A Common Scandal

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A Common Scandal Page 25

by Amanda Weaver

  “I’m still going into partnership with Hyde and Julia does not hate you in the slightest.”

  “What are you talking about? You were nearly engaged to her.”

  Nate proceeded to tell her everything that had happened after she watched him disappear into the garden with Julia the night before. Not only was there no betrothal to break, it seemed that sly Julia Harrow had been holding out on everyone for ages.

  “She’s been running her father’s business this whole time?”

  “And doing a crack job of it.”

  Pieces of a puzzle that seemed to make one picture rapidly fell apart and recombined to make a new one. “That’s why she wanted you at the house party.”

  “Indeed. And you. You were the bait she dangled to get me there.”

  Julia knew Nate’s feelings—and hers—before they’d become aware themselves? Oh, she held her secrets close indeed. “And she truly doesn’t wish to marry you?”

  “Not at all. She was rather horrified at the prospect, honestly. She wants me as a business partner and no more. So you see,” he said, pulling her back into his arms, his long, solid body braced against hers. “There is nothing to keep me from you now.”

  “Only my parents,” she said, the misery of it descending on her once again. Papa had been so grateful to Nate today, she thought he might eventually see reason regarding his worth. But Mama was a very different thing.

  “I’ll speak with your father tonight. Don’t worry.”

  “I’ll try.” She smiled for him, attempting to reassure both him and herself. Never had she fought with such a mess of conflicting emotions. Nate made her happy, so very happy. But the cost of having him was to hurt someone dear. There had to be a way to make everyone happy, and she’d find it, only perhaps not right now. Not when she and Nate were together and alone. There were far better ways to take advantage of this moment than conversation. If he would kiss her, she could get lost in him, and let her body override her tormented mind and heart.

  “What happened to that kiss you were going to give me?”

  “You wanted to talk about another woman.”

  “That was terribly silly of me. Why didn’t you stop me?”

  “Stop you? I wouldn’t dare attempt it.”

  “Let’s forget about any other woman but me.”

  “Already done. No other woman exists for me when I have you.”

  “I told you, leave off your flattery with me, Nate. I know you too well for such nonsense.”

  Suddenly he caught her face in his hands again, holding her head steady, his eyes only inches from hers. “It’s not nonsense and it’s not flattery. You’re the only woman I see, the only one in my heart, the only one in my soul. And I think you always have been.”

  Oh, and didn’t that make everything inside of her go soft and warm? “You really do need to kiss me now,” she whispered.

  He did, closing the gap between them and pressing his lips to hers. What started gentle quickly grew heated. His tongue teased at her bottom lip until she opened for him, until he could plunder her mouth and stroke her tongue. She could taste all his fear and anger from the day, now twisted into desire and sharp-edged need. She needed him, too. After denying herself, now she wanted to lay claim to him in every way. He was hers to possess.

  Her fingers found the buttons on his waistcoat and went to work. Nate moaned into her mouth, nipped at her lip one more time, and drew back, covering her hands with his own.

  “Amelia, we can’t.”

  She kissed the underside of his jaw, which was all she could reach when he was standing up straight. There was a hint of stubble there, now it was near the end of the day. The roughness on her lips was delicious, and made her imagine his rough face in other, more intimate places. Last night had been a mere sip when there was a full glass to drink from, and she felt terribly thirsty.

  “If we sneak up to my bedroom, we can.”

  Nate took a step back, putting several inches between them. Amelia scowled.

  “Your mother is here.”

  “Her room is all the way at the front of the house. She won’t hear anything.”

  “You have servants.”

  “No one will come to my room unless I call them. Nate, don’t be so stodgy.”

  He reached out and grasped her shoulders, crouching enough to look her in the eye. “As much as I want you—and I assure you, Amelia, I want you rather desperately—I won’t take you under your father’s roof.”

  She huffed. “Now you’re going to develop scruples? You didn’t have any last night.”

