The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 15

by Catherine Beery

It seemed that things had changed somewhat for the Sorceress Arelle Seithan. From what Reshan had gathered, Arelle was a beautiful, petty, cruel woman who was the daughter of wealthy merchant/ mage family. She had been spoiled until her younger brother, Razyan, had been born. Ever since she had done everything in her power to punish this brother who had been given the mercantile empire that she had thought would have been hers. From what Reshan understood, the younger brother had also been far more magically talented than his older sister. So much so that he had ascended the ranks of the wizarding school known as the Keep until he became the Wizard.

  Razyan’s success had apparently embittered Arelle. Thus twisted with jealousy she did whatever she could to undermine her brother’s political standing whenever she could. She was also known as a black widow, not that Arelle had ever been married. She just drew men to her, used them, and then disposed of them when they no longer proved to be useful. One such had been a mercenary whom Kaishan had Cursed on his way back to Sheyestiva.

  It turned out that Searten was another piece of work. Reshan shook his head watching the man ordering Arelle around. He seemed to take great delight in rubbing in her face that she no longer terrified him. That she was his slave. Reshan frowned wondering what had happened. For one, Searten should not even be human at this point in time. He should be a bloodlusting Cursed.

  Reshan was pulled from his musings when Searten cried out. Arelle’s green eyes widened and she scurried away from the writhing man. A black mist curled around Searten that grew to the size of a draft horse. An eagle stepped from the mist. It gurgled a laugh and lowered its beak toward a quivering Arelle.

  “As I was saying, witch, I’m more powerful than you will ever be.”the Cursed hissed.

  “Well, don’t you two make a beautiful couple.”Reshan muttered dropping the illusion that hid him from their sight. Arelle gasped and the eagle jerked in surprise. With a chocked shriek the eagle diminished back into Searten. His skin was pale and he trembled with the pain of the unpredictable shifting.“That looks awfully painful.”Reshan said pityingly.

  “Who the hell are you?”Searten spat.

  Reshan raised a dark eyebrow at the question.“My name is Veil.”Reshan answered. Only a fool said his true name in enemy territory, though he had to admit that half the fun of his job came from creating a character and becoming that character.“I could help you with that…ah…problem you have.”He continued gesturing vaguely at Searten.“All you have to do is become myminions.”Reshan finished with a smile. Honestly, how many times does one, in a genuine and serious conversation, get to use a word like‘minions’? Only someone in his profession and in the character of the easily amused Veil. Of course, it helps being easily amused yourself. Reshan thought to himself.

  Searten snorted.“I don’t think so. My destiny is far too great for me to become a mere minion.”the man sneered.

  Reshan’s brows raised. Wow, this guy has an ego. The eagle form must have gone to his head…He thought.“Oh well,”he said aloud.“It is horrible when one’s pride keeps one from the help they need.”Reshan met Searten’s stubborn gaze.“I hope you are as strong as you think you are, because you will need to be to survive the excruciating pain you are about to experience. I could have stopped it, but you know how it is.” Reshan said with a shrug.

  Before Searten could say anything in response, he began to shift once more, this time at Reshan’s silent command. But unlike all the other times, he was stuck between eagle and man. He started to panic. The pain was horrible. More so than it had ever been before. He was stuck in that half form for ages. The pain was destroying his sense of self. Finally the pain eased and he fell to his very human knees. Gasping and shuddering he looked up at Veil who was leaning casually against a wall.

  Taking a ragged breath Searten choked out“does your offer still stand?”

  “It does, as do the terms.”Veil said nodding.

  “Then the witch and I give you our allegiance.”Searten said, somehow managing not to spit. It was very clear that he didn’t like becoming another’s servant. Arelle glanced between the two men. She didn’t have much choice in giving her allegiance, and perhaps because of that she could take it back. Searten was thinking along the same lines. Once he had help with his ability he wouldn’t need Veil anymore.

