Given To The Alien: A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Romance (The Euthenian Battle Book 3)

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Given To The Alien: A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Romance (The Euthenian Battle Book 3) Page 3

by Ashley L. Hunt

  The sound of water falling fills the air and a damp mist can be felt. Then he turns a corner and there it is.

  A giant and magnificent waterfall. Brilliant, blue water falls over a silver cliff into a deep pool of dark blue water. Floating on the surface are a few large birds, white feathers cover their bodies and their beaks are lavender.

  “They are beautiful,” I say as Kerr pulls the vehicle to a stop.

  A chattering sound has me looking up into the tan branches of the pink leafed tree we parked under. “There’s one of the little primates now, Kataline.”

  I follow where his finger points and there it is. A tiny creature with little ears which stick straight up off its little round head. Large, dark brown eyes peer at me from a limb up high and it makes its descent towards me.

  Smaller than my hand it is as it comes swinging out of the tree and lands right on my shoulder. “Hello,” I say.

  It chatters like its telling me something and then it stops and smiles at me, revealing human-like teeth. Perfectly straight and white.

  Kerr smiles as he watches the little thing hold out one of its tiny hands and runs it over my cheek. “He likes you, Baby.”

  “How do you know it’s a he?” I ask as I wink at the thing and it winks back.

  “His head is dark brown and his body is white. The females are just the opposite.” Kerr reaches towards me and the little thing stands up on my shoulder and throws his hands out in front of him.

  It chatters away as if telling Kerr to go away. Kerr laughs and climbs off the vehicle. I get off and follow him to the water’s edge.

  From the side, you can see straight down and the bottom is silver just like the rock the fall runs over. “Do you suppose that’s real silver?” I ask.

  Kerr nods. “It is. There are many materials here that in most places are precious, but here they occur so much they aren’t even harvested.” He pulls his shirt off over his head. “Ditch the primate and your clothes and join me in the water.”

  The little guy looks at me and frowns then shakes his head while making that chattering sound again. I don’t think he wants me to get in the water.

  I take him gently off my shoulder and place him on the ground. “Sorry, little guy. My husband asked me to get into the water with him and I have to make him happy.”

  Pulling the dress off, I leave it on the shore and the little primate sits on top of the mound of dark blue silk as if protecting it. I give him a wave as I follow my husband into the warm water and he waves back at me then curls up and takes a nap on my dress.

  Kerr slips his arms around me as he swims us away from the edge. “You want to take him home, don’t you?”

  “He does seem to like me,” I say as I run my arms around Kerr’s neck.

  The water soaks his long hair as he takes us deeper. I can’t touch bottom and the odd sensation that something might come up and grab my legs has me wrapping them around his waist.

  His bulge presses against me and sends waves of need through my body. The greens in his blue-green eyes light up more than the rest and he smiles. “I love you, Kataline.”

  His lips touch mine at the same time a bunch of birds fly overhead and make little cooing sounds as they pass by. My heart flutters as it all seems too good to be true.

  He breaks the kiss and we look up to find the flock is made up of tiny blue birds and they’re looking at us. I blush. “Seems everyone here knows what we’re up to.”

  “And they seem happy about it,” he says as I hang onto him and he swims backwards towards the waterfall.

  A rainbow can be seen as we go under a heavy mist on the side of the waterfall. A natural ledge is there and Kerr picks me up and places me on it then climbs up next to me.

  He stands up and takes my hand and leads me along the ledge which is just behind the rushing waters of the falls. The sound is so loud it’s deafening.

  A light fills an area up ahead and when we get to it I can look up and see a hole in the top of a huge cavern which allows the sunlight to come into the large, open room.

  As we walk back further into it, the noise is less and Kerr stops and pulls me into his arms. “Beautiful, isn’t it, Kataline?”

  Silver glistens off the walls made from it. In places there are jewel-like colors of reds and blues. It is beautiful but none of it compares to the man who stands before me.

  My hands go through his wet hair and over his cheeks. I pull his face to mine and he kisses me. Strong arms wrap around my body and ease us to the cool cavern floor.

  Kerr’s touch always excites me and, this time, is no different. But this time, is different in the way he’s handling me. His hands run over my body as if he can’t get enough of me.

  His mouth is hard on mine and his body is rigid. One hand takes my breast, and he kneads it, roughly. The other takes my leg behind my knee and pulls it back to beside my ear and he plunges into me.

  It knocks my breath out of my lungs and I gasp with the hard thrust. But it has my body on fire for him and I find myself biting at his neck and clawing at his back as he pounds his body into mine.

  Without any warning, an orgasm hits me and I scream with the intensity of it. He growls and thrusts harder and faster. My body shakes with desire for him and I move my body with his.