  “Last night you caught me by surprise. I was... Frankly, I was rather undone. I feel terrible thinking of the harm you could have come to because of me.”

  “You didn’t harm me. I came to you willingly, because I wanted you.”

  Nate shook his head. “Our being together last night played right into Cheadle’s hands. He had something to hold over your head because I couldn’t control myself where you’re concerned.”

  Amelia smiled languidly, running a fingertip along Nate’s rough jaw, loving the way his eyelids slid half-closed. “But he’s all sorted. Cheadle’s not a problem now for anyone but his wife.”

  He blinked, drawing himself back to the moment. “Yes, it’s all worked out, and I’m not about to bring scandal down on your head now when we’ve managed to barely avoid it.”

  “You really want to wait until we’re married?”

  He chuckled and stepped in to wrap his arms around her again. “No, I honestly don’t think I can. But I am drawing the line at taking you under your father’s roof.” He shrugged, looking suddenly self-conscious. “I think he respects me now, Amelia. I never thought he would. I don’t... I don’t want to dishonor that.”

  Her heart softened. Of course. He’d spent his life feeling inferior to her father, desperate to drag himself up and appear worthy. Now he had, and she couldn’t ask him to betray that, even if it meant she’d be left unsatisfied. “Oh, very well. We’ll do things properly, since you insist.”

  He looked down at her with that rakish, pirate’s grin. “I didn’t promise we’d do it properly. I meant I won’t do it here.” Leaning down, he teased her mouth with his, not quite a kiss, a soft rub of his lips, a delicate nip of his teeth on her bottom lip. He whispered the words right against her mouth. She felt them as much as heard them. “Believe me, given the right opportunity, I mean to enjoy every splendid inch of you, whether you’re wearing my ring yet or not.”

  She wrapped her hands around his lapels and yanked him into her kiss. For all his reticence, he responded quickly, his tongue surging into her mouth, his hands clutching at her body. Yes, she wanted this. She wanted heat and passion. And he was giving it to her the way she wanted it when the doorbell rang.

  Nate growled as he released her, resting his forehead against hers. “You’ve become quite skilled at that, Amelia.”

  “One needs the right teacher.”

  “The only teacher,” he murmured. “For all your days.”

  She was on the edge of an uncharacteristic swoon when he abruptly stepped back and released her.

  “You’d better go see who it is,” he said. She raised a trembling hand to her hair, then touched her kiss-swollen lips. Right. Guests.

  Nate followed her to the entry hall where, to her shock, the butler was ushering in Evelyn, Julia and Lord Hyde.

  “Your Lordship... Evelyn...Julia...what are you doing here?”

  “The young ladies insisted on following after Mr. Smythe—” Lord Hyde began, but Evelyn cut him off, shoving past him to get to Amelia.

  “We simply couldn’t rest until we knew you were well, Amelia!” she cried, taking her hands. “And here you are! We are so very relieved, but you must tell us what happened. Tell us every horror you were sub
jected to.”

  Amelia suspected Evelyn had come as much to be a part of the scandal as she had to assure herself of Amelia’s well-being. “No horrors, only a very long walk. I can tell you all what happened, but my father and Lord Tewsbury are on their way back for dinner. Won’t you all stay? I can tell the whole tale then.”

  * * *

  Dinner was the most lively ever seen at the Wheeler house. Even her mother made it downstairs for the first three courses. Amelia recounted the whole tale to the rapt table, punctuated with frequent gasps and shrieks from Evelyn.

  The party set to conjecturing what might become of Mr. Cheadle. Lord Hyde seemed inclined to think his father might have the marriage annulled, but Evelyn said it would be for naught, as once the story of his deeds made its way about town, no respectable woman would marry him anyway.

  “And to think,” Lord Hyde said, shaking his head. “He comes from such a good family. Old title and all.”

  “I think this goes to show, a title doesn’t always speak to the character of the man who bears it,” Amelia said acerbically, glancing at her father, who was looking uncomfortable at the head of the table.

