You Are My Sunshine

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You Are My Sunshine Page 8

by Angie Merriam

  “I'm sorry I hurt you, Nick, but I'm not having sex with you. I'm not out for revenge. You came to the wrong place. Now my kids are inside so you need to leave please before you scare them.” I choked back the tears. I didn't want him to think I was weak or afraid. I was sure, like a dog, he'd smell fear and pounce. I matched his death stare with one of my own and pretended not to notice him wiping the blood from his mouth with a sadistic smile across his face. He began to back away, and I thought he'd realized how fucked up this was. Before I knew it, he slapped me across the face causing me to fall back, flat on my ass. Before I could move he was on top of me, pulling my robe apart.

  “Get the fuck off of me. Nick!” I screamed as I squirmed and hit and kicked him.

  “Shut the fuck up, Sunshine Everly,” he said and hit me again. I didn't want Elijah to hear anything and come outside to see Nick on top of Mommy, so I muffled my scream. “Please, Nick. Stop. You don't really want to do this. You don't want to hurt me. Please, Nick, stop,” I said and felt the tears spill. His full body weight was on me, pinning my body to the wooden planks of my porch. I was at his mercy until he lowered his face to mine. I jerked my head up as hard and fast as I possibly could and felt my forehead connect with his nose. The blow stunned him enough that he sat back on his heels holding his face.

  I scrambled out from under him, but he recovered quickly and grabbed my ankle, dragging me towards him. Next thing I knew his hands were around my neck, and my world was closing in on me. Just before it turned to black, I heard a familiar voice, “Get the fuck off her, you crazy asshole.” I felt the force that knocked Nick off of me, allowing me to breathe. After sucking in a few deep breaths, I turned to see Matt and Nick rolling around in my yard, exchanging blows.

  Matt got the upper hand though and seconds later was mounted on top of Nick, wailing on his face with a vengeance I had no doubt that Matt would kill him if someone didn't stop him. As much as I hated Nick at that moment, I couldn't let Matt kill him. I dug deep inside and found something, adrenaline maybe, but something helped me get up and move, quickly. I saw Nick's lifeless body under Matt and did the only thing I could think to do. I charged full speed at Matt, knocking him off of Nick's body.

  We rolled a few feet from Nick's body where Matt pulled me close to him, breathing heavily. “Jesus Christ, Sunshine, are you okay?” His hands were moving quickly, examining my body for injury. I could see the fear and anger still on his face. “I'm okay. A little beat up but I'm okay. You got here just in time. Thank you,” I said and offered a weak smile. If he hadn't shown up, I could have very well been the next murder victim.

  “Thank God, you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to you.” He pulled my face to his and kissed me gently. I could feel his body shaking nearly as bad as my own. He kissed my entire face in small pecks before releasing me. “Where are the kids?” He asked.

  “Oh shit!” I pushed away from him and ran into the house. Please let them be okay. What if Elijah saw? was all I could think as I ran into my house. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my little boy sitting in the same spot I'd left him, and the next episode of Handy Manny starting. I made my way up the stairs and said a little prayer that Danica was safe. When I saw her sleeping like a little angel in her crib, I couldn't hold the tears back. They hadn't seen anything.

  “They're okay,” Matt said behind me, his hands on my shoulders.

  “Yeah, thank God they're okay,” I replied mid sob.

  “Come on, babe. Why don't you get dressed and rest for a little while. I need to call this in and make sure Nick is secure. Do you need my help with anything?”

  “No, I'm okay. Go get that bastard off my property please.”

  “That I can do. I'll be up to check on you soon.” He kissed my head before leading to my bedroom and leaving me alone to dress and gather myself. Once I was in the safety of my bedroom the weight of what happened hit me and rather than get dressed, I curled up on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

  I woke to the sunset as I looked out my window. That was one of the reasons I wanted this house. The sunset show took place right outside of my bedroom window. I tried to sit up and felt a throbbing in my head. “Hey, take it slow, Tiger,” Matt said. That was the first time I'd realized he was beside me. He was still in his uniform. I wondered how long he'd been there with me.

  “You're still here?”

  “Of course, babe, I wouldn't leave you. Not after what you went through.”

  “Don't they need you at the station?”

  “They can manage without me for the night,” he replied. I had to admit to myself that I was happy he was there, beside me.

  “Thanks for staying,” I told him while he gently rubbed my lower back. Having him close to me felt natural and for the first time since our divorce, I didn't want to fight what was still between us. Maybe it was the conversation with my mother, or maybe it was making love to him the night before, or maybe it was coming close to death that made me realize I had to forgive him. I needed to forgive him. I laid back down beside him, resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arm around his waist.

  “Where are the kids?” I asked. I knew they weren't home. There was no way the house would be so quiet if they were.

  “At your parents. Your mother insisted.”

  “Of course she did. How long can they hold Nick?” I asked and hoped it would be through the weekend at least.

  “They're not, he got away,” Matt said carefully while his fingers twisted through my hair.

  “What the fuck, Matt! How?” The thought of him running around, free, and able to come back was terrifying.

