The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 1

by Catherine Beery

  The Ways of Mages: The Three Swords

  By Catherine Beery

  Acknowledgments: I want to thank God for inspiring me and my family for their encouragement. I also wish to thank my readers who left inspiring comments that gave me that extra push to finish this book! The amazing cover art was done by Andrew Beery.

  “A sword is double edged so to cut both ways…”

  A thousand years ago Robert Kimbridge had been the most skilled healer in all of Pershara. But then one he counted as a friend betrayed him. This betrayer held an unusual sword, one that Robert kept once he gained his freedom. A sword of magic with a name it refused to share. For an age it followed his lead and powered his inventions in silence… Till now.

  “One way to destruction…”

  The Sword of the Blessed shattered at the same time that Arathin did, heralding the coming Darkness. The Dark Lords are closer to achieving their goal than ever before. Their dreams of a conquered creation becoming more real. Their Child of the Dark will soon blacken the world. And with Arathin about to continue its war, Pershara finds itself lost in the encroaching shadows.

  “…the other to salvation.”

  The Sword of the Created shattered under the Catalyst as well, its magic and faith lost to the winds. Even so, hope refuses to die. The pieces are waiting to be found. The Child of the Light is closer than anyone thinks and the Three of Three begin to reveal themselves in this great time of need. The question is: who will find them first?


  Chapter 1- A Worried King

  Chapter 2- Shockwave

  Chapter 3- Reminiscing

  Chapter 4- The Retreating Sun

  Chapter 5- The Morning After

  Chapter 6- The Arrival of Dragons

  Chapter 7- A Stolen Peek

  Chapter 8- Nothing Without Secrets

  Chapter 9- To Open One’s Eyes

  Chapter 10- Shrouded

  Chapter 11- A Demon’s Nightmare

  Chapter 12- Allegiances

  Chapter 13- To have all the Cards…

  Chapter 14- Ronair

  Chapter 15- Meeting Puppets

  Chapter 16- The Dragon’s Story

  Chapter 17- The Spatial/Temporal Device

  Chapter 18- The Winged Dagger

  Chapter 19- Warnings of War

  Chapter 20- The Soul of a Sword

  Chapter 21- Locked Memories

  Chapter 22- The Setting of a Trap

  Chapter 23- The Vanished Moleci

  Chapter 24- To Sing Praise…Even in a Dungeon

  Chapter 25- A Cry for Help

  Chapter 26- The Darkest Hour


  God created the world. Using Creation's Pen, He wrote into existence the light of day and the darkness of night. The sun learned to shine from Him. The stars also, and the moon. The stars and moon provided a comforting light in the darkness, so Light could always provide hope no matter where one was. Magic and life fell from Love's pen. Flowers bloomed and trees flourished. He created the birds and the beasts of the sky and land. He created the fishes and the secrets of the depths. And last, but by no means least, He fashioned the peoples.

  He breathed life into the Dragons. They were gifted with strong magic and immortality. The Dragons danced upon the winds and sang the song that the earth and the heavens began in praise. God also fashioned Humanity. Humanity was blessed with magic and the love of creating. They sang their song of praise as they took after their Father in Heaven and made works of art that ranged from buildings to food dishes to stories to technological innovations. Humans were mortal. Everyday was precious. Their eyes saw everything as new, which made them valuable to the immortal dragons. In turn, the dragons’ knowledge fascinated humanity. Thus the lands later known as Pershara flourished. Like the Sun, she shone for her Lord.

  On another chunk of land, God created the Ara T'an. They were also blessed with strong magic. They were not immortal, but their lifespan was long. They were unique in creation because they were the night to Pershara's sun. Their magic mimicked the light of the stars and the darkness of night. The Ara T'an could heal without fear of draining themselves or the one being healed. They could shapeshift like the dragons and powerful human mages of Pershara. They could also use telekinesis, teleportation, and create illusions. This side of their magic could also hide the use of their power. Of all the people, they were the ones trusted with retaining balance between using their gifts for good or ill. They praised God as well and celebrated Him by using His gifts in a way pleasing to Him. All of creation sang a happy song with her Creator.

