Chocolate Heart Murder (A Maple Hills Cozy Mystery Book 11)

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Chocolate Heart Murder (A Maple Hills Cozy Mystery Book 11) Page 8

by Wendy Meadows

  “I’m going to go and check out the shop,” said Nikki.

  “I will do a bit of research and then pick you up for the wedding,” said Hawk to Nikki.

  “Okay. I will be at my house soon,” she replied.

  Nikki walked out of the precinct and down the street towards her shop. She thought about what John had told them. Things did not look good for John.

  She rounded the corner and her heart lifted to see her shop waiting for her. She went in the front door. Seth and Tori were there, along with Lidia. There was about an hour until closing time. Nikki walked in and said hello. There was one customer left, and Tori was just giving him his change. He thanked Tori and smiled at Nikki when he left. Nikki sat down at a table, and Seth joined her.

  “The day was a success,” exclaimed Seth. “We set up the chocolates and the fountain at the venue. Madeline was thrilled with the display, though she did ask if you were planning to check in with her. And we had a record number of customers at the shop today. We have almost sold out of the chocolate-covered strawberries.”

  “That is fantastic,” Nikki replied.

  “How is the case coming?” asked Lidia.

  “We have a suspect in custody,” said Nikki. Everyone looked at her.

  “Who is it?” asked Seth and Tori at the same time.

  “It is John, Kim’s boyfriend.”

  “That is awful,” said Tori.

  “Yes, it is,” replied Nikki. “Please do not tell anyone. Hawk wants this to stay under wraps until the investigation is over. John is still just a suspect. We still have a lot of work to do on the case.”

  “Absolutely, I would hate for the case to go wrong just because one of us said the wrong thing to someone,” agreed Lidia. Seth and Tori agreed not to tell anyone.

  “Well, I am going to run by the venue and check out the table. The last thing I need is Madeline getting frustrated with me. Then I plan to go home and get ready for the wedding. You can close the shop a bit early, that way you can get ready too,” she told Lidia. Lidia agreed, and Nikki said she would see everyone at the wedding.

  In her car, Nikki navigated the roads that were slippery from the previous day’s snow. She reflected that this had been one of the longest days of her life, but luckily, they had turned up a likely suspect in time to please the mayor and save Chief Daily’s job. At the venue, she hurried toward the back door, anxious to finish this last detail so she could finally go home and get ready for the big event.


  I f the reception hall had been bustling the evening of the rehearsal dinner, tonight there were even more people, all hurrying around but nimbly avoiding each other. Nikki passed through the kitchens and went into the front of the hall. All of the decorations from the rehearsal dinner had been taken down and replaced with swaths of creamy white satin. The wedding planner had turned the hall into a shimmery white fantasy, like a winter palace. There were small mirror balls hanging and reflecting light around the room. White roses lined the wall, and the bride’s table was white and pink. There were snowy white cloths on the tables and silver settings, with tasteful, pale pink chargers under each place setting. Nikki’s chocolate table was in the corner. The chocolate fountain stood out against all the whiteness, and her fruits looked even more like jewels in the glittery spectacle of the decorative motif. She adjusted a few trays to better catch the light, but otherwise the table looked perfect. Nikki saw Madeline and walked over to her.

  “Everything looks beautiful,” Nikki exclaimed.

  “Thank you. I hope Susan and her family feel the same way.”

  “I am sure they will be as impressed as I am,” Nikki reassured her.

  “Well, if I can pull this off, I hope to be able to expand my client base. All the who’s-who of Maple Hills will be here.”

  “That’s what the mayor told me,” said Nikki.

  “Your chocolates look incredible,” said Madeline.

  “Thank you.”

  “Oh here, let me give you this,” Madeline handed Nikki one of her cards. Nikki looked at her questioningly.

  “Why are you handing me this?”

  “I saw who you walked in with last night and how he looked at you. Trust me, you will be needing my services soon.”

  Nikki blushed and laughed. She thanked Madeline and put the card in her wallet. Not that I will be needing this anytime soon, but it is polite to take something that is offered to you, she thought.

