The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 4

by Catherine Beery

  The man was dressed in rags and it was clear the man didn’t know the meaning of the word‘bath’. Salvo didn’t know his name. And he didn’t care to know the man’s name. All that need to be known was that the man was a paid spy and that Salvo was the Spymaster.“Make your report.”Salvo said in a soft voice.

  “Right sir. I haus some‘formation for ye. The Director’s back.”

  Salvo filed that information away for later use.“Is that all?”

  “No sir.”The man grinned at him. The man really didn’t know anything about personal hygiene. It was a wonder anyone let him get near enough to learn anything. Sali’dar, the Master of Corruption, would love him Salvo mused darkly. The man continued his report.“Some of the council members arn’t fond of the idea o’losing da power they had while he was gone. The Director ain’t one to let them get away wit things anymore. They willing to help the side that would let them keep their power.”

  “Is that so?”Salvo thought.“What are they willing to do to keep their power?”

  “Give the where’bouts of da rebel army within da city.” The spy replied.

  “Did they give you anything to cement their intentions to work with us?”

  The man nodded and reached into a pocket and pulled out three signet rings. The man cracked another smile“I told them that with these beauties my master would grant them anything, since they was switchen to the winning side.”

  “Well done.”Salvo said as the signet rings were dropped into his hands. So far the disgusting man was being useful. Sali’dar would have to wait some more before the man was‘introduced’to him.“You are dismissed.”The man bowed and headed out.

  Salvo headed in the opposite direction and passed through a wall that wasn’t there. It was similar to the tunnels down in the dungeons. On the other side was his other office. It was darker and more homely. Salvo studied the rings a moment before settling them down. Each ring had an animal’s face worked into it. There was a fox, a crow, and a rat. Salvo set out three dark clay bowls and quickly slit the throat of flawless dove to fill it with blood. It took three of the costly birds to fill the bowls. Not that it would hurt his coin purse or anything. With a negligent gesture he threw the three carcasses into the flames. The twisted creatures within snarled as they tore into the carcasses.

  Salvo ignored them and began speaking the incantation he wanted. He had no fear that any would hear since his practice of the art since in this chamber was warded. Still chanting, Salvo placed a ring in each bowl. With every word he spoke the room darkened. Runes about the walls glowed sickly. With the last word a hole was ripped in the fabric of space. Three dark sons slithered into the world. Salvo gestured grandly and the three raced to three bowls. The blood hissed as it was consumed. As they fed Salvo began another chant. Their hunger whetted the three dark sons did what they were told. They condensed and slid into the rings. Salvo took a breath after the final word of the incantation. He then grabbed each of the rings and threw them down the drain knowing that the dark sons within would see to it that the rings returned to their owner. Once the ring was back on the owner’s finger would the fun begin.

  Proconsul Salvo grinned as he left his offices to attend the puppet king. The creator may have a column of annoying light outside his window, but he still held the city. And soon the rebel army would be given a proper welcome…

  Chapter Five–The Morning After

  Arathin- Razyan’s Keep, Marlhema

  The indistinct world settled into a place Terana had never seen before and a part of her knew she wasn’t really there. But at the moment it was her reality…

  The roof was arched above them. It seemed that the architect had been trying to bring a sense of airiness to the place. He had failed miserably. The weight of the solid stone ceiling seemed to press down. It seemed to her that it was only a foot above her head when in reality it was probably about fifty. The air was also musty, which did not help. There were heavy columns and walls that held up the ceiling above. In the middle of the main hall was a seal. It was a circle. In its center was a scroll forming a‘v’with a sword. In a band around this were the words Knowledge is strength. Knowledge is power. And outside the circle were five smaller circles. Between each small circle and the main circle were four smaller circles. Beyond the columns were low ceiling rooms crowded with shelves and shelves of books and scrolls. On the columns were torches. Golden flames flickered and stained the stone behind them black. Not that it was too easy to see since all the stone was an oppressive, dark gray.