  Having a telecy root in each of them, Reshan knew exactly what they were thinking. Smiling to himself Reshan wondered what their thoughts would be if they knew their minds were no longer their own? Silently he gave the command to allow Searten to control when he changed. To make things look a little more convincing, Reshan touched Searten’s temples for a moment. Stepping back he smiled.“There, you have a bit more control. Your orders will come soon.”Reshan then turned his back on the two new, puzzled puppets and walked a couple steps away.“Oh!”He said turning to face them again.“I forgot to tell you, if you try to betray me things will be much, much worse for the both of you.”He warned with a cheerful smile that was so at odds with his words. Reshan then made it seem that he was no longer there. The look on their faces was totally worth it. Grinning, Reshan teleported away.


  A tiny bird hopped about on a window across the courtyard from her. It peeped a few times. A gentle warmth stirred in the courtyard. The stone of the courtyard walls was a light gray-white with a golden kiss. Cobble stones of rich warm browns, earthy reds, blue touched gray, and moss green were laid out in a circular pattern. Glassy white marble outlined the designs and gave attention to the grand doorways. It also was the substance of the five stairs leading up into the palace. Terana had seen this courtyard before. It’s Razyan’s Keep…she thought.

  Upon the stairs stood a man of average height with blond hair and silver blue eyes. Upon his brow was a silver braided cornet. He must be King Plarrean of Marlhema.A thought commented, but it wasn’t hers. Eyes wide Terana looked around and became aware that she was standing with a party of men. One of whom was the one she had been seeing in her dreams. He was older, fifteen or sixteen now. His cream blond hair was still kept short. His striking blue eyes were darker than before. They were also empty of any emotion, just watchful. He wore black and about his waist was a crimson sash. She could see a wavy edged dagger flanked by two wings embroidered in gold on it.

  Beside him was an older and broader man. He was not the one whom she had seen the youth with before. Glancing between the two, Terana could see the familiar resemblance in facial structure, though the man’s was rougher than the lad’s. And where the youth’s hair was a cream blond, his was black. Something about the man screamed‘warlord’. Terana wondered if they were father and son.

  She was answered by a feeling of recognition. The man was indeed the youth’s father. His imperial father. Am I hearing the youth’s thoughts? Terana wondered. The lad’s imperial father nodded to King Plarrean in the way of one king to another. About King Plarrean were several older men. All were richly robed. Some are like Tévdova, the youth thought disgustedly, :wealthy, fat, soft, and pompous. But at least they are curious of visitors... The thought made Terana wonder who this Tévdova was. Clearly the lad didn’t think much of him. Terana turned to watch the advisors about the Marlheman king. Some eyed the youth’s group warily. No one saw her, of course. The king, though, was smiling in welcome. A fatherly sort of king was how he appeared. Terana just caught the youth glancing at his father. He has that greedy look in his eye again. This place will be easy…

  King Plarrean began introducing the various lords with him. The little bird she had noticed earlier was still upon the stone. Once in a while it would scrape its bill on the sill. A flash of silver drew her eye away from the bird back to the stairs. A woman with skeins of copper hair that fell about her shoulders joined King Plarrean. She was dressed in a shimmering silver gown that complimented her blue eyes beautifully. The color would have made her seem as aloof as the stars, but her eyes kept her on earth. They glittered with an emotion that Terana saw was joy but she could feel the youth couldn’t seem
to understand. Crowning the woman’s head was a string of silver beads with as sapphire drop resting on her forehead.

  “Ah”the king said with a loving smile.“My daughter-in-law, Princess Ainara.”Terana gasped. My mother!Terana’s hands rose to her mouth as her wide eyes drank in the woman whom she had never seen. Ainara curtsied to her guests. Terana saw where many of her features had come from. But what she desperately wanted to know what her mother liked. Did she love staying indoors or did she have an adventurous heart? Was she musically inclined, or did she draw like her daughter? Terana had no way to answer any of these questions. Ainara’s eye went past the group of visitors

  Either this country’s men are weak or they know something we don’t. The lad thought. Terana blinked and focused on him. He was also watching her mother, but instead of wondering about her thoughts and personality, he thought about her actions. She is gentle, but not subservient. He observed. She is polite, but she isn’t timid around her menfolk, nor is she shy around visitors. She acts as though she has power of her own, not just under the protection of her husband. Are the men truly that weak? What do they know that we do not?The youth repeated. Terana picked up that he didn’t think any of his party even thought of that second option and if they did, they wouldn’t consider it valid. A few, he knew, made assumptions. Assumptions are dangerous he thought.