  “Well, it is time for me to go home and get changed,” Nikki said, trying to think of a way to politely escape.

  “Yes, I think your table has been given the final approval. I will see you later,” Madeline said, giving her a quick wave. Nikki walked outside to her car, relieved. She sat down and started the car. She realized she had not picked out her dress the night before. With the adrenaline of the investigation, it had been the last thing on her mind.

  She rushed home and looked through her closet. Seth had already left to pick up Tori, so she had to trust her instincts on this outfit. Nikki found the dress she was looking for. It was a long, formal, asymmetrical dress with one flowing sleeve and the other side cut away to expose her shoulder. The dress was emerald green, and she had matching heels with a rhinestone-and-pearl accent at the toes. Nikki showered and styled her hair carefully in an elegant but loose bun, then slid into the silky dress and stepped into her heels. She didn’t often get to dress up this fancy, and it was fun. She was just finishing her makeup when she heard the front door open.

  “I am up here. I will be down in a minute,” she called.

  “Okay, I will wait in the kitchen,” Hawk replied. “Do you have any coffee?”

  “Yes, I put a pot on when I got home. There should be some left.” Nikki finished her makeup and put on her earrings, a pair that draped in graceful loops of diamond against her neck. Nikki walked down the stairs, and Hawk whistled.

  Hawk walked towards her and put his arms around Nikki. He gave her a kiss.

  “You look spectacular,” he said. “Susan will be angry with you.”

  “Why?” asked Nikki, smiling.

  “Everyone will be looking at you and not her.”

  Nikki laughed and gently punched his arm. “You look handsome, yourself,” she told Hawk. His formal suit made him look handsome as ever and showed off his strong arms. He thanked her with a grin and asked if she was ready to go.

  “Yes, just let me get my wrap.” Nikki had splurged and bought a matching faux fur wrap for her dress.

  “Are you sure you will be warm in that?” asked Hawk.

  Nikki laughed. “Yes, it is heavy. Also, the tent will be heated.”

  “That’s right,” said Hawk. He took her arm and led her to his truck. He helped her get in and closed the door.

  They drove into town and parked by the center of town. Hawk took Nikki’s arm and escorted her to the wedding tent. There were special portable heaters disguised as old-fashioned lampposts stationed all around the tents to keep the guests warm. White and red hearts hung all around. There were white glittery snowflakes on the trees and fairy lights shone all around. Nikki looked around and spotted Seth and Tori. They were with Lidia and her husband. Seth saw her and waved.

  “It looks like the crew saved us some seats,” Nikki told Hawk. They walked over and sat down.

  “You look beautiful,” Tori gushed to Nikki.

  “You look pretty, too,” Nikki said. Tori had on a short flowered dress that clung to her figure in a flattering way. It had gathered sleeves down to the elbow and a sweetheart neckline. Seth was handsome next to her in his tuxedo.

  Lidia had on a formal but more practical flowered chiffon skirt and a pink blouse. She wore gloves and looked sharp. Her husband was in a tuxedo, also. Nikki looked around and admired how pretty everything looked.

  “Did you get a chance to stop by the venue?” Seth asked.

  “Yes. The table was set up perfectly,” Nikki replied.

  “Good. I think Tori and I will lea
ve as soon as the wedding is done so we can get the fountain started and pull the plastic wrap off the candies.”

  “Thank you. I really appreciate your help,” said Nikki. Just then, the music started. A little girl walked down the aisle in a cute pink dress. She was throwing flower petals in front of her and the crowd cooed to see how adorable she was. The bridesmaids followed in light pink A-line dresses and stood at the altar next to the handsomely attired groomsmen.

  Becky, Susan’s maid of honor, walked down the aisle after the bridesmaids in a hot pink A-line dress. The color complemented her. Once Becky was stationed next to the best man at the front of the tent, the music changed, and everyone stood up in anticipation.

  Nikki and Hawk used this opportunity to scan the crowd more thoroughly, but no one stood out or looked unusual. The mayor and Susan appeared. He was proudly beaming, and she was glowing in her wedding dress, which had a lace bodice and flowed down with a cascade of fluttering tiers to a small train. The neckline left her shoulders bare and a beautiful veil covered her hair. They walked down the aisle together and up to the front of the tent.