  As soon as dinner was over, her father took the gentlemen to the library while the ladies withdrew to the parlor. Mama was understandably done in by the day’s excitement and begged off joining the ladies in the parlor. Amelia followed her to the foot of the stairs to say good-night. Nate hung back, she noticed, waiting in the hallway as she sent her mother off.

  “Are you sure I can’t come help you get ready for bed, Mama?” Amelia pressed.

  “Absolutely not. You have to see to our guests, Lady Evelyn and Lady Julia.”

  “They would understand, if you needed me.”

  “Nonsense. I have Constance to help. Don’t keep our guests waiting.” She cast a disapproving glance over Amelia’s shoulder at Nate. Amelia suppressed a sigh. She’d known it would be difficult to bring her mother around to the idea of Nate, but she hadn’t thought her disapproval would hurt this much. She wasn’t going to give him up, but she hated that her choice would hurt her mother this way. It seemed all she’d ever done all her life was disappoint those she loved.

  “All right. Good night.”

  “Good night, darling. Mr. Smythe.” Her voice was cool as she gave him a polite nod.

  Kirks, the strongest footman on staff, had been hovering unobtrusively in the shadows beside the staircase. At a sign from her mother, he stepped forward, lifted her into his arms and began to carry her up the stairs.

  “Stairs are difficult for Mama,” Amelia explained to Nate, her voice slightly choked with emotion.

  “I didn’t realize she’d grown so weak,” he said, coming to stand behind her.

  “That’s why...” She had to stop and start again. “You see why I was so determined to settle things this week at the house party.”

  Nate was silent for a moment. “Amelia, I’m sorry. Sorry choosing me pains you in any way.”

  “No!” She spun around, reaching for him, gripping his lapels, pulling him closer. “I won’t be sorry for you. I’m only sorry I couldn’t manage things to everyone’s satisfaction. I wanted to make everyone happy, and I can’t.”

  “You were making everyone happy at the expense of your own.”

  “And now I’ve chosen myself, selfish or not. I hate the price of my choice, but it doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to pay it.”

  He reached for her waist, giving her a reassuring smile. “I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you don’t regret the choice.”

  “I never could.”

  “I’d better go. It’s past time I speak with your father.”

  “Do you mean...”

  “Am I going to properly request your hand in marriage? Of course I am. That’s how it’s done.”

  “And if he refuses?” Because Amelia very much feared he might. It was easy to promise forever. Reality was much harder to navigate.

  “I mean to convince him.”

  She tugged him down and kissed him briefly. “It doesn’t matter, you know. If we have to, I’ll run away with you. I’m quite accomplished at it at this point.”

  “I don’t want to be the cause of a rift between you and your parents. You see what it’s done to your mother.”

  Her heart tripped, imagining doing such a thing. She would, if she had to. But oh, how she didn’t want to. She’d carry the guilt of it all her days. “I don’t want it either. But it’s all so...” She trailed off helplessly.

  He raised her hand to kiss her fingertips. “You won’t have to. It will all work out. Trust me.”

  Nate watched Amelia until she shut the parlor door behind herself, and braced himself for his own battle. He’d assured Amelia, but he wasn’t as confident in his heart. Beatrice Wheeler didn’t want him. Josiah Wheeler didn’t want him. No matter how grateful they might be that Nate had gotten Amelia back safely today, he still wasn’t good enough for her.

  In the end, he’d marry her, and if that meant eloping, he’d do it, but only as a last resort. Until it became inevitable, he’d use every persuasive argument in his arsenal to convince Wheeler he was the right man for his daughter.

  He found the rest of the gentlemen in the library. Josiah Wheeler was in good spirits, pouring brandy and laughing with Lord Tewsbury. Lord Hyde was lighting a cigar by the fireplace. Seeing Nate enter, Hyde straightened, a look of mild discomfort crossing his face. To his credit, he suppressed it, and approached Nate first.