  Terana wondered what her mother was looking at. Ainara was still looking over them at something…

  “And my son, the Crown Prince of Marlhema, Seith Silsharea.”King Plarrean introduced. There was a flurry of wings as the bird from the sill took wing. It flew over their heads. As it came beside Princess Ainara, she held out her hand to it. A flare of warmth and a young man replaced the bird. He took the Princesse's hand and kissed it. He then turned and bowed slightly to the Sheyestivans. So that is my father…Terana thought to herself. Prince Seith looked much like his father, though not as time worn. His silver blue eyes glowed with the same joy as his wife’s…

  The world melted disturbingly before settling into recognizable patterns again. Terana found herself in a cave that was richly furnished. Perhaps a better way to describe it would be to say‘cozily cluttered’.

  “I’m sorry about the mess. One just never gets around to straightening when one lives alone.” An old woman’s voice said as the lady herself came into the room.

  Terana blinked, recognizing her. She even had the same owl with her.. “You again. You said I wasn’t dead the last time I saw you.”

  Mirth crinkled the skin about her eyes. “Aye, I did. You’re not dead this time either.”

  Terana crossed her arms. “I wasn’t worried about that this time. Who are you? And who is that boy I keep seeing in these dreams.” Terana glanced warily around. “That is, of course, assuming that this is a dream.”

  The old woman nodded. “For you, tis a dream. My name is Arité. The other you keep seeing is no longer a boy or even a youth. He is a man. His name is Kaishan Varcress.”

  “Why do I keep seeing him?” Terana asked.

  “Sit down” The woman said patting the stool that was near a work bench. She herself sat in the big comfy chair near a blue fire that blazed in the center of the room. When Terana had sat the woman spoke. “Most of the reason you keep seeing him, his childhood, is because of me. The first time you dreamed of him, when he was out of his mind with pain,” Arité raised an eyebrow at the surrounding cave, “was the Nirami’s Child. That had not been my intention, but I must thank you for healing him.”

  Terana went very still as she remembered the nightmare Arité referenced. She had been with Liam, Kadrean, Zeeve, and Russy on the road to Razyan’s Keep. That night she had been blissfully unaware of the world when suddenly she was dragged into a storm of pain. The man, Kaishan, had been terrifying. He had been convinced that she was the cause of his pain. He had given her a taste of what he had been going through, though probably intensified. At about that time something warm and healing came from what she now knew as her well of power. It had saved her mind and had healed him. Terana looked up from the flames she had been contemplating. “What happened to him?”

  “He had been caught in a storm halfway through the Nirami’s Grave. As the Winged Dagger of Sheyestiva, I needed to know how his mind worked.”

  “YOU did that too him?” Terana interrupted.

  Arité looked pained. The woman sighed. “I didn’t have much choice. That man is the true force behind the Sheyestivan war machine. I didn’t have a chance to connect with him five hundred years ago.” The old woman shook her head. “I don’t like hurting anything, but his control is very strong. As is his gift. To have a chance I had to induce enough pain to get past his guard. I don’t think anything short of being caught in a bad Nirami’s storm could have done it.” Arité met Terana’s wide eyes and continued “He was unconscious much of the time and I healed what wounds were immediately life threatening. It was only near the end that he resurfaced and that is when the Nirami’s magic channeled his attack to you.

  “You healed him, though. Despite what you must have gone through, you healed him.” There was respect in the old woman’s eyes. “Not too long after that he flew back home.”

  “I think I dreamed of that…” Terana remembered seeing Kaishan turn into an eagle. She had touched his feathers…Doing that had been a mistake, it had attracted his attention.

  “Yes, it did.” Arité said in a serious tone. “If your wolf hadn’t woken you, he would have had you.”

  Terana shivered. “I thought it was just a dream.” She muttered.

