined him if he asked. He said he knew which was why he didn’t invite me.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Kimber asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. I asked him to clarify, not that it helped, he said after the way the last encounter went it seemed wiser to avoid temptation.”

  “Oh my God. That’s so awesome.” Ryder was jumping up and down, slushing her drink over the side of her glass.

  “Is it? He has been home a while and I’ve only just connected with him. And I know he’s working with Cam, but it only takes a minute to call. I can’t help but think he’s avoiding me, though he is going to be my shadow for the foreseeable future.” I took a sip of the sweetly sour drink; the icy concoction went down very smoothly. “I’m not going to lie. I’ve waited a long time to be this close to him, to have him back in my life, but he’s different now.”

  “Different how?”

  “He’s in his head more. Not that he was ever big on talking but he seems even less so now. There is a very good possibility that I’ll slowly go insane from all the silence.”

  “I think insanity is a small price to pay to be in the company of a man like that.”

  Ryder tossed a chip at Kimber’s head. “You’re an idiot.”

  Kimber grabbed her glass. “Come on. No Tomorrow is starting.”

  And even if Damian was in his head more, he was back, he was home and he was going to be my shadow. I couldn’t wait.

  The following morning when I stepped outside it was to find Damian leaning against his black Maserati, looking at his phone. What a sight he made—all that beautifully muscled man leaning against a ridiculously sexy car. I indulged both my imagination and libido with the image of me flat on my back on that car and Damian over me, in me, all around me. My body burned at the thought. I should invest in one of those handheld fans because I predicted a lot of hot flashes in my future.


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