  “He must have regained consciousness when we came in to check on the kids because by the time I got out there he was gone. Your dad saw him hauling ass out of your driveway. He'd also seen me pull in. He said he saw Nick’s face, beaten and bloody, but also furious and crazy. He didn't have to think too hard to realize I'd kicked the shit out of him and that I would only do that if Nick had done something to you. So he hopped in his own truck and tried to follow him but Nick lost him.”

  “Is my dad out of his mind? Why would he go after Nick if he clearly thought he was fucking crazy? He could have gotten himself killed. Damn, this just keeps getting better.”

  “I think your dad can handle himself, him and his rifle. Besides, thanks to your dad we have a general idea of the direction Nick was heading. He was able to tell Dade and Walt who put an APB out on Nick's truck. We should have him in custody tonight.”

  “Good. The idea of him out running around scares the shit out of me,” I admitted.

  “I know, babe, me too. Hey did you tell your mom we're back together?”

  “Well, that was a quick change of subjects. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, when she took the kids she told me to take good care of her Sunshine, and gave me a little wink like she was in on the secret,” he was chuckling as he told me.

  “I told her we are working on things and she told me a story I think you need to hear but I'd like to get dressed first and I'm starving.” I found the strength to lift myself off of Matt and get out of bed. My legs were a little wobbly at first, but they didn't take long to steady. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and gasped out loud. “What's wrong?” Matt asked, worry woven throughout his words. He jumped out of bed and came to stand beside me. “Do you hurt somewhere?” He was frantically checking me out, which made me giggle. The longer I looked at myself the more the giggled turned into a full bellied laugh. Matt looked at me as though I'd lost my mind.

  “Look at me! I look like a beaten homeless person.” And I did. My curly black hair was a big ball of frizz sticking out wildly from my head. I was sporting a shiner below my right eye, and a nice bruise was forming on my left cheek. My eyes traveled down my body and rested on the purple marks across my neck, sitting there on my skin like a show piece.

  “You look beautiful as always,” Matt said gently, making me laugh even harder.<
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  “You're sweet, Matt. You really are but you're a liar and I think you promised me earlier you'd never lie to me.” I looked at him and the smile that spread across his face erased any fear that still lingered inside.

  “Well, you are always beautiful even if you look kind of like an orphaned child, and your bruises are just war wounds. They don't take away from your beauty. They just prove how fucking strong you are. Come on now, let's go eat. I ordered your favorite, Taco Pizza.”

  “Ooh, look at you being all nice and stuff.”

  “I'm always nice. Now get your ass dressed, and join me for some fucking pizza,” he ordered before slapping my ass and leaving me alone to dress. That was the Matt I needed at that moment. I needed the honesty and the hardness. The worry and gentleness were nice at first, but it wouldn't help me heal what was going on inside of me. He knew that about me, and I was thankful he was there. I quickly dressed and headed downstairs.

  Chapter Ten

  He wasn't sure what to do after that night with Shannon. How could he be sure she wouldn't turn him in? Hell, did it matter if she did? He'd been killing for a long time, and if he was being honest with himself, he was getting tired. Maybe Keely should be his last kill. Maybe he would retire from ridding the world of disease ridden whores. Could he let that part of himself go? Could he be a normal man for the remainder of his life? He didn't think he'd live too much longer. How could he? People like him didn't live forever, or did they?

  He rummaged around his house, lost in thought. It was a modest house and decorated perfectly like those in the 80s, tacky colors and patterns everywhere. He fucking hated it but his wife loved it. She swore to him that the house was a reflection of their life together and the years they spent building their lives or some bullshit like that. He didn't give a fuck about the random knick knacks she insisted on keeping around to signify an important time in their lives. His only important times were those spent stalking, fucking, and killing whores.

  He kept up the façade though, he had to. He was an upstanding member of society after all. He was respected, well-liked. He had friends and a brother whom he'd meet every other Friday night for beers and poker. He'd been the loner boy as a child until his brother insisted he come hang out with him and his friends. He hadn't wanted to but even at a young age he knew he was wrong inside, and it would be important to appear normal. He couldn't be a creepy recluse. They’d suspect. He had to be the friend, the joiner, the guy everyone wants to fucking hang out with. Faithful husband, loyal pal, upstanding citizen, a fucking poker playing sap. He was tired of hiding himself. Tired of pretending to be a man he's not nor will ever be. It's a game and one that's necessary for him to be the best at, but the game was getting tiring. Being 'that guy' was getting tiring. Maybe his little rendezvous with Shannon would be the end for him.

  “Hi, honey,” he heard his sweet wife say, snapping him out of his trance. She really was a sweet woman. She loved him blindly and foolishly, but she loved him nonetheless. For that he was kind to her. She never betrayed him or questioned him, and he was thankful. She was also the town gossip, which kept him in the loop, and it suited him perfectly. He got information before anyone thanks to his cute, little wife. Nothing happened in that town without him knowing. She'd aged well. Her skin was still smooth which she credits Noxzema and nightly moisturizing. Her hair was still silken and blond with just a few gray hairs threatening to make their appearance. She'd taken care of her body as well by visiting the gym every morning. She never missed. He was happy that he didn't have to pretend to be in love with some of those other Lincoln women who had let themselves go. He wondered how their husbands stood looking at them. He assumed that was the reason a vast majority of the men in Lincoln had stepped out on their wives. Pathetic he thought.