  “Mr. Smythe.”

  “Lord Hyde.”

  Hyde’s voice dropped to almost a whisper. “My daughter informs me we’re to enter into a partnership.”

  Nate inclined his head. “If it pleases you, Your Lordship.”

  Hyde let out a huff of laughter. “As if I have anything to say about it. You’ve discussed the business with Julia.”

  “I have. In depth.”

  “Then you know, when it comes to the business, she has a will of iron.”

  Nate chuckled. “Indeed. She’s formidable, in the best possible way. I hope... Please do not think me impertinent, Your Lordship, but...you should be proud of her. She’s remarkable.”

  Something like tenderness crossed Hyde’s features. “I thought having a daughter meant being proud when she brought home a good husband.”

  “Miss Harrow is not that kind of daughter.”

  “Yes, I am well aware of that, Mr. Smythe. Do not mistake me. I am proud of her. I only worry about how the world will treat such an unconventional young woman.”

  “I have no doubt Julia can handle it as well as she handles everything else, when she’s ready to let the world know of her accomplishments. And in the meantime, I’m happy to let my company provide her cover.”

  “And happy to share in the profits, no doubt.”

  Nate shrugged. “She’s quite a businesswoman.”

  “Indeed she is.”

  “I hope you’re not displeased by our alliance.”

  Hyde paused for a moment, examining Nate through a plume of smoke from his cigar. “No, Mr. Smythe, I don’t think I am.”

  “You look as if you and Mr. Smythe are hatching a dastardly plot, Hyde.” Lord Tewsbury clapped Hyde on the shoulder.

  “I suppose in a way we were. Mr. Smythe and I were discussing the details of our upcoming business partnership.”

  Josiah Wheeler’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re going into partnership with Nate?”

  Hyde cast a furtive glance at Nate, which he immediately understood. Of course, Hyde was singularly unqualified to discuss the company he supposedly helmed.

  “Ah, yes,” Nate interjected. “We had quite a bit of time to discuss our overlapping commercial interests at the house party and we determined we could accomplish more if we combine our fleets th
an we can separately.”

  “Well, shall we toast to your new venture?” Tewsbury suggested.

  “Indeed. To its prolonged success,” Hyde said with a smirk.

  Nate inhaled deeply and turned to face Josiah Wheeler. Now, in the flush of his alliance with the Earl of Hyde, was probably the best moment to press his case he’d ever have. “Mr. Wheeler, might I have a word?”

  Wheeler scowled and sighed, knowing exactly what was coming, but unable to refuse Nate, not on this day.

  He excused himself to Hyde and Tewsbury and motioned for Nate to follow him into his office, which adjoined the library. Wheeler circled behind his desk, bracing his hands on the polished mahogany surface, as Nate shut the door behind himself.

  “I think you know what I’m about to say,” he said to the older man.

  “You want to marry Amelia.”

  “And she wants to marry me.”

  Wheeler shook his head in weary confusion. “When I left Tewsmere, she seemed to have things nearly wrapped up with that Radwill chap. What happened?”

  Nate scoffed softly. “Radwill’s no match for Amelia and I think he knew it. She did, too. It didn’t matter once we realized how we felt about each other.”

  “And that is?”


  “If this is simply a matter of, ahem, desire. Or if you’ve compromised my girl in some way...”

  Nate bit the inside of his cheek. Well, yes, he rather had compromised Amelia. But it was her idea and here he was, groveling to her father to make it all neat and proper. He cleared his throat. “It’s a great deal more than desire, sir. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

  “Because you were playmates as children? A few fond childhood memories aren’t enough to justify marriage.”

  “But being in love with her is.”

  Wheeler eyed him speculatively. “You love her?”

  “Yes. Deeply.”

  “And she loves you?”

  Nate tried to suppress his grin and failed. “I believe she does. Yes, sir.”

  “I’m not sure it’s enough.”


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