  This was all when the world was young, of course. You see, creation was not infallible. They made mistakes. God had given them a mind of their own and a sense of free will. In the spirit of granting free will, He also gave Creation a choice. The people could choose a relationship with Him or they could try their own course. Their own course often led to them hurting another. They no longer lived for God, they lived for themselves. Their doubts in God's ability to care for them broke creation and allowed the Dark Kin into the world.

  The Dark Kin are the definition of evil. They are the hopelessness of darkness. God was everything they were not and could never be. And they hated God for this. They hated all who followed in God's footsteps. And so they sought to eradicate creation. Creation who had been made to reflect God's awesomeness.

  God allowed the Dark Kin to exist for one reason; to give His creation a choice. This choice would last till the end of time. Then the Darkness would be burned away in His light and His people would be with him once again.

  That day has not yet come.

  In the meantime, Creation became use to the condition of being broken and prophecies were spoken. The Ara T'an named their country Arathin. Arathin and Pershara became very close friends. And during this height of peace the King of Arathin, Kaizir Varsrea, met a child from the future. A distant descendent. A girl named Kairevasigh. Kairevasigh had come from a time when Arathin and Pershara were sundered and Arathin was a bleeding, shattered thing. God spoke to Kaizir and showed him what was coming. He also told Kaizir that there was still hope and that hope rested within this prophecy:

  "The Way of the world is tied to the Three. It is done in threes. When the blood of Kings, Dragons, and Mages mix first in love then later forced in lust will the beginning meet the end. What once was broken will be re-forged. The two that were shattered will meet their Breaker and upon that Sword's edge will faith be tested. The Alpha and the Omega will meet face to face and the stronger will prevail. But their strength depends on the Three of Three: The Fulcrum, the Star's Sword, and the Catalyst."

  The clock for salvation began ticking when this was carved thrice. The race is on between the Light and the Darkness. Even now, as I write this, the world is changing. Ancient evils are still destroying Arathin. The darkness is still so thick... Hope is a distant dream to those who know of Arathin's continual shattering and Pershara is on the brink of losing herself to the Darkness. I know that God is with us. I just pray that people remember that in the dark night that is descending.

  Knowing that God is with us, I feel that I can write this last thought. Throughout my life, I have witnessed God's humor and His grace. I have this feeling, that from the darkness that is Arathin, God will bring forth a bright light...

  From the Lost Tales of Brisbin, by Brisbin

  Chapter One- A Worried King

  The Palace of Pershara

  T'nere stood at attention, staring straight ahead. It was a defense of sorts. If one acted in a way of respect, then the person in power would hopefully not strike out at one. In short, King Raymond was having a fit. Lucky for T'nere,
the king was berating the proconsul, not him.

  "YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT THINGS ARE GOING TO PLAN!!!" The king raged. Stamping his foot, Raymond pointed out the window. "Nowhere in the plan does it say that there will be a column of heavenly light that the traitors can rally around!! You told me that they would all die! And die horribly. Obviously, they didn't all die!!"

  The proconsul Salvo waited till the king had finished his rant. When the king was quiet for several breaths the proconsul spoke "Are you done behaving like a spoiled child?" Raymond gaped at him, but before he could make another articulate sound the proconsul continued. "No plan is ever executed fully. However, we did demolish most of the enemy’s army. We also learned that they have powerful mage friends."

  "And how is that a benefit?!" The king demanded. T'nere closed his eyes. Dare he answer the king? Dare he say that a known enemy could be dealt with better than an unknown enemy? There was just a slight problem with pointing out a power hungry king's mistakes... If he did that, he would remind the king that he was there. In King Raymond's current mood, that would be a very career shortening move. Lucky for T'nere, the proconsul didn't have this fear of death.

  Proconsul Salvo rolled his eyes. "This, your Highness, is why you should just listen to your advisors and keep your mouth shut on your stupidity. The Fires of the Damned served their purpose and then some. It brought out enemies that we were unsure of before now. Now that we know about them we can deal with them. In simple terms even you can understand, we can now consider their next move and plan accordingly."