  “It was, and it wasn’t.” Arité’s expression turned somewhat amused. “I can tell you that that man has been puzzling over you ever since.”

  Terana swallowed and looked down. Learning that that dangerous, yet compelling, man was real was mind boggling. Even more terrifying was that he had almost captured her once… or twice… Terana glanced at Arité. “The first time I met you, you said that my panic was drawing unwanted attention. Did you mean Kaishan?” The old woman nodded. Something else clicked. “Wait, you said that he was the one behind the Sheyestivan war machine… Milisda said that the Sheyestivans will be attacking us soon. Does that mean I helped the enemy?! Why…?”

  “Terana, calm down.” Arité commanded gently. “Yes, he will be behind the coming war. But does it truly matter that he is the ‘enemy’? He needed your help. If he needed your help again, would you just leave him to die?”

  Terana shook her head. “No.” She said softly. She hugged herself, unable to explain why.

  Arité nodded. “Then there is hope for us yet.” Arité stood up and placed her hand on Terana’s shoulder. “Be brave, young one. Life is about to get very interesting for you.”

  Terana woke up wondering why Arité had said that.

  Chapter Sixteen–The Dragon’s Story

  Arathin- the Strait of Mardo- Marlhema

  The turquoise waves swelled and sloshed against the hall of the ship. Each roll made Terana shaky and feel like she was going to fall down. Terana’s stomach heaved and she clutched the rail. Staring at the cause of her predicament wasn’t helping matters…

  There was a thump beside her. Turning her head slightly, Terana saw Jingles perched on the rail beside her, one hand still holding the thick ropes of the rigging. The other was resting on the rail. One leg he let dangle toward the deck the other was bent at the knee. The thump had been him jumping down from the rigging.

  He grinned brightly at her.“It’s good to be home again.”He said closing his eyes and breathing in the salty air.

  Terana stared at him. How could anyone imagine such an unstable place where one felt like dying as home? But looking at him, she noticed that he didn’t seem aware of the bobbing motion of the ship.“But it moves!”She protested.

  “Aye.”Jingles said unfazed.“It moves, unlike that lifeless thing called land.”Jingles said with a shiver. "I can’t believe that woman made me tromp around on it for any length of time.”He said shooting
Jewel a dirty look. She didn’t see as she was talking with Jay Dee.“The only good bit of land,”Jingles continued,“is the bit with a tavern on it, cheap yet good rum and tavern wenches. That is the only good bit of land.”

  Terana groaned as the ship rolled again. With a vile taste in her mouth she softly said“I’m afraid, Jingles, that you and I will not come to an agreement on this subject.”

  Jingles gave her a pitying look.“You do look a little green.” It was as if his words were some kind of permission because her stomach staged its revolt. Jingles swore and slid off the rail. He gently gathered her hair out of the way as she lost her breakfast over the side. Terana shuddered, clinging to the rail and squeezed her eyes shut against the sight. Jingles chuckled and rubbed her back soothingly.“Don’t worry, lass, da food isn’t gonna go ta waste. The sea creatures are positively enjoying it.”He sighed.“Too bad we ain’t on a fishing trip…Youch!”

  “Quit tormenting the poor thing.”Jewel said. A slight pressure brushed against Terana’s neck as Jewel eased her stomach.

  “Hey, I held her hair out’a the way.”The sailor protested.

  “Thanks.”Terana said still pale.“To both of you.”Her hand sought the ring that she wore under her shirt and clutched it as Jewel’s spell did its trick. Jingles grinned at her and scurried back up the rigging like a spider.“I don’t know how he does it.”Terana muttered staring up after him.

  “I think it is genetic.”Jay Dee said joining them.“I’ve seen it in sailors the world over. And it doesn’t seem to matter if they are human or shapeshifters.”Jay Dee observed watching Marlheman dragon sailors tend to their ship. The Marlheman dragons had been in hiding for the last five hundred years and had gotten very talented at keeping their hiding place secret. It was why they had their own ship and spells to hide its presence from others on the open sea. The warm pressure of Marlheman magic was a gentle touch on the nape of her neck.


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