  Terana saw the boy and the man again. Though now they both wore earthen brown vests with their calf length pants. She noticed the boy was older now. He looked to be twelve. Youth still softened his features. Very little expression adorned his face and his eyes were incredibly hard to read. One had to study them long and hard before seeing the faint glimmer of excitement.

  “Welcome, prince, to the Imperial Library.”The man said sweeping his hand in a grand gesture. There were some men walking about in gray robes with diamond patterns stitched into the sleeves. Some who passed close enough bowed to the boy and the man. There were young boys racing around who gave the visitors a wide berth.

  The boy’s eyes moved quickly. Observing everything and everyone, Terana assumed. He turned to the man and said.“Why are we here, sir?”

  “To continue your training.”The man started walking.“You know maps, blade craft, strategy, supply, telecy, poisons and herbs, but do you know language?”

  “Cannot one use telecy to access the language?”The boy asked softly.

  “And if that mind is defended by a strong mind wall? Never assume that your opponent does not have the same abilities as you. Observe as much as you can, know as much as you can.”By this time they had turned into the stacks and came to a small study room. Inside were very old books and some scrolls.

  “This library,“the man continued.“is one of the oldest buildings in our empire. And thus holds a vast reservoir of ancient and present knowledge. It is one of the Old places found and claimed by our people. These scrolls and tomes have been copied many times since our earliest history. Some have been kept in the old tongue. Others have been translated into ours of today. You will learn of our Father.”

  “Tévdova Varcress.”

  “Yes and his House. You will learn also of the war before we became our own land. We were once a powerful House under another’s rule. There was another House who had as much power as our ancestors.”The two sat at the table. The man continued.“This other House was against our ancestors forever. Each always tried to best the other. The old king, the Nirami, was a strong leader, but was weak when it came to his daughter and heir. He refused to be reasonable and wed her to a Varcress son. Tévdova moved to keep the other House from gaining more power and took action. A war like no other broke between the two houses before the old king’s blood dried. His daughter was young and died the first night and was quickly forgotten. The Grave Mountains rose and ended the war.

  “We claimed all the lands we could reach and built our empire of today.”The man paused and eyed his student thoughtfully.“You probably wonder why I tell you all this. I tell you because that other House was not destroyed. How could it have been if our own survived? And they were our equal? The Old magic lost to us was vast. Healing, shapeshifting, the elements and the mind at our control…”the man’s and the boy’s eyes were filled with longing. A longing for something barely remembered. It was strange, but she felt it as well.

  “That other House is out there somewhere with untold power. The first Winged Dagger, Airishavieariz, warned his heir that at some point we will find this other House. So I warn you, do not grow complacent. Always be ready.”The man was solemn, as was the boy. That other House was a threat, an unknown. Terana could see it in the boy’s eyes. If he found this other House he would do what it would take to either bring it under heel or destroy it.

  That resolve scared Terana to the depths of her soul. She did not know this other
House, but she feared for it.

  The man smiled slowly.“Now, let us see how you are with the Old Tongue.”


  There was a soft thing beneath her; which was nice since every part of her body ached dully. It was like she had been racing Russy. Uphill. All day. She ached, but at the same time she felt good. Like a cat curled up in a sunbeam. There was a sense of warmth that flowed through her entire body. And it seemed to come from somewhere deep within. The warmth lapped at her insides as if welcoming her back to the waking world. Slowly the aching faded, soothed away by the warmth.

  Terana could hear low voices murmuring outside of her and she changed focus. Her nose became aware of the soothing scent of lilacs. She didn’t remember being someplace where she could smell lilacs. What had happened? The low voices were familiar. How could that scolding voice dripping with sarcasm not be Zeeve? By the sounds of it, he was giving Razyan a hard time about something…

  “For the last time, Zeeve, she is going to be alright.”Razyan’s soft voice was irritated. Zeeve muttered something she couldn’t hear.