  "Oh?" The king asked sarcastically.

  The swarthy proconsul fixed Raymond with glittering dark eyes. Caught in such an intense stare, the king stiffened. Even T'nere shivered for a palpable threat sloughed off the proconsul. "Oh indeed." The man whispered. It sounded more like a hiss. "Think about it, little king. Think, for once. The enemy is no longer on the field. Where are they, do you think?"Raymond shuffled a little under that malicious gaze. He glanced about nervously. Salvo smiled cruelly. "Yesss. They are rebels, after all. They still breathe which means they are probably closer to us than before. Perhaps they are in the city. Perhaps closer still..."

  "We must find and kill them." Raymond said.

  Salvo smiled and the room got drastically colder. "What better way to kill the vermin then making them a trap and cutting them off from help."

  "But... for that to work one must have bait." The king pointed out uneasily.

  "Lucky for us, we have bait."

  The king straightened. "I will not be your bait. Pershara needs her king."

  "Too bad her king and prince are dead." The proconsul smirked. Raymond's eyes widened. The proconsul continued "Don't forget who put you on the throne. Your masters could easily remove you again."

  T'nere knew that the proconsul spoke true. Altana had been in a position of great power, but since her failure to kill all the rebels on the field, she had been removed to the dungeons. T'nere knew this only because he had seen her when he had gone down to the meeting room. He had seen her. Or what was left of her. His beautiful mistress had been almost beyond recognition. Only her eyes revealed who she was. T'nere had no intension of ever failing the Dark. They gave him gifts beyond imagining. He didn't want them to be taken away. He would just have to be smarter then the king and more useful than his mistress.

  The proconsul was still speaking. "We will make their safe haven hell. I suggest that you give your troops in Riverdale new orders: destroy the Grimedian knights and thus the rebel's succor."

  Raymond nodded. "General T'nere."

  "Your Majesty." T'nere said making a crisp salute.

  "Send a messenger with the new orders."

  "Yes, your Majesty." T'nere said before leaving the room. Safely away from his king and the proconsul, T'nere smiled grimly. It was about time that those monks learned a lesson. A permanent one.


  The City of Pershara

  Another king, though he did not call himself a king, was worried. Ever since returning to the City Tommy had been struck by the sense that something was wrong within the Guild. First there was the fact that nothing was as he had left it. Second, Ryan Shadehand, who from experience proved to be a wild card, appeared to be in control. Finding this out, Tommy had been under the suspicion that Shadehand had been working to usurp Tommy's position, but after talking to the few people still loyal to him in the city (the rest had disappeared) he found out that Ryan had been keeping things as close to Tommy's wishes as he could. Prior to recent events, Tommy had hardly talked to Ryan, though when the two had talked the conversations had been relaxed.

  Tommy leaned back in his chair combing a quill through his fingers. The conversations may have been relaxed, but Tommy had noticed that Ryan was a talented evader. The younger man always diverted attention away from himself. And when he did say something it managed to not reveal anything about himself. At the same time, Ryan was able to get the other to say much about themselves. And very few seemed able to resist. This was the reason why the two thieves did not talk too much.

  Tommy smirked wryly. Ryan was indeed an evader, but secrets always had a habit of coming to light. One such secret, or possibly two, were revealed the other day. Ryan was a Seer. He could also be an ancient dragon/ucora mix-breed named Fieressen. Though every time someone tried to figure out the truth, Ryan employed his saying nothing and evasion trick by turning attention elsewhere.

  The true question of the moment was‘how far could he trust Ryan?’If he could trust him, life would be so much easier. But if he couldn't than bad things could happen not to mention life would be unbearably complicated…There was a knock on the door. Tommy looked at the door and called for whoever it was to enter. The door opened and Ryan slipped in.