  The minister was waiting there, and as the music stopped, everyone sat down. Nikki and Hawk continued to scan the crowd throughout the ceremony, but things went smoothly. I wonder if we do have the right suspect, Nikki thought. Hawk nudged her and pointed out Chief Daily and a few plainclothes policemen in the crowd. Nikki was glad for their presence. Everyone seemed happy, but there was a bit of an edge to the ceremony, after the events of last night. The couple said their “I do’s” and kissed. Everyone in the audience clapped and cheered.

  To more cheers and the flashes of many cameras, the happy couple went back down the aisle to a waiting limo that would take them to the reception, and the guests began to exit to their cars. Seth and Tori left to prepare the chocolate table. Nikki and Hawk stayed behind and made sure nothing happened to the wedding party or any of the guests. When the last guest had left, Hawk led Nikki to his truck. He helped her in and they went to the reception. The lot was full by then, so Hawk dropped Nikki in front of the building and parked the truck. Nikki waited for him and they went in together.

  The hall was buzzing with conversation. The wedding party was seated at their table and the reception was in full swing. Nikki and Hawk found their table. Her crew was already there, as was the chief. Appetizers were being served. Nikki looked at Susan. She was glowing. She actually seemed a bit more relaxed. Nikki was happy for her.

  As Nikki and Hawk nibbled on their appetizers, Hawk filled his father in on the uneventful exit of all the guests from the tent.

  “Do you have people here?” Hawk asked the chief.

  “Yes, most of the precinct is here, as a matter of fact. See that waitress?”

  Nikki looked where the chief was pointing. She saw a blonde waitress and smiled. Nikki recognized Judy from the precinct. She noticed a few others, but they blended in well.

  “Where is John?” Hawk asked the chief.

  “I decided to keep him overnight. Because his first wife died of an overdose, I could not let him go. If he is our killer, I did not want him anywhere near this wedding.”

  Hawk nodded in agreement. Nikki relaxed a bit, knowing that John was being held. After the appetizers, the main course appeared. It was surf and turf. Everyone had filet and lobster tail. The chief leaned over to Nikki.

  “The mayor said he had these flown in yesterday, fresh from the ocean.” Nikki smiled. Of course he did, she thought.

  “It looks wonderful,” she said. It tasted wonderful, too. After dinner, the wedding party roamed around the room thanking their guests. Everyone was invited to have some chocolate and a line formed at Nikki’s chocolate table. Nikki heard some ooh’s and ahh’s. She smiled, happy that everyone seemed to like the dessert. Hawk squeezed her hand.

  “Another success from Nikki’s chocolate factory,” he teased.

  “I think everyone likes it,” Tori said, looking at the long line that had formed.

  “Look how much the mayor took,” said Lidia, laughing at the piled-high plate. Nikki and Hawk laughed, too. Not long after that, the band started playing, and the groom took his wife out for the first dance, and then the mayor came out for a dance with his daughter, too. The wedding party joined in. The next song had even more people on the dance floor. Hawk and Nikki danced together, and Nikki relaxed in his arms. They danced awhile, forgetting their cares and even forgetting their lack of sleep in the last couple days.

  When it was time to cut the cake, everyone crowded around the cake table. The cake was four layers high, decorated in white and pink rose petals, and had white chocolate chips inside. There were champagne toasts after everyone had a piece, and then it was finally nearing the end of the night – Susan and Tim announced they were leaving. The guests piled outside to wave goodbye on the front steps. The best man drove Tim’s car around to the front. There were tin cans tied to the back and “The Happy Couple” was written on the rear window. Tim and Susan laughed. The guests threw birdseed at them as they dashed toward the car. They sped off into the frosty night, and then the guests started to disperse.

  Nikki started to feel tired, finally. But she knew they still had more to go over. Seth offered to drop off Tori and drive Nikki home. She agreed. She gave Hawk a kiss and told him to meet them after he got changed. Hawk agreed and walked to his truck.