  “But, Razyan, you have to admit that this whole situation does not normally happen.”That calm tone was all Kadrean. It was obvious that they were talking about her. But…why? What had happened? Terana racked her mind, trying to remember. All that came to mind was the dream of the claustrophobic library and the boy. That was another question, why did she keep having dreams with him? And that man?

  “Razyan’s right, she is going to be fine.”Liam’s dreamy voice drew her attention.

  “How do you know?”Zeeve asked. Worry made his voice sharper than normal, which was saying something.

  “Simple.”Liam replied and Terana could imagine him smiling.“If she wasn’t alright, Russy would be howling and all over the place instead of waiting for her to come to.”Russy?Terana thought. She heard a snuffling noise before there was a light pressure on her eyes.“Wake up” Russy’s intent voice ordered.“Wake up before I snort in your ear.” Not an idle threat coming from the fluffy incarnate of trouble.

  Terana opened her eyes, expecting light and to see Russy’s amber eyes before everything was blotted out by his slimy tongue. Terana opened her eyes and it made no difference. She could see nothing. I can’t see!Was her first panicked thought. She must have made a noise because the voices ceased. Russy made a huffing noise and his voice whispered“Nonsense, silly, furless pack sister.”There was a tug and the weight she hadn’t noticed upon her eyes lifted. When she opened her eyes again, she quickly shut them with a groan. The light she had been expecting before came to her with a vengeance, as if it was angry at her for hiding her eyes. Complaining silently that it was not her fault, that she hadn’t put the cloth over her eyes, didn’t get her anywhere either.

  A shadow stopped the vengeful light. Terana opened her eyes to see Liam standing there. He was smiling, his hand was resting on Russy’s head. The russet wolf was watching her attentively, a damp rag dangling from his mouth. Terana blinked at Liam’s appearance. Last she had seen him, he had been wearing his traveling gear, but now he was wearing a red robe with a black cord about his waist. The robe was in the same cut at Razyan’s. Seeing her puzzled smile Liam explained.“You already know I’m a seer, that’s why I’m wearing the black, but because I haven’t started any lessons yet, I’m wearing the red.”He smiled. He continued in a conspiratorial whisper“Of course they tell me once I pass whatever tests there are, I’m to wear the blue robe.”

  “Doesn’t that mean really strong magic?”She asked softly. He nodded.“When did you…?”

  “Get the robes? When you were on the balcony awaiting nightfall for your second turn at the Keep Stone.”

  Keep Stone?! Her thoughts exclaimed. She could remember the balcony, the waterfall. She could remember staring at the kadellein her hand that was barely even glowing. She could remember the dead woman’s body in the courtyard and her anger at Razyan and the others making the whole incident sound like a puzzle piece. She could also remember the Keep Stone in its daytime glory, stalking her like a wild cat’s golden eye. Than at night it had been limed in moonlight…She remembered…

  Terana sat up on the low bed she was on, hugging her knees. She remembered…what? There had been feelings of fear and being trapped. There had been heat, light, and darkness. A crystalline note and a scream…what else did she remember? Terana squeezed her eyes shut trying to remember. How had she ended up on this low bed that smelled of lilacs in a small, soothing room? What had happened to her that caused Zeeve to get all defensive and the others to be concerned?

  “What happened?”She asked, looking at Razyan. The Wizard of the Keep was sitting on the only chair in the room. He gave Zeeve, who was standing on the arm of the chair a look before smiling gently at her. Terana clamped down on her attraction before it got her into trouble.

  “What do you remember?”Razyan asked.

  “Standing before the Keep Stone…last night?”He nodded.“Then waking up here.”

  “Nothing else?”

  “Not really.”

  He sighed. “You touched the Stone and it released your magic. At first, you resisted the Stone, causing your magic to build within to the point that it snapped the bonds you put on it when you relaxed. It was quite a light show.”

  As he talked, images of a fire lattice played before her eyes.“That really happened? It wasn’t just in my head?”