  “Did you hear what that crazy wife of Nick has been running her mouth about?” His wife said, and he could hear the disgust in her voice. He knew she'd been rambling on for a while and his occasional nod and ‘uh huh’ was enough, but the mention of Shannon had his attention.

  “No, I haven't. What's that girl got to run her mouth about?” He asked, his tone matching his wife's. She'd been busying herself around the kitchen. He realized she'd made him a cup of coffee and some toast and set it in front of him before sitting across the table, with her own coffee and grapefruit. In the thirty years of marriage, she could be counted on to be consistent. She ate the same thing for breakfast every morning after her trip to the gym.

  She leaned in close as though someone was listening and spoke in a hushed tone. “She's saying she saw the man that killed Keely. Can you believe it? Says she saw him dump the body.”

  “Is that right? Did she say who it was? It would be great to catch the sick bastard.” He knew that Shannon hadn't spoken his name, of course, because his wife wouldn't be sitting across from him, telling him the daily gossip if she had.

  “Well, that's just it. She won't say his name. They thought she was afraid he'd come for her but she seems impressed by him. She's acting like she saw an Oscar winning movie being acted out and she sat front row. That girl has done lost her mind.” Yes, she's lost her mind is right. What the hell was that little slut doing? Was she using him to gain some kind of celebrity status? She used to be such a nice girl.

  “Well, hopefully they can get her to talk,” he said in mocked concern.

  “Oh she's talking plenty, just not the right words. Rumor is, Nick thinks she slept with this guy. Said she came home one night smelling dirty, if you know what I mean?” He knew what she meant and giggled at his wife's prudeness. She'd never been able to say the word pussy or dick or even sex. She was a missionary style, only with the lights always off, kind of woman, and he was okay with that. Allowed him to hide the torture he was sure he wore on his face every time he had to make love to her.

  “Really? Well, I'm sure Nick is torn up over this.” He was becoming a pro at holding a conversation while thinking the complete opposite and never looking suspicious.

  “Yeah, he's a mess but thinks she's just doing this because of his own indiscretion. Blames himself.”

  “Yeah, I bet he does. Maybe I'll talk to the guys about having Nick join us for poker tonight. Get his mind off of Shannon.”

  “Oh, dear, that's a great idea. You're such a sweetie.” She stood and kissed his forehead. He nodded in approval. He'd invite Nick for sure but only to find out exactly what he knows. He had been undecided about killing Shannon but she just signed her death certificate. Bitch.

  He made a few phone calls and as he expected, Nick was more than welcome at their poker game. He busied himself in his wood shop until it was game time. The day went on forever but at six he grabbed his jacket and kissed his wife goodbye. He was anxious for this poker game. He was anxious to hear what Nick had to say.

  The night started quiet, and it seemed like the awkward silence was never ending when Nick finally spoke up. “Look, thanks for having me over tonight. I know everyone in town has heard what Shannon's saying and I honestly don't know if she's bat shit crazy or telling the truth but I plan on finding out. I appreciate this invite though. I needed a beer and man time, even if it's with you ‘ol fogies,” he said affectionately and with a smile making all the men laugh. The game went on for four hours and not another word about Shannon was uttered. He'd have to talk to her himself.

  After the game, he thanked his friends for allowing him to take their money, again and pretended to stumble out of the door. He wasn't much of a drinker, but he was a master manipulator. No one ever suspected that he wasn't at least a little tipsy after every game, just like the rest of them. He couldn't stand out from the crowd. Once he made it to his truck, assuring everyone that he was good to drive, he turned the key and got the fuck out of there.

  He let out the breath he felt like he'd been holding since he'd walked into his buddy's house. Keeping up the façade was getting harder and harder. The problem with Shannon wasn't helping his stress level at all. He had to talk to her. He co
uldn't take the chance of calling her because that might raise suspicion. His fingers tapped the steering wheel nervously. He'd never felt like this before. He was crawling out of his skin. The little bitch was telling stories about him, and he had no fucking control over it. He always had control. That's how he worked. His mind sped as he tried to figure out a way to get her alone, again, without raising suspicion. He drove past his house, unable to keep up the appearance of loving and non-murdering husband. Without thinking he drove to the spot where he'd dumped Keely's body.

  He pulled off the road and into the cover of the tall pine trees before he killed the engine and let out the blood curdling scream he'd been holding in. His hands beat the steering wheel as he screamed, “Fuck,” over and over. He finished his little rant breathless and still on edge. He was ready to start his truck up and drive out of town, leave it all behind when he heard a knock on his window. There she was. Either she was seriously crazy or had a death wish.


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