  He fists my hair and pulls my head back, exposing my neck and his teeth bite into it. Heat floods through me and I shout, “Kerr!”

  Incessantly, he plunges into me over and over. His lips press against my ear. “You are mine. You are only mine.”

  I don’t have enough breath to even answer him, I just moan and arch up to him. His hand moves over my breast then my stomach and he splays his fingers over it.

  An ache begins deep inside me as his hand rests on my stomach. He holds his body over mine with the other one and looks into my eyes.

  The colors are morphed into one cerulean color and look stormy. “I’m about to fill you with my seed. You will have our child. Tell me you want it.”

  Though confusion is running through me, I answer, “I want it, Kerr. I want it more than anything I’ve ever wanted.”

  His hand grows hot on my stomach as he plunges into me deeper than before. Harder than before and his face begins to glow.

  He’s hot to the touch. My hands on his large biceps begin to burn as his body turns golden. His breathing is hard and rough and his heart is pounding so loud I can hear it even over the sound of the waterfall.

  Through the hole in the top of the cavern, a burst of white light comes in and hits Kerr in the middle of his back and he makes this terrible roaring sound which fills the huge caverns and echoes off the silver walls.

  Then I feel it. His cock jerks and maybe even twists from how it feels inside me. I scream as the extreme heat burns as it enters me.

  “Kerr! What’s happening?” It’s so hot I try to get away from him.

  I’m pinned between him and the floor. It’s so hot and it doesn’t stop. The pulsing keeps going and more fluid comes into me with each jerk of his huge cock which feels like it’s gotten even bigger while it’s climaxing.

  His teeth are clenched and his eyes are closed. Then the glow starts to fade. The beam of light goes away, and the heat begins to subside.

  And in that instant, one quick flash of the face of a small girl, with long dark hair moves through my mind. “I’m pregnant, aren’t I?”

  His body cools and the glow is gone, and he looks at me, his blue-green eyes less intense. His hand runs over my cheek and he smiles.

  He doesn’t answer with words. Instead, his lips take mine gently and he rests his weight on me. It’s a comforting burden. An oddly comforting pressure on me.

  I am going to be a mother!


  Lying naked underneath a tree on the bank, I look up into Kerr’s eyes. His fingers gently stroke my stomach. “In six thousand and four hundred hours you will have our first child.”

  “Wow! I had no idea it went that way, Kerr. So you knew all along what w
as going to happen when you brought me here?”

  He smiles sheepishly and nods. “I had heard about this planet and when we stopped here on our way to Earth I scouted around on my own and found the spring and the cavern and knew that’s where I wanted to make our first child.”

  “So you can make them when you want to?” I narrow my eyes at him. “Like, baby on demand?”

  He laughs. “I guess you could say that. When we get ready to have children the men have the ability to draw the egg to the right place inside the female. Then we focus really hard and bring out the sperm and super-focus it. And that’s how it happens.”

  “But on your planet the couples only have two kids each, right?” I ask not really understanding the process.

  “Yes, but our females only carry two eggs and you carry more than that. So we will see what’s in store for us.” His hand runs over my cheek. “You glow with our child already, Baby. I can’t wait to see her.”

  “Her? Are you able to control that as well?”

  He nods. “Tell you what, though. You can pick out the next place we make our next child and you can tell me what you want the baby to be and I’ll make sure I focus on that sex. It’ll all be up to you next time. The when, the how, and the what. Even though technically it’s up to me, I’m giving that to you as a gift.”

  “And what a gift that is, Kerr,” I say then pull him down to kiss me. “You are amazing and I’m lucky to have you. I cannot believe I’m going to be a mother.”

  He kisses the tip of my nose. “And you will be magnificent. I know you will.”

  “Kerr, this day has gone so well. Not a single twinge of pain have I had since we landed here. Perhaps we should never leave,” I say with a smile, knowing we have to leave.

  “If it were so easy, we would.” He frowns. “I need to get to the communication building at the port and see if I can get in contact with one of the guards we left to defend the palace.”

  “Perhaps you could get some insight into what’s happening there.” I smile and try to get up to leave.

  He holds me down. “Where are you going?”

  “You said…”

  His lips touch mine. “Not just yet, Baby.” His hands run over my sides, leaving warm trails behind them. “I want to taste you before we go back to the ship. I want to taste every sweet inch of your luscious body.”

  My arms run around his neck and my hands fist into his long hair. “Oh, well, I think there’s time for that then.”

  With one hot lick up the side of my neck, my body melts and he takes me away from this place and into the world only he and I know.

  And what a world it is!



  My stomach tenses with the guard’s words I hear coming from the communicator in the building at the port on Honra.

  “Caleb is here, Sire.” One of my most trusted guards, Zan, tells me.

  “Is he the one who started this?” I close my eyes and rub my temple.