  Later at the house, Nikki and Seth changed out of their party clothes in favor of warm sweatpants and sweaters. Nikki made hot chocolate and on the way home, they had picked up the last of the chocolate-covered strawberries from the chocolate shop. She and Seth were sitting in the den by the fire when the front door opened and Hawk walked in.

  “Look who I found outside,” he said. Tori walked in with him. Seth got up and kissed her hello. Nikki told Hawk to get some hot chocolate and join them in the den. Hawk got a mug for Tori and himself and brought them into the den. He handed Tori her mug and sat down by Nikki. They talked about the wedding, and Nikki relaxed into Hawk’s shoulder. She was getting drifty when Hawk’s phone rang. He looked at it and told Nikki it was the chief.

  “Hello,” he said. “What is happening? Okay, we will be right there.”

  Hawk jumped up to grab his coat. Nikki asked what was happening.

  “I’m not sure. Something’s going on at the precinct and dad says he needs us there right away.”

  “Okay,” said Nikki. “Seth, you and Tori stay here. I will let you know what is going on as soon as possible.” Seth meanwhile had leaped up, too.

  “I’m coming with you,” he declared.

  “No,” said Nikki. “Stay here with Tori.”

  “I know you are worried, Mom, but I can handle myself under pressure. I don’t want to get stranded out here, wondering if you’re okay, if you forget to pick up your phone again.”

  Nikki knew he was right. She looked at Hawk.

  “Okay, but stay close,” Hawk warned. “I do not want you to get hurt.”

  Seth promised to stay close, and Tori said she would stay at the house in case Lidia called or came over. Nikki, Hawk, and Seth piled in Hawk’s truck. Hawk drove quickly to the station, barreling down through the twisty, hilly roads as fast as he dared.

  In town, Hawk headed for the station, and from the flashing police lights reflecting off the nearby buildings, they knew something was up before they even rounded the corner. As they parked, they saw that the station was surrounded by police, and there were spotlights trained on the front entrance. A man was talking on a megaphone. They quickly found the chief and asked what was going on.

  “A man walked in with a gun and demanded to see John,” the chief said. “The deputy at the front desk was unarmed when he came in, though at least he was able to sound the alarm. Most of us were able to get out, but John is still inside. There are only two deputies in there with him, he’s been threatening Deputy Smith at the front desk for the past ten minutes.”

  Nikki looked in the front window. She saw a m
an holding a gun. He was pointing it at one of the deputies. Evidently the discussion had gone from bad to worse, because then they could hear him yelling at the man, demanding to see John. The deputy said he could not take the gunman into the back of the precinct building. The gunman shot the wall behind the deputy, and there was an angry, tense murmur from the crowd of officers watching from the parking lot. The gunman demanded the deputy give him his gun. The deputy complied. The gunman then put his gun to Deputy Smith’s head, pulled him out of the seat, and demanded the deputy take him to see John. The gunman and deputy disappeared from view.

  “We have to go after him,” Hawk said. “We need to breach the building.”

  “No,” said the chief. He didn’t say it out loud, but he was reluctant to risk his son in a dangerous situation. “Let me send a couple of deputies.”

  “I am better trained in SWAT tactics than your deputies, and Nikki and I know each other well,” Hawk countered. The chief resisted again but finally agreed to Hawk’s plan. Nikki told Seth to stay with the chief, and then she and Hawk started running in a crouch to the side of the building.


  Hawk and Nikki ducked and ran across the snow-covered lawn to the side of the building. They both reached the wall and slid closer to the nearest door. Hawk reviewed a few standard law enforcement SWAT hand signals with Nikki so there would be no confusion inside. She listened and memorized them, though she was already familiar with most of them. They were ready to go.

  Hawk and Nikki entered the building by the side door. Hawk went first and cleared the corridor, and Nikki covered him. They moved quickly and methodically, checking the back hallways and offices. The building was quiet. In one room, a woman was sitting in a corner behind a desk. Hawk told her she could go out the back door. She thanked him and ran out quietly. Hawk and Nikki moved through the next few rooms, clearing the rooms and their lines of sight as they went.


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