  Razyan laughed.“Oh no. It was definitely real. Quite exhilarating, I might add. Chaya enjoyed it as well.”He nodded toward the bird. Chaya was perched on the curtain rod. Terana blinked a couple of times.

  “Is she…?”

  “Oh yes. She is glowing.”Razyan explained how milbre absorb the magic from nature. The entire time he talked Terana stared. Chaya preened knowing full well that she looked magnificent in her glowing emerald plumage.

  “The magic she absorbed was from me?”

  “Yes.”Razyan leaned toward her.“You have, and I’m not exactly sure how, marana.”At her bemused look he explained.“Dragon magic. Remember those Dragon Kings I told you about?”


  “Their magic is what made the Keep Stone. It is the same thing that flows in you.”

  “How is that…?”Kadrean started to ask.

  “Possible? I have no idea, but that is neither here nor there. She needs someone to teach her how to use her power now that it is awake.”He turned his emerald eyes back to her.“I will do what I can to teach you, Terana.”

  Terana nodded in wide eyed gratitude, still not sure how to accept the knowledge that somehow she had marana. How does someone like her end up with the magic of Dragon Kings? A movement drew her gaze. In the door was Breeya. The sand blond woman was leaning on the door frame. Her brown eyes were sleep bruised. Her skin was pale.“Are you alright?” Terana asked concerned. The healing warmth within surged forward, wanting to help. But Terana was not touching Breeya. At her words, Breeya became the center of concerned attention.

  Breeya shrugged.“I’m just tired.”She gave a depreciating chuckle.“I don’t feel that good.”She came into the room.

  “You didn’t sleep that well?”Kadrean asked.

  “Something woke me…”

  There was a knock on the door before she could say more. A nurse poked her head in.“Excuse me, Head Wizard, but there are some,”She paused as if searching for the right phrase.“Visitors requesting to see you.”

  “What kind of visitors?”Razyan asked standing.“Counsel members?”

  “No sir. At least, I don’t think so. They are asking for the Head Wizard. Will you come?”

  Razyan nodded.“I’ll be back.”He told the rest of them.

  After he walked out Kadrean continued the interrupted conversation.“What woke you?”He asked Breeya.

  “I’m not sure. It felt…Why are you all here?”She asked quickly as if uncomfortable with saying what had bothered her rest.

  Terana understood.“I tried the Keep Stone again. According to Razy
an, I had trapped my magic.”Terana explained.

  Breeya frowned and looked at Kadrean.“Is that even possible?”

  “Apparently it is for one with marana.”

  Breeya blinked and stared at Terana, who fidgeted.“She has marana?”

  Terana shrugged.“Whatever it is, I trapped it. Touching the Stone again released it. I passed out afterword.”

  “It was quite a light show.”Liam murmured. Terana flushed.“One can still see the results.”He gestured toward the roosting Chaya. Breeya walked closer to peer at the milbre. Holding her hand near the glowing Chaya, she flinched.

  “I think the released magic woke me. It feels familiar.”Breeya said turning to the rest of them. She was rubbing the hand that she had held to Chaya.

  “You are sensitive to marana?” Liam asked.

  “I think it is part of the Curse. It burns a little.”

  “I think everyone in the Keep felt it.”Zeeve proclaimed.“Who knows how far it spread?”

  “That is an interesting thought.”Liam mused.

  “Just wonderful.”Terana muttered, sitting on the edge of her low bed.

  “Actually, it is a worrying thought. What if it spread far enough to reach the Enemy?”Kadrean pointed out.

  Chapter Six–The Arrival of Dragons

  There was an uncomfortable silence as everyone pondered that. Liam quietly recited the prophecy again. As if to see if there was anything that would hint at Terana’s releasing her magic. Breeya puzzled over it, recognizing terms from conversations between Lanol and Razyan. It clicked for her that Terana meant Starfire. The thought of the Shadow War starting again chilled her.

  “Do you know who the people are? Other than Starfire, I can guess who that is.” She smiled at Terana.


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