  Tommy eyed the other man. The mystery of Ryan Shadehand pulled at him. He sought a clue to the man's inner workings in his appearance. Though he acknowledged, the success of this actually working were slim, but Tommy tried anyway. Ryan's sun darkened skin professed many hours in the sun. Tommy tilted his head thoughtfully. Where had Ryan gotten such a coloration? All that Tommy knew was that Ryan claimed that he had come from the south. He never mentioned a city. Just south. The younger thief's auburn hair reflected the firelight. It may not be a red, but it was close enough. Tommy had heard the tale that redheads had a dragon ancestor. In Ryan's case, this was a distinct possibility. Even more so, he could actually be a dragon. Though why Ryan denied that possibility so stridently, Tommy didn't know. Ryan's golden eyes flickered with secrets and curiosity. Golden like fire...

  Ryan inclined his head to Tommy. "Director." He said calmly.

  "Ryan, thank you for coming." Tommy replied with a nod, his curiosity hidden by bland civility.

  "You called, I answered." Ryan said with a smile. Tommy shook his head ruefully. "What can I do for you, Director?" Ryan continued.

  Tommy leaned back in his chair. "I have heard some interesting things from my people."

  "Oh?" Ryan said, raising a brow.

  "Yes..." Tommy considered Ryan again. "How would you say where the guild stands now?"

  Ryan's brows rose. "Oh, you know. It stands. Its king has returned. People are doing what they can to make some lucrative deals in this trying time. Survival. Everyone looking more and more like rats." And with that Ryan sat in one of the chairs facing Tommy's desk. A chair he had not been invited to sit in but sat anyway. Ryan caught Tommy's expression and flashed a grin. "Sorry, Director, but I have this feeling that you are going to have me in here for awhile."

  "Is that so?"

  "Indeed. I would if I was in your chair." The imp grinned again. "It is a very nice chair. Sure beats this one."

  "We are not switching." Tommy said with a raised eyebrow.

  Ryan sighed dramatically and leaned back in his not so comfortable chair. His gaze was rueful "And no thanks at all for keeping your seat warm, I see."

  "As I recall, I did not leave you in command. I left Windham as second." />
  Ryan nodded, secrets darkening his eyes. "Aye, you did. Fine man too... except a man can't lead with an assassin's blade in his throat."

  Tommy straightened. "What?" Shocked, Tommy expression commanded Ryan to explain.

  All humor was long gone from Ryan's expression. "No, I did not see it with my own eyes. I hadn’t even been here. At the time, I was leading Anna T'Garen out of the city before the Puppet sought retribution on her for her husband's 'untimely' resignation. The loss of such a large portion of the army to the rebels hit those in power rather hard. Harder then I think they thought it would. Needless to say, the Puppet was distinctly unhappy about the whole circumstance. Anyway, on my way back I Saw what happened to poor Windham."

  "Saw as in as a Seer?" Tommy asked, wanting clarification.

  Ryan nodded. "I came back as quickly as I could. The council was beginning to rule. Seeing where they were headed I began working my way in. I hinted at things I Saw and they began to listen to me."

  "And you kept them close to what I had wanted." Tommy finished. This was what his friend had said.

  Ryan shrugged. "I did try. As much as a distinctly different person can."

  Tommy raised an eyebrow.

  Ryan leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. His golden eyes meeting Tommy's gaze. "You don't know whether to trust me or not." He said, cutting right to Tommy's question. "I cannot tell you to trust me, for trust is earned. You must decide who you trust and who you work with. I cannot make the decision for you." Ryan leaned back in his chair again. "But I can tell you that it isn't just the Guild with eyes everywhere. Those in power do as well."

  "Who?" Tommy asked in a very quite voice.

  Ryan met his eyes and it was clear that he understood that the question hadn’t been about those who were in power. They both knew the answer to that. No, the question had been about who the traitors were within their midst. Ryan answered "Not all of the thieves have your honor, Director."

  "Do you have honor, Ryan?" Tommy asked as he leaned back in his chair.

  Ryan grinned. "My own brand, yes. My suggestion, sir, is to keep your senses open and listen to your instincts like you have never done before. Very rarely are they wrong." Tommy raised a blond brow clearly inquiring why the younger man was advising him on listening to his instincts that had saved his life on numerous occasions. Ryan's golden eyes glinted again as he continued "Welcome back, Director. The nest has a few snakes in the litter. Are you ready to go to hunting?"


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