  “No, Sire. He has committed to help, though. He is the new leader’s top advisor.” Zan’s voice is low as he’s hiding from whoever it is who has taken over the palace.

  “Tell me who it is, Zan. I need to know what we’re up against.” I wait and when no answer comes I say, “Zan, are you against me now too?”

  I cannot believe the man would stab me in the back. I never saw this coming. Not in a million years.

  “No one is against you, Prince. It is the King, and I have been sworn to secrecy about telling the leader’s name. A Euthenian. Just know as long as you do not try to defend your father, then you will be left alone.”

  “How can I not defend him, Zan? He is my father!” I begin to pace as my head is starting to hurt with how many people want my father dead.

  When did the Universe turn against him?

  “Once you come home and find out the truth you may not be so ready to defend the man who is your father, Prince. I wish like hell I could tell you everything. I really do,” Zan says then he whispers. “I must go. See you in a week, I pray.”

  The connection terminates, and I am left looking at the wall full of colorful pictures of all the different flowers on this planet.

  Zan didn’t seem upset about the take-over of the palace. Not even a little. And what is Caleb doing there? He went to the settlement because he wanted to.

  I invited the man to stay with us at the palace and enjoy the same type of life we did. He wanted to go out to the wilderness and live a simple life and find a simple wife.

  So why the change of heart just as the Earthling’s start an uprising?

  Caleb was like a brother to me and here he is all a part of it. I find my feet taking me to my father. He has to have an idea of who it is that is Euthenian and has such a hatred for him.

  In the shop at the front of the port, I see Kataline with my Aunt Nar. They seem to be picking out seeds and laughing as I walk up and take my aunt by the arm.

  “See her to the ship when her purchases are done. I need to speak with my father. It is no Earthling at the head of the uprising. It’s a Euthenian and one with a special hatred for my father.”

  Nar’s blue eyes go wide in shock. “Who would do such a thing?”

  I shake my head. “Zan could not tell me. He told me I could not defend my father, though. So I thought you should know that as you are one of his best supporters. I want you to stand down and let me handle it. I don’t want you hurt.”

  Her hand runs over my shoulder. “Nor I you, Kerr. But we can’t allow your father to be hurt either. Your mother would roll in her grave if we allowed anyone ever to hurt the man she loved more than life itself.”

  I nod in agreement but have no clue what we can do. “We do have many royals and guards behind us. Maybe we could manage to take them down. I don’t know. I guess this next week I’ll try to figure things out before we land on Euthenia.”

  With a nod from Nar, I walk away to talk to my father. “Wait, Kerr,” I hear my wife call out.

  I turn back and raise a brow in question. She makes her way to me and places her hand on my arm. “A name for our daughter has been running through my head a lot. I mean it has been there for a while now. Well, since we got on the ship as a matter of fact, but anyway, it’s Gleeu. We could call her Glee for short. Doesn’t that sound adorable?”

  My heart stops. “Did my aunt tell you my mother’s name?”

  She shakes her head. “What is it?”

  “Gleeu,” I say. “That is not an Earth name, Kataline.”

  She looks down at the floor and seems upset. “No, it’s not. It just came to me. Seriously. When I got on the ship it popped into my head. It’s been there since then and I recall it often. If it’s her name, we don’t have to use it. It was just an idea.”

  “We’ll discuss it later. I need to talk to my father. Nar will see you back to the ship,” I say then leave a kiss on her cheek.

  I turn around and take in a deep breath. The odd things just keep on occurring.

  How did my mother’s name pop into her head the very moment she walked onto the ship?

  My father sits in the courtroom with the captain of the Armada and a room full of guards. “Glad you could come and join us for the meeting to decide what our tactic will be once we reach Euthenia,” my father says.

  I look around and say, “My father and I need to talk. We can meet at the third moon before we go all the way back to Euthenia. There we can convene and discuss things. I’m not entirely sure going in with guns blazing is a good idea. I have found out it is not the Earthling’s who have taken over. It is one of our own.”

  The men look confused, and the captain asks, “Do you know who?”

  I shake my head. “My guard couldn’t tell me. There are some Earthlings at the palace and one has been named as the leader’s top advisor. Caleb is a warrior. He is a man to be taken seriously. And his devotion to the leader, a Euthenian, over us, has me concerned.”

  My father shakes his head. “Not Caleb.
He was such a good man.”

  “I know. And I, for one, am not ready to forget about how much we all respected one another. There has to be something we can do to get this uprising under control.” I pace back and forth as my father begins to pour a couple of drinks.

  Amazingly, he hands one to me and I place it on the table nearest me. If the man thinks anything he hands me will pass through my lips again, he really has gone mad.

  His eyes rest on the full glass I sit it down and he says, “Your trust in Earthling’s is misplaced